The Forgotten Heroes Chapter 6 “The falling blade in the.dark.” by Interesting Reed

You interrupted Eve. “Fallen Lands the dwarf has business to take care of there on my behalf. Eve here will go and make sure she isn’t delayed and will guard her as I make my way back there after I attend to business here.” Captain Flank rubbed his chin. “Your a busy one then again all delvans stay busy. The Fallen Lands nope I can’t do it. I’m going back to La’Quin after another few days. The Fallen Lands is no where near where I’m going. Try the merchant ships a lot of supplies is sold to that realm by this one.The dwarf ships captains can be found in or behind the whore house.” Eve looks disappointed she really hoped to get off the Island. “Many thanks Captain Flank I will have to look up a merchant ship.” You drink the last of your beer and walk out with Eve.

“He was no help.” Eve said as you and her left the tavern. “In his way he was. He told us to leave and where to find him.” Eve was confused she didn’t remember him saying anything like that. “When was this?” Eve asked scratching her head. “Never mind that Eve. Refill the water skins and take them to Grace I’m sure they’ll be thirsty her and the boy.” Eve took the extra water skin. “Where are you going Buck?” You look at her in the eyes and tell her. “Trust me it was worth it. I’ll be back to grab you soon.”

With that you both split ways. Eve walked over to a near by well as you disappeared into a crowd of elves. Eve was concerned as she felt a great burden on your mind. “That fool better not get himself killed.” Eve whispered to herself as she made her way back to Grace.

You where just making your way around the building of the Wanton Lass taking mental notes of the surrounding buildings. Also making sure you counted the number of personal guards in the front door and walking about that you could see from the windows. Just as you did your second survey of the building you heard someone behind you. “Your slipping up Knight.” Captain Flank said as he came closer to you. “I’m not slipping up I was waiting for you.” You say as you walk to meet the Captain. “What’s you been up to Flank besides still playing the naval captain role.” Flank laughed heartily. “Smuggling people in and out of what ever they wanted.” Captain Flank said as he extended his arm in friendship. “I don’t tend to run into cargo after I drop it off so imagine my surprise when I see the knight I dropped off not a week ago right before I take off again.”

You smile as you shake his hand. “It’s the Gods luck I ran into you when I did. I see the men still won’t let you sit with them when your drinking that vial drink.” Flank gets a serious look on his face. “That happens to be a delicacy to drink and can knock a giant on there ass.” You both share a laugh. “I need your help Flank. I have a dwarf and elf who need to get off the Island.” Flank looks at the building then at you. “What about you huh? Want me to take you out of here too?” You shake your head no. “I need you and your men to make a proper distraction while I go handel some debt.”

“Distraction like what I pulled to get out of that marriage back in La’Quin?” Flank asks you. “Not as bloody but sort of like that I just need a few minutes with no guards to get in the whore house undetected.” You tell Frank who gives you a mischievous smile and heads back to the tavern to grab his men. You hope that they don’t get to rowdy. Thinking back of the voyage to the North Island from the Fallen Lands.

You first ran into Captain Flank in the docks. He was having a Elven pride fight. Where the two participants hold a long cloth in between each others teeth with a short blade as the only weapon. Flank was winning the fight he even started to toy with the young elf. The young elf was obviously tired and never saw Flanks leg sweep coming. With a swift leg sweep the young elf fell down pulling Flank on top of him. Flanks blade was falling towards the younger elf’s face,but Flank twisted his wrist and embedded the knife into the wooden dock missing the young elf’s face. Flank got up and kicked him in the stomach digging his heel into his gut. “The out come of the fight shown you to be a Va’leck.” He spat at the young elf. You walked up to Captain Flank and asked if he is going to the North Island. “Who said I was going there?” Flank asked you as he grab his blade free. “A mutual acquaintance around town.” You answer while getting closer. Flank got his knife up and pointed it at you. The shady characters surrounding him began to close in on you. “A mutual acquaintance where? I’m a very popular and well likeable elf so you have to be more specific.” You opened up your fine river rat coat and revealed the sixth dragon black knight patch. “A mutual acquaintance in the knights barracks.” As soon as the sailors saw the knights patch they stopped in there tracks.

“Oh that acquaintance…why didn’t you say so I might be stopping by the North Island but if I’m taking cargo over there I don’t do it for free.” Captain Flank said as he sheathed his knife into his belt. “Fifty silver fiesta per crate for a one way trip anything that breathes is two gold fiesta.” You grab the fiesta and pass him a only one and keep the other. “One now the other after I step on the North Island.” Captain Flank chuckles at your offer. “All right knight let’s get going get on the ship.” The ship was a long boat style ship. With a carving of Ta’lesh the God of the sea and oceans on the head of the ship. Ta’lesh held a javelin pointing forward with wild waves splashing up around him as his lower body was submerged under the crashing waves its sails rolled up as it bobbed in the dock. “Its a fine sail boat.” You said as you make your way up the three story boat. “Sure is always gets me to where I point her to knight.”

Your reminiscing is interrupted when you heard Flank and his men make there way into the Waton Lass. You gave them a short while to stir up trouble. Although it never takes long for Flank and his men long to start trouble. Not even a minute after the men got in the whore house you heard a woman scream and the sound of fighting. The guards at the door run in and you slip in right behind them. When you entered you saw Flank with a bottle of his dank wine forcing a whore to drink it while his men hold off the guards. You move past the ground floor and make your way to the top floor. Along the way you hear men panting as they plow the whores behind flimsy wooden doors.

Soon you ran into two beastkin mercenaries. One was a Zelt a thin reptilian type of beastkin who live in the arid deserts in the far east on the bordering lands near the Talviallny Empire. The other was the Oxal you saw in the shadow market with the shaved face. They were busy arguing. “I’s tell yews she wouldn’t change hers mind.” The zelt said to the oxal with a heavy and hissing accent. “Hmm…Narcaliptal will be disappointed. Come Shaish we been away to long.” The oxal pushed pass you on the stairs. “Tread carefully human.” He said as he bumped into you. The zelt hissed as she passed you. Pulling your hood farther down to cover your face from there eyes. No guards on the outside hopefully she will be alone. You test to door to see if it’s open. The door slightly goes ajar. You place your eye to the cracked door and peek in.

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