Zai and Tim Pt. 03 by BigMadStork,BigMadStork

Trudy interrupts, “Mom! The planet …”

Mom sighs, “OK. Give me two minutes. Get the cameras and sound people in here now.”

For ninety minutes, mom explains everything about the trip, the assassination attempt, the gene issues, the changes with me, the gutting of her cabinet, the killing of many prominent business leaders, and the virtues of having sex with men.

She says more news will come and good morning or evening, wherever you are. Speech done.

Everyone looks worn out but Vanessa. She stands up in front of mom. Vanessa has a smirk on her face, one I know all too well. This might be bad.

Vanessa says loud enough for all to hear, “About a year ago, I got a contract from Queen Monica. As I am offboarding my ship, two stalls over, a man is executed for being on the ship. Part of my reason for going there was we knew about their reputation on the planet and that Tim might have to go there. They were so close to the DNA situation, and it developed so slowly that nobody noticed everyone was similar.

“I was like, duh, look at everyone. You are so fucked. You need different DNA; you need different men. I just saw one executed on your docks; good luck getting them to help you out. I knew Mary would send Tim. She humiliated him by making him have sex with us. She had no clue we all loved it.”

Really? Damn, I had no clue.

Vanessa continues, “All of us would move heaven on earth for this man. He has been wonderful to us; Mary was a bitch, we’re all glad to see her gone. We are all married, but I enjoy our time together very much.”

Vanessa looks at me, “Carla checks out as an awesome young woman; I’m happy for you. Carla won’t leave you. I’m leaving a small team to look after you. I’m on my way home.”

She walks towards me, so I stand up. She reaches up her hands to pull me down for a hot steamy kiss.

Carla says not so softly, “Hey! That’s mine.”

Vanessa purrs as she says in a sexy voice, “I had him for three years. I can tell he only has eyes for you now. Congrats on winning at life. I still prefer women, but this here is a stud and even a lesbian needs a man occasionally. I need to get going; I have a lot to report. You take care of him, or else. You hear me, no broken parts.”

She runs off with tears streaming down her face.

Carla snaps a response, “Wow, she was cute. What happened?”

I give her one word, “Mary.”

Carla immediately understood.

Another young woman came forward and bowed. “For you that don’t know me, I am Samantha Perkins. I am one of the youngest members in the cabinet at thirty-three years old. I have no idea what drug you gave them, but I find this whole story bullshit. I am sexually active, have had many partners, and am as kinky as they come. The shit I have done would make most women blush. At no time have I ever considered a man to have any use at all. Women are just fine at everything, and I enjoy plenty of hard orgasms,” says a livid-looking Samantha.

Mom smiles, oh no.

Mom yells out, “I want a table, a white blanket, two pillows, and a camera crew. NOW!”

Mom now says in a mild tone, “I think a demo is needed, so you can understand.”

Samantha doesn’t see the truck coming that’s going to broadside her.

Mom says, “Obviously, I won’t go naked in front of the planet. No way I make my daughters either.”

Samantha smiles, “Fine, you can let that Vold bitch do it.”

Mom shakes her head, “That woman if you have forgotten, will be the next Vold queen. I can’t ask her to prance around naked in the palace. No, that would not be proper. No, for the demo I need someone that hates men.”

YES! There it is! The look of horror on her face as she realizes that she will be having sex with a man. Oh, what a glorious expression on her face. The table is being assembled now. Samantha does not look happy.

Samantha tries her best, “You can’t force me.”

Carla stands up, walks to our luggage which is still by the wall, and pulls out a small box. She goes over to the table and makes a dramatic showing of dropping off a rope, a blindfold, a crop, nipple clamps, and she palms something else. Before she sits down, she hands me a pinwheel. I keep it hidden and can only look at her. She giggles.

Mom says to Samantha, “I won’t force you. However, you just told all of us you like it kinky. You know that Tim is a Level 5. He will take you places you never dreamed of. I need a young woman, so this is visually appealing when the rest of the planet watches it. This is our male sex training video. Billions of people will watch you have sex.”

Samantha shudders from hearing billions. She will agree, she has no choice.

Mom adds, “You know what partners can do to you when restrained. Will you ever have a safer environment? I’m his mother. To be honest, I am fighting myself to not take your place. Look at my daughters. Look how eager they are for you to say no. You can pretend you don’t want this, yet we can see the truth. This is the ultimate kink. Nothing could ever be as good. For years, women and men will watch this, so they can learn about sex.”

I object, “Hey! I have a girlfriend. I can’t go around screwing random women.”

Carla looks horrified, “Oh yes, you can.” She corrects herself, “I mean, this time you can. Yes, this time, since you are teaching others, I will allow you to give that woman the best time of her life.” Carla’s face darkens then tells Samantha with venom in her voice, “If I ever see you around Tim again, I will kill you with my bare hands.”

Samantha looks resigned to her fate. She lethargically walks to the bed and waits for me. She strips before me as I stand still. I can see the doubt in her like she still thinks this is a farce.

The queen commands the video man to begin recording.

I help give Samantha confidence, “How many men have you played with? I bet I can answer. Zero! Rather than me shyly dropping my clothes on the floor, how about you finish undressing, then come to me, and undress me.”

Now she has energy. In a flash, she is naked. On this planet, she is an oddball. She has long curled, platinum blonde hair, a 6′ tall 36D-30-32 body that is long and thin. Her breasts are perky, and they’re close to her body still. Nobody is watching that beautiful creature. I kick off my sandals.

Samantha saunters the few feet to me. She lightly touches my arms, verifying she won’t get hurt.

Carla is offended, “Oh, come on. He has skin just like you and me. He won’t hurt you.”

Carla gets up and pulls my shirt up and over my head. I am not a bodybuilder, but I have more muscles than anyone she has ever seen. She puts a hand to my chest, palm out as if checking the temperature. She then lightly places her hand on my chest. After a few seconds, she glides her hand over my chest, with her fingers touching my crevices.

All trepidation is gone; she looks genuinely curious. Her hand comes up to my cheeks. On rubbing her hands over my stubble, she squeaks and pulls her hand back.

Carla laughs, “He didn’t shave this morning. I won’t say any more. He probably predicted this would happen and left it long for later. It’s a weird feeling.”


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