Zai and Tim Pt. 03 by BigMadStork,BigMadStork

I quickly crawl between my birth mother’s legs. With my sisters, I had no problem doing this. With my Trinity, it seems wrong. I have no business using the morals card now after the stuff I did and sanctioned last week. I slowly push my way into her body. She is up to the task. With relatively little effort, she takes all of me.

Instantly mom is happy beyond words. I get an excellent moan of satisfaction from her, followed by her trying to talk, “Love. Warm. Hard. Stupendous.” Who says stupendous these days? All I have done is push in and pull out once. I give her a few more. I want her to know what she passed upon. OK, fifteen minutes. I better speed up. In an instant, I am rolling my hips about ninety percent of my fastest speed.

I don’t skimp on length; she gets the whole thing. Mom is an “Ug” machine. With each thrust into her body with my cock, she grunts out an “Ug!”

I’m not sure mom hears me, but my soft voice says to her, “You need Carla in your cabinet, leading a critical committee or branch. She will be the best you have. It will help our relations with Monica. Carla will be the next Queen for them.

“I see a far better relationship between the two empires and far more trade than ever before. A golden age is coming, and you will lead it into the history books. That peace agreement and your new friendship will prove to be galaxy-changing.”

I lost track of my speed, and I am beyond full speed. I inspired myself!

Carla surprises both of us by stepping to the side of the bed. She has a look of love in her eyes. She bends over and sucks on mom’s nipples. HOLY FUCK! I am going even faster. Mom is having a hard time breathing enough. She is sucking hard for air.

Carla has a devious look on her face as she whispers, “You’re going to be a grandmother. I’m pregnant.”

Simultaneously, mom and I scream at precisely the same time, for the same length of time, and only two octaves different. Mom clamps her pussy hard on my cock. I still shoot five blasts into my mother. Her body jerks with each shot of my cum. Her smile also gets larger with each burst of cum. She enjoyed that tremendously.

Mom is worn out. She worked hard to hang on to me. I was lost in my speech and fucking that I didn’t realize I gripped mom’s shoulders so tightly. I see my handprints. I hope that goes away by tomorrow.

Mom is excited and wants to talk; I want to roll over and catch my breath.

Mom is full of energy as she says, “I love the feeling when your cum shoots into me.”

She wipes a finger through her lips and hesitates before wiping my juice on her tongue.

Carla adds, “I know, right? Everything is so hot, then a cool liquid fills you up. No woman is doing that.”

Mom continues, “It’s messy, sticky, and woah, that’s salty. Hmmmm, that’s different. After the salty, it’s an unusual taste. I understand your five researchers now. I only took ten minutes, and that just isn’t enough.

“You two go to bed. I am taking a shower and then going to sleep myself. If he stays here, I won’t get any sleep tonight. Please, both of you, get some sleep. Tomorrow is a big day. I am counting on you, Carla. Protect our man. He needs sleep.”

Carla rolls her eyes, and then with a practiced voice to annoy mom, she says in a deep voice, “Yes, mom.”

That did not go over well.

Carla snickers, “Exactly the same reaction my own mother would have given me. Tim, you’re right; they are so much alike.” Mom is still smiling. “Come on, let’s get going before I push her too far.”

I quip, “With the smile on her face, that’s not happening tonight.”

Mom, still naked, turns around and walks towards the shower. Carla pulls my hand and guides me back to my bedroom. Wow, I love this version of the ship. It is so much nicer than anything I have ever experienced. Carla forces me to shower alone. She does dry me off and pushes me into bed. Sleep came easy for me.

Chapter 14 — A New Captain

I wake up, and all is not well. We are back on Mary’s ship and everyone, but Mary is held to the common outer hull wall by a forcefield. We are all waking up, and nobody is happy. Nobody can talk, there is something around my face that allows me to breathe, but I can’t open my mouth. That means I can’t issue orders.

Mary is enjoying this very much. She waits for us to stop fighting the restraints.

With a smug attitude, Mary announces, “I too like contingencies. I added a few overrides to Zai’s source code for this situation. I don’t give a damn about the war, the treaty, or any of your other petty squabbles. I bought that son of a bitch; and I own him.”

She steps in front of my birth mother, Trinity, “You of all people have nothing to say in this matter. You are the worst of us all. You never even looked at him, and you threw him into the garbage, like leftover food. He meant nothing to you. You have done fine without him, I might add. You won’t miss him at all.”

She addresses my sisters, “I don’t understand you three. You never met a man in your life, Tim shows up, and your first thought is, hey, let’s screw him. You three make me sick; you’re pathetic.”

She stands in front of Carla, “You’re the dumbest of the them all. There is no way that you love someone after just three days. So typical of little immature girls. You’re going to miss out on your chance to be Queen, just because of Tim. How truly pathetic. I should kill you.”

Mary is addressing all of us now, “You’re all lucky in that each of you is part of a royal family. I may despise all of you, but no way I am taking on one of your deaths and having the entire galaxy chasing me forever. I’m not stupid. Zai! Bring Tim down and turn him around, so they can see his face. Keep his arms, legs, and especially his head immobilized. I need access to his chest and back.”

NO! NO! NOOOOOOOO! I am going to kill the bitch when I get out of here.

Mary goes to her room and comes back with a thick leather belt.

Zai cuts in, “Maryyyyyyy, I don’t think this is a good idea.” Whack! She strokes my back. “How many times has he beaten you in a row at Chess?” Whack! She strokes my back.

I am crying like a baby; the pain is horrible.

Mary says, “Fifty-three, you know that. Why did you ask?”

Please talk all you want, anything to stop her from striking me again.

Zai continues, “What are the odds that he survives this?”

Mary laughs, “Zero, I am going to kill him for humiliating me. In space, with me as the captain, I can do it legally.”

Karen, the replacement AI is next to speak, “MARY! Our ship has been grappled by Monica’s battlecruisers. They are hailing us, and they don’t sound happy.”

Mary says, “Well, put them on audio only.”

“This is admiral JoAnn Sventooth, commanding the three escort battle cruisers. We are monitoring our princess; she is under extreme duress. YOU MUST STOP IT NOW, or we WILL board your ship,” says the timid-sounding admiral.

Mary casually responds, “Sorry, your admiral-ness, but I am dispensing some justice over here. No princess or Queen is being hurt in any way.”

JoAnn replies, “Bullshit! My princess is being hurt emotionally; we won’t stand for that.”


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