It’s A Good Day To Die Chapter 3 Alternate by Hawkrider

It’s A Good Day To Die Chapter 3 Alternate by Hawkrider

This is not the true happy ending , Graduation night mission:

I had sent out my letters to Susan and Chelsea a couple days ago.‭ ‬I had put the same address on both since I knew that the party would be held at Susan’s.‭ ‬I had made sure that both had a sign and deliver seal.‭ ‬We get called in to do a high profile snatch‭ ‬and grab.‭ ‬We get paired up and its Bear,‭ ‬BW and me in one team with the others partnering up.‭ ‬We go over the plan while we head to the mansion the local drug lord is in.‭ ‬We get dropped off two clicks south as we go in fast and hard to the location.‭ ‬We get‭ ‬there and see four lookouts.‭ ‬Long Range says he’s got this and I watch while he fires four rapid fire shots killing all four in under three seconds.‭ ‬He turns and smiles.

‭”‬Ladies first.‭” ‬BW flips him off and he turns to me

‭”‬Hey Schoolboy same bet‭?” ‬I look at‭ ‬him

‭”‬Deal but I also want twenty bucks and some glasses because you have the whitest ass I have ever seen.‭” I say while‬Pol snickers

‭”‬For someone who is as tanned as him I have to agree.‭” Pol says while ‬BW shoves me back

‭”‬Well if I win you suck me off.‭” He states while ‬I smirk back

‭”‬No one’s mouth‭ ‬is that small‭” I exclaim ‬while I kick him in the ass and sprint forward

‭ ‬I kick in the door and rush the first guy I see firing.‭ ‬We go through clearing each room.‭ ‬We finish and I hear everyone calling clear for their rooms.‭ ‬BW comes out and Bear is right behind him.‭ ‬I turn to smile at my newest godfather and I hear a sound I will never forget as long as I live.‭ ‬I watch as Bear’s chest explodes and he falls to his knees as some tweeker pops the breech on a sawed-off double barrel shotgun.‭ ‬I snap my M4‭ ‬onto target and‭ ‬I shoot him in both shoulders and his knees.‭ ‬I rush to Bear while he gasps trying to breath.‭ ‬He smiles as he asks me something that he has asked no one else.

‭”‬Schoolboy…no Matt can you deliver a letter to my daughter Lisa‭? ‬I want her to know that she was‭ ‬always on my mind.‭” ‬I nod telling him I would

‭ ‬He smiles as he tells me he has left his family with a better gunsmith than him and that all his toys were now mine.‭ ‬I tell him fuck that and that he was strong and he’d be back in a couple days.‭ ‬He smiles at‭ ‬me before he shakes his head,‭ ‬as he looks into my eyes.‭ ‬He takes one final breathe and he is gone.‭ ‬I cry for the man who has been like a father to me and is now gone.‭ ‬I look at the tweeker and snap.‭ ‬I start pounding him while he begs for me to stop.‭ ‬I hear BW scream for me to stop but I don’t listen.‭ ‬This little fuck killed my friend and I will send him straight to hell.‭ ‬I crack both of his orbital sockets and snap his jaw.‭ ‬I look at Bear and see his old Ka-bar and pull it out.‭ ‬I hack the guys fingers off‭ ‬and start gutting him.‭ ‬As I finish the prick is still alive but barely.‭ ‬I ask BW for his SAW.‭ ‬He looks at me and I snatch it away.‭ ‬I pop it over to full auto and see that I have about‭ ‬200‭ ‬rounds left in the box.‭ ‬I walk to the asshole and I hold that trigger down watching his chest and head explode into a fine red mist.‭ ‬I smile at a job well down.‭ ‬We call in our chopper and I ask BW to grab Bear’s legs.‭ ‬He looks at me.

‭”‬This was our brother and he will get a proper burial.‭” ‬Pol tells BW to do it

‭ ‬The chopper‭ ‬comes two minutes later and we saddle up.‭ ‬I look at Bear’s body and wonder how I will tell Lisa that her father was dead.

