“RUNAWAY” Chapter 9 “Pushing The Limits” by brokenwing

Jim then removed the lids from all the plates and opened a bottle the cork shooting off hitting the ceiling and poured something to drink in all three of their glasses. They also each had a glass of water.

He asked Holly which of the plates she would like and she chose one where she saw chicken. Roger took fish and Jim took a plate with a steak.

With the fact that Roger said Jim was his friend Holly was surprised that Jim directed the conversation towards her, asking her about school, her favorite subject any extra curricular activities she participated in. When she answered that she wasn’t in any, Jim asked her about dance and gymnastics that she had taken in the past. He asked her if she was flexible and could do the splits.

The last thing Holly expected was for the visit to Roger’s friend to become a discussion about her. It felt very creepy to her that he seemed to know things about her. The longer the meal lasted the more uncomfortable she felt.

After finishing with their main dish, Jim pulled out three deserts and again let Holly pick which she wanted. She picked a pretty red cake with white icing that Jim called Red Velvet Cake.

She tried to be careful how much of the bubbling drink Jim had poured from the bottle she drank but both Jim and Roger kept telling her to take a sip. While she knew it was alcohol and she was very unsure, she was pretty confident that there would be consequences for not doing as she was told.

On occasion either Jim or Roger would pour more from the bottle into her glass so she lost track of how much she was drinking. She ate most of her desert and noticed that Jim was starting to touch her hand and wrist more often.

Once they finished eating, Jim said to Holly, “You need to see the view from here” and he stood up, pulled out her chair and guided her into another part of the room where the bed was and had her look out of the large window out to a balcony and over a beautiful park with a river.

But when she finished looking at the view and turned back to the room she realized there was a door, now closed between the bedroom area of the hotel room and the part of the room where they ate and Roger was nowhere to be seen. She felt her throat fall into her stomach.

The moment that Jim saw the realization in Holly’s eyes that she understood they were alone he charged at her quickly pushing her towards the nearest wall, knocking her off balance with her in the high heels but using his strength to lift and hold her up until she was pressed against the wall.

Holly was starring at him with her eyes wide, totally caught off guard by how quickly he rushed at her and pushed her against the wall. His hands were initially placed under her arms since he knocked her off balance to keep her on her feet. But once she got over the initial shock of being shoved into a wall she realized his right hand was feeling and squeezing her left breast through her blouse and bra. Jim broke the silence in the room other then the sounds of their movements by saying, “Roger says you’re turned on and into it rough. I like it that way too. He really understated how beautiful you were.”

As he was talking to her, he switched hands and used his left hand to feel and squeeze her right breast. He then leaned in to give her a kiss, but when he did she turned her face to the right to avoid his kiss.

Roughly he grabbed her chin with his thumb and two fingers and forced her to face him again, but the moment her face was straight he used his right hand to slap her left cheek. The slap was hard and left Holly stunned for a few seconds. Once again he pushed his mouth to hers and of course this time she didn’t turn away. He was even pleased how quickly her mouth opened allowing him to kiss her deeply.

She didn’t realize it, until he broke the kiss that he had unbuttoned half of the buttons of her blouse from the top down. But the second he broke the kiss she felt his left hand push into her shirt and push hard at the bra until his fingers forced their way under the bra cup covering her left breast.

It didn’t feel good in any way his fingers jammed hard against the firm breast flesh and his fingers pressed and probed until they found her nipple. The second they did, they pinched and pulled on her nipple harder then she would have thought anyone could while still having a bra on.

She tried to use her arms to push him away or at least to push that hand off her nipple as the pulling hurt pretty bad.

To her horror when she tried to push him away with her arms it made him smile and it seemed like the second she saw his smile, she felt his right hand once again slap her across the face.

The slap was hard enough it forced her head to turn to the side but the minute it did he pulled his left hand out from her breast and again used his thumb and two fingers to turn her head till she was once again facing him.

“Roger didn’t tell me you fight back. I love a girl who fights back. Stop me Holly, don’t let me hurt you, do your best to stop me, maybe, just maybe, I’ll stop” he said with a strong voice his eyes locked with hers.

