DADDY’S GIRL – Chap 1 – by uk_writer_53

DADDY’S GIRL – Chap 1 – by uk_writer_53..,

Chapter 1 — Danny, Jessica & Lucy

Sergeant Danny Wells lowered his kitbag to the floor and looked dejectedly around the empty barracks hut for what he expected would be the last time in quite a while.

Carefully noting the chipped metal bedframes, the worn paintwork and even the cracked window pane, his eyes took in every minute detail so he would remember it in the future. Not that he was ever likely to forget.

This had been his home for the last six years and he knew he would miss it more than he could ever imagine. He had spent some of the best times of his life here and had made some lifelong friends along the way.

Ever since he had enlisted in the military straight after finishing college, at the age of 21, he had been a Royal Marine. Going through some of the toughest training in the forces and two deployments overseas he had eventually been promoted to the rank of Sergeant.

“Bugger it. I’ll miss all this.” He murmured quietly under his breath as he ran a finger along one of the iron bedsteads.

He hadn’t wanted to take extended leave from the service, in fact from the moment he enlisted he had always seen himself as a full-time twenty-two-year man. However, family circumstances and being needed by the one person who meant more to him than anything else in the world had forced this situation on him.

Standing by himself he paused and reflected, not for the first time, on the disaster that his life had been, outside of the army.

A few months after he had passed out as a marine Danny had met Stephanie Danby while he was on a drunken night out in Plymouth, with his mates.

The slim, attractive, blue-eyed blonde had immediately set her sights on him which, given his cute good looks, was hardly surprising.

At 6′ 2″ and just over 200 pounds of muscle, he had piercing, grey-blue eyes with a messy mop of short brown hair and, from the moment she saw him, she had thought him extremely desirable.

Making eye contact with him across the bar she had smiled coyly and he had gone across and asked her if he could buy her a drink. It had been that simple for her to get his attention.

They had started dating and six months into a whirlwind romance they had decided to marry. Despite his mother urging him to wait they had gone ahead with their plans and booked a ceremony at the Plymouth registry office to tie the knot.

At first everything had been fine between them and, after moving into a small rented apartment, they had settled down to married life.

Of course, being a marine Danny had had to spend a lot of time at the base and Stephanie, despite having her own job and friends to occupy her time, found the lengthy periods of separation from her new husband difficult to deal with.

It was inevitable that they argued, mostly over Danny being away so much, but they always made up, at least for the first year or so of their married life.

However, things really began to take a turn for the worse when Stephanie had found out she was pregnant. It had happened after a lengthy period of leave and, for once, they had been getting on well. He had hoped that the news might improve the situation between them but it just seemed to make everything worse.

The couple had certainly not planned to have children, at least not yet, and while Danny was ecstatic about the prospect of being a father his wife was definitely less than enthusiastic about the idea. They had only just begun to come to terms with the fact that they were going to be parents when, a few weeks later, Danny received orders that he was being posted overseas and would be away for the next nine months or so.

That was when things really came to a head between them.

Stephanie, already unhappy about the prospect of being a mother, had been spending a lot more time out with her friends. That and her complete disinterest in him had led Danny to have his suspicions that she might be seeing other men, although he never found any evidence to support his concerns.

Then, when she found that she was going to be left alone for the entire term of her pregnancy, she had really lost it with him. She had blamed Danny for everything and while he had done his best and tried to mollify and re-assure her, every conversation they had seemed to end in a massive argument.

By the time he finally had to ship out things had become about as bad as they could be between the pair of them and they were barely talking.

“What am I supposed to do while you’re gone?” She had asked him bitterly, clearly resenting the fact he was being deployed overseas while she was stuck at home.

“I’ll write and e-mail you while I’m away. And I can face time you as well.” Danny had stood with his kit, ready to leave, while making one last attempt to appease his wife.

“Great.” Stephanie had replied sarcastically, “You go off to god knows where and I get to sit at home getting fat.”

“Afghanistan, Steph. I’m going to bloody Afghanistan not on a sodding holiday.”

“Right, well you have a nice time.” His wife told him sourly.

“Steph please. I’ll miss you.”

“For fucks sake just go and play soldiers and leave me alone.” She had turned away dismissively and walked off into their kitchen without even so much as a kiss goodbye for him.

“I have to go Steph. Please.”

“Fuck off then.” Was the only answer he got from the other room.

With an over-riding feeling of impending doom Danny had, resignedly, picked up his bag and walked out of their flat and, as far as he could tell, Stephanie’s life.

