A slave in the making… pt 2 (edited) by MegO

A slave in the making… pt 2 (edited) by MegO <br/> Turning the webcam off and grabbing her towel she headed for the shower. As the hot water poured down her body Samantha thought back to the words her master spoke and the show she provided for her fans; realizing the words spoken to Samantha … Read more


Twelve Days a Slave 7 of 13 by The_Technician

A literotic sexstories: Twelve Days a Slave 7 of 13 by The_Technician , Slave missy endures a variety of water punishments. This is the story of a young woman’s conviction as a terrorist and what happens to her when she is sentenced to penal slavery. Penal slavery is not impossible. The Thirteenth and Fourteenth Amendments … Read more