A Family At Odds Chapter 3 by Hawkrider

” Where are you going hun?” Savannah asked her with concern

” To do a few things, but I will come back sweetie don’t worry honey.” Candy responded with a flirtatious smile

Candy came over and looked around before she leaned over past me and gave Savannah a kiss on her right cheek. Then she gave me one on my left cheek. That left Savannah and I stunned for a moment then we smiled. Candy went to do some cleaning and fill ups on the condiments. She would glance over at us and give us both that flirtatious smile she gave earlier. Savannah told me she had to go use the ladies and wanted me to go with her. I remembered the last time about the door and agreed. We both got out of the booth and started for the ladies restroom. On the way Candy followed us a little ways and smack us both on the ass. Savannah and I turned to see she was smiling. Savannah smiled back as I did also. We didn’t really understand what was going on, but I guess it was starting to stir something in us both for when we got to the ladies Savannah pulled me in with her, but made sure the door wouldn’t close. She went over to the toilet and undid her jeans and sat. Savannah looked up at me and motioned me over. I stepped over to her and she started to rub the front of my jeans. I was half hard and that got Savannahs curiosity.

” Baby what is making you get hard?” She asked me in a playful way

” I don’t know darlin except the way Candy danced with us, or the way she leaned over to give you a kiss. Her breast rubbed against my chest, or it’s the kiss she gave us both.” I answered to my loving beauty

” Baby don’t worry I can understand. I don’t know what it is , but I am so wet right now.” She exclaimed to me

” What, why are you so wet Savannah darlin?” I asked in a very wondering tone

” Baby, let’s see, you dancing close to me and holding my hand, but also Candy dancing with us and her kiss sparked something I haven’t felt since Yvonne. Nick baby I think Candy is coming on to us and I like it in a good way.” Replying to my question Savannah explained

” Yeah I think I know what you mean, but what do we do actually. I mean were going to be leaving in a few days.” I said with a sad tone

” I know my love, but what if tonight we have her in our bed for just tonight. I truly want to have a threesome with her. I miss another woman’s touch on my body” She stated to me wiping herself

Savannah stood up and pulled her jeans up. She turned and flushed the toilet and stepped up to me. We held each other for a little bit. I held her thinking if she was right and she was. Candy was a nice older lady and had a caring heart. I looked down to see Savannah looking up at me.

” So how are you going to feel about another woman touching what is yours darlin?” I asked her curiously

” Baby actually I have been thinking about it for the past few years.” She responded to me with a grin

” Oh and what did you come up with if I may ask.” I replied asking her again curious

” My love I think as long as I am in the room and actually joining in I have no problem with it. Besides I want us to find a woman that will be with us truly.” She exclaimed telling me her answer

” So basically you desire both worlds a man and a woman in your life, but what if she tries to take you away from me what will become of me?” I asked her with a sad expression

” Oh crap Baby please don’t think that. You are my true love and I have thought of that. And she would have to love us both as we are a package that is wrapped in love.” She replied from her heart

” Ok then for you, I will go along to have that heart of yours loved and happy, but for tonight how are you wanting it to happen.” I asked her with a concern look

” That’s easy we just see what happens and when it does we enjoy it extremely.” Savannah tells me smiling

Savannah and I left the ladies restroom to go back to the booth. Candy was back seated across from our spots. We got closer and I noticed she had a smile on her face from the window reflection. She took a sip of her coffee as Savannah and I sat back down in the booth.

” Everything ok you two?” Candy asked us both with a grin

” Yes I just need to use the ladies and wanted Nick to make sure the door didn’t stick on me.” Savannah answered to Candy

” Oh that is understandable sweetie.” Candy said responding to Savannahs statement

” So you both thought of what you want to do later tonight.” Candy with a flirty smile asked us both

” Well we did think of having a bit of fun, maybe the three of us cou…..” Savannah tried to finish her comment but was cut off

At that moment both Savannah and I jerk for a second as there was a foot working up under the leg of my jeans. I noticed Savannah squeezed my left arm tight and let out a soft moan. I glanced under the table and noticed Candy had her right foot between Savannah’s legs massaging my beautiful girlfriends crotch. At that moment I felt the same. Candy was rubbing my manhood with her foot through my jeans.

” Yes sweetie we could what.” Candy asked with a sexy smile

” We could…oh god.” Savannah tried to say again but with a moan

I looked around to make sure no one noticed what Candy was doing. There was only three other people in the diner including the cook who was behind the counter doing his cleaning. No one was watching as Candy kept massaging Savannah and rubbing me. Savannah let out another soft moan as I let out a quiet groan. What seemed like a hour was only three minutes as one of the customers wanted to pay for their meal. Candy stopped what she was doing and slid her feet back into her shoes. She stood up and gave us a sexy look and went to take the customers money. I turned my head to look at Savannah who had a flustered look on her face. She pulled me down for a kiss and the whispered in my ear.

” I think we know what she wants to do. She got me so worked up right now.” She whispered to me with glazed eyes

” I know she has me so uncomfortable in my jeans right now.” I whispered back then added ” I do believe she wants to have some fun also.”

” I told you baby, I have seen that look before with Yvonne when her and I started experimenting on each other, But with Candy it’s different she wants more.” My beautiful Savannah said to me

” Well you still going to be alright with her touching my body?” I whispered to Savannah

” Baby, it’s not like I won’t be there and it won’t be cheating. I love you so very much and this will help us. It may also even entice our love making to a new level tonight.” She tells me nibbling on my ear

” Mmm, darlin you really think so. I thought I was all you needed beautiful?” I whispered with a soft moan

” You are baby it’s just that we will have another person that will have her way of pleasuring us in a different way.” She explained to me which was understandable

We gave each other a kiss, but Savannah decided to see how hard I was. She gave out a soft moan into my mouth as she squeezed what was hers. Our kiss just intensified more as the feelings that was growing in us both were hard to fight. In the back of my mind I wanted to take her right here in the booth, but at the same time I wanted to wait until we were back in our motel room. Our kiss was broken by a throat being cleared. Savannah and I turned to look it was Candy giving us a sexy smirk. She asked us if everything was fine as she noticed our faces blushing. Savannah responded saying yes with a smile in return. Candy refilled our drinks and said she be back in a few moments. We gave her a nod each in which she returned with a warm smile. She walked away to clear the remaining tables and picking up her tips that was left behind.

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