Mind Controlled Janice – Part 4 by janicegoodall

Mind Controlled Janice – Part 4 by janicegoodall.,

Janice is married to Stephen and is cheating on him with Wayne an unwelcome intruder into her life leads her to a day of mind controlled sex and humiliation. , The phone in Janice’s hall rang It showed an unknown number, and she started to ignore it, but then wondered who would call early on a Monday morning, Stephen had left for work and David for university. She picked it up and

said, “Hello?”

“Janice” a smooth male voice said. “Good morning.”

“Hello” said Janice wondering who it was that knew her first name when she did not recognise the voice.

The voice on the phone said “unlock your front door so that I can come into your house and then go stand in your front room” the voice continued “In five minutes, no matter what you’re doing, you’ll stop and be unable to move or speak.” With out replying Janice hung up a nutter she thought.

As she put the phone down Janice looked at the front door it was locked and bolted.

She felt drawn to the door, moving to it intending to check it was locked. She felt something and rather than checking the lock she found herself sliding the bolt back and unfastening the yale lock.

Absolute rubbish that call she thought to herself and walked into her front room.

She looked in the mirror that hung on the chimney breast and brushed her hair back with her hand.

She stopped in the middle of the room.

It wasn’t deliberate. She simply could not get her body to move. She was frozen, paralyzed. Only her eyes seemed unaffected.

She struggled with all her might, but her limbs might as well have been made of concrete. Not a finger trembled or changed position. She began to breathe heavily, and felt her chest tighten with panic. She saw herself in the mirror across the room, looking for all the world like a still photo or portrait.

Her face shone with perspiration even as her expression remained blank. She couldn’t even muster the energy to look terrified.

What had happened to her? How had this happened to her? What did that voice on the phone do to her?

Before she could even speculate on why, or what else he might have in mind, Janice heard the front door rattled and open. Janice heard steps in the hallway. She couldn’t turn, but the mirror’s reflection showed the entrance to the front room. She felt a jolt of genuine terror when a complete stranger entered the room. The man was big, over 6ft tall she thought, broad, built as though he spent many hours in the gym. He had a light complexion and light brown hair. She thought he looked to be about 30 years old.

“My name is Ginger” he said in a low voice.

He strode slowly around the room, looking it over as if he were a potential tenant. “I’ll give you the short version of what’s been done to you,” he said. “Your will has been deadened. Completely. As a result, you are unable to do anything without a direct command from someone else.” He moved closer, so he could speak directly in her ear. “And right now, that’s me.” He whispered, we told your secret lover Wayne Jenkins to implant thoughts and commands in your mind that give us complete control of you. Wayne did not have a choice as we control him.”

Ginger heard her breath catch in her throat. In her condition, that was as the same as a scream.

He moved in front so she could see his face. She’d never wanted to punch anyone as badly as she did him at that moment, but she might as well have wished to fly. Nothing broke through the paralysis holding her still.

Could she only move when she was told to? Was that even possible?

It was a warm day Janice was wearing a pale blue round neck T Shirt and jeans. Ginger looked her up and down.

Looking right into her eyes, Ginger touched the hollow of her throat and traced his fingertip over her t shirt down to her breast. The reality that she could not keep him from touching her shot through her, and she began to breathe rapidly, almost gasping.

“Don’t freak out,” he said teasingly. “We’re just getting started, we have all day.”

He pulled his hand away, then rested it at the swell of her hip, on the waistband of her jeans.

“Here’s how this works, Janice. Not only will you do anything I say, you will feel whatever I tell you to feel. I don’t mean emotions: I can’t make you fall in love with me, don’t worry. But I do mean I can tell you to, oh, think about nothing but the way your breasts feel.”

She had only an instant to think, What the heck? before her mind filled with intense sensations and awareness. How her breasts felt in her bra the way they felt now and the material of her bra. She aware her nipples had become incredibly sensitive, her suddenly-erect nipples pushed against the material of her bra. Each breath made them rise and fall, pressing up against the bra and then falling ever so slightly away before the garment settled on them again. She’d never experienced anything about her body in such detail, with such totality, and when she saw her face in the mirror, she was shocked to see her eyes half-closed.

She gasped helplessly as he touched the tip of her nipple through the cloth of her t shirt. The sensation seemed to travel through her body with a feeling of such pleasure beyond her imagination.

Then he put his thumb and finger on either side of her nipple, and lightly pinched.

She cried out. It was totally involuntary, and the most desperate sound she could imagine. She’d never heard herself make a noise like that before.

Ginger chuckled. “Now play with them yourself, Janice. Show me what you like.”

There was truly no resisting. Her hands slid beneath her undershirt and cupped her breasts within her bra. She squeezed them, pushed them together and pulled at her nipples. She made no sound, but could hear the soft collision of flesh as she manipulated them the sensation was wonderful.

“You can stop now,” he said.

No she wanted to scream. Not yet! I But her hands fell to her side and did not move.

As if an afterthought, Ginger added, “And you’re no longer thinking about your breasts.”

And just like that, the desire to touch her breasts vanished. A red flush burned up her neck and cheeks, a shame that she’d never felt before.

Gingers voice grew throatier. “Now: take off that shirt and your bra.”

She fought with every bit of her willpower, but only managed the briefest hesitation, her body was not obeying her mind it was obeying his, she pulled the shirt over her head and let it fall to the floor. She reached behind her back unclipped her bra and let it fall to the floor. She felt shame, embarrassment at standing there topless in front of a strange man and she felt fury at him, and a weird sort of defiance.

He looked her up and down in blatant appreciation. Her body was slightly overweight. Then he stepped back and raised his phone, he is going to take a picture she thought.

Janice struggled with all her might to raise her arms and cover her breasts, or at least turn away, but as before, nothing happened.

“Smile,” he said, and to her horror, she did.

He took several pictures, then scrolled through them with a satisfied sigh. When he looked back up at her, he barked out a laugh. “You can stop smiling now.”

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