One Big Horny Weasley Family- Chapter 16 Tasting the Apple by naughtydragon

Ginny talks to Ron about forbidden fruit. This story was originally published as a stand alone because it was written many years after the original story. It is part of the original, but wasn’t written because it wasn’t appropriate for many of the sites that originally posted this story. This is a work of fan


I Work in a Doctor’s Office VI by spurtz

A 26 year old female medical assistant has lots of fun with a 16 year old boy. If you have been following my stories, you know that I am a young, attractive female medical assistant who works for a leading urologist in a major city. As this is written, I have had this position for


Their Stories – Chapters Three & Four by Sweetleaf

Their Stories – Chapters Three & Four by Sweetleaf <br/> Chapter Three – The Second Hotel Room “So, the next day, you met him again at the mall?” Bobby inquired. “Yeah,” the blonde 12 year old said. “That day, he let me go to the arcade for a while. We played some games, like he … Read more


Motherfucker: Part 3 by rat_race

This is the continuation of the story about the various strange and unexpected events that took place during my second trip to visit Mom in her hometown. * * * * * Motherfucker: Part 3 by rat_race * * * * * It was now Sunday morning, and I was sitting across from Mom in


Exhibitionist Sister – Chapter 12 – Friday Evening by superwriter1337

Jordan, Brian, and Madison have some fun while Ashley and Kristen are at work. Author’s Note: Hello all! I apologize for yet another extremely long lapse between the release of the previous story and this one. I’ve been extremely busy. I genuinely appreciate the continued support and interest in my stories, though. I hope you



My lady Sarah and I are sun tanning by the pool. We are both resting on our elbows, the exhibitionist in both of us enjoying both males and females ogling our almost naked ass cheeks. Sarah is topless and is enjoying having more people look at her glorious big ass than me. The fourth time


Picture Pregnant Romance by Crazy Dog Lady Theresa

Wendy is feeling lonely after her husband deploys to the Gulf, but at least his best friend is there to comfort the pregnant woman. — This is not a cheating story! This is a book by Rachael Ross “You never heard the story?” Marcia smiled as Sadie shook her head. “Tell her Wendy, it’s a


Owning Amaryllis part 5 by petitefleur

A bit of a palate cleanser Amaryllis soaked in the tub for what felt like forever, until the water turned tepid. She sighed and slowly got out, her body sore from the abuse she endured earlier though most of the marks, save for the deepest one, had faded away. The shadow of a handmark bruised


Down at The Creek by Tito304

Third story I’m posting to this site. Took some advice, decided to make a different story! Enjoy it if you can, because it’s definitely strange. Personally, I loved to hike in the forest behind my house. The town I lived in was pretty small, so there was always something new to find when exploring. My


In the Mood for Love by Active Fapper

Watching porn to get in the mood, but distracted by a tattoo. So I’m laying in bed. I’ve got my toy box and my kindle. Underneath my ass I have a puppy training pad and a bath towel to catch my juices. I’m a super messy lady. My toy box contains a dildo eight inches