He had come to realise that he didn’t love his wife but he was about to become a father and it was a role he took very seriously. He was determined that he would try to make the marriage work for the sake of his unborn child. Without a doubt Stephanie didn’t love him, that was patently obvious, but he hoped that when the baby was born, she might settle down and become a real mother and then maybe they could be a proper family.

What they had felt for each other in the beginning hadn’t really been love and had simply vanished during their first year together. In its place their relationship had simply become habit and then more recently it had changed, at least on Stephanie’s side, to intense dislike and maybe even hatred of him.

To begin with he had tried to call her whenever possible while he was away, at least to attempt to try to sort things out. However, because of his duties, he wasn’t able to get to a phone as much as he would have liked, not that it mattered.

At first, she simply didn’t pick-up when he rang, then, a couple of weeks into his tour after the fifth or sixth attempt, he got the number discontinued message. That was when he had realised that he would never get an answer, she had changed her phone number.

Over the next couple of months of his deployment he had carried on trying to reach her and had continued to write, letters and e-mails, on an almost weekly basis. All his letters home went unanswered and e-mails simply bounced back saying the recipient’s address no longer existed.

Eventually he simply gave up, she had made it totally transparent, she didn’t want anything to do with him.

It hadn’t really come as much of a surprise when, midway through his tour of duty, he finally received a correspondence from his wife’s solicitor. It simply told him that she had left him and wanted a divorce due to irreconcilable differences.

There was little in the way of assets for them to split; the flat was rented and they had hardly anything in the way of savings. So, the process was relatively straightforward especially as he hadn’t contested the ending of their marriage.

Everything went through the courts without a hitch and, shortly before Stephanie had given birth to a 5lb 12oz baby girl, the couple had received their decree absolute.

Coming home Danny had fallen in love with his daughter Jessica the moment he saw her and, fortunately for him, his ex-wife had wanted as much of her old life back as she could get. She had happily agreed to him having joint custody of their daughter so it would let her go out partying without any concerns about a babysitter.

Life had been difficult for Danny at first, with being away a lot of the time, but his mother Christine had been more than happy to look after her grand-daughter. Despite the problems that came with him being a soldier he had made every effort to spend as much time with Jess as possible when he had her, and it showed in the close relationship he had with his little girl.

Things had struggled haphazardly along for three years, with Stephanie gradually foisting Jess onto him on an ever-increasing basis, while she was off enjoying herself with whoever the man of the moment happened to be. Not that he minded, he was always happy to have her and she, likewise, loved spending time with her father.

Then just two weeks ago everything had changed when he had received the telephone call telling him his ex-wife had been killed in a road traffic accident. Apparently, she had been out drinking with friends and had been driving home when she had collided with another vehicle. The other driver had also been drinking, as it turned out, and both of them had died instantly in the collision.

Of course, he had felt a certain amount of grief when he had heard the news, but it was mainly because she had been Jessica’s mother rather than due to any deep unresolved feeling’s he held for her.

He had gone to the funeral as a matter of respect but Stephanie’s family had totally ignored him and, after the service, he had been relieved to be able to quietly slip away.

As Jessica’s surviving parent, sole custody of her had automatically been awarded to him and, wanting to be there every day for his daughter, Danny had made the extremely difficult decision to take extended leave from the army and, at least for the moment, become a full-time dad.

He sighed again, it would be a huge wrench leaving all his comrades behind but his daughter meant more to him than anything and he knew exactly where his priorities lay. He would have a decision to make at some point; to go back or to resign, but it could wait for now.

“You off now sarge?” The voice of his best friend Corporal Andy Weatherall jerked him out of his contemplation and back to the present moment.

“Yeah, time to make a move I guess.”

Andy clapped him on the shoulder, “I’ll miss you mate. You keep in touch you hear and look after that little angel of yours.”

“I’ll certainly do my best.” Danny grinned.

“Do that and I’ll get down to see you when I’m next on leave.”

“Anytime mate there’ll always be a bed for you.” Danny embraced his friend one last time.

“Come on. I’ll give you a lift to the train station.” Andy picked up his luggage and headed out to the Land Rover.

Shouldering his remaining bag, Danny took one final look at what had been his home for the last six years before stepping through the doorway and getting into the jeep that would drop him at the local railway station.


Struggling up the second flight of stairs Lucy Maynard carried the last of her belongings into her new home and, using her heel, kicked the front door shut behind her.

Leaning back against it she closed her eyes for a moment and took a deep breath, relieved to finally be done with the move.

‘Thank god that’s it over with.’ She thought to herself.

