A good accident by Jiggajames

” I’m OK I caught myself its been awhile since I’ve walked ”

I tried again and I was able to start walking

” alright let’s go ”

Mom and Jess started laughing and followed me out of the door and back to the car

” let’s go ”

” chill James god ”

” tell me to chill I’m halfway walking it feels great ”

Mom walked around the SUV putting the now useless wheel chair into the back as she was doing this Jess was talking to me

” thank you ”

” for what ”

” I think life would a been a hell of a lot harder if you didn’t come down and I’m just saying its gonna take some getting used to living with you and all ”

” its no problem I guess and to part two you’ll get used to me ”

” hahaha hopefully ”

we got back into the car and were headed home the whole time mom and Jess were talking the whole way I butted in for just a second

” hey mom when we get home can I take the car ”

” you sure your gonna be able to drive ”

” yeah ”

” where you gonna go ”

” I don’t know I just wanna relax I’ll put gas in it ”

” OK why don’t you take Jessie too ”

” I see no problem with that ”

” cool ” she excitedly stated

We got home and one unassisted bathroom break later I was ready to go

” Jessica you ready ” walking into the living room

” yeah ”

” mom can I get the keys ”

” yeah honey but can I please talk to you in private real quick though ”

” yeah ”

I followed her into her room then she closed the door I was thinking she wanted to warn me about my driving

” if you tell her you better be one hundred percent in on it ”

” what ” confused

” if you tell Jessica you love her you better be a hundred percent sure that your ready to make a commitment ”

” what are you talking about ma ” trying to seem innocent

” James ( sternly stating ) I’m not stupid… I see the way you look at her… you don’t look at her like a cousin nor does she to you… but please be careful ”

” OK mom but you don’t think its wrong ”

” no love is love you can’t control that ”

I smirked at the thought that I thought the same way as my mom

” yeah ”

She tossed me the keys

” take her to the field ”

” OK ”

” the field ” was the last place me mom and dad were at as a family before he was killed it was a bout an hour outside of the city.

” you ready again Jess ”

” yeah ”

I hobbled out to the car with Jess right behind me and climbed in

” hey ”

” yeah ”

” there’s a couple rules when I’m driving ”

” yeah ”

” one seat belts two don’t disturb me for the first fifteen minutes while I drive please three you can choose the music I don’t care we good ”

” yeah ”

I drove out to the highway and turned onto the highway

” James can I interrupt ”

” yeah what’s up ”

” where are we going ”

” to get some food ”

” where though ”

” can’t tell you its a secret ”

” really ”

” do you trust me ”

” yeah ”

” then sit back and relax ”

She turned the music up and reclined in her chair and placed her hands behind her head and closed her eyes,

after about fifteen minutes she leaned foreword

” are we almost there ”

” yeah give me five or so minutes and we will be there ”

” OK ”

I pulled off the highway and onto a two lane farming road that eventually led back to the city but connected to it was a dirt road that was about a mile long before splitting into three trails if you took the one to the left which we did it led to a huge field ” the field ”

” James where are we ”

I got out of the car and walked to the front i didn’t care what the doc said I went by what I felt and I felt fine without the crutches i leaned backwards onto the hood she did the same

” the last place I was with mom and dad before he was killed ”

” why did you bring me out here ”

I looked at her

” because its the only place I can go to think or talk to dad and know no one is eaves dropping iv never brought anybody out here and I know this is the place I can tell you something I need to get off of my chest ”

” what is it James ”

” Jess you remember your first day out here ”

” bits and pieces yeah ”

” do you remember when you went to bed how you said you loved me but wish you could tell me ”

” you heard that ”

” yes I wasn’t fully asleep ”

” I thought you were asleep you weren’t supposed to hear that ”

” Jessica I’m glad I did ”

” why ”

” because I love you too ”

Her face had flushed to a pale

” what ”

” Jessica you were one of two people I’ve trusted since when dad died. I knew I could call you whenever I needed to you were my comfort pillow twelve hundred miles away, I knew I loved you but always like family or at least I thought but when you said that a light flickered on the feelings towards you instantly made sense your smarts always I guess what you could say turned me on and that combined with your funny witty and sassy attitude had made it easy to love you it ”

She cut me off

” I’ve wanted to say this for years James I love you I’ve loved you for so long you are the only guy I’ve ever wanted to be with ”

” I’m kinda flattered by that I guess ”

I looked over to her and she looked at me

” theirs one other reason I’m down mom knew I loved you she told me if I really loved you I would do all I could to make your recovery the most comfortable one ”

” I’m not completely comfortable yet ”

” really ”

Before she could finish I kissed her for only a few seconds before pulling back

” I am now though ”

She grabbed my head and pulled me into another kiss this time it was more passionate she was like a starving dog she couldn’t get enough its not like I was complaining kissing her had lifted such a big weight from my shoulders all that shit I heard about feeling guilty about kissing cousins was bullshit

Kissing my smart and beautiful cousin felt right.

I pulled back.

” why didn’t we do this earlier haha ”

” I don’t know James but I wish we had hahaha ”

” me too ”

She looked at me with a new sparkle in her eye she talked with a new sweetness in her voice and she smiled a cuter eye catching smile .

I helped her into the car and shut her door I spoke to my dad even if he couldn’t hear me but she could

” hey old man if you can hear me I’m finally truly happy since you’ve been gone I love you pops I’ll make you proud ”

” Jessie you ready to go baby ”

” yeah ”

I started the car and drove back down the dirt path and back onto the two lane farm road about 45 minutes later we had pulled back into the neighborhood that I lived in

” you wanna get a bite to eat ”

” sounds good ”

I hit up a pizza place a few blocks from home I got half a pizza and sat at a table next to Jess the table was semi secluded waiting for the pizza to be cooked, i did the good old yawn and reach she started to laugh

” your a dork ”

” but I’m now your dork so all in all it evens out ”

” I can always change that ”

” but you won’t ”

” fuck you ”

” gladly ”

She went to say something but I snagged a kiss on her, she smiled at me

” that’s not gonna happen every time ”

” really ”

” really ”

” so let’s say your mad cause of some reason but its a stupid reason and its at me but you love me and I openly know this so if I kissed you you would still be mad at me ”

She hesitated

” yeah ”

” I don’t believe you because you hesitated ”

She smiled meekly at me I returned a big grin, she tried to hide her smile by hitting me but I blocked a hit and started acting

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