Zai and Tim Pt. 03 by BigMadStork,BigMadStork

Anyways, when people colonize a planet, they want to see reminders of the Old Earth. Building artifacts, watching videos, and many of their terms stay with the culture. It reminds us of our home planet. Other galaxies have other races; most everyone in this galaxy traces its origin from Old Earth at one point or another. Some call it Original Earth. Only one planet took the name New Earth, like the prior planet’s name. Most think it should be reserved, and there should just be one Earth.

Enough digression. We are loaded into tiny pod cars and taken to the palace throne room. Along the way, I see ancient artwork of all styles from famous artists spanning 3000 years. It’s a fantastic sight. The floors have a beautiful woven pattern in the primarily red carpeting. The crown molding and tin ceiling scream wealth and that money was no object.

The walls are fabulous. It’s a graduated paint scheme where the base near the floor is a solid color. It becomes white by the time it’s at the ceiling. This goes on for 100 feet at times. Truly amazing technology was used.

In the throne room, all the furniture looks old and handmade. It’s sturdy, made to last a lifetime and then some. The throne has an almost gaudy mix of precious metals and gems adorning it. On each side are six chairs. Each is remarkable yet smaller than the throne. It seems nobody explained that Mary will not be joining us.

This is a large room. New and old, at the same time, two subjects. All art is of flowers and scenes of parks with children. I wonder if they bothered to realize there are girls and boys in these scenes. It must be from long ago. In front of the throne is a large, well-padded pristine carpet. Walking towards the chairs, the carpeting seems like walking on a cloud.

My three sisters sit to the right of mom. I sit to the left, with Carla to my left. There are about two dozen mature women on the carpet, on their knees, and then sitting back on their ankles. Two are old, but the others are about mom’s age. It looks like the rug could hold far more people. My guess, they’re not alive anymore. Are these friends or the various government officials?

Before mom addresses the planet, she is addressing her cabinet. So that’s who these people are. Yup, a lot are missing. Most look scared; all are ready to cry. When they look at me, I can see the hate they harbor for all men.

Mom starts off with a grim tone, “I almost did not leave my own planet alive.”

“My son saved my life and my daughters with quick recognition of the situation and his swift actions. The women not here, our long-time friends, were all more than willing to see me die. The women on their knees are all eyeing me wearily.

“Heh. I see you caught that. The man to my left is, in fact, my firstborn. Immediately after birth, I had him taken away and sent to an orphanage to continue my path to be the next Queen. I will explain the whole story to the planet. I don’t care what you hear; his organization uncovered the conspirators, and his assassins killed them. Of the businesspeople that died, many that replaced the first set of executives were willing to follow along still, and they too are dead. I saw the third set who were on the same path also die in front of me.

“The Volds had a similar event, although fewer people had to die. We did sign the peace treaty. Effective immediately, all laws against men are null and void.”

Several members of the cabinet scream. Some shout in outrage. None are happy.

Mom screams, “SILENCE!”

Mom is forceful with her voice, “The only thing the Volds wanted for peace was to trade men. Yes, that’s it. They took my son into custody, and instantly he knew why. Five researchers want his cum. Why? All five researchers look very similar. The palace guards look similar. Their gene pool is starving. They hated men for so long, their numbers quickly dwindled.”

Carla cuts mom off, “We are having reproduction issues; births are way down. Several genetic defects are rising, and several diseases can’t be cured anymore. We need diverse DNA, and you do too, or you will end up like us.”

She sits down. Everyone is amazed that she cut mom off.

Mom has a smirk on her face, “That woman will be the next Queen for the Volds when her mother passes on. She is smart and will hold a prominent cabinet position here.”

Again, the crowd is angry.

Mom yells at them, “Shut up! When any one of you accomplishes anything near what she has, you can take her spot. My son will also take a position. He is the smartest person I know. He beat Mary Cross at Chess over fifty times in a row.”

Now in her usual tone, “More men will be born, and we will encourage others to come here. We will trade with the Volds for a much-needed infusion in our genetics. Now for the sensitive part of our chat. Part of what makes my son special is that he is a Level 5.”

One woman squeaked.

Mom snickers, “Brenda? You know what a Level 5 is?” She nods her head yes. “Wow, didn’t see that coming. Well, for the rest of you, it seems that men do have a VERY good reason to live, and it isn’t to dig holes and do other dirty work. Nope. Men have this unique ability to please a woman.

“I admit that I was skeptical. I saw five researchers lusting for him after he fucked each of them three times. They were desperate for more! Carla sat through dinner, unable to follow the conversation. I had just ten minutes of pleasure from him last night, and even though two dozen of my friends aren’t here, I feel awesome. If you don’t want a man, no issues. They will be in high demand by many women.”

Some women look horrified that mom admitted to fucking me.

Mom shoots them an evil eye, “Yes! I fucked him. And I will do it again. I pardon myself for last night and any other night. He was awesome. I wanted to hate him, but it was way too much fun. Wait until you feel whiskers. Weeeee!”

I noticed that Vanessa had taken up the last chair next to Carla. With them talking about me, she is grinning from ear to ear. Her weapon is concealed.

Mom asks quickly, “Any questions?”

The oldest lady there stands up and says to mom, “Mark my words, you will regret this. Today is the begging of the end for all of us. We’re doomed, I tell you!”

Mom is furious and sprang to her feet. She sat back down to compose herself. I can see the anger in her, yet she pauses to think. Smart move.

Mom says in a calm voice, “I have seen the future. If we stay on course as you would have us do, our population starts to decline in a few generations. The babies born suffer from a higher percentage of significant birth defects. Eventually, we cease to exist as the dominant species on our planet, if we exist at all. Imagine going into a grocery store, and everyone there could pass for a non-identical twin. All eyes and hair are the same color. Everyone is 5′ 6” tall. Everyone is around 140 pounds.

“We can’t do that. I won’t let that happen under my watch. I understand your doubt. Besides, the sex is amazing. I mean, truly amazing. After the five researchers, Carla, all three daughters, and Monica raved about him, I gave it a try. He blew my socks off even when I gave him a very short time limit. It’s hard to explain.”


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