Punishing a slutty sister by sandstorm3636

Punishing a slutty sister by sandstorm3636

Immerse yourself in the thrilling erotic tale 'Punishing a Slutty Sister by sandstorm3636.' This provocative story explores forbidden desires and sibling dynamics, delivering steamy encounters that will leave you breathless. Discover a captivating blend of passion and punishment – perfect for those seeking a tantalizing read. Dive into the adventure now!<br/>

Adrian and Riley’s mother is about to go on a date, leaving her two arguing children alone together to work things out amongst themselves. , Alison Carter was standing in front of her bedroom mirror, checking her reflection as she affixed her earrings. They were not her best ones but they were not the type she would wear outside of special occasions. Her son Adrian was sitting on the edge of her bed with his arms crossed, shaking his head. She had asked him for his opinion on a proper outfit to wear for her first date in over a year, but he had not agreed with any of her choices. As such she had chosen to mostly ignore his input.

“I don’t like this guy; Tobin was it? He looks shady.”

“What do you mean?” Alison asked as she left the bedroom and trotted down the stairs in her high heeled boots.

Adrian followed after her to continue their conversation. As they reached the bottom of the stairs, they both heard the sound of Riley’s door opening so she could follow them. Riley was Adrian’s older half sister.

“You would think you’d be clean shaven for a date, or at least use a clean shaven picture for your tinder pic,” Adrian continued to complain. “He looks scruffy.”

“Some men look better with stubble. He probably knows what appearance looks best on himself,” Alison defended her date whom she had yet to meet.

“If he has to hide his ugly face in his picture, doesn’t that prove he’s not a good fit for you?” Adrian argued.

“No one looks perfect a hundred percent of the time. He just wants to put his best foot forward. If things work out and we see each other for long enough, I’ll eventually see him exactly as nature intended him to look and I can make a decision if he is acceptable to look at. However, for now I am glad he has made the job easier. Tonight I need only look at his personality.”

“You’re way too optimistic. This is why you’ve been divorced twice.”

Suddenly, Adrian felt a sharp pain in-between his legs and saw white flashes in his vision. He fell against the kitchen island holding his balls in pain while his older sister laughed at him. “Don’t forget, it was your father that left last year. At least mine had the decency to fuck off before I was even born rather than waiting 14 years.”

“Riley, don’t kick your brother,” Alison scolded her daughter.

“Yes mother,” Riley agreed after the deed had been done.

“What the hell?” Adrian spat at Alison.

“Don’t use that language with me,” she scolded him.

“Don’t talk to Mom that way,” Riley joined in.

He gritted his teeth as he pulled himself to his feet, resting heavily against the island. Riley went to the fridge and grabbed a bottle of soda. “Hey, that one is mine,” Adrian reminded her.

She popped the cap and took a big gulp before responding. “Sorry, I already opened it,” she made an excuse.

“Mom?” Adrian looked to Alison.

“Riley, try to remember which things Adrian bought with his allowance. Adrian, if you put it in the fridge where everyone can see it, then anyone can take it,” she gave each of them a non-threatening instruction.

“Even if I hide it in the back, she still takes my stuff,” Adrian complained.

“If I can see it, than it wasn’t hidden,” Riley retorted. “Just keep it out of the fridge altogether.” She took another gulp to accent her victory.

“Who wants to drink warm soda?” Adrian argued.

“Not me, thanks,” she laughed while taking another sip.

“Behave while I’m gone,” Alison instructed them both.

“She doesn’t behave when you’re here,” Adrian spat angrily.

“Careful, or I’ll kick you again,” Riley warned him.

“No kicking,” Alison reiterated.

“Yes Mother,” Riley responded without the slightest intention of keeping her promise. No matter what she did to Adrian, her mother would just tell her not to do it again but never stop her if she did.

By the time Adrian was able to recover, Alison had already left on her date. The two siblings were left alone together. “Well, this is awkward,” Riley chuckled. When there was someone else in the room, Riley could play off of them and make her rivalry with Adrian seem justified. When it was just them, she had no room to argue anything. How could she convince the object of her abuse that she was justified?

The two of them had only a passing similarity in appearance. Like Alison, they were both slender, though Adrian had brown hair and lighter skin. Riley had black hair that she usually kept in a ponytail when at home. She also had bronze tan skin and toned muscles. She was a member of the track team at school and a bona fide popular girl. At the moment she was wearing minimal makeup, a tank top and track shorts. Her long slender legs were shining from the reflection of the fluorescent kitchen lights, as was her exposed forehead.

Adrian’s messy hair was dark with sweat from his painful ordeal. He was wearing a black t-shirt and red basketball shorts. He was not a starter on the team or anything and he was nowhere near as athletic as his older sister but he was still fit. At the moment he was still glaring at Riley as she tried to avoid his gaze.

“You’re going to burn a hole through me,” she whined. “Can’t you just let it go?” She had to try bargaining since she could not just lie like with Alison.

“I’ve done that too many times to count,” he reminded her.

“Well, it’s kinda your fault for being such a wimp. Why don’t you ever fight back?”

“Because Mom would actually punish me,” he explained.

“You just need to know how to play her. For example, no one is here but us. If you attack me but don’t leave any bruises, then when I tattle to Mom you can just laugh and say something like Riley is always hitting me and I barely tapped her.”

“Is that how you get away with it? Does Mom think you barely tapped my balls with your foot?”

“She can’t very well check them for bruises, can she? She has no idea how painful it is for a guy. She has had two failed divorces and she would love to kick both of those men in the balls. It’s such an easy target for me because Mom just can’t understand it as a real issue.”

“And you can?” Adrian raised a confused eyebrow.

“Oh yeah, I’ve kicked every one of my boyfriend’s in the balls at least once.”

“Before or after you broke up?” Adrian asked.

“Mostly after, sometimes it was the cause of the breakup. Men are so easy to control if you aren’t afraid to hit them where it hurts.”

“Where does it hurt on a girl?” Adrian posed a question.

“Well, women are weaker than men in general, so anywhere really. The whole reason we kick you there is so you can’t retaliate like we know you will.” Riley began to root through the fridge. After a moment she brought out a box of leftover pizza from the night before when Alison did not feel like cooking.

Adrian did not pay much attention until she opened the box to reveal that only one slice was left. “Hey, wasn’t there half a pizza before.”

“I already ate three slices,” Riley explained.

“That’s not fair, we always split the leftovers. You didn’t leave any for Mom or me.”

“You’re right. Mom might be mad. I’ll tell her we each had two and she’ll have to accept it.”

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