A good accident by Jiggajames

” how do you know he doesn’t like you back the same way ”

” I don’t really but he hasn’t made any moves ”

” when you feel the time is right flirt with him that’ll show weather or not if he likes you that way or not but if he doesn’t he’s absolutely gay your too beautiful to be stood up by a gay guy ”

” how do you know ”

” I’m a guy I know if I had a smart sexy girl like you hitting on me I wouldn’t turn her down ”

” why are you telling me this ”

” because you should be with the guy you like ”

” aww how sweet ” tauntingly

” I’m a hopeless romantic I’m sorry ”

” how about you any girls you like ”

” there was one I can’t remember her name or even what she looked like all I know is she was beautiful smart and witty she gets who I am and is always there for me I just wish I knew who she is ”

” you’ll remember one day ”

” I hope I do ”

the thought that the girl I’m talking about is my very cousin crossed my mind and the thing is I didn’t feel shameful if anything she was a girl I loved that’s it.

We talked for awhile it was getting late when she passed out or so I thought I gave her a kiss on the cheek

” I love you to Jess ” only if I knew that she was still awake I would of told her

Three weeks went by and me and Jess had grown inseparable from one another we were already like a couple only without the kissing and what not it felt good to have a girl always by my side

” James are you ready ” mom hollered down the wall

” Jess you ready asking through the bathroom door ”

” I’ll be in a minute ”

” give us a minute ma ”

” c’mon Jess ”

She opened the door and walked out

” damn ” unconsciously stating

She smiled at me not ashamed at the statement

” I guess I don’t have to ask huh ”

” what ” still awestruck

She was wearing a yellow wife beater tank top that fit her perfectly, it stuck to every curve of her body but it wasn’t to revealing.

she had on Jean short shorts that gave her ass an almost possessive quality it cut off about an inch and a half below her ass cheeks and showed off her athletic legs that had a light shade of bronze coating them

” do I look good ”

” do I even have to answer that question ” picking my jaw up off of the ground

She chuckled at my answer

” guess not let’s go ”

She grabbed her cell phone and her money clip and placed them in her back pockets, I started rolling out of my room then was yanked back into my room

” the hell ”

” ladies first ”

” asshole I thought cripples ruled over all ”

” nope ”

” then get your ass through that door so we can go and see what casts come off and which ones stay on then I will open every door for you ”

” OK ”

She walked through the door putting a little sway in her ass every step of the way

” Jesus christ ” under my breath

” what ”

” I want cheese and crackers ”

She gave me a seductive smile for a second before she grabbed my wheel chair and helped me out of the house and into the car

” so Jessica how long are you planing to stay down ” mom asked pulling out of the drive way

” that’s something I’ve been meaning to talk to you guys about ”

” yeah ” mom asked

” well me and mom were talking before I came down and uh she was worried about me being alone days at a time when she was out of state I told her I was fine but when I found out I was coming down here she had asked me to think about maybe living with you guys if it was OK with yall ”

” so what do ya think Jessie ? if I said it was OK would you move down and stay with us? ”

I looked at her and she looked at me

” I’d love to ”

” James what do ya think ” mom asked me

” cool ”

As mom drove her and Jess talked about arrangements and what not I just stared out of the window ready to get my casts off so I could finally walk

” James are you ready to get those casts off ” Jessie asked

I looked back to her

” nope ”

” what ”

” because when these come off means I have to go back to doing chores ”

I smiled at her and her and mom started laughing

” James ill help pick up the slack ”

” sweet ”

We pulled into the parking garage. We got out of the car and walked into the adjoining building up three stories down the hall and to the left into the orthopedics office mom signed me in then filled out the paperwork

” Jess come get me when they call his name I’ll be right out the door on the phone I’m gonna call your mom and get everything set in stone ”

” OK ”

About 15 minutes passed

” James ”

” hey go get mom I’ll wheel myself in ”

” OK ”

She was opening the door when I was wheeling into the doctors office.

The nurse did all her things and got me sitting in the saw room mom and Jess walked into the room

” everything good mom ”

” what ”

” is Jess living with us or not ”

” yeah actually when me and Jackie got off of the phone she was calling the moving company she was excited Jess was happy enough with saying yes she hated leaving her alone for such long periods of time, also she said every holiday either us or them will be flying down ”

” cool ” I smiled at Jess she smiled back

The technician walked in shortly followed by the doc

” hey mom James, I don’t think if met you ” looking at Jess

” I’m Jessica ”

” hi Jessica ”

He shuffled through the paperwork

” well James what were gonna do is get these off of you take you to X-ray and we’ll go from there sound good ”

” sounds great ”

He walked out and the technician got all of his equipment together, he fired up his saw and started cutting the cast on my left hand as soon as as metal touched cast Jessie’s face contorted to one of pure horror once he had cut through both sides and shut off the saw

” Does that not hurt ”

” no ”

Right then the technician cracked the cast and she cringed at that and if you’ve ever had a broken bone you know as well as I do the crack of a cast sounds like you snap a bone in half

The tech looked up

” you look more uncomfortable than he is ”

I started laughing, he finished all the casts and put me in a wheel chair the radiologist came and got me he took the pictures and brought me back

” everything OK ” Jess asked with a concerned demeanor

” yeah a little stiffness and soreness but all in all I’m good ” I gave her a sincere smile

The doctor came in a few minutes later and pulled the film up on the computer he quickly clicked through them then went back to on and left it on the screen

” well James i can say you will have no more casts today but I am worried about that tibia fracture on your left leg so what I’m going to do is put an air boot on your leg, this doesn’t mean you still have the fracture there its just the tibia is a weight bearing bone and we want to make sure it heals strongly in fact that will be stronger than it used to be ”

” how ”

” well the shock that you received had broken the elements that hold your bone together I.e the fracture but then both sides of the fracture that were once joined have to heal and fuse together but they’re never going to a line perfectly so they heal in different places making the bone denser ”

” cool ” I had stopped listening midway through

” well I’ll go get your boot and crutches and you’ll be on your way ”

” sweet ”

Mom handed me my shoe and I put it on, the doc came in and put the boot on my left foot and handed me the crutches I went to stand up I got on my feet and my legs immediately buckle

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