Piling the last box on top of the others they had brought up from the ground floor, she worked the ache out of her shoulders and then dropped into an empty armchair.

“Well, I’m glad that’s finally over and done with.” She groaned with exhaustion as she sat back and pushed long strands of her dark hair away from her face, “I can barely move my arms anymore.”

“Fancy a cup of tea hon?” Her best friend Annabelle shouted from the kitchen, “Kettle’s on.”

“You mean you’ve actually found the kettle?” Lucy asked with surprise keeping her eyes closed.

“First thing I unpacked.” Floated back the laughing voice.

Lucy opened her eyes and thought for a moment, “Wait, do we have any milk?”

“Yep, I brought some with me this morning. Remember?” Came back the comforting reply.

“In that case I’d absolutely love one.” She called out to her friend as she looked around her new home and what was effectively a new start in her life.

She was just 24 and on her own once again.

As she sat waiting for her tea, she let her eyes roam over the chaos around her. Bags and boxes littered the small amount of floor space and she wondered how on earth she was ever going to sort things out and get herself straight.

“Tea up!” She was brought back to the present moment by her friend coming into the room, “And biscuits.”

“Chocolate ones I hope?”

Her friend chuckled, “Of course.”

“You’re a life saver.” Lucy grinned.

“Here you go.” Annabelle deposited a steaming mug on top of a box in front of her before sitting herself in the remaining empty chair opposite, “One sugar just the way you like it.”

“Thanks babe, I really need this.”

“Well, that’s the first step in your new beginning all sorted out.” Her friend continued, “Now it’s on to your new school after the summer holidays.”

Lucy took a sip of her hot tea and sighed, “I guess so, once I get this mess sorted out.”

“You do know that none of this is your fault.” Annabelle carried on resolutely, “That cheating bastard Jason deserves stringing up by his balls for what he did to you.”

Lucy didn’t answer, instead she sat and reflected on her friend’s words as she thought back on how her life had changed so dramatically, and unexpectedly, over the last few weeks.

It seemed like it was only yesterday, rather than six weeks ago, that she had been in the process of moving in with her boyfriend Jason. They had been together for just a few months when he had surprised her and suggested she give up her flat and go and live with him.

It had taken her a few days to make her decision and, despite Annabelle’s vehement opposition to the idea due to the fact she had never taken to him, Lucy had eventually accepted Jason’s proposal and tentatively agreed to move in with him.

She had been excited about the future back then and terminating the lease on her own apartment they had set a date for her to relocate her things. Even the fact that she hadn’t been feeling particularly well on the day of the move hadn’t detracted from the elation she had felt shifting her belongings into his flat.

However, the effort of moving all her stuff had exhausted her and by the end of the Saturday she was feeling absolutely dreadful. Instead of enjoying her first night with her boyfriend she had apologised profusely to him before simply taking herself off to bed and spending most of the following day sleeping.

Despite being unwell she had got up on the Monday morning and gone into work as usual, not wanting to call in sick after the week-end. She had been worried people might think she was pulling a fast one after the move and she was the sort of person who didn’t want to let anyone down.

She had managed to struggle through the first couple of hours in her classroom till just after eleven when her boss, Mrs. Simpson had called her into her office.

“Lucy, you look awful. Go home now.”

“But I….” She had tried to protest.

“No buts, you’re no use to anyone like that. Go home, go to bed and stay there until you feel better.” Emma Simpson had told her firmly.

“Are you sure?”

“Go!” her boss told her one final time.

Despite her feeble protestations the directive to go home had been gratefully received by a shivering aching Lucy. She had gathered up her things and wearily dragged herself down to the bus stop to head back to her new apartment.

Her head had been throbbing painfully and her throat had virtually closed up by the time she had reached Jason’s flat and put her key in the lock. She knew her boyfriend would be at work but she was simply looking forward to making herself a cup of tea and getting back into bed to sleep until he got home.

Almost the instant she opened the front door she had felt something hadn’t been quite right and, for some unknown reason, she stopped herself calling out. There was nothing specific to begin with, just a sense that things weren’t as they should be.

The front door hadn’t been double locked.

She was sure that she had done it when she left for work.

Jason’s coat was on the hook.

That shouldn’t be there she thought to herself, certain he had been wearing it when he left that morning.

There was a girl’s bag on the floor and she was sure it wasn’t one of hers.

It didn’t make any sense to her befuddled mind.

That was when she had heard the soft female groan emanate from the bedroom.

“Oh yes… don’t stop… Jason…. Please don’t… fucking…. stop.”

