The Penelope incident – 4 by MissFortune

Heviya is imprisoned 5 Heviya was engulfed in total darkness. She was currently crimped inside one of the empty torpedo magazines for the Helldrivers aft launchers. Something sharp pressed into her upper back and her knees and elbows hurt horribly from constantly having to support her weight or hitting the confines of the metal casket


The Penelope Incident – Part 2 by MissFortune

The Penelope Incident – Part 2 by MissFortune.., Heviyas ordeal continues , 3 Heviya stared blankly at Nadines corpse and the pool of blood expanding beneath it. The kind woman had made her feel welcome aboard the Penelope right off the bat. She had never really understood why. At the start of their voyage to … Read more


The Penelope incident – 3 by MissFortune

The Penelope incident – 3 by MissFortune Heviya loses her innocence , 4 After the ugly pirate had had his way with her, he left Heviya naked and on her knees. He stooped down and collected the girls scattered clothing, walked over to what seemed to be a trash container close to the hatch and … Read more