Milk of Desire – Book V – Chapter 1 by Efon

Milk of Desire – Book V – Chapter 1 by Efon

It’s time to test various perverted experiments on prisoners on my prisoners to see exactly how I can spread my power. I already know it works when ingested orally, but now I’ve got a lot of tests and a lot of subjects, just not a lot of time before someone might notice them missing. The clock is ticking so it’s time to get to work. , Chapter 1 – A Devil’s Game.

My pants hit the floor as I stood looking down at the bound and gagged senior cheerleader named Melody, the last of my prisoners left upstairs as the bitch Sasha that had maced Jake was hauled down to the basement. She was pretty enough, though Katey was way cuter. Still I’d never fucked someone in anger before so my brain wasn’t really working rationally at the moment. I was mad at Sasha for hurting my best friend, but rather than switch them up I decided I was just going to start by take it out on this cunt and save up for something really special for Sasha. The fact that I’d be forcing myself on an unturned girl for the first time made my blood pump faster with perverted excitement.

I grinned looking down into her tearful eyes as she still struggled at the duct tape bonds that wound around her wrists and ankles. She had been roughed up a little and surely had some bruises forming under her clothes, but there was only one garment I needed removed now. While I decided what to do with her I could feel her terror as she sat on the floor surrounded by her friends from high school, all eagerly watching as I mentally prepared to violate her.

And why shouldn’t they? They were my brood, my harem of minions, loyal to a fault all because of some amazing genetic miracle that was in my sperm. Or something like that. That’s really the whole point of tonight, to finally nail down exactly how people that ingest my spooge fall in love with me. I really never expected this when I accidentally made my older half-sister Jen go from a total bitch to wanton lover, but a dozen girls later, as well as quite a few guys, I was beginning to realize the true power of my gift. I could have whomever, whatever I wanted!

The scope of my power empowered my libido even more so I was rock hard as I took a handful of the crying girl’s hair and smeared my sticky precum ooze across her cheek. “Shhh… you’ll soon be begging for me to fuck you, but I want to keep you pure like this for a little longer.” Then I turned to my sister who stood nearby and held out my hand. “Condom.”

She had already opened it, though instead of handing it to me she placed it right at my tip and pushed it down my shaft, quasi-fucking me with it in her grasp. That was hot, but she was a smart girl with lots of tricks. Even after doing half a dozen girls she and Mom showed me constantly that there was still loads left to learn about sex. Confident I was rigid and well wrapped she stood and kissed me on the cheek before whispering, “You really should dose her first,”

“Soon enough,” I smiled at her and gave her tight ass a playful spank to move her off so I could get back to my first test subject. It was going to be a busy night of experimentation and as much as I love fucking raw I needed to collect every drop of vital spunk I had. I knew it didn’t take much to turn someone, but finding out exactly how much was important, as well as how it could be administered. Heck, if I knew anyone who could do the research I’d love have them check out a sample; maybe do some kind of chemical or DNA analysis, but the fear of becoming a lab rat for the rest of my life kept me from even considering something like that for now.

“Now let’s get your cunt stuffed,” I growled and flung the young girl by her head face first into the big plush couch. She had a lot more fight before she was beaten up, gagged, and bound, yet now facing the actual reality of her getting raped she tried to struggle once more. “Where do you think you’re going?” I laughed as pulled her long brown hair hard, using it like a leash.

As I’d never actually worn on a condom before it felt weird to be doing it with one on now, surrounded by women that I’d all fucked raw, most many times by now, but I had been the one to determine it was a necessity. Not for my protection or even for hers, but to collect every drop of my precious load. It only took a small amount to work it’s magic, charming the mind out of anyone, male or female who ingested it orally and probably vaginally, so wasting a full orgasm on just one person was a waste when I had a full dungeon of a dozen people to convert before the end of the night.

Of course this would also be my first time having sex with someone who wasn’t already under my power, not to mention one that actively hated me. I’d explained away all the sex I’d had up until now as not really rape, but more as my milk had just unlocked their natural desire for me. And as much as I rationally found the idea of rape as abhorrent, I had to test every aspect of this to be sure, for science. Also I think I wanted to hurt someone for what happened to Jake, though she had nothing to do with that she was readily available. Sasha would get worse later.

I pulled her skirt up and and looked at her nice tight panties making a sexy camel toe underneath. “Mrrrmh!” the bound teen mumbled into her gag in terror as I stroked my plastic wrapped cock along her crease to keep it hard for the fucking I was about to give her.

“Shut up cunt,” Lisa scolded her and have her face a slap that wasn’t very gentle. “Don’t you know how lucky you are about to get?”

“It’s okay Lis,” I said explaining, “I’m tempted to remove the gag just to hear her cry as I take her.”

“The neighbors might be a ways off, but they still might hear something like that from up here,” my teacher turned MILF sex friend Misses Shehe cautioned.

“Yea,” I agreed regretfully and pulled her panties aside to finally see her fuzzy fat lips. As I spread them open with my plastic wrapped cockhead I could tell she was no virgin, though she sure was trembling like one.

“Need any lube?” Katie asked, spreading open her own legs, clearly offering to lube me up personally by fucking her a little first. As tempting at that was I to take her as she was.

“Later baby,” I grinned and without any further ado I pushed inside her vagina. Entry a little rough on my first plunge, but she was so loose that it was pretty easy to work my way in with just the basic lube coating the condom already. In fact as I after a few thrusts she started getting wet, probably against her wishes. She was enjoying this even if she didn’t want to, but she was really the only one. For my part I felt like I was fucking a grocery bag instead of a sexy young woman. Also the tightness of the elastic ring was quite distracting, strangling my blood flow at the base of my dick. I started getting pissed that this punishment was becoming more annoying for me than it was for her, and slamming her harder in an effort to feel better was only making it worse as the condom was starting to chafe me.

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