He then grabbed both of her wrists each with one of his hands and lifted them up pinning them just above her heard. He then pushed his body against hers and kissed her once again.

Holly wasn’t sure what to do, she wasn’t sure he seriously would stop but she decided she at least had to try and turned her face the other way this time.

He repeated the process using his right hand to turn her face back to center by using his thumb and two fingers. Once she was facing him again he slapped her a bit harder this time but with the same hand his right on her left cheek but this time he moved it fast and after slapping the left side of her face he brought his hand back across and backhanded her right cheek but also got her nose. That immediately drew blood from her nose that dripped down onto her mouth chin and even her blouse. She immediately started to cry making her makeup run

The look of satisfaction in his eyes terrified her.

Once again he grabbed firm hold of each of her wrists with each of his hands but this time he lifted them over her head until they were touching and he managed to grab hold of both wrists with one hand.

Once he hand a firm hold of them both with his left, his right hand went down to her thigh and started tugging the long full skirt up until his hand had moved the skirt high enough to reach her bare thigh. From there he worked his hand up to her panties. He rubbed around on her white lace panties a bit until his fingers worked to between her legs. Not very gently his finger rubbed and felt through her panties working to find her sex.

He first used his right leg, to push her left leg out to the side a bit then did the same with his other leg pushing her right foot out. Then once again his fingers started rubbing and probing over her panties on her sex.

To the most part it was uncomfortable and didn’t feel good to her but despite her hatred for what he was doing eventually all the finger probing at her sex started getting her panties wet. Jim pushed his face to the side of hers and said softly by her ear, “Mmm, Roger was right you get turned on being hurt. Can you feel it sweetie your panties are getting wet.”

He then roughly pushed a finger inside the leg hem of her panties until his finger rubbed her bare sex.

He then pulled his finger out and smeared the wetness just under her bottom lip at the top of her chin.

Out of nowhere he picked her up and quickly carried her over to the bed and like a tackle slammed her body hard against the mattress. He then pounced on her body straddling her thighs. He started very roughly grabbing and pulling at her breasts.

She realized her arms were free so she swung at him with little skill one swing hitting his chest and another his left cheek. “No, no stop, get off of me please” she begged.

As Jim had said before he loved that she was fighting back. He intentionally pinched her breast, stomach and sides without trying to restrain her hands but as she swung her arms trying to hit and stop his pinches he quickly would hit her arms away. Her wild swinging arms hardly made any contact with his body except for where his arms and fists struck her arms knocking them away.

A few times she managed to hit his chest with her fist but he just used that as a reason to slap her across the face. Slowly he worked to unbutton the last few buttons of her white blouse and knew he had them all unbuttoned when it pushed open.

Out of nowhere he quickly used his legs to lift his body weight up off of her and grabbed a shoulder and hip and flipped her over onto her belly. Once there he lowered his weigh back onto her sitting on her bottom.

He could tell she was tired from the struggle so for a few minutes he didn’t do much but stroke her hair playfully.

Holly was full of anger, fear and confusion not sure of what to do or not do. Only a few weeks ago she never would have even imagined something like this happening.

Once her breathing calmed a bit he very deliberately pushed her blouse up and unhooked her bra.

“Please, don’t. I don’t want this. You’re hurting me” she cried.

Her begging delighted him and made him want to defeat her mind more so he carefully reached under her shoulders grabbing hold of the now open blouse and slowly pulled it down her shoulders, arms, wrists and finally off her hands.

He then firmly placed all eight of his finger tips just below her shoulders and scratched down her back with his fingernails, like a lover would do for their partner. He scratched her back in different angles and directions several times especially where the bra had been slowly increasing the pressure until his nails were leaving scratch marks.

Once again he caught her completely unprepared when he lifted his weight off her, grabbed a handful of her hair and her left forearm and lifted her back up to her feet.

He hurriedly pushed her over to the end of a dresser until her legs were up against the end then put his hand hard on the back of her neck pushing her upper body down onto the cold smooth stone top of the dresser.

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