Struggling to comprehend what she was hearing she tiptoed forwards to the partially open door and stood, totally stunned at the sight before her.

Stark naked, kneeling on all fours on the unmade bed that she had only gotten out of a few hours earlier was one of her best friends, Georgina Bray.

Completing the erotic tableau in front of her was her boyfriend, Jason, on his knees behind Georgina. He was equally naked as he held onto her friend’s hips and relentlessly drove his hard cock deep into the girl’s pussy.

“Yes, oh yes… fuck me Jason… just…. fuck meeeeeee!” the girl cried out, her eyes tightly shut, as Jason’s hard prick speared her.

How long she had stood there watching the two of them going at it like rabbit’s she couldn’t remember but eventually the pair had noticed her and then everything had happened at once.

“LUCY!” Georgina had screamed stopping Jason mid-thrust.

“Lucy… it’s not what you think.” Jason started to say, pulling his rapidly deflating dick out of Georgina as she grabbed the covers and pulled them up to cover her nudity.

“What I think!” coming to her senses Lucy had screamed at the pair of them, “What I think is that you and that…. that slut were fucking in our bed.”

“Lucy…. I… we….” Georgina stammered.

“Shut the fuck up bitch and put your fucking clothes on!”

The ensuing arguments, apologies, tears and recriminations had gone on for well over an hour before she had packed a bag and, telling the two of them she never wanted to see either of them again, had stormed out and taken herself off to Annabelle’s.

She had been miserable and depressed, sitting around moping for several days before gradually realising that she hadn’t really loved Jason and he obviously hadn’t loved her. Finally, coming to the conclusion that she was better off without the worthless piece of stagnant pond amoeba that her ex-boyfriend had been, she decided to make a start and rebuild her train-wreck of a life.

Over the next couple of weeks, she had collected all of her things from his flat and, temporarily, moved in with Annabelle as she started to sort out the mess she was in.

Looking for a new home and a new job had been at the top of her list of priorities and, after a handful of interviews she had accepted a new position starting straight after the summer holidays. It had raised her spirits immensely when she got the offer and gave her renewed enthusiasm to find a new home.

Finding a flat had been a lot harder than getting herself another job but eventually she had settled on a small furnished apartment; comprising of just a bedroom, an open plan living/kitchen space and a bathroom. It wasn’t as big as she would have liked but the rent was reasonable and it would be convenient for her new place of work when she started.

“Well now all I have to do is unpack and make myself at home.” She said coming back to the present moment and brushing her hand across her brown eyes, wiping away the tears that threatened to start again.

“That’s the easy bit.” Annabelle replied, “The important thing is that you’re here babes.”

Lucy took another mouthful of her tea before looking at the mess around them and replying hesitantly, “I guess so but God knows when I’ll get this lot put away properly.”

“That’s unimportant, it’ll get done eventually.” Her friend smiled back at her, “Don’t worry. You’ll be absolutely fine babes and remember you’re much better off without that piece of shit.”

“I know I am. It’s just that….”

“Anyway, forget him, this guy I’m seeing has a friend. His name’s Liam…” Annabelle continued, “I thought maybe we could all go out next week-end. Start to get you back in the saddle so to speak.”

Lucy sighed, “I’d rather not. I’m really not interested in looking for a boyfriend.”

“Then just shag him. Have a one-night stand.” Her friend suggested nonchalantly, “Start to move on.”

Deep down she knew Annabelle was right, it was time to move on, but she didn’t feel ready yet. The last thing she wanted now was a man in her life with all the uncertainties it would bring.

Chapter 2 — Moving forward

Waiting in the warm afternoon sun for the train that would take him home, Danny looked along the platform at the handful of other passengers. Casually wondering what their reasons for travelling were although he was certain that none of them had the same motivation as he did.

As reluctant as he was to be away from the army, he wanted to be with his daughter more. Jessica needed him now and he was more than determined to be there for her. Nothing else mattered to him and he promised himself he would have no other commitment than her.

Opening the door as the train drew to a stop Danny clambered in and stowed his kitbags in the overhead rack before taking his seat for the journey home. It would be a few hours before he would eventually arrive and it would give him time to think.

Nodding to the old man sitting opposite he dropped into his seat and stared out of the carriage window. Considering what his options might be if he left the army and how he would cope with Jessica if he stayed in, Danny speculated on just what his future might hold for him. Whatever it was his first concern would always be his daughter and looking after her.

With an insurance pay out from Stephanie’s accident and his savings he knew he was financially solvent, at least for the moment. However, he realised he would have to find himself a job if he resigned, although as yet he had no idea what he would want to do.

