It Started On Skull Island – Chapter 2 by Preverted1

“Well,” Brian began, “we could just return the boat, and hope for the best. I doubt we’d get away with it, knowing Old Man Hansen, though. Anyone got an idea?”

There was silence for a few minutes, before Marsha cleared her throat in preparation to say something.

“Umm, here’s an idea” she started. “We make this boat smell like an orgy, then tell Old Man Hansen we found it drifting just offshore. If we suggest that Jeff was engaged in something sexually compromising, but don’t say what, maybe he’ll buy it.”

“Shit, you sure can come up with some wonderfully perverted ideas!” Denise spat out. “How do we accomplish all that?”

“How do you think? We all fuck our brains out, get the deck covered in cum, and make sure no surface goes untouched! After tonight, I’m ready to have Brian fuck me until I squirt! That’s if I can. If Denise or I can squirt, and you guys cum all over the deck, we can have this tub smelling like a brothel by sunrise. Or has someone got a better idea?”

The three others stared at each other, torn between the lustful implications of Marsha’s plan and its implementation. For Brian, the thought of spending the next number of hours lovingly pleasuring his girlfriend’s body was a dream come true. The idea of doing so with Ted and Denise mere inches away turned him right off. If he and Marsha had some privacy, though, he’d be more than willing to spill his seed all over Hansen’s decks.

Ted was all for the idea, and the thought of being buried deep inside Denise’s soft and warm cunt had his cock twitching in anticipation. Denise didn’t look as enthused. Like Brian, she preferred a modicum of privacy. For her, the idea of having Ted’s hard cock deep inside her while Brian and Marsha fucked each other almost right beside them was more than she could handle right now.

“Marsha,” Brian started to object, “as much as your idea has a real appeal, I’m not prepared to just lie in this cockpit beside those two and fuck my brains out. Hell, I’m not made that way. I want you for who you are, not what you are. I don’t think of you as just somewhere warm and wet to stick my cock into. I can’t think of you like that. So, as tempting as your idea might be, it’s not gonna work!”

“Yeah, I’ve got the same problem” Denise added. “As much as I love the feeling of Ted deep inside me, I can’t do it when there’s someone laying right beside me, rutting like a wild animal. I just can’t!”

“Slow down, you two” Ted jumped in. “This boat’s gotta be twenty feet long. If Denise and I take the fore-deck, and you two stay here in the cockpit, there’s a windshield between each couple. It’s not much, but it should be enough. Hell, we were all within twenty feet of each other when we were on the beach, and it didn’t make much difference back there. Why would this be all that different? I mean, it’s not like Dennie and I didn’t know what you two were doing, and I’m sure we weren’t subtle enough that you two couldn’t figure it out. So let’s figure out a way to make this work, instead of excuses.”

“I can understand your objections,” Marsha began to explain, “and under other circumstances, I’d agree with Brian and Dennie. But this is a desperate situation. We may not be stuck on the island with a bunch of rapists any more, but we’re not out of the woods yet, are we? There’s still the matter of getting back to the city, getting rid of this boat, and getting Old Man Hansen off our asses. What I was thinking of was making sure Jeff’s cock gets chopped of in the process. If we started a rumour that he was out on the lake to have sex with his buddies, and let it get spread all over town . . . ”

Marsha took a minute to collect herself, searching each of her three companions. In the dim light cast by the star-filled sky, it was hard to tell what each one was thinking.

“Brian,” she continued, “when we made love on the beach, I wanted you. Not just as someone that would pop my cherry as a courtesy, or as a guy that I thought might be cute enough to turn other girl’s heads. I wanted you as a very good friend, as my boyfriend, as my lover. This idea may sound like just one big fuck session, and maybe it is, to an extent. But if we’re gong to have sex all night, I want it to be with a guy that I love, and that loves me. So does Dennie. The point is, you two guys put your lives on the line for us. We know you love us, because if you didn’t, you wouldn’t have taken that much of a risk. Right now, I just want to be with you, loving you, pleasuring you, giving myself to you completely, and in any way you want me. Smearing our combined juices all over this boat is a bonus.”

The other three mulled over all that Marsha had said. In an attempt to convince her boyfriend of the honesty of her statements, Marsha moved to where Brian stood, and encircled him with her arms, then kissed him lightly on his lower jaw.

Denise turned to Ted, pulling him to her, and clung to his young body in an attempt to demonstrate to him just how much she wanted to be with him, too.

“She’s right, guys” Ted confirmed. “I want you, Dennie, and for all the reasons that Marsha just mentioned. And, when you think about it, if you and I are making love, and not just fucking for the sake of fucking, we’ll be in a world of our own, even if they’re right beside us. You’re the girl I want to kiss, hold, and be deep inside. If we’re being honest with ourselves, and with each other, what Marsha is proposing will only work if we make love, and not just fuck. Hell, if all we had to do was cover this boat in cum, we could each pick a corner, and do ourselves solo! But I’ll tell you this right now. If you can actually squirt, it’s not going to happen just on my fingers alone. It’ll only happen if it’s you and I together, Denise. I know Marsha wants us guys to pull out of you when we shoot our loads, and I can understand her reason. It doesn’t mean I have to like it. When you took all my seed, back on the beach, I’ve never felt anything so special in my life. If we do this, I’m going to miss cumming inside you, but if that’s what I have to do to be able to love you again tomorrow, it’s a pretty small sacrifice.”

Ted held his girlfriend a little tighter, and Brian pulled Marsha closer to him.

“You really mean all that?” Brian asked Marsha as he softly kissed her forehead. “About being in love with me, I mean?”

“Yep,” she whispered, “wouldn’t say it if it wasn’t true, and not just because of what you did to save my ass tonight. I’ve been in love with you for months. It’s not my fault that you’re as dumb as a post, and couldn’t see it.”

“Yeah, well, Ted and me are guys. We can’t read minds, ya know. Just things like newspapers” Brian informed the girls, a sarcastic tone to his voice.

“Oh?” Denise injected. “You mean you’ve graduated from just the pictures? I thought that if a picture wasn’t on three pages and didn’t have staples in one of the folds, you couldn’t understand even those!”

“Quiet, woman, or I’ll put my staple in one of your folds!” Ted retorted. There was a sound of giggles from both girls, both from the sarcastic conversation, and from envisioning Ted’s “stapler” in their minds.

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