Batgirl Returns Part One by Comics_Fan

A literotic sexstories: Batgirl Returns Part One by Comics_Fan , Oracle redons the latex costume as Batgirl once again. Oracle had redonned the Batgirl uniform once again, it had been a few nights since her intial return to crimefighting and subsequent take down. One she did not want to have happen again, her body still … Read more


The Unlucky Superheroine Ch. 01

An adult stories – The Unlucky Superheroine Ch. 01 by Mr_Night,Mr_Night It was a sunny and ordinary afternoon in the great Meta City. The warm and pleasant city continued to give its visitors a splendid view of its large, gleaming buildings and its city, which was as fascinating as it was dangerous. And in this … Read more


Iron Man 2: Black Widow Bukkake by lovesporngifs

Introduction: I didn’t think Hulk Smash would get that much of an audience, or so positively received. Here, a prequel to Hulk Smash… Dat Ass set during the events of Iron Man 2. Tony Stark’s silver Audi screeches around a corner on it’s way to Hammer Industries.“When we arrive I need you to watch the … Read more