He had an old friend, Brett, who he knew from his time in the army and who was now working for a private security firm. He had told him he could always get him a position with the company he worked for so finding some sort of employment might not be a problem. However, if it were possible, he wanted to stay in but that would mean being away from his daughter.

Fortunately, having somewhere to live was not going to be an issue for him as, for the foreseeable future, he and Jessica would be staying with his mother.

Stephanie had been estranged from both of her parents and neither of Jessica’s maternal grandparents had showed the slightest interest in him or their grand-daughter. This had removed a potential problem with them wanting some sort of contact with her and left the sole responsibility for Jess with him and his mother.

“Home on leave?” a voice from across the carriage startled him out of his daydream.

“Sorry what? Oh… err…. yes… extended leave, family things.”

He answered succinctly, studying the older man sitting opposite him.

“How long were you in for son, if you don’t mind me asking?”

It would be a long journey and Danny decided he would appreciate the company to pass the time and keep his mind off the future.

“Six years. Royal Marines.” He replied, giving the other passenger a smile.

“Jack.” The old man held out his hand, “I was in the engineers, twenty years.”

Smiling Danny took the proffered handshake, knowing immediately he would enjoy chatting to the old soldier, “Pleased to meet you, Jack. I’m Danny. Danny Wells.”

“Likewise young man.” Jack gave him a friendly grin, “So where are you headed then?”

“Up the other side of London.” Danny told him, and wasn’t really surprised when Jack informed him that they were travelling to the same destination.

“I expect your wife will be glad to see you home for good?” The old soldier suggested.

“Not married. Not anymore that is.” He said holding up his left hand to show he had no ring.

“Oh, sorry about that.” Jack apologised before changing the subject, “Have you been overseas?”

“Not long back from my second tour in Afghan.” Danny informed him.

For the next couple of hours, the two mis-matched travellers exchanged stories and generally kept each other amused so that they were both somewhat surprised when the train pulled into their station.

“Take care of yourself now young man.” Jack said as they shook hands on the platform.

“You to Jack. Hopefully I’ll see you around.” Danny said his goodbyes to the old soldier before heading off towards his mother’s house.

It was a long enough walk without luggage but with the three bags Danny decided to take a cab for the twenty-minute journey.

He had barely got his kitbags through the front door when a 3-year-old blonde haired bundle of energy flew down the hallway and flung herself at him.


Jessica shrieked wrapping her arms tightly about his neck in an attempt to strangle him.

“Hey sweetheart.” He hugged his daughter back as he smiled at his mother, standing in the doorway.

“Nanny and me is making cakes. Come see.” She wriggled out of his grasp and, taking his hand, pulled him towards the kitchen.

“But careful, they is hot.” With a serious expression on her face, she warned her father.

“Hi mum.” He grinned and kissed his mother’s cheek as he was dragged past her to view the chaos in the room beyond.

“Welcome home.” Christine Wells laughed from behind him.

It was a few hours later, after Jessica had been read two stories and tucked up in bed, that Danny finally got the chance to sit down and talk properly with his mother.

“So, what are your plans now honey?” Christine asked him as she sat herself down with a cup of tea.

Seated opposite her Danny took a swallow of the beer he had just opened and shrugged, “To be honest mum I’m not absolutely sure. I know I have a job with Brett when I want it but apart from that I really don’t know.”

“You don’t want to come out though, do you?”

He shook his head, “Not if I can help it but Jess has to come first.”

“Well, you know that both of you can stay here as long as you want but you have remembered that Jessica starts school after the Summer, haven’t you?” his mother reminded him.

“Thanks.” Danny smiled weakly, “I had forgotten.”

He took another long swallow from the bottle of beer he was holding and thought about what he had just been told.

“Maybe I should take Jessica away on holiday. Before she has to start school and I have to make a decision.” He suggested thoughtfully, “What do you think mum?”

“Are you sure? Taking a 3-year-old away isn’t like going on a binge with your mates.”

He chuckled, “I’m sure it’s not but I want to spend some quality time with Jess.”

Christine gave it some consideration for a minute before answering.

“It might be a good idea for you both to get away for a bit after everything that’s happened but have you any idea where you would go?”

“I’ve absolutely no clue whatsoever.” Danny laughed, “I suppose we could just look at getting some sort of late availability deal off of the internet.”

“Well, you need to be careful where you choose. Remember you’ll have a three-year-old with you.”

Laughing again he replied, “As if I could forget.”

