Zai and Tim Pt. 03 by BigMadStork,BigMadStork

The previously happy Carla now has the look of a stone-cold killer. Mary’s life is in danger.

Carla uses a deep, slow voice, “Tim is now part of the ruling family. The status of men is changing; you need to get used to it. Besides all that, he isn’t a piece of property; he is a human being that’s older than eighteen. He has rights. If I ever see you do ANYTHING out of his new status, I will personally snuff out your life. DO YOU UNDERSTAND ME?”

A scared to death, Mary says meekly, “I understand. I am sorry. I will try to change. We have so much history.” She is in tears, “I do love him.”

Carla is still cold, “You have a hell of a way of showing it. Your previous actions can get you … hurt.” She pauses, “… or worse.”

Mary is scared and hides behind my birth mother. Trinity has no time or compassion for Mary. She moves to me and hugs me hard. That was damn cool how Carla set the bar on expectations of behavior. It looked like an implied threat; nope, it’s very much a real threat.

The front lounge is now a dining room. We have dinner. It’s the best dinner we’ve had so far. Zia needs to use these food replicators in all ship variations she comes up with. As software, it makes no difference to her. It makes a big difference to me.

Well, this will make us a few hours late. That should stir them up with worry.

After dinner, mom announces, “We would have arrived at 4:00 AM tomorrow. Now, we are set to arrive about 6:00 AM. I don’t want any of us to have grumbling stomachs or look unrefreshed. We are going to bed early, rising early, and dining early. I want us walking off this ship like we’re ready to start working. To bed, all of you.”

Mary reaches out for my hand as Trinity does the same. Both moms have a hand.

Trinity is aloof, “He is my son, and I want to see what all the hype is about. You need to get in line or talk to Carla.” As Mary lets go of my hand, Trinity says soft enough for only me to hear, “Good luck with that… Bitch.”

Trinity is soft and caring as we walk into her room, “I want what Monica got if you could forgive me enough. I know I was a horrible mother. Getting to be Queen made it worth it. Yet, I wonder. With your help, would I have risen to queen sooner? I had no help and made many blunders along the way. With you as my advisor, it makes me wonder what could have been …”

I reply with a soft voice as we both undress, “Then I would never meet Mary. I never get tested. I never join her group. Maybe I never learn to play Chess. There are way too many factors that even I can’t calculate the odds. It doesn’t matter. We are here, in this bed, on this ship, having saved the galaxy from war. We needed my organization for that and then all the neceessary killings.”

Mom corrects me, “You said your organization. Isn’t it Mary’s?”

I smile, “No.” Mom is genuinely surprised. “She works for me. Many women, a lot of well-paid women, work for me. I play where others dread to go. I do what others can’t. I police the police. I stop the darkest of humanity, man or woman. I’ve been doing this since I was fourteen. I almost killed Mary when she beat me with the leather belt.

“Some say I am the boogie man. Some hire me to kill the boogie man. A lot is based on perception and their point of view. At the end of the day, I try to make the world a better place using any means at my disposal. I really did figure this was a one-way trip. I figured it was worth saving billions of lives.”

Mom has tears in her eyes. She is in bed, with a pillow under her head, legs spread wide enough.

I softly say, “Close your eyes.”

She closes her eyes. Now, she has a look of dread on her face, like I might hit her.

I giggle, “You look soooo cute. You have a look on your face like I might harm you in some way. Have I not proved yet that I don’t hate you?”

Mom relaxes, “I knew that when I woke up alive. If you could have a hundred people killed on two planets in one evening, I could just have easily been one person on your list. For me, I still remember the dread in my grandmother’s voice as she told us stories of how evil men were.

“Then I have a male child; the humiliation was overwhelming. Now to see the type of person you have become, it’s amazing. You have forever affected the galaxy. I may be the leader over half the galaxy, but the bureaucracy does the real work. I can nudge the machine we call a government a bit right or left, but for the most part, I am a figurehead.”

I set her at ease, “Tonight, you are a woman. Many years ago, you got to experience something that women eagerly engaged in, sex with a man. Unlike now, they craved sex with men. Sex with women was far less common. Trust me. Like Monica, I promise you will enjoy this tremendously.”

I have knees on both sides of my mom as I crawl up the bed. I maneuver to my elbows, leaving me enough room to engage in a loving kiss with mom. The loving emotions surprise me. I was expecting something closer to my sisters. This was way more than that. We continue the soft yet passionate kiss for a while longer. I had always wondered what my birth mom was like and if she would have approved of what I have become. I wanted … acceptance, to know that I was good enough.

Having appeased my need, I pull away.

Mom sums it up well, “Wow.”

Trinity is timid and shy now, unable to look at me, “Against my mother’s wishes, I spent my savings to get pregnent. One small procedure and the egg in me is injected with sperm. For nine months I carried you, proud that you would see me become queen. I took my supliments, ate well, no drinking, plenty of exercise. I did everything I could to have a healthy baby.

“When my water broke, Pat, my partner, delivered the baby in my bedroom. I was so estatic when I hear you cry. You were healthy. Then I saw the look of horror on Pat’s face. You were a male. Pat starts wrapping the umbilical cord around your neck. It broke my heart, you were male, the worst possible outcome. Yes, death was better. Yet, you were so cute, so vulnerable. I yelled stop, and told her to drop you, Tim, off at the orphanage.”

“So many nights I have wondered about you. So many …,” her voice softly trails off.

She composes herself, “I have to address all my planets tomorrow and explain what happened. I need to be sharp and alert. I can’t be worn out because I had sex for hours. I also need you at your best. You may have to save us again. You have just fifteen minutes to make me orgasm. I know you can do much better. We will hold that for another day. I need to understand fucking a male for my speech tomorrow.”

I give her my mischievous grin, “I think I can work with that. Keep in mind, this is the end of forty to sixty minutes of slower and more fulfilling fucking that you’ve missed out on. As good as this will be, it could have been far better.”

Mom giggles, “Normally, I would call bullshit. However, I know it’s all true. I have seen the look on their faces. Carla, your sisters, even Monica all were easily distracted after their time with you. I can’t have that, so take me to the finish line and show me a good time.”


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