“RUNAWAY” Chapter 9 “Pushing The Limits” by brokenwing

Joseph’s intension was just a quick peck but with her hands around his neck and her mouth open kissing more passionately he couldn’t just break the kiss and pull away. He was strong enough to hold his body over hers but without too much thought he slowly eased his weight onto her body. It had been so long since he last had sex, just trapping his fully hard cock between his body and hers was almost enough to make him cum. He managed not to but couldn’t deny how amazing it felt to have it pressed against her soft body.

He was relived that she did not react negatively or begin to tremble because of feeling him lowering his weight more onto her. The kiss, despite both of their morning breath, turned passionate quickly. He used her arms around his neck as a gage that she was okay. He thought as long as they remained around his neck, that was an affirmation that she was comfortable with his body lying on hers.

As the kiss continued he stopped working at holding his body up and let himself carefully settle on top of her. He put his own hands to the sides of her face holding her gently with the kiss.

For a few minutes he let himself get lost in the kiss, he couldn’t remember feeling so excited and aroused for a woman except shortly before marrying his wife.

Like a teen boy he moved his hips slightly dry humping the young woman under him to stroke his cock. Neither of them were wearing much clothing. He was just in his boxers and she was still in her blue top, panties and no bra.

Every ounce of his being wanted to take advantage of the situation. He loved kissing Sammi. Her kisses were not timid at all, they were soft, wet and had a strange vulnerability to them, like she was inviting him to kiss her deeper.

But making on time deliveries was part of his companies reputation. It was a reputation he had worked hard to build that he only failed to deliver on when there were horrible weather conditions and even a few times despite bad road conditions he had found a way to make the deadline.

With the time they had wasted at breakfast the previous day he was nearing the point of not making the delivery before end of the business day.

He would still be paid for delivering the load, but the substantial on time bonus would be lost. Was sex, now with Sammi worth that sacrifice.

Just as he was struggling with the decision she moved her arms to around his waist.

He reluctantly broke the kiss and said, “Sammi, I’m so very sorry, but in order to keep my commitment to an on time delivery we really need to hit the road and with that he firmly pushed up and moved towards the front side of the sleeper and she let go of his waist saying, “Oh, of course.” She wasn’t sure herself what she wanted but it felt incredible to be able to lie with someone who didn’t then force sex on her.

He found his pants and a shirt and his flip flops. Sammi, knowing she definitely needed a bathroom break also pulled her shorts and shoes on. Joseph put the leash on Ol’Jake and the three of them departed the cab of the truck.

On the walk to the restrooms, Roger’s words echoed in her mind, “Dirty, filthy, pain slut. Your body needs to hurt more Holly.” She started to feel terrible shame and humiliation because her how her body had responded to kissing Joseph, her breasts felt swollen, her areolas puffy and her nipples were fully pointy and hard. Inside her panties she was soaking wet, all symptoms of a dirty, filthy, pain slut.

Upon getting back in the cab after they all took care of their business Joseph got out a few breakfast bars he had and said, “If you don’t mind we will skip stopping for breakfast and lunch, other then maybe a fast food drive through to hopefully get there on time. If we’re on time and get the bonus I’ll take you out for a nice dinner to celebrate. That is after we get the truck cleaned up.” He added with a wink. He then slid off his flip flops and put on socks and shoes.

Without any further delay he navigated the truck out of the rest stop and back onto the highway. Ol’Jack was happy as Sammi was once again petting him.

Sammi’s mind was racing through so many thoughts. She wondered if she should feel shame for what she did this morning. She wondered if Joseph wasn’t even interested in her that way. Her logical mind told her she should be at school flirting with a boy around her age, yet she found herself waking sharing the bed with an over fifty year old man and thinking about having sex with him. It was hard not to hate who she had become.

She looked down at the puzzle piece tattoo on her wrist covering the scar she made using a knife from her mother’s kitchen the night following her visit to the tattoo shop. She touched it gently with her finger tips thinking about everything she had been through.


Holly walked back into her home numb. Roger even helped her all the way to her room and to her bed. Her body ached and her sex felt so raw, swollen and sore. She crawled into her bed feeling more like an object then a person.