“She’ll need more than a bar and a swimming pool and she can’t survive on chips either.”

He grinned at her knowingly, his mother had just described his perfect do-nothing holiday. However, he would need something different if he was going to take his young daughter with him.

With that thought in mind he picked up the laptop off the table and started typing, searching for last minute holiday deals.

“Christ.” He exclaimed in frustration after spending a few minutes looking on the computer, “There’s bloody hundreds to choose from.”

It was his mother’s turn to laugh as she took the keyboard off him, “Here, let me look.”

Amending the search criteria, she entered another enquiry and then refined it a couple of times before eventually handing the screen back to her son.

“There you go. These are probably best suited to Jessica’s needs and at a price that’s reasonable.”

Danny took the computer and started to scroll through the alternatives, taking his time to peruse each one thoughtfully. Narrowing his options down to three possibilities he went over each one with his mother before selecting a small resort in Greece as his final destination.

“What do you think mum?”

She reviewed each of them carefully before picking out the one she thought would best suit his needs.

“That one I think.” She agreed with his choice and handed him back the laptop.

The small cluster of apartments they had both chosen was situated on the outskirts of a quiet village and boasted a pool, a kid’s pool and a pool bar. Offering breakfast as an optional extra it was situated close to a sandy beach and within easy reach of all the necessary amenities he might need.

“I think she’ll love it. A week away with her daddy is just what you both need.” His mother enthused.

“I’ll book it then, shall I?” Danny asked hesitantly, as he started to fill in the booking screen.

Christine smiled at her son, “I think you should.”

“Ok it’s done.” He pressed the enter button with a flourish and took a swallow from his beer, “We’re off in a couple of weeks.”

“I’m sure you’ll have a great time.” She stood up and headed back out to the kitchen.


Trying to keep herself as busy as possible and get on with her life Lucy focused on getting her new flat organised and simply going to work. She wasn’t interested in going out, despite the fact her friends kept inviting her, and she was usually able to find some sort of excuse to avoid accepting.

At first there were plenty of jobs that needed doing to keep her occupied when she was at home. Boxes to unpack, furniture to buy and shopping to be done. However, once these tasks were completed there was little else for her to do except sit at home in the evenings, by herself, and watch television instead of socialising.

Not that she minded. She was definitely off men for the time being and instead of being out and having to deal with her friend’s sympathy she would rather be by herself.

It was just another typical evening for Lucy, sitting alone in front of the television with a glass of wine, when the doorbell unexpectedly rang.

‘Bugger it, who’s that?’

Frowning she got up off the sofa.

She wasn’t expecting company and hoped it wasn’t one of her friends trying to get her to go out.

“Hey hon, I thought it was time to come round and see how the local recluse is doing.” Annabelle greeted her with a grin when Lucy opened the door.

“Ha Ha.” She answered sarcastically, stepping aside to let her friend walk past her into the apartment.

“I bought fresh supplies.” Annabelle waved a bottle of white wine in front of her as she entered and made her way straight through the flat into the kitchen area.

Lucy closed the front door with a resigned sigh and followed her, “In that case you’re very welcome and I won’t throw you out.”

“Glad to hear it babe. Where have you hidden the glasses?” Annabelle enquired as she began to root through the cupboards.

“Bottom door on the left.”

Opening the bottle Annabelle poured them both a large glass, handing one to Lucy, before finding herself a seat.

“Cheers.” She lifted her drink and toasted her friend.

“So, to what do I owe the pleasure of this visit?” Lucy asked coming straight to the point.

Annabelle gave her a reproachful look, “Can’t I just come round to see my best friend?”

“Not on a Friday night when everyone else is at The Lounge.” She laughed, “You obviously want something.”

“Well, if you know that everyone else is there what are you doing here by yourself?”

Lucy shrugged, “I prefer being alone right now. I’m not ready to start going out again.”

“Why not?” Annabelle demanded to know.

“Because you’ll spend the whole evening trying to set me up with some bloke or other.”

“So, what’s wrong with that. It’s about time you got back out there. You need to find yourself a guy who’ll make you happy.”

“I’m not interested Annabelle. Can’t you get that through your thick skull.” Although her words sounded harsh Lucy’s smile took any edge off what she said.

“But….” Her friend started to respond.

“I…. don’t… want…. a… relationship.” Lucy stated calmy but firmly, “In fact, I don’t want a man at all.”

“Ok well what about sex then. You need to at least get laid from time to time surely?”

Shaking her head solemnly Lucy looked at her friend, “Sex is overrated and anyway the last thing I want is to fuck some stranger then meet him in the supermarket a few days later.”

