A good accident by Jiggajames

” ah my hand my hand ”

” I’m so so sorry ” she was scared shitless

” I think its broken ”

” I didn’t mean to I’m so sorry ”

I thought I’d better stop

” gotcha ”

She started another assault this time she started cussing me out she let up long enough for me to kiss her, that kiss was amazing passion and love coursed between our lips

” thirty five. ” the dude at the counter called out

I got up but Jess wouldn’t let go of my face

” Jess that’s us ” my words muffled by her lips

” I don’t care ” pulling away

” c’mon I’m hungry ”

” well keep eating ”

” I would love to but unless you don’t wanna kiss me ever again I would suggest you to let me get our food ”

” ok ” giving up

I slid out of the booth and bent over to kiss her again

” I’ll be right back ”

” OK I love you ”

” love you to ”

I walked up to the counter

” yo ” getting the guys attention

” what’s up ”

” thirty five ”

” alright ”

In one fluid motion he tossed three pizza pans and a pitcher into a sink while scooping up my half of pizza and handing it to me I was pretty wowed by the feat he was about to turn away from me when I reached into my pocket and pulled a five from it

” good job man ” handing him the five

” thanks dude ”

I was about to take the pizza back to the booth when through the front window I saw my ex with her friends we had broke up something like a week n a half before my accident, I was numb to her after how she fucked me over by cheating on me I knew if she saw me I was done and she would try something.

I turned away from her and walked back to the booth and sat at the table

” yay ”

She had dug into the pizza before I could

” damn ”

” what ”

” what would of happened if I chose eating your lips instead ”

” yours would be gone before mine ”

” ah makes sense ”

As I took a bite of the pizza a figure appeared in my peripheral vision I turned and lo and fucking behold Samantha my ex was looking at me I knew she wanted to talk but I didn’t want to but not being a complete dick I decided to keep my answers short and sweet

” yeah ” bluntly stating

” hey ”

” hi ”

” how ya doing ”

” alright ”

” good I heard you were seriously injured after getting hit by a car ”

” yup ”

” you OK ”

” yup ”

Jess tapped on my shoulder

” Jess this is Sam she’s my ex and Sam this is my girl friend Jess ”

” hi ” Sam said sheepishly

” hello ”

” James could I possibly talk to you in private ”

Sam asked I didn’t want to but I was never a complete and total dick to anyone so I agreed

” yeah ”

I got up from the table and followed her to the front door limping I saw her two friends were still there to make sure Jess would be safe I whistled at them once I had caught their attention I made a hand gesture for them to leave which they did

” what Sam ” still being blunt

” I’m sorry ”

” cool ”

” I am ”

” cool ”

” James why does it have to be like this between us ”

” are you seriously going to ask that question, what are you crazy, Sam you cheated on me you fucked me over I had asked you out because I took a chance on you and you fucked up ”

” it was a huge mistake I didn’t mean too ”

” nobody ever does but you did ”

” I’m sorry ”

” yeah ”

” just don’t be mad at me, you were the only guy I loved ”

” I’m not anymore, you were the only girl I loved till Jess but I can’t forget what you did to me but I can forgive you ”

Their was a pause between us

” what do we do now ”

” I’m going back into eat with Jessica you do whatever, if you ever need to talk to me just text me OK ”

” OK ”

I gave her a hug and a kiss on the forehead then walked back into the restaurant, Jess was sitting nonchalantly at the table.

” hey baby ”

” hey every thing OK ”

” yeah she just wanted to apologise to me ”

” for what ”

” summed up version she was my girl friend she cheated on me and we broke up about ten days before my accident ”

” ah do you mind if I ask you a serious question ”

” shoot it at me ”

” did you love her ”

” yeah ”

” do you still ”

” as a friend yes if you mean as anything more no any feelings I had for her are long gone ”

The feeling at the table melted away almost instantly

” Jess you don’t have to worry about anything as long as you love me and I love you I’m not goin anywhere ”

She gave me a soft sweet smile, I scooted over to her and kissed her.

” I love you Jess ”

” I love you to ”

I ate the rest of the pizza and walked up to the counter with Jess and ordered two more slices of pizza and some garlic sticks for mom we backed up from the counter to wait for my order, I looked over to the window again but this time it was almost dark outside but of course another person I knew was walking in

” DannY ” lengthening the Y out

He lifted his head over the semi crowded room of people and spotted me and immediately made his way over to me

” James dude what’s up ”

” blue sky’s man what about you ”

” just came to get some carry out to take over my girls house ”

” nice man ”

I almost forgot introducing Jess

” oh dude this is Jess my girl ”

” howdy ”

” Jessie this is Danny one of my good friends from elementary ”

” hi ”

” 51 ” the dude at the counter hollered

” hey bro that’s us ”

” before you go could I talk to you outside ”

” yeah I’ll be out in the parking lot ”

” alright ”

Me and Jess walked out and put the food in the car and leaned on the back

” I’m glad to be out of there ” Jess stated

” why ”

” its loud as hell ”

” well it is the best pizza place in the city ”

Danny rounded the corner and spotted us and made his way over

” hey man ”

” hey ”

” I heard you were hit by a car and got pretty messed up ”

” yup actually I just got all of my casts off today ”

” casts how many did you have ”

” three ”

” better question wat did you hurt ”

” six bruised ribs my left wrist my left knee my left tibia and my right ankle ”

” how are you still alive ”

” because I’m the reincarnation of Jesus christ himself, I don’t know man all I know is I’m happy I am ”

” me to ” Jess added

we all started laughing pretty hard then his phone started ringing

” dude its my girl I’ll talk to you later ”

” alright bro take it easy

” you too ”

I opened Jessie’s door and she climbed in before i closed it I reached in and with my right hand I gently directed her face towards mine and kissed her softly I pulled back and closed her door I started the car and pulled out of the parking lot I started heading home then my phone started ringing

” hello ”

” James where are you ”

” on my way home why ”

” just wondering, do you think you could stay out till like one or two in the morning ”

” why ”

” I have a couple friends coming over to play some cards ”

” yeah sure I guess ”

” thank you honey, by the way did you ask her ”

” yeah ”

” what did she say ”

The biggest grin spread across my face

” why don’t you ask her yourself ”

” put me on speakerphone then ”

” OK ma your on speaker ”

” Jessica did James ask you out ”

” yeah and ”

Jess leaned over and we kissed and made a loud pop

” finally hahaha I’m happy for you guys your perfect for each other ”

” thanks mom ”

” alright be safe I’ll see you guys later ”

” OK love you ”

” love you to bye ”

” bye ”

” she knew about it too ”

” I didn’t even know she knew until this afternoon when she slapped me in the face with it “

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