Lost Empire 1 by pars001

Lost Empire 1 by pars001

somethings aren’t easy to forget , Light shone off the gleaming black skin of the ship. Over 3 miles long, it had been one of a new race of living A.I. ships engineered to guard the vast Imperial boundary territory. For 800 years the small fleet of fast, sleek ships protected the empire. Many enemies had perished attempting to enter and take the empire. Though the fleet slowly died, the greatest of them was never defeated nor was she ever badly injured.

Finally 2 of the 3 remaining empire guardians were destroyed, defending the borders. It has been a glorious battle, she’d fought bravely destroying the rest of the invaders after the last of her compatriots had exploded. Her rage knowing no bounds, as she took out the last 200 ships. Her crew reported the victory and the destruction of 2 of the last 3 remaining elite ships. The Emperor personally congratulated them, telling them to await transfer and replacement. That had been 200 years ago. The ship lovingly called Shelby by all her crews, began to grow lonely after the last of her crew died 50 years later. 50 years afterward she sent a message on the Imperial net for assistance. Confused when she received no reply, she hoped for recall. Soon however, she began to hunt for a biological humanoid to question, to get the answers she so desperately craved.

Derrick O’Toma looked over the readings, stretching his 6’2” body. This salvage run had to be the worst. Brushing his sandy brown hair from the scar on his cheek, and from his light brown eyes, he sighed, sitting back in the command chair. What the hell did the company expect? Out here? There hadn’t been anything out here since the last 2 of the elite living ships of the old empire were destroyed. Damn, he’d loved to have gotten his hands on one of those old ships, there hadn’t been anything like them in over 1000 years. Too bad the last emperor had such a great distrust of the ships. Derrick felt that they were what had helped keep the empire as great as it was for so long.

Bored, Derrick set the sensors on auto sweep, adjusting the ships controls to react to anything detected. Getting up, he went to lay down, cursing his luck for having drawn this run. He’d just lain down, when he heard a voice, at least he thought he heard a voice. Looking around he shook his head, returning to the control cockpit, he opened the computer com.
“Computer,” Derrick said a little annoyed.
“Online, awaiting orders,” came the monotone, mechanical voice.
“Scan ship, query, are there any other life forms on board besides my self?” Derrick asked.
“Working,” it stated, after 5 minutes it answered, “Analysis complete, no other life forms on board besides Captain Derrick.”
Shaking his head, Derrick decided that the 5 weeks out here alone were starting to get to him.

Lying back down, Derrick felt his eyes close, God he was tired, a little metal, a few circuits not even worth the trip. Huh? Derrick thought this was an unusual dream, as a gray mist area stretched in front of him.
<Hello, I am Elite Imperial Guardian, EIG-0101F, to all humanoid entities who can detect these cerebral waves, I am in need of assistance. Again, any humanoid entity who detects this transmission, please respond.> A voice came from somewhere far away in the mist.
Derrick thought.
He felt a sudden rush, then a beautiful, blonde, green eyed, slender, naked woman was standing in front of him. Derrick could only stare at her perfect appearing body.

<Dam!> Derrick thought, Blushing a bit when he realized he was also naked, he went on,

Derrick thought.
<Finally! A question! I can sense your thoughts, just think and I’ll hear it.> The woman smiled sending a shock through him.
<Wait!> Thought Derrick,

The woman looked at Derrick and smiled again, looking lower, she smiled even larger, <ah! I see my choice of guise is well to your liking!> the woman said, then giggled.
She then went on to describe 800 years of history for the empire. She described things that many, except Imperial historians, didn’t know. (As Derrick’s father had been.)
started Derrick,
Smiling again, the woman explained, <Yes, I am an advanced living A.I., but while I am alive, I am still loyal to the emperor, I can not leave my post without his orders or,> here the woman trembled,


Derrick sighed, his great, great grandfather had been on board one of those ships. He’d written about his experience about 200 years ago. That was when the last of the ships were destroyed and his great, great grandmother never heard from him again.
Derrick thought.
The woman replied, a great sadness in her thoughts.

Derrick hung his head. The woman’s features suddenly dropped, Her thoughts replied sadly.
Derrick answered.
<Studied?> The woman said.
<Yes,> Derrick replied,

The visage of the woman said.
<No,> Derrick sadly shook his head,

The woman was deep in thought,
<Uh,> Derrick thought,
The woman’s face lit up, then a great sadness suddenly crossed it, <Derrick? Derrick O’Toma!> the woman said excited.
<yes,> Derrick said a little shaken,
<Yes,> the woman sadly answered,


Derrick’s mouth hung agape, the last crew member?
Derrick asked a little shaken.
<He,> the woman’s eyes were now were shedding tears,
Here Derrick started to recite a poem his grandfather had told him was known only to the family, from memory.
The whole time he didn’t realize that the woman was staring at him a look of joy growing on her face.


The woman stared at Derrick when he finished, both were actually staring at each other. The woman had spoken the exact same words behind Derrick, his mouth again agape, as was the woman’s.
Derrick breathed out in shock,
The woman nodded a sad smile on her face, with that the woman was gone, Derrick awoke to every proximity alarm on his ship going off.
Looking out the nearest window, Derrick saw the sleek, black skinned, 3 mile long ship along side.
He could see the massive amount of weapons lining almost the entire length of the ship. Holy shit! No wonder the ships had been so good at protecting the borders.


Derrick absently reached over and slapped off the alarms, his mouth agape, he could only stare at the miles of ship. A steady beeping tore his eyes away from the sight.
“Hello,” Derrick almost whispered in awe to the com.
“Hello Derrick,” came a feminine voice, I detected that you wished to see me. I apologize for taking so long to reach you, I was on the direct opposite side of the galaxy.”
Derrick only nodded, then felt foolish knowing the ship couldn’t see him.


“So why are you here?> Asked Derrick.
“You spoke most of the phrase, please speak the remainder to be accepted as primary commanding crew member.” The female voice replied.
“What!!?” Derrick shouted, “Primary? What the hell are you talking about?”
“You are identified as a primary crew member, you and you alone, can command me now if, you speak the last lines,” she said.
Derrick took a deep breath, “A solemn pledge, to each other true, together always a single collection.”
There was a long pause, the woman spoke, “Registering face recognition, registering voice pattern. Awaiting orders Primary Derrick.”

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