“Hmmm… I guess I can understand that.” Annabelle finished her wine and got up, taking Lucy’s glass and filling them both.

“So, how are we going to get you fucked then?” She giggled handing Lucy her refilled glass back.

“We…. are not!” she joined in the silly giggling.

“Aww come on….. That’s no fun!”

“I’m taking a very long break from men and relationships.” The glasses of wine she had consumed were starting to take effect on Lucy as she responded.

“But not sex.” Annabelle laughed, “You didn’t say sex.”

“You need a man for sex.” Lucy argued.

“Not necessarily. There’s vibrators and vegetables and….” Her friend started to reply before the pair dissolved into fits of giggles again.

For the next couple of hours or so the two of them chatted and laughed as they finished off the bottle Annabelle had bought and then opened up another, until they were both more than a little drunk.

“C’mon Luce, we need to get you laid.” Annabelle slurred, “You need to get back on the horse.”

Lucy giggled and spilled some of her drink, “I can’t ride a horse. I’d just fall off.”

“You know wha I mean.”

“Yeah, I do but not with anyone from around here. Not where people know me.” A very tipsy Lucy replied slurring her words.

“Hmmmmm.” Her friend frowned, trying to think of an answer to the problem.

“A holiday!” She suddenly shouted making Lucy jump, “You need to go on a holiday.”

“What? Where?” Lucy looked at her slightly confused.

Annabelle sat upright, suddenly clearheaded, “A holiday fling. That’s the perfect answer.”

“No. That’s so….. so slutty.”

“So what? It’s the ideal solution. You go away, meet a man, have sex and then come home where you never have to see them again.”

Before Lucy could argue any further the pair of them were poring over her computer looking at late availability deals.

“Where am I going to go though?” Lucy fretted.

“It doesn’t matter babe.” Annabelle told her, “As long as its anywhere that’s away from here and near men.”

Lucy sighed and started to look through the list of possibilities on the screen.

“How about this one?” Annabelle pointed out a lively resort after a few moments.

“Definitely not, I’m not going to some party town and that’s final.” The brunette informed her categorically.

They went through a few more of her selections, each one being quickly rejected by Lucy.

“Ok you pick one then.” Annabelle finally gave up and handed the computer over to her friend.

“How about here?” Lucy suggested after a few minutes browsing through the listing on the screen.

Annabelle read through the destination her friend had picked, “Yeah, Greece is good but the place you’ve chosen, it might be a little quiet.”

“I told you I’m not going to some town full of bars and discos and that’s final.” Lucy informed her firmly, “And anyway it’s got a pool, a beach close by and there are a few bars not too far away.”

“Fine, if you’re happy with it go ahead and book it then.” Annabelle prompted not wanting to give her friend time to change her mind.

“Should I?” Lucy wavered for a moment.


Her friend stated firmly and selected the book now option on the screen.

Finding her credit card Lucy capitulated and sat at her laptop going through the various booking forms before finally pressing the accept button.

“Oh shit, what have I done?” She said to herself as the booking confirmation message popped up on the screen.

“Booked yourself a vacation.” Annabelle laughed.

It only took a few minutes but suddenly Lucy had sobered up quickly as she realised that she was going away by herself on a week’s holiday to a place she had never been before.

Chapter 3 — Making preparations

Getting ready for the week-long trip turned out to be more of a nightmare than Danny realised it could possibly be. Used to the logistics of travelling as a soldier he found the requirements of taking a precocious 3-year-old away were very different.

His mother came up with a long list of items that Jessica would need for the holiday, including swimming costumes, t-shirts and shorts. There were also all the essential toiletries and sun creams that he hadn’t even considered.

However, having already spoken to his friend Brett and found out he would have a job if he decided to resign from the military, he had nothing else to do, leaving him free to make all the necessary preparations.

Which was how he found himself shopping in the town centre on a busy Saturday afternoon, with his daughter. He had already visited a number of smaller shops and purchased most of the stuff he needed and now he was wandering around in the town’s only large department store, list in hand.

Jess had already picked out several tops she liked and Danny had also added three new pairs of shorts for her to his basket before they went to look at the swimwear.

“How about this one?” browsing along the rail he picked out a bright orange costume decorated with dancing teddy bears, “I won’t lose you in this.”

Jessica looked at it with utter contempt, making him smile, “Daddy… really…. that’s so babyish.”

“Oh, right.” Chuckling he put it down and they moved along the rail rejecting several more potential swimsuits before she picked out a vivid blue one covered with white dolphins.

