A Family At Odds Chapter 3 by Hawkrider

” Nick, Savannah that was the most wonderful love making I have ever felt. I want to thank you both so much for giving me so much passion and desire.” Candy said with a bright smile and sparkle in her eyes

” Awww babe your so very welcome and we hope you really enjoyed it.” Savannah said returning the smile

” Oh believe me I did so much. And Nick you have the best cock I have ever felt in awhile. I am never going to be normal down there again. I’m going to have to get a bigger dildo for my strap on for Tammy to fill me up and think it’s you.” Candy responded with a laugh

” Well now you know how I feel after every time Nick pleasures me.” Savannah replied smiling back

We all hugged and laughed before we each kissed the other. I could tell Savannah enjoyed tonight and was satisfied for awhile. But what she told me at the diner in the restroom came to my mind. Was she really wanting to find that certain woman to fill our lives for ever? All I could do was wait and see as to who it would be.

” Nick, Savannah if you ever need any help or just a place to stay next time your in town call me. You will always be welcomed in my house” She exclaimed to us both

” Really even if um…If we have another lady in our lives?” Savannah asked with concern

” Yes I do, And if you do it maybe fun with another in the mix. You thinking of a guy or gal?” Candy asked in a curious tone

Savannah and I turned and looked at each other and then back to Candy.

” Gal, Nick is the only man in my life that will ever touch me or enter me. I been thinking for awhile now that I want us to have a life time partner” Savannah explained to Candy

” That is really wise Savannah having Nick the only man in your life. As for the gal well she’s going to be so lucky to have you both. I could feel the love you both share from the pleasure you gave me” Candy said smiling wholeheartedly

” Your very welcome beautiful, And we will be as lucky as her whoever she may be.” I told Candy truthfully with a chuckle

” Nick sweetie , all I have to say she better treat you both with respect. Because if I get word she isn’t I will come down and give her a piece of my mind” Candy exclaimed with a giggle

I looked at Savannah who had a sexy smile as she winked at me. I smiled back and winked also to her. Savannah moved closer to Candy and took both her hands in hers.

” Candy you are now and forever going to be a great friend to us. Please stay in touch with us.” Savannah said to Candy with a truthful heart

” I will sweetie as long as you both do also. So how do you both want to do the sleeping arrangements. I could go home if I have too” She asked with concern

” Well babe I have to be cuddled up to my man. I can’t sleep without him next to me in bed naked.” Savannah explained to Candy

” I can understand that sweetheart. I need to feel a man next to me to sleep also. I just wanted to know sweetie.” Candy explained to Savannah

” Then I suggest my ass better lay down so both you beautiful women can get some sleep with me and have some sweet wet dreams.” I said with a chuckle

” Only if them sweet wet dreams have you both in them then I am so sleepy then.” Candy said with a sexy smirk

” I agree with Candy except she is on my face and your plowing my tunnel of love baby.” Savannah said with a giggle

We all three laid down with Candy on my left and Savannah on my right. Both had their heads on my shoulders and hands on my chest. My hands were on their sexy ass’s. I looked at the alarm clock and noticed it was 3:30 in the morning. I kept thinking if Savannah and I did find a woman as much as Candy was around our age I was going to be so happy. Before I drifted off to sleep I kissed Savannahs forehead and said I loved her. Savannah in a sweet filled mumble replied that she loved me too.

Savannah’s POV

I am walking back to the motel after getting my boyfriend and Candy something for breakfast. Well guess it would be brunch now since it’s 11 a.m. in the morning. I still can’t believe last night really happened. My man let me have a night with a beautiful woman who would be a part of our lives as a close friend. I knew it was just this time with her, but it was really nice. I woke up this morning and felt Candy’s hand holding mine. I left them still asleep figuring those two needed more sleep then I did. I looked and saw the motel in sight and picked up my pace so I can surprise them with fresh donuts and coffee. I am smiling as I reach the motel parking lot and am almost to the room when I hear someone yelling my name. I turn and see a tall man walking toward me. I stop as he gets closer.

” Are you Savannah Andrews of Birmingham, Alabama?” He asked me calmly

” Yes I am why do you ask?” I respond asking him

” My name is Cal Livingston, I am a Private Investigator hired to find you and take you back Ms. Andrews.” He tells me still acting calm

” What for I haven’t done anything wrong.” I tell him feeling a bit scared

” I have a warrant for your arrest and it’s for theft.” He explains to me which makes me stunned and shocked

I shake my stunned and shocked feeling and respond back to him.

” I haven’t stole anything in my life and I don’t know who sent you, but they are lieing.” I reply telling him truthfully

” That’s not what the warrant says.” He tells me with a determined look

” And when was this so called theft suppose to of taken place?” I asked him with a determined look of my own

” April 2014 Ms. Andrews.” He states to me willing

” Sorry to burst your bubble, but me and my boyfriend have been on the road since last year. I haven’t been back home since then.” I tell him truthfully again

” My client said you would come up with something to cover your tracks. Now come along and I won’t have to handcuff you.” He states with a hint of anger

” Sorry that isn’t going to happen so leave me alone and go away.” I tell him as I start to take a step

At that moment I feel a hand grab my arm making me drop what id in my hands and arm. The coffee hits the concrete as does the donuts. I try to struggle getting loose of his grip. But he is stronger then me as he starts to drag me to his car I take it. All I can think of is my Nick and start to scream for him hoping he is up.

” NICKKKKKK…..HELP….PLEASE BABY HELP!” I scream so loud for him

He brings out something out the back of his pocket and places it over my nose and next all I see is blackness.

I jump out of bed after hearing a loud scream. After getting my pants on and run to the door I open it to see a blue looking Oldsmobile driving out of the parking lot. I look around and notice on the ground a box of donuts and three cups of coffee. My thoughts kick in and think of Savannah. I step back in to the room and grab my cell and call Alex. He picks up on the second ring and says hello. I say hello back and start telling him that I think Savannah was just abducted by someone. He asks me if I saw the car possibly. I respond saying yes that it was a Blue Oldsmobile with a CB antenna on the trunk hood. He tells me he will have everyone looking for it and will call me back once he has word. I tell him thanks and I will be waiting. At that moment Candy wakes up and asks what is wrong. I turn to her and speak.

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