Take Me Tom Pt. 80-83 by Boo96

Take Me Tom Pt. 80-83 by Boo96.., My usual thanks go out to Kenji, editor extraordinaire, and to Paolo for his unstinting support and advice! Hopefully, all my ‘carriage returns’ are sorted, but I ain’t holding my breath! Things will be slowing down, and I’ll be skipping ahead days, weeks, and months. There’s still a … Read more

Take Me Tom Pt. 77-79 by Boo96

Take Me Tom Pt. 77-79 by Boo96.., As always, a huge thanks to both Kenji for his editing, and Paolo for his proofreading. Of course, all mistakes are mine, but I am listening to the advice more so now! I am working on the ‘split sentences’. It throws me off, so God knows how you … Read more