The Maintenance Man another repair 4 by pars001

“Mark it’s been too long, we’ve decided that we need you,” Nissie said as she washed Mark’s back. “We’ve also decided that we are going to help you relax like we used to,” Sam said as she gently massaged Mark’s now stiffening and growing member. Mark was surprised, he’d thought that after the children they hadn’t wanted sex any more, true they had been busy, sighing Mark decided he still had a lot to learn about females and relations.

Grabbing Sam’s breast he ran his hand over it’s soft smoothness, eliciting a small groan from her. Flicking the nipple he felt he tense up from the shook waves it sent through her body. Breathlessly Sam gasp out, “we’ve also decided we want another child from you.

” This stopped Mark for a moment, thinking only a moment he said, “Are you both sure? You both had a hard time last time. I don’t want anything to happen to you, you and the children are the most precious people in my life.

” Looking at each other they both smiled large, Nissie finally spoke, “Yes we’re both sure, so please shut up while we still have time you know Arthur and Catrina won’t sleep long.” Finally Mark’s eyes opened wide, they weren’t kidding! They really wanted more children!

Grabbing Sam he began to kiss his way lower on her, pulling him up Sam and Nissie both said, “Not here silly come to bed!” Damn they could frustrate him at times, both were on the bed already engaged with each other when he finally emerged from the bath. For a moment Mark was admiring the view, then hurried to the bed to join them.

Both grabbed him pushing him on the bed as Nissie climbed on and sunk all the way to Mark’s groin, a low moan escaping both their throats, it HAD been too long! Nissie began to wonder why she’d stopped having sex with Mark this was sheer heaven. Sam climbed up Mark’s body lowering her vagina to Mark’s thirsty lips, a screech almost escaped her lips which Nissie stiffuled with a passionate kiss.

Mark knew he wasn’t going to last long, sex had almost been forgotten for a few years now. Finally Mark felt his scrotum tighten as his balls began to pump his semen deep within Nissie’s body, Nissie, feeling the hot liquid filling her, quickly found her own release. Mark’s ministrations weren’t lost on Sam as she too found release.

Breathless, they all lay panting on the bed, each in turn beginning to question why they had stopped having sex. Leaning over Sam whispered in Mark’s ear, “Don’t you dare forget you owe me the next batch.” With a giggle at the look on Mark’s face she got, begrudgingly out of bed.

Mark laid there a few minutes, many ideas forming in his head. The fact that Tantka had made a move this fast after escaping prison, then there was the Styrox, something Tantka had shown them had boosted their confidence that they thought they could easily take the empire. The fact that Tantka could easily hack the systems Mark had helped to develop years ago was.

.. that was it!

Leaping out of bed Mark ran naked through the house to his comp, though they didn’t mind the show Nissie and Sam ran after him with clothes, after all the kids could wake up at any time. An exasperated sigh later for having to stop, Mark was hard at work digging through the files of every program he’d ever written or installed on the imperial fleet. An hour later he found part of what he’d been looking for, so obviously Tantka had studied them closely in prison.

Mark began to see back doors around shield systems, weapons systems hell even the engine systems of all the ships in the Imperial fleet. No wonder they’d lost so many ships at first, at least the new updates had almost completely stopped that. For the next 2 hours Mark went through the readings of the Styrox ships, hmmm it appeared they had older systems of the empire that were considered out of date so almost all information on them were deleted, a big mistake.

“Sam,” Mark started, “I need all the plans we have on the old Imperial defense systems, I think I know why Tantka and the Styrox are feeling so confident.” Another 3 hours and Mark was finally starting to get a better idea into why his updates hadn’t worked at first. Contacting the Imperial space force leader, Mark finally had something concrete to give the leader to fight against the Styrox with.

“I think I found out why they are so damn cocky.” Mark started, “I’ve been over all the readings I took of the Styrox fleet while they were attacking. It appears that Tantka is using older programs that the empire abandoned years ago, it appears that they are better when the Styrox incorporated them into their systems.

” “Why would that give them an advantage?” the leader inquired. “With Tantka’s help, the programs are far more dangerous when applied to the Styrox systems, it appears that they work far better for them than they ever did for the empire.

” Mark was exasperated, he felt that he should have seen this first, but then again the easier the fix the more he seemed to over look it. The leader just shook his head, he wasn’t about to admit that he hardly had any idea what the hell Mark was talking about. “So you’re saying that you can over ride them?

” the leader asked. “Not really over ride as much, as I can see how and where they are being used, it won’t be too hard to counter them now.” Mark replied matter-of-factly.

The leader nodded his head a little more onto what Mark was saying, “that’s good we’re still getting our asses handed to us, any advantage would be good.” Worried for a moment Mark asked, “just how bad is it? I thought you had plenty of back up?

” “We do but till the whole fleet is here they still have the advantage in sheer numbers. Plus they have an annoying habit of growing more ships. Hell we destroy 1 and there’s another to take it’s place the next day.

The only way to truly defeat them is to take out their mother ships and those are extremely shielded with powerful weapons, makes it a little difficult to get near them.” Mark was also nodding his head when an idea hit him telling the leader he had an idea and would contact him later. Pulling a well worn com from his pack Mark was soon staring at the image of the school’s head master.

“Hello sir,” Mark started with a smile, The older man’s eyes grew wide then he replied, “In all the years I have known you I can only remember you smiling at me twice. Alright Mark what are you needing now?” The shock apparent on his face Mark could only shake his head when the older man chuckled at him.

“I need to know where the council stands on the updates I did to the eradicator virus, I believe that we may have use for it,” Mark replied a little unsure as to how the head master was going to react. “They have gone over it extensively, as of yet they haven’t found anything wrong with the first 3/4 of it. I am confident that they will finally approve it, why?

What is so desperate that you need it?” The man asked a look of concern on his face. “I realize that not much news has reached there from out here near the boundary, but the empire has been invaded.

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