She wasn’t sure if she took a nap or slept at all but the hours seemed to crawl by before at some point Roger came to her room, when she didn’t get up out of bed he walked over took a hand full of her hair and pulled her out of the bed to her feet. He put his hand on her shoulder walking her towards the bedroom but spanking her bottom with the belt every two or three seconds. “Get cleaned up” he commanded as he continued to walk her all the way in the bathroom striking her butt with the belt until they were standing by the shower. She was moving slow and lethargic so he began pulling at her clothes helping her undress until she was naked.

He loved the feeling of power and control that gave him. He even turned on the water for her and helped her get into the tub standing under the shower head. Since she was still moving slow he gave her a command, “Wash.” She slowly added body wash to her hand and began washing her body.

Roger had never felt this much power and control over another person. He had relationships in the past where he had become abusive and had his partner intimidated into being compliant but nothing near the way Holly had become and none of those women had a body half as gorgeous as Holly.

He couldn’t resist staying in the bathroom with her and he took the time to look at her naked body. For the young age she was he had to admit she had an amazing body. Her bra size was a 32 B and he guessed her waist was about 24 inches and her hips appeared to be around 32 inches as well. She looked like a model to him. He delighted at the fresh red marks on her bottom caused by him just hitting her with the belt and the black and blue spots on her body excited him too. He had to admit there was something sick about that.

The bandages were still in place over her tattoos but he couldn’t wait to remove them. He found himself needing to push her to get her moving with her shower.

He finally left her to finish her shower and went to her room digging through her closet finding the highest heels he could and clothes he thought she would look sexy wearing.

Like she had been doing lately, Holly took a very long hot shower until the water started getting cold. When he heard the shower turn off he hurried into the bathroom and enjoyed watching her every move. It made her very uncomfortable. He told her to brush her teeth and to apply light makeup. Once she had her teeth and hair brushed she applied light makeup and she was surprised when he pulled her towel off her hanging it on the rod.

“Your look beautiful natural, no reason to hide anything around me, I’ve seen all of you” he said then guided her to her room.

There lying on her bed was a think white blouse, a basic white bra, white lace bikini panties, a full white skirt with large red roses and on the floor next to the bed were red high heel shoes with ankle straps.

She looked at the clothing and then looked at him oddly and asked, “Where are we going?”

He had an incredulous look on his face but then decided to give her a vague answer, “We’re going to see a friend of mine, but I owe you no explanation, just do as you’re told, get dressed.

Holly felt so uncomfortable because he just stood there watching her. No one, not her mom or a girlfriend had ever just watched her get dressed. Only after getting the bra and panties on did she feel a little less self conscious.

Once she was dressed he looked her over with a look of satisfaction on his face apparently pleased with the clothes he had selected.

She followed him to his car and he opened the passenger door for her. They took about a 45 minute drive when they pulled up in the circle driveway of a nice hotel. Two men in uniforms opened both of the car doors and she was offered a hand as she stepped out of a car. She was surprised when Roger walked over to her and offered her his elbow. A doorman opened and held the door open for them. He led the way through the lobby to the elevator, pressed the button and when one of the elevators opened he stepped in with her. He pressed the button for the tenth floor.

After just a few seconds the elevator bell rang and the doors opened on the tenth floor. He led her down the hallway to room 1018 and knocked on the door. After a few seconds a middle aged man, she thought to be in his forties, dressed in a blue button down dress shirt, a navy tie with light blue flowers and navy blue dress slacks and well as black men’s dress shoes opened the door. He motioned them in with his hand and said, “Welcome, come on in.”

Once in the room the well dressed man with jet black short trimmed hair, offered her his hand and introduced himself to her, “Greetings, I’m Jim.”

Very timidly she offered her hand to him and very softly said, “Holly.”

He had just motioned towards a sofa in the hotel room suite when there was a knock at the door. Jim quickly replied, “Excuse me that must be our dinner.” He opened the door and a room service person brought in a rolling table. He unfolded the sides of the table making it larger and then showed Jim the food under covers over the plates. He tipped the room service employee and then stepped back out of the door. Jim moved three chairs to the rolling table and motioned for Holly to sit down in one. He then motioned for Roger to take a seat.

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