Shirts vs. Skins by barkirk,barkirk

“Young lady, you need to start dressing like…well, a young lady. You’re too old to be a kid running around with the other kids in the neighborhood,” Sandra admonished her daughter.

Sarah looked down at her clothes, “I’m not going out on a date, I’m playing basketball with the guys,” she said. “You want me to wear a tiny skirt and tight top as if I’m a cheerleader so I can show off my panties and tits?” she asked. She knew that would hit home as her mother was a cheerleader all through high school and college. There were hundreds of photos of her mother’s cleavage and camel toe on display in various photo albums. Sandra Davis was still incredibly hot and her daughter had inherited most of her assets.

“Sarah, sweetie. I don’t want you to do anything you don’t want. You are a great child, better than I deserved, but you’re so pretty. Would it hurt to wear cute shorts and a nice top when you play basketball? I mean, your top looks uncomfortable. How can you even breathe?” she asked as she pulled up her daughter’s top before tugging on the tight elastic.

The young blonde groaned, “Mom! I wasn’t happy to get these,” she patted her large squashed breasts, “And I have to wear a sports bra when I play,” she whined. For the last five years, Sarah had to get tighter and tighter sports bras just to keep her boobs from getting in the way of her sports. Even she had to admit she was having trouble getting deep breaths.

“Nonsense, when I did cheerleading we jumped, flipped, and did tons of moves wearing just a bra. We never wore sports bras back then.” She came over to her daughter, “Do this just once for me. Put on that pretty bra I bought you and you’ll see how it doesn’t matter. You’ll be cooler and be able to breathe,” she looked at the thermometer, “It’s already 85 and it’s not even 9 am. And those shorts?” she fingered the baggy knee-length sweat shorts, “put on those cute red ones I got you. Look, do it just this once, and your father and I will give you the 4Runner,” she said.

“What? Really?” the girl looked stunned. “Wait, that means you already decided the give me the 4Runner since you said you and dad…well, thanks but I hate that you are manipulating me,” she sighed.

“You’ll thank me. Once you find a nice boy who gets between your legs, you’ll remember this conversation. And, the rear seats fold down if you ever go out on a date.” she said brightly.

“Christ, why can’t I have normal parents,” she sighed. “Should I get fully shaved, or a nice landing strip?” she asked her mother.

“Oh, honey! I thought you’d never ask. We’re going over to get your twat fully waxed, men love a bare pussy.”

“Mom!” The girl turned and stomped back to her room. ‘Damn boobs,’ the girl swore. she picked up the sheer lacy garment. Pulling off her sports bra she struggled with the lighter, lacy garment before finally fastening the clip in the back before looking in the mirror. ‘No way will this flimsy thing keep my chest from flopping around. Plus, red? What was mom thinking when she bought this?’ she wondered as she tested the support with her hands.

Sarah came back into the kitchen and her mother’s face lit up, “Oh honey. I know you’re just going to play basketball, but you look so pretty now.” She looked her up and down, “I like how you can see the pretty red bra under the white top. We’ll get you some cuter shoes, but go have fun,” she smiled.

The 9 guys were practicing shots and passing to each other when they all stopped, “Who’s that? Holy shit, Sarah? You’re a girl?” Teddy grinned, “Did any of you guys know Sarah was a girl?” he looked around.

John shook his head, ” I always thought he…er, she was gay or something,” he smiled.

“Sarah, what happened? I mean,” he pointed to her chest, “Where did you get those? Wait, did you over-inflate this morning?”

“I knew this was a mistake,” the 18-year-old girl sighed, “Just ignore them and let’s play.” She looked down at her breasts, “They never got in the way before and they won’t this time either.”

The neighborhood kids had been playing basketball, football, and softball for years as they grew up in the Farwell Development. Sarah blended right in as she had as much if not more athletic abilities than most of the boys. She usually played quarterback, shortstop, and point guard when they played basketball.

She grabbed a ball for one of the guys and swished a 20-foot jump shot. “Ok, let pick up sides so we can make the losers cry like babies,” she grinned.

As usual, Sarah and Drew were captains and after flipping a coin, Sarah picked first. “Larry,” she pointed to the 6′ 8″ dark-haired kid.

After the last kid was picked, Drew tossed the coin in the air, “Call it.”

The blonde girl quickly said, “Heads!”

“Heads it is,” Drew said looking down at the coin on the ground. “Shirts or skins,” he asked. “Since you’re now a girl, you should be shirts,” he sneered.

Larry blurted out, “Skins. It’s too hot.” He looked at Sarah, “I mean, it’s your call but I’m steaming in this light tee.” he looked at her, his shirt half pulled up.

The other three teammates were already pulling off their shirts and Sarah groaned. She was counting on calling shirts knowing that if Drew won the call, he’d call skins. “How about we do skins and I’ll keep this on?” she asked.

“Screw that, you know the rules. You’re just hoping we’d pass the ball to you accidentally,” Drew said firmly. He took the ball into the backcourt waiting. The team that picked players second got the ball first. “Sarah, come on.” He looked around, “We’re behind John’s house and no one can see you. Plus, I don’t want to hear any excuses when we kick your asses.”

Sarah groaned and pulled off her tee noticing 9 pairs of eyes were all looking at her. She realized how ridiculous she looked in her red-lacy bra and tiny red shorts. She looked like a stripper. She went over, slapping the ball out of Drew’s hands. “I’m going to kill mom, but not until I bury you guys,” she said as she turned and drove the basket. “2 zip!” she cried.

The game became the usual fast and furious closely-matched competition and the score was 48-48, first one to 50. Drew passed the ball to Bobby who flipped it over to Rob. The boy looked back to Drew who put up an 8 footer.

From the side, Sarah lept and blocked the shot just after it left his hand. She grabbed the loose ball just before it went out of bounds, flipped it out to John at the top of the key who set up Larry for an alley-oop.

Sarah jumped up and pumped her fist as the tall boy slammed the ball home. “That’s it, losers,” she cried as she noticed the guys were quiet. She looked where the boys were looking and quickly tucked her large breast back into the cup. “I’m going to go back to the sports bra after this,” she sighed. “Anyhow, I think this is ours,” she said going over to the pile of 10s.

After distributing the winnings she grabbed her shirt and started to dry the sweat off her chest, stomach, and back.

“I can help with that, Drew came over.

Sarah looked at him, “Why not help Larry?” She looked over at her teammate, “He looks like he’s having trouble getting his back.”

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