A good accident by Jiggajames

” what ”

” that is the best case of sex hair ever you look so fucking hot ”

She reached up and started touching her head

” the fuck ”

She maneuvered her petite body to the front passenger seat of the SUV and pulled down the visor and started looking into the miror

” wholly hell my hair is fucked ”

I wrapped my arms around the chair and leaned forward

” well I think you look amazing ”

She flipped her head around and in a second I saw 2 or three feelings shoot through her body

” what ” I asked

” what ”

” I saw those gears turning in your head what ”

” its nothing ”

” Jess ” sternly

” its… I dunno how to put these into words ”

” cmon baby ”

” its just this feels like a dream ”

” how ”

” this morning we were just two cousins this afternoon we were boyfriend girlfriend and and tonight were lovers its just… a lot to take in but the thing is I’ve never had an image of where my first kiss took place or… or where I lost my virginity but I feel like where they did was the best place possible, you made so sure to make me as comfortable as humanly possible ”

” told you I was a hopeless romantic ”

” you did ”

She gave me a loving smile and a warm kiss

” cmon get dressed ”

” OK you know what time it is ”

” ummmm ten fifteen ”

” fuck ”

” what’s wrong ”

” we still got two n a half hours till we can consider goin home ”

” fuck ”

” yeah ”

We finished getting dressed and put everything back into place, I got out to stretch a little bit and felt my phone vibrating in my pocket I pulled it out and saw I had a text from Danny it was twenty minutes old or so

” Hey man me and my gf are going to the beach to hang out with some people you wanna go ”

” I’m down ”

” alright dude were already here ”

” cool see ya in thirty ”

” alright bro ”

I got back into the car where Jess was waiting

” were goin to the beach ”

” why ”

” danny wanted too hangout ”

” OK ”

I started the SUV drove back through the school field and pulled out onto the street I was tired of cruising around so I put my foot through the floor and the 400 horse power V 8 came to life and I was doin 90 when I stopped accelerating

” you know its a forty five right ”

” yup ”

” and how fast are we going ”

” ninety ”

” that sound like a good idea to you ”

” yes ”

She rolled her eyes at me and I slowed down

” thank you ”

” ehhh ”

” what ”

” less than one day and I’m already on a leash ”

Just then as I was going around a slight bend to the left when I caught a glimpse of two headlights straying the double yellow lines on the road,

i jerked the wheel to the right and then to the left I got the SUV sideways with my right side tires into the gravel on the shoulder I was counter steering while trying to break without locking up.

I was able to coax the lumbering vehicle back up onto the road and drove for another quarter mile before pulling into a gas station to take in what just happened and make sure the SUV was OK and most of all if Jess was OK

” Wholly fuckin hell ” I was starting to come off of my adrenaline high putting it in park

I climbed out and walked around the front where Jessie’s small body was sliding out of the passenger side door,

I heard doors close behind the SUV I looked back to see two cars parked behind me.

” are you guys OK ” a male voice called from around the second car

” yeah ” Jessie called back her voice filled with dying adrenaline

I walked around the vehicle checking for damage their was none, one guy came from the second vehicle and a girl and another guy from the first, they all came around my car and seemed stunned.

” wholly shit its just a kid driving ” the girl stated

The guy from the second vehicle seemed a little more concerned then the people from the first

” are you guys OK ” he asked

” yeah ”

” Jesus christ you guys sure your OK ”

” yeah shaken up for sure but we’ll live ”

” alright just wanted you guys were OK that was some sketchy shit ”

” yeah man thanks for the concern ”

” alright ”

He walked back to his car and left the couple I assume they were at least a couple started talking.

” man that that was what he called it ” some sketchy shit ” dude do you know how sideways you were ”

” na and I don’t really wanna know ”

He laughed a little bit and she started talking

” you were so sideways and leaning so much I thought you were gonna roll honestly ”

He talked again

” all I know that that was some of the best driving I’ve ever seen props my man ”

” thanks dude ”

” no problem oh and by the way I’m Steve and this is my wife Aimee ”

” hi um I’m James and this is my girlfriend Jessica ” no hesitation this time

” hi ” Jess said

They said hi back to her and continued talking

” I know this sounds weird but do you have a job ”

” no why ”

” I own Steve’s auto body and repair and I only hire people who know how to drive and as you know what you just did was absolutely ridiculously crazy ”

” it was luck ”

” no that was instinct ”

” OK ”

” would you like a job ”

” yeah I guess ”

” cool ” handing me a business card

” um when do I start ”

” Monday sound good ”

” what’s today ”

” Thursday ”

” sounds great I should be able to walk without this by then ” pointing to my air boot

they both looked down and the awe struck their face

” what did you do ”

” I got hit by a car a month ago broke three of my four main extremity’s and just got the casts off today ”

” your not accident prone are ya ”

” first off this one was not my fault but I’m not gonna lie I kinda am ”

” your not gonna sue me if ya get hurt on the job ”

” na I didnt sue the person who hit me ”

” cool man ”

” sorry but we gotta go ”

” see ya Monday though ”

” yessir ”

we got back in and I started driving to the beach again

” so in five minutes you went from almost crashing a car to getting a job to better your future ”

” our future and yes ”

The SUV went silent for a moment or two

” that was some good ass driving ”

” and just to think if you wouldn’t have made me slow down we’d be done ”

She smiled at me then finally we started relaxing, the rest of the drive was pretty uneventful

” Danny where you guys at ”

” down by the old pier you’ll see like fifteen to twenty cars right by a bonfire ”

” alright I’ll be there in a minute ”

I started driving down the beach

” what do we say if someone asks how we met ”

” our moms are friends your mom and dads careers took off after your brothers left for the army your mom sent you eventhough you were adamant about being old enough to live alone we had met a couple times before had a connection but we were never able act on it till you came to live with us and the rest is history ”

” you’ve thought about this already haven’t you ”

” yup

” haha ”

I spotted Danny’s car with a bunch of others and parked, we got out and I walked around the back of the car and grabbed Jessie’s hand and started walking towards the group of people surrounding the bonfire and heard a really familiar voice telling a story, as we got closer I could hear what he was saying.

” I’ve never seen a SUV get so side ways and not flip that dude knew how to drive ”

” Danny ”

” James and Jessie I think wassup ”

Everybody looked over there were alot of familiar faces I got a lot of hellos and hugs from people

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