The Master’s Cabin by PJ Wolfwalker

The Master’s Cabin Pt 4

There was stew simmering on the wood range when I arrived back in late afternoon as the sky was darkening. I heaved duffel bags onto the dock & told you to put them in the wheelbarrow & take them to the cabin, in the bedroom. I was pleased to see how relaxed you looked, how glowingly happy. Whatever had happened, it was a special moment of your own that you’d share with Me when you chose to.
Things like an extra chainsaw & spare parts for the old one, a couple of plastic snow shovels, a large sack of wild birdseed, a feeder & pole to put it where the squirrels wouldn’t reach it, all came piling up over the side of the boat on the dock.
“Tomorrow, if the weather’s still okay will be the last water cargo run for the Fall, ” I told you matter-of-factly, “then, we’ll take in the floating dock for winter.”
I ruffled your hair, short-cropped the way I’d cut it one night when you’d grumbled about it always falling in your eyes, making your head too warm. You learned a lot about grumbling around Me over the past several months too…
Next morning was calm & light, and I was gone with only tea & bread as I set out with the boat for wherever I went. When I returned, you saw I had a barrel of gas in the second boat, along with red fuel cans, cases of oil & parts for recreational equipment. It took both of us with sturdy sticks to roll the barrel up the beach til I could maneuver it into a small shed the size of an outhouse where I stored gas, oil or other dangerous materials like the fuel for the chainsaw, & outboard motor. We were finished before lunch.

Your eyes grew large as I opened one of the duffel bags from the day before, passed you a rain jacket and a floater jacket like Mine in your size, helped you into it, & zipped you in. It was only then you noticed the second boat had a small outboard on it also, as I took your hand, walked to the dock, & left the ‘regular’ boat tied, untied the second one, starting the little outboard that purred to life and we pulled away from the dock & headed down the lake.

An outing! Your very first since I brought you to the cabin over half a year ago, but this time you weren’t blindfolded & gagged after being moved who knew how far in seclusion, totally disoriented as a captive. I glanced up at the sky as I pulled into a small cove and shut off the motor. Turning to you I asked, “You remember how to swim don’t you?” You nodded, but replied the water was much too chilly for a dip in early November. I grinned & commented the bottom was shallow enough here we could likely walk ashore if we had to, but dropped the little anchor over the side. “Strip.” I ordered as I sat down to remove My jacket, floater jacket & started removing My jeans, only keeping My sneakers on. You warily, slowly complied, shaking, partly from the chill in the air, partly from apprehensiveness of what was to happen next.

I tossed My things into the bottom of the boat & took your hand, pulling your things down & you down with Me. I kissed you, caressing your bare goose-bumped skin, nuzzling your nakedness as I pulled you close.

“We only stopped to make love!” you commented when I was about to bury my tongue between your taut thighs. I nodded, as you gasped in pleasure while I laved my tongue into your warm, wet slit. I felt your hot mouth engulf my hardness a moment later. We were at a fever pitch when I knelt you up leaning you on one of the seats as I slid easily inside you from behind. In minutes we were both feeling our climaxes flood through us, deep inside you as the little boat splashed gently in the small cove. I bit the nape of your neck as I withdrew from you and started dressing.
Before you had your clothes back on, I’d pulled up the anchor and restarted the motor, & was pulling out onto the lake. You pulled on the t-shirt, fleece jacket & floater jacket fast, sitting naked from the waist down, looking at Me like an indignant duck. I nodded my approval as I looked you over, looking at your bare legs & dripping pussy with appreciation. You finally pulled on the jeans, a couple of minutes before I turned in at another cove, but this one I cut the motor & beached the boat on the small sandy beach.

I was un-mounting the motor and told you to bring the oars as I climbed out, pulling the boat further onto the sand. You could see through the bushes the back of a garage-sized building I was striding toward. I had the garage door unlocked and open by the time you caught up, put the small outboard on a stand, took the oars from you & placed them in a rack on the wall.

“Come on,” I said as I breezed past on the way back to the boat. This time we hefted the boat itself, sliding it over low scrub into the open garage door, swung it around to point out toward the water once again, as you gasped from the effort of lugging the boat up the slope. I closed & locked the door from the inside. Unlocking a steel door in the other end of the building, I took your hand, pulling you through, locking the door behind us, as I clicked on a light switch. In the garage end was an ATV with a cargo trailer behind it, the 4×4 you recognized startled as the machine I’d come to ‘visit’ you in, the day I kidnaped and carried you away to the cabin. On the other side of the SUV, sat a snowmobile with a sled hitched behind it.

“You have to be kidding Master,” you breathed softly, barely speaking. I grinned My naughty grin, as I walked you to a door in one corner that revealed a toilet, sink & shower stall.

“Strip” I said with that grin, as I turned on the shower to warm up, peeled off your clothes as I dropped Mine & took your hand to help you into the shower. Warm running water… the first time in months, cascading down over us, as I lathered your hair, then soaped your beautiful bare body, as you returned the favor. We rinsed off & dried on two large fluffy towels that hung there, stepping onto a clean carpet runner to walk to the back of the 4×4. You gasped as I opened the tailgate to show your good clothes; a nice top, your best jeans, shoes, and a Spring-Fall jacket.
I tugged on sport socks, clean jeans, a sweatshirt & jacket as I held the passenger door open for you. Your eyes went wide with fear, “no Maser, Please…” you began to beg, eyes welling with tears as you dropped to your knees. “I’ll try harder, I love it here with you My Master, My Life…please don’t set me free, Please…” You started to bow low to beg, but I stopped you.

I stood & looked at you, as I reached past you for tissues, dried your eyes. “I’m not letting you go My one…” I replied as I pulled you close. “We’re going out for an early meal & spending overnight in a town, out to dinner, maybe more, depending on how things go, do more shopping tomorrow, then come back here to take the ATV to the cabin, so we’ll be able to get to & from there until it’s time for the snowmobile.” I paused, My chest tight with emotion, My love for you catching in my throat, “you no longer want to return to your old life?”

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