Avenging Angel chapter 3 by Clarissa Hendry

Introduction: Again, although this novel contains brutal and explicit scenes, it's written for a purpose. One friend who read it in advance called it “a feminist fable”. I wouldn't go that far – it indulges in certain types of male fantasy, as far as I understand them – but I understood the point! , QUESTIONS … Read more


Avenging Angel chapter 7 by Clarissa Hendry

Introduction: The first part of this chapter was the easiest part of the novel to write; the remainder was the hardest because I had to stop my anger getting the better of me. It's here that I've incorporated the most harrowing stories learned from trafficked women. , MOVING ON Helen and Katrina and I next … Read more


Avenging Angel chapter 6 by Clarissa Hendry

Introduction: The story continues along its trajectory but we see the transformation of the protagonist, and a concomitant shift of perspective and outlook. , PUNISHMENT Had the other specimens become as debased and degraded as me? Despite daily exercises to maintain fitness, they too had lost muscle and bone mass and acquired a softening layer … Read more


Avenging Angel chapter 2 by Clarissa Hendry

Introduction: This chapter continues the theme of chapter 1, developing Doug's thoughts about the rights and wrongs of fantasy made reality. , Between the first and second film shows I lay in my hotel bed and mulled over the ‘evening’s entertainment’, as Mandy called it, until sustained arousal compelled me to masturbate. During the moments … Read more