“I like this one.” Jess declared clearly adamant it was one she wanted.

“Ok. Well, that’s very nice but we need one more. Then you had better try them on. Just to be sure.”

“Why can’t I have two the same?”

“Err well… I… I…” He struggled to think of an answer.

“Because if you do, you won’t know which one you wore the day before.”

A female voice from behind him startled Danny and he turned around quickly to find himself staring into the prettiest, brownest eyes he had ever seen.

“I…. err… I….”

Stunned, his mouth opened and closed but he barely managed to make a sound.

The girl who had spoken, an extremely attractive brunette, laughed and put her hand up to her lips, “Sorry, I thought you might need some help with an answer.”

“Err… yes… umm… thanks.” Was about all he could manage by way of a response as he stared at her completely tongue tied.

“You’re welcome.” She smiled and, blushing slightly, quickly turned away to continue looking through the racks of women’s costumes.

“Daddy!” Jessica’s voice jerked him out of his trance and he realised he had been staring, open mouthed, after the stranger.

“Can I have a red one then?” his daughter asked tugging on his hand.

“Yes, yes sweetheart of course you can.”

A few minutes later Danny was kneeling in a changing cubicle busily helping a very excited little girl try on her new swimming costumes for her holiday.

“This one’s a little bit small sweetheart. Stay right there I’ll get the next size up.”

He pulled back the curtain and stepped outside walking straight into the brunette from earlier.

“Oh, I’m so sorry.” The girl said as they collided, holding up her hands containing the two bikinis she had chosen.

“I think I prefer the leopard print one. It will suit your eyes.” Danny grinned and winked, glancing at the two skimpy costumes she was carrying before looking back at the girl.

She immediately went a deep shade of scarlet and speedily hid both of the garments behind her back, “Oh… right yeah… thanks I… err… I think I do to.”

For a second or two they shuffled around trying to get past each other before, totally embarrassed, she hurried off to the cash desk leaving him staring after her yet again.

“Daddy… my costume.” His daughter’s voice reminded him that he was supposed to be getting her another size and, putting the girl out of his mind for the moment, he went back to the clothes rail.

By the time they had finished and came to pay for everything there was no sign of the young woman and Danny found himself strangely disappointed that she had gone.

The remaining few days until the holiday flew by as Jessica became more and more excited about the impending trip. She insisted that Danny show her the photographs of the resort every night before bed, refusing to go to sleep if he didn’t.

“Right, that’s about it I think.” Danny declared as he shut the suitcase, “If we’ve forgotten it, we’ll have to go without.”

“Well, I’m sure that you can buy most things you might need there.” His mother reassured him.

“Yeah, I expect so.” Mumbling he was still trying to think of anything he might have missed.

“What time’s the taxi coming?” Christine fussed as she brushed her grand-daughter’s hair.

“In about ten minutes.” He told her as he hefted their suitcases down to the hallway ready for the cab.

“And your flight’s when?” his mother called down to him, asking for what seemed the hundredth time.

“Ten to ten.” He shouted back to her.

Just then the doorbell rang signalling that their taxi to the airport was there.

“Hurry up Jessica, we’re going now.”

He called up to her as she came racing excitedly down the stairs.

“You’ll have a good time, won’t you?” his mother hugged him tearfully.

“Of course we will, won’t we sweetheart?” he picked up his daughter as she squealed with excitement.

“We’re going on a airplane nanny.” Jess informed her, “All the way over the sea.”

“I know you are.” Christine Wells smiled and kissed her, “You be a good girl for daddy and have a lovely time.”

Turning to her son she hugged him, “Take care, have a great time and look after her.”

“You think I won’t?”

She shook her head, “No, you’re a wonderful father and I know how much she means to you.”

Giving his mother one last kiss on the cheek while the driver loaded their bags, he lifted his daughter into the back of the cab and carefully strapped her in.

“Bye mum.”

“Bye nanny…. bye.” Jessica yelled waving furiously as the car pulled away.

Christine Wells stood on the door step and watched until the taxi disappeared in the distance before going inside.

Now she would have to worry about them until they were home again.


At home on the Friday evening Lucy was busy preparing a meal when the doorbell rang.


Groaning inwardly, she went to answer it, she knew who it was and exactly what they wanted.

“Come on in.” Moving back from the open door she invited Annabelle inside, “I’m making enough food for two.”

Her friend grinned and lifted a bottle of white wine, “I come bearing gifts if that helps?”

For the next twenty minutes or so the two girls finished cooking their dinner as they enