Zai and Tim Pt. 03 by BigMadStork,BigMadStork

I turn around to face the abuse that I am sure to get.

Carla looks the most upset; she is in tears.

Carla looks directly at me, “You lied to me.”

Ouch, that hurt. It hurt way more than I expected.

We are on a luxury ship now. I walk off the bridge using an arm motion for everyone to follow me.

I yell back, Zai, you have the bridge. She materializes my stuffed friend to sit in my chair. I smile.

At the front of the ship is a luxurious lounge with an oversized circular couch and some chairs. This room has excellent windows to see the end of the fight as it’s winding down. Because of the dust used to take us out of worm drive, they can’t escape. They’re all doomed, and the worst part is they know it.

One by one, the opposing ships are destroyed. There are just too many ships on our side now.

I start before Carla says anything, “Zai is the product of Mary’s bio-engineering and my coding. She is the most advanced ship’s computer in space. It’s not even close. We protected her against EMP (electro-magnetic pulses) that typically destroy electronics and specifically chips. We protected Zai by using light-controlled chips vs. electricity. That’s military-grade stuff.

“Your mother wanted to kill Zai, so mom’s side of the galaxy doesn’t have an unfair advantage over hers. We agree with that. The galaxy is safe. This ship will not allow itself to be duplicated. Zai will ruin and destroy everything before someone can get a piece.

“I didn’t tell you because I have so many contingency plans going; I only tell you about what you currently see. Otherwise, I could spend forty hours a day explaining my plans. My life is … busy. I can’t turn my brain off; I am always planning ahead. The worst possibility, I get surprised, my plans go to hell, and I have to redo my plans.”

Carla locks on, “You intentionally mislead me.” She has tears in her eyes.

I correct her, “No, I intentionally mislead everyone. I didn’t want anyone to know Zai was still alive and well and that my ship could still do amazing things. This threat makes my life more complicated and more likely to lose Zai. The EMP strike was a terrible thing that happened as far as I was concerned. On the other hand, it kept us alive. That isn’t so bad. I have a lot to do still.

“You need to understand I will only lie when it’s for the greater good. Otherwise, it only leads to bad endings and hurt feelings. If it makes you feel better, I did tell your mother. I told her, so she doesn’t worry about you.”

Carla runs at me for a hug.

Tammi stands up and grabs my hands pulling me away, “We are going to the aft conference room where I will work with Tim on finding him a job on our staff. There are a lot of openings.”

Trudy says, “Carla, I need you to stay here and work with us on your new responsibilities and where you will be living. We need to pick out a house.”

I am led straight to Tammi’s bedroom. It now has soft padding, carpet, a real wood bed, fluffy bedding with light blue walls. She rips her clothes off in a split second. I stand stunned. What about my job?

Tammi is sitting on the bed, “You are the advisor to the Queen. Now get over here and fuck me.”

What the hell. My mouth is open.

Tammi is frustrated, “What? Arggggg! Trudy and I hatched this plan to separate you and Carla, so we can fuck you. Everyone else has. Why can’t we see what it’s like? I have some amazing fantasies. You know I love streaming old videos. I went looking for old male-female streaming videos. There are millions of them. They’re divided into categories. There is one type that women won’t, no, can’t do. I want to try that.”

Oh shit, I just know what she wants. She is wrong; there are women out there. I guess being the daughter of the Queen, nobody will show her that side of them. Maybe I am lucky and guessed wrong. Perhaps she is a good girl.

Tammi says straight to my face, “I’m a bad girl.”

Fuck me.

I sigh, “You know that everything you want me to do to you could leave me hanging from the end of a rope or worse.”

For the next ten minutes, Tammi does a legal account of how our next two hours are something against my will and better judgment to quench a depraved sexual need by the defendant. I am not to be held liable for anything up to and including killing her.

When done with her mastery of the legal system, Tammi says to me, “Please don’t feel the need to kill me.”

I laugh at her, “Oh, don’t worry about that. I have minimal training in this form of sex. I can give you some of what you want this time. I will gradually increase the pain and humiliation with more sessions until you have had enough. Your safe word is RED.”

Tammi lunges at me, “Thank you! I know this is legally dangerous for you. I think it’s time we change some laws and allow this type of fun to get more visibility. Even I won’t go too far. I like the idea, and it’s far different than standard sex. I’ll never grow bored with this type of sex; there is so much to do.”

I smile, “That’s true with all types, but I know what you’re talking about. It does seem more extreme, and that makes it interesting.”

While talking, we are both removing our clothes. Her body is very much like Tamara’s. I wonder, is that because of the same mother, or because they have DNA issues as well. Possibly a bit of both. Tammi pulls out a small piece of luggage, places it on a table, and then opens it up, showing the contents. It contains all sex toys. She has one of just about every common sex toy there is. I notice nothing is extreme. Each piece is tame. She wants to be a bad girl, but she’s too nice for that.

As an example, leather floggers can get nasty when wet. No floggers. No canes. She does have a riding crop, but it’s unusually flexible. That means it bends and won’t hit as hard. The crop also has a much larger than the standard striking surface, which pads the strike some.

All in all, a very safe toy. Nothing is enormous around or long. The same extends to her dildos. They’re all relatively tame. I can relax now.

I grab some rope. Tammi’s eyes pop out of her head. Her hands go to her mouth; she’s embarrassed.

I inquire, “You do want to do this? Yes?”

Tammi is excited and can’t sit still; she is rocking back and forth, “OH YES! I never thought I could convince you to do this. YES!!!!”

I am shaking my head in disbelief that I am doing this.

I ask Tammi, “I want you on the floor, on your knees.”

Tammi rushes to the floor and is on her knees.

I tell Tammi, “With your hands, try to grab your ankles. Your face will go into the carpet, and your ass will go in the air. I am going to tie your hands to your ankles to keep you in place.”

Tammi seems disappointed, “I was expecting a full rope job.”

I laugh at her, “You’ve never done that. You might hate it with a passion. As I said, we will build up to that. Let’s see if you like something simple before I spend an hour tying you up.”

I make a knot on both legs. Then the other end of each rope goes around the wrist, and a knot is made there as well. I have a fantastic view of her rosebud and pussy lips. I roll her over onto her back. Actually, her arms are now behind her back, leaving her breasts and legs pointing up.


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