Zai and Tim Pt. 03 by BigMadStork,BigMadStork

I explain, “I had many women teach me.” She likes that answer.

I am on the side of the bed now. I move the blindfold back in place, then show the camera my pinwheel. This device is so perfect; it hasn’t been altered in over 2000 years.

I say to the crowd that has formed around the bed, “I need some noise. It can be talking, singing, I don’t care. I need something to keep my movement silent from Samantha.”

On cue, mom leads the crowd in singing the National Anthem. I am a mad man. At the foot of the table, I run the “wheel” over her instep. She pulls tight but can’t move. She does scream. In one long move, it rolls up her inner thigh, I lift, it goes down over her breasts, I lift, it goes down the inside of her arm. In each case, she pulls the body part as much as possible and screams out like she is mortally wounded.

I start on the right side of her breast, roll up the side; two pricks hit her areola, then the top of the nipple, and then the opposite side before rolling over the other breast. I did this slowly and with light pressure. I walk around the bed, then I roll up her ribs. That earned me a laugh and then the scream. I get her neck, bottom of her feet, inner thigh again, and then across her stomach. That was it; she looks like she ran a marathon.

She says without much power in her voice, “Clown.”

Immediately I stop running across her stomach. Everyone looks at me.

I explain, “She used her safe word. She has had enough.”

I move to the side of the bed and wait for Samantha to recover.

When she can talk, I ask, “You used your safe word. I immediately stopped what I was doing and let you recover. I need to know, are we done or done with the pinwheel?”

Samantha laughs, “I have had three small orgasms so far. I really want you to eat me.”

As I start moving, I also say, “You are in for a treat now.” I look at the camera, “Guys, this isn’t optional. We need to make our partners happy. Nothing primes a woman for a good fucking like eating her aggressively. No faking here. If you don’t like it, you WILL suck at it, and then no pussy for you! Remember the end goal, she NEEDS to be happy, or you fail.”

I bend over and lick her mons with my tongue gently, in a teasing way. I am quick but gentle. The quickness part gives her pleasure. It tickles but in a fun, sexy way. I trail my way closer to her clit. My wide tongue slowly slides over it with a gentle pushing sensation. I don’t want her hitting one of the moons yet; nope, this is revving her sex drive.

I lick along the outside of her lips using an aggressive, quick slurping with pressure. This is new to her. I bet she’s always had soft and gentle with a side of slow. I have added speed and pressure with the tongue, and the willingness to change everything.

Rather than tease her inner pussy lips, I will go to the center and play with the bright pink parts. If it weren’t for the ropes, she would be standing up now. I now know that Samantha is a screamer. She has had several minor orgasms. After each one, I pull back to the mons and touch them lightly, if at all. She needs to catch her breath before she can take more. Ten minutes of this, and she looks worn out.

I move my head to her thigh. She freezes; she looks scared again. She doesn’t understand this. I smile.

Carla yells out, “Stand back; she’s done for!”

I take off the blindfold. I gently slide my chin down her thigh, across her mons, push forward to run over her clit and lips, then quickly lift my head out the opposite side. I do this quickly because generally, those legs are clamping closed. Silly me, she can’t do that. She does have a blood-curdling scream of epic proportions. Her eyes are closed, and she is now relaxing in almost a slumber-like state.

She finally lifts her head and says in a calm voice, “Are you done, or do I need to use my safe word?”

I giggle, “Oh no! I think you are more than primed for the main event.”

Samantha smiles, “I want to say that women are better. In some ways, they are. They’re soft and gentle in a way you don’t seem to have. On the other hand, your range is far broader than a woman. You may not be as soft and gentle, but you’re quicker, more forceful, and you mix it up much better than any woman ever has for me.

“I would say I still prefer a woman’s deft touch more than you. I think there is room for both, though. I’m not so sure that I want the same thing every time now. That was fun, it was different, and I liked it. You said there was more, right?”

I laugh hard, which confuses her.

I explain to the young woman, “Oh yes. There is plenty more. So far, everything was to prepare you for this part. You need your natural lubrication flowing at a nice rate. Otherwise, my cock will feel like sandpaper. Neither of us will enjoy that.”

Samantha sounds so vulnerable as she asks me, “What if I don’t like it? What if I’m defective and it doesn’t work? What if you’re too big?”

I laugh at her, “Up until 300 years ago, every woman enjoyed sex with a man. Your body is built for it. Evolution makes us compatible; otherwise, we would have died off long ago. You might be a freak and not enjoy it. I don’t see that happening. I will tell you, if you ever fall in love with a man, then love makes sex 1000% better. You will like this, but love trumps all in the end.

“As to you not being big enough, no problem there. I am about an inch and a half larger than average. You won’t be able to tell what is too big unless I am nine inches or longer. You will feel the width, but women can accommodate anything with enough effort. My veins along the side of my cock stick out nicely; you should feel those when I go slow. I will be going slow, so you get to enjoy this. Then you get the rabbit mode to finish you off.

“I normally go the better part of an hour.” Everyone groans. I smile, “Since the Queen is here, I am NOT going to bore her to tears. You won’t want it to stop. For everyone else, it’s not quite as entertaining. For that, I am sorry. I think you will survive.”

I am up on the bed, now in position. My angry-looking purple helmet slowly passes out of sight.

Samantha groans, “OH … MY … GOD! No woman, no toy, nothing does this. HE’S STILL PUSHING IN! IT’S AMAZING!!”

Samantha uses some large toys. She takes me amazingly easy. This is unusual. It works out; I can move to my cruising rate almost immediately. I easily dial in the optimal speed with most women, not so with Samantha. She has a small buffer between too fast and too slow. After a few minutes, I realize that she’s the problem. She has a narrow range, and it’s gradually moving faster.

Samantha is a talker, which is excellent for the movie but annoying to me.

Samantha is spewing random phrases, “So good. Cumming. Faster! I can’t believe how good this is. I need you. Your mine. MOM! You lied to me! Men are awesome! I can feel the veins! That’s soooooo coooooool. Cumming again! Oh, that head, that shaft, sooooo much better than platinum, plastic, acrylic, and glass. Nothing artificial recreates the perfect stiffness and heat. We need more men. We need to teach them to be like Tim.”


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