The Undead 2 Serial killers by The Midnight Shade

The Undead 2 Serial killers by The Midnight Shade <br/> Jerrod Hallow decides to get his power back, but not through gangs, that was boring, but through fear of the serial killers. , The world had greatly changed since the forties. More people own guns, police had better weapons and appeared more aggressive if not … Read more

Ghoulfriend Part 1 by tyhm

Ghoulfriend Part 1 by tyhm I wrote this for a girl I was courting. It didn’t work. Still, she enjoyed it…. , Hmkay…let’s see… Once upon a time there was a cute goth girl who believed in vampyres. A lot of her friends believed in vampyres, or at least liked to dress up like vampyres, … Read more