A good accident by Jiggajames

” that’s him that’s the kid who almost crashed and saved it ”

” James he just told a story saying some guy almost made you wreck and you saved it from crashing is it true ”

” hell yeah damn near flipped the car ”

” you my friend are the luckiest son of a bitch I know ”

I smiled and me and Jess sat down

” James how are you doin its been awhile ” my friend Scott asked me

” dude its a list ten pages long and the endings hasn’t happened yet ”

” yeah we heard you got fucked up by a car ”

” it did more than fuck me up ”

I pulled my shirt up and showed the still standing bruise on my ribs but is not as bad as it once was

” fuck when did it happen ”

” a month ago ”

” and your still bruised ”

” permanently but it will fade till it almost matches my skin color but you’ll still be able to see it ”

” ah ”

” oh I almost forgot this is my girlfriend Jessica ”

she got a few hellos and a few dirty looks from the girls who used to flirt with me

” dude you girlfriend is hot ” my friend Wayne shouted

” and where is yours ”

” I don’t have one ”

” and you never will acting like that ”

” fuck you ”

” I would but I’m straight ”

” ha ha ” sarcastically

” I thought it was funny too thanks ”

Everybody started laughing

” man its nice to see everybody again with the addition of Jess”

” yeah it is dude ” Danny replied

We all sat and talked Jess got too meet everybody and from what I could see she made some friends with the girls, me Danny Wayne and a couple other guys were talking and joking around until Jessie came over and tapped on my shoulder

” can I talk to you ”

” yeah ”

” hey guys I’ll be back in a minute ”

I got up and followed her

” are you OK ”

” I don’t feel good my stomach is thrown me through loops ”

” you wanna go home ”

” if its not too much to ask then yeah ”

” alright ‘

I walked back over to the guys

” hey yeah guys I gotta go she’s not feeling good ”

” alright man take it easy ”

” you too I’ll hit you up tomorrow ”

” OK ”

I walked to the car where Jess was already waiting inside

” you want me to stop by a store and get some rolaids ”

” na Its not a gassy feeling just like I feel sick to my stomach ”

” alright ”

I pulled onto the roadway and drove for twenty minutes, as the last ten miles or so came upon us my stomach started too feel funny also but only a minute after that I was becoming sicker and sicker I pulled over and ran out of the car to the front and started vomiting profusely

” James are you OK ”

I couldn’t reply because every time I breathed in I would puke, after a minute of that I couldn’t puke anymore but the dry heaves kept coming for a few minutes

” how are you feeling ”

” not that bad why ”

” your driving home ”

” wait what I don’t even have my permit yet I’ve only driven a couple times and even that was in a empty parking lot ”

” did you stay between the lines ”

” yeah but I strayed a little ”

” you’ll do fine ”

” but ”

” Jess just do it we both have food poisoning but mine hit me like a freight train and your not as sick ”

” OK but if we crash ”

” step one never assume that your gonna crash ”

” OK ”

” now let’s go home ”

We climbed into the car

” you know what to do ”

” no ”

” adjust your seat and mirrors buckle up push the break shift into drive slowly let off of the break and ease onto the gas ”

” what about making turns or switching lanes ”

” mirrors and turn signals ”

She did everything to excellence

” your doing good just relax a little ”

She melted into her seat finally relaxing

” see just go with the flow driving is about being smooth precise and comfortable ”

” OK ”

A few moments later

” pull over ”

” are you gonna be sick ”

” yeah ”

She pulled towards the curb but hit and went over it ”

” I’m so sorry ”

I didn’t care I was gonna be sick, I opened the door and I vomited again I didn’t think I had anything left was I wrong

” are you… do you… ”

She looked up and just like the timing in the movies an ambulance was down the street she got out and flagged them down

” My boyfriend is getting really sick and this is the second round of him throwing up ”

” OK ”

They walked over to me

” hi I’m Jon are you feeling OK ”

I looked up at him like are you really asking that question he got that I wasn’t

” OK um what’s your name ”

” James ”

” well James what is exactly the problem ”

” I think I ate some bad food ”

” are you allergic to anything ”

” not that I know of ”

” do you want me to call your mom ” Jess asked

” yeah were only a few blocks from home ”

She took her cellphone walked to the other side of the car and called mom

” what do you want us to do ” the paramedic asked

” give me a minute ”

” OK ” he wrapped a blood pressure cuff around my arm

” where’s mom Jess ”

” right here baby ” moms voice was clear and composed

” how did ”

” I do have two cars you know ”

” yeah ”

” Shh can you tell me what’s wrong ”

” he has a simple case of food poisoning dehydration an elevated pulse and a really really upset stomach other than that he’s OK ”

” let’s get him home Jessie ”

” what about the car ” Jon asked

” Jess can drive it ”

I looked up and both women were standing in front of me moms expression was no and Jesse’s expression was one of nervousness and fear

” I trust her she got me here excuse me you might want to move ”

” why ” mom asked

I threw up again before i could reply luckily Jess had stepped back and mom was pulled back by the other paramedic, I looked up at her like she was stupid

” food poisoning ”

She looked at me as to say I’m gonna kick your ass when we get home I shot her a glance back like saying the hell you are and then I barfed again

” let’s get you home baby ”

” alright Jess go we will meet you

” OK ”

mom signed a few papers and Jess drove home as well did mom with me in the back seat of her car.

With their help they got me into the house and into my room and laid me down

” well if he gets sick his trash can is right here Jess ”

” OK ”

” I’m gonna get some sleep have a good night ”

They both laughed at the gesture and walked away from each other mom out of my room and Jess into the bathroom locking it shut.

I got out of bed and reached on the floor and picked up a pair of gym shorts and dropped my jeans to the floor and put the gym shorts on I pulled off both shirts and fell back onto my bed exhausted and sick.

Mom peaked her head around the door and walked in

” hey mom thanks ”

” your welcome… James I’ve got a question ”

” anything mom ”

” did you guys fuck… in the SUV ”

I took a breath in thinking I was dead

” its not worth lying about so yea ”

” did either of you guys feel ashamed ya know did either of you feel that it was wrong ”

” I don’t but her is a different story I don’t know about her but I’ll talk to her about it ”

” OK ”

” by the way mom how’d you know ”

” that car had the smell of hot sex pouring out of it ”

” ha ha ha it was hot heavy and full of love ”

Mom smiled at me

” good night baby hope you feel better ”

” thanks mom night ‘

” goodnight ”

She walked out of my room I closed my eyes trying to think about everything but my stomach and eventually started falling asleep but then I heard the shower turn off my senses came back to me I got up and staggered over to the bathroom and opened the door

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