A guy and his…? 56 Final Safety by pars001

A guy and his…? 56 Final Safety by pars001

Dive into “56 Final Safety” by pars001, an enticing adult erotic tale that explores the thrilling chemistry between a guy and his unexpected partner. Experience passion, desire, and the electrifying moments that ignite their connection. Discover a story that pushes boundaries and ignites the imagination!

The end approaches? , Jake Freemon – Main character                                                Rita – older female and one of Juno’s sisters
Gen – Jakes first Jinn                                                                Tina – Rita’s daughter
Jinn – What the genies are called                                             Trully –  second Jinn doc Rasmir’s little sister
Tommy Sinclair – Friend of Jake’s and fellow worker           Nyrae – Juno’s powerful Jinn
Mary – Boss’s daughter                                                              Nuha – Leader of Deadly Trio
Juno – Jakes big Boss and Mary’s Father                                 Abla – sister of Nuha member of Deadly trio
Jinn Council – Council of major Jinns                                       Fatin – sister of Nuha third member of trio
Yasmen – Gen’s mother                                                            Tyrin – neighbor of Nyrae’s parents
Doctor – the Jinn doctor                                                            Aahil – one of the twin Jinn princes
Rasmir – Gen’s father                                                                Aalee – other twin Jinn prince
Rosalinda – Jake’s second Jinn – Once called Dreama         Amira – Jinn Princess sister of twins
Rashala – Gen’s niece and Jake’s 3rd Jinn                              Al-Mazhab – King of the Jinns
Tankena – evil brother of Rasmir                                             Qistina – Ex Queen of the Jinns, the Leader
Sheeka – former evil female Jinn Jake’s 4th Jinn                    Marie – Juno’s ex – wife
Akeesha – Sheeka’s twin sister                                                 Kasha – Marie’s powerful Jinn
Inger – Mary’s Jinn, Akeesha’s lover                                        Zahra – evil elite Jinn working with Marie

Jake could hear voices trying to break through the damnable darkness. Moving his hand near his head it was against something so soft! Now this was the type of pillow that he loved! A sudden giggling sigh filled his mind.

<“Oh Master!”> Jake heard Gen’s thoughts. <“Oh Master please don’t stop it feels so good!”>

Shocked a moment Jake thought <“Gen”?>

<“Yes Master Jake. You saved everyone including the boy. Master you have to stop pushing so much. It is far more enjoyable when you are awake!”> Gen said with a sigh.

Struggling as hard as he could Jake finally got his eyes open. His head on Gen’s lap he slowly looked around startled to see hundreds of people looking at him. Then suddenly a huge cheer went up as many realized that not only was Jake alive, he was now conscious.

“It’s about time you recovered Master Jake!” The Doctor told him. “I was afraid that I would have to start sending energy into you.”

“Yeah I know doc, I think I am so weak because I am apart from the rest of my Jinns.” Looking back at Gen Jake asked. “Can you hear them? Talk to them? If we aren’t reunited soon I am afraid we will all pass.”

Gen’s green eyes got large as she was shaking her head vigorously. Looking ahead a moment her eyes went large again, then she closed her eyes to concentrate harder.

“Master! I hear them! They are worried about us.” Gen told Jake.

Jake nodded a moment as he was thinking, how had he gotten them all out last time? If getting his Jinns out
weakened the barrier that much coming back would probably destroy it. At least he hoped that was what he needed to do. Turning toward Gen Jake told her.

“I’m going to try and get them all back here. I feel that coming back again is what we need to finally destroy that barrier. I just hope that there is enough power in the wish.” Jake said.

“I will do all that I can Master Jake.” Gen told him her face as serious as Jake had seen it.

Taking a deep breath Jake said, “I am tired of being without my Jinns. I wish that all of them were here with me!”

Suddenly the ground began to shake as several of the outcast Jinns started to yell. The sky grew darker as a nasty storm started to form. Lighting started to streak towards the ground growing closer and closer to Jake and Gen. Come on Jake thought this has to be the answer!

For almost twenty minutes this continued ’til the lightning was almost on top of the both of them. Suddenly everything grew quiet Jake started to look around this had to be a good sign he thought. A good sign ’til the ground started to shake again. Then with a crack the ground opened on either side of Jake and Gen. Several flashes of light struck the ground in front of Jake and Gen.

A deep voice echoed from the sky, “Jake Freemon, it was indeed a wondrous day when you discovered her lamp.”

There were more than a few gasps as most of those there bowed whispering the Great Jinn! Jake’s eyes were wide with astonishment, THE GREAT JINN?

“Yes, it is I. Not only have you completely freed the Jinn dimension you have released me also. Know that you will be well cared for no matter where you are.” The voice told Jake.

Jake was feeling foolish with his mouth hanging open, plus out of the thousands there he was the only one NOT bowing! “I thank you great Jinn sir, I only am doing what feels right.”

“Yes I know, be well Jake Freemon.” Then with that the voice was gone as were the dark clouds.

Jake walked to where he and Gen could cross. Standing in front of the council Jake was surprised when he was grabbed from behind by his other three Jinns! Holding all of them along with Akeesha and Amira, Jake finally felt that things were going to be alright.

Rasmir arose but wouldn’t look at Jake. “Master Jake, I can’t—”

“You can look at me Rasmir I am the same man as before.” Jake told the slightly shaking male.

“I cannot Master Jake. The Great Jinn spoke directly to you! He rarely speaks to the council. It is unheard of him talking to a human! Please Master Jake what do you want of us?” Rasmir said a quiver to his voice.

Jake shook his head grasping Rasmir’s chin Jake lifted it to stare into the males eyes. “I am the same man Rasmir look at me! See? You didn’t cease to exist! I didn’t fade. This is just silly all of you! Look at me!” Jake demanded.

Slowly but surely they all started to look at Jake, then the smiles started. “We are lucky to have you as a friend of the Jinn kind!”

Jake could only stare at him then whispered into the man’s ear. A sly smile crossed the male’s face as he nodded. Bidding all farewell Jake promised that he’d restore the outcasts when he felt they were ready and not before. Looking at Gen and the others Jake nodded then they vanished. Rasmir walked to the rest of the council then he told them what Jake had whispered in his ear. All of them were wide eyed but smiled as they also informed the king and the princess.


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