Game of Thrones Chapter 1: Daenerys Targaryan: The Dragon’s Bride by Voldemortslave

Game of Thrones Chapter 1: Daenerys Targaryan: The Dragon’s Bride by Voldemortslave (I claim no right to the characters and setting of this story) This take place in a mix univers of the book and tv show. , After years of absence from this site and from writing sex story, It’s time to make a … Read more


Harry Potter sex story by wyldbrdmn25

A literotic sexstories: Harry Potter sex story by wyldbrdmn25 , This was written before the 7th book was released so any similarities is a coincidenceWyldbrdmn25 Fun at the Park Harry was laid up in his bed thinking about his last few years at school. He had just had his seventeenth birthday. His friends all sent … Read more


Tamina the thick goblin seductress: Corrupting the innocent redhead by TexanBelgianCutie

A literotic sexstories: Tamina the thick goblin seductress: Corrupting the innocent redhead by TexanBelgianCutie , **The first part of the story repeats in each chapter in order to introduce Tami**This story is much less of a story and more so of constant fucking. Tamani woke up slowly and comfortably. She smacked her puffy lips together, … Read more