Zai and Tim Pt. 03 by BigMadStork,BigMadStork

Mom cuts in, “Excellent idea. Starting immediately, my son is now the Minister of Men. He will recruit, trade, and then train men to be good sex partners. Carla will be the Minister of all laws about men. She can void and create new laws subject to my veto and approval. I want us to be more male-friendly. I want to be a planet, no, a system of planets where men will want to be and will thrive.”

Samantha is still talking, “Cumming again! I volunteer your cabinet to assist your son. He will need women to test the lessons on. Consider me first in line. Oh, fuck, this is good.”

At twenty minutes, I significantly pick up speed. Samantha has finally lost the ability to talk.

The women around us collectively say, “Finally! The damn woman would not shut up!”

Mom found that especially funny.

I am sweating like mad. I’m dripping on Samantha, and she doesn’t care. Two weeks ago, and I am vaporized for that. A few minutes ago, she was screaming my name. These are strange times. Samantha is moaning louder as I go on. I suspect that means she is close.

I move to my fastest speed. My three sisters comment loud enough for all to hear, “She is toast. A minute tops.”

It turns out Samantha is a freak of nature. She lasted ninety seconds, amazing everyone, including me. My time has run out; I can’t hold back any longer. I give her a hard slam of my body. Before I roll my hips away, I explode a volley of cum into this woman. That feels so good. Yes, fucking is incredible. Nothing comes close to the orgasm, though. The joy is over the top spectacular. Nothing is better in our life.

I am delirious with happiness. I slam six hard shots into this woman. I pull out, thrust in, and shoot more cum into this woman. She explodes with a burst of energy. Simultaneously, she screams and pulls every muscle in her body, including her pussy muscles, where she fails to stop my cock from shooting my seed.

I see her head fall back, the pussy clamp on my cock is released, as a smile comes to her face, and then my arms almost buckle. I fall to my side. Being recorded was not something I liked. I understand the need, but that took a lot of my energy from me. I feel like I fucked her for two hours. I am hungry, thirsty, and sleepy. My sisters release Samantha. I fall asleep with Samantha kissing the tip of my nose. Fade to black.

To be continued …


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