A week later outside Lisa’s house:

Once we got back to HQ I found the letter addressed to Lisa.‭ ‬I had‭ ‬$3ct10n8‭ ‬find out where she lived.‭ ‬He tells me Nashville,TN.‭ ‬I take a car and drive there.‭ ‬I arrive outside her house around noon and walk to the door.‭ ‬I see the door open up and a young lady comes out and she looks like she is going to work.‭

‭”‬Are you Lisa Jones‭?” ‬She looks at me

‭”‬Yes and how can I help you‭?” ‬I look at her as I speak

‭”‬I served with your father.‭ ‬It is my unfortuate duty to tell you that he has past away in the line of duty.‭” ‬She looks at me and laughs

‭”‬I’m glad that asshole is died.‭ ‬It’s because of him my mother died.‭” ‬I look at her and I walk to her grabbing her by the throat slamming her into the house as I lean close

‭”‬You little whore.‭ ‬You were the only thing on his mind since he sent you to live with the druggie whore’s mother.‭ ‬He always hoped that one day you’d‭ ‬forgive him.‭” ‬I look her into the eyes,‭”‬This is his letter to you.‭ ‬You will read it NOW.‭”

‭ ‬She looks at me with fear nodding.‭ ‬I hand it to her and she opens it and reads it.‭ ‬She starts to cry as I look at her puzzled.‭ ‬I help her inside and she hands it to me.‭ ‬The letter was basically Bear telling her that he was sorry for being a bad father and that he sent her to live with her grandmother since he knew he’d screw up her life.‭ ‬He hoped that she had a good life and that she continued to have a good life.‭ ‬He tells her that everyday he wanted to call her but his failure to save her mother drove him to abandon her.‭ ‬As I read this I hug her and tell her I’m sorry.‭ ‬She nods as she tells me thank you and she is sorry that I had also lost him.‭ ‬I drive back to HQ and‭ ‬shake my head as I start working on Bear’s last unfinished project….a Barrett M107.‭ ‬I smiled to myself,‭ ‬just watch this Bear.‭ ‬When she’s done you’ll go Schoolboy did this and I taught him everything he know.‭ ‬I get to work on finishing the little darling.

The next few months just pass by with us doing one mission after another.‭ ‬We lose Littlefoot in Iraq and Blastproof in Bulgeria in a conflict.‭ ‬Long Range would leave us in Panama.‭ ‬I have lost four brothers within the last three months.‭ ‬I’m not scared of dying….just of being the last one alive.‭ ‬We get the call and off we head for the next mission to be an easy one and comeback.‭ ‬The next three and a half months are fun being flown all across the world to do what no sane person would do.‭ ‬Before I know it we are in December.‭ ‬We do one mission and‭ ‬$3ct10n8‭ ‬is killed.‭ ‬That hits me hard along with those of us still alive.‭ ‬We all get leave and I am told to sort my emotions out and go home.‭ ‬I fight with Pol and he tells me.

‭”‬I don’t care which way you go but you need to get your head back.‭” ‬I nod and take a flight to Poplar Bluff under my fake name

‭ ‬I pack my night bag since I didn’t own much in the way of clothes anyways.‭ ‬I fly out and see that Christmas is a week away.‭ ‬I rent a Chevy Impala from Enterprise and head to Dexter.‭ ‬I really am regretting coming back.‭ ‬I stay at the Budget Inn under my fake name and plan what I am going to do.


Mary POV-The next morning

I wake up heading downstairs to take care of my three loves.‭ ‬I shed a tear because my loving son isn’t around.‭ ‬This will be the second Christmas I will miss with him.‭ ‬The girls come down and I hear a knock at the door about an hour later.‭ ‬My heart stops while I hope it is Matt.‭ ‬Sarah runs to the door.‭ ‬I heart a little bickering and I see Billy walk in.‭ ‬We exchange some comments before I look at him.


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