Game of Thrones: You Fuck or You Die: Chapter one: A Lady No Longer by itsbloodytommy

Game of Thrones: You Fuck or You Die: Chapter one: A Lady No Longer by itsbloodytommy Fantasy, Authoritarian, Blowjob, Boys/Teen Female, Cruelty, Cum Swallowing, Extreme, First Time, Hardcore, Humiliation, Reluctance Author’s infos Gender: N/A    Age: N/A    Location: N/A Posted Mon 11th of July 2011 Font size : – + A lusty take on an allready

Maisie Williams and Sophie Turner Get Fucked Straight by AryaStarkNaked

Introduction: I don't know MAISIE WILLIAMS, SOPHIE TURNER, or JOE JONAS. This fiction was made without pay, compensation, or profit, all for your perverse enjoyment. , People think that we’ve overcome the stigma against lesbians in the modern day. We’ve definitely come a long way but have so much further to go. Even in places … Read more

Jon Snow Takes Westeros(Or just its Women) Pt 3 by Storyup

Jon Snow Takes Westeros(Or just its Women) Pt 3 by Storyup Queen of the Realm, Bitch of the Wolf. , Time lines are a bit messed up in the Story. Cersei hasn’t given birth to any children yet. Robert is still alive. Southern Chronicles acts as if Northern Chronicles hasn’t happened and vice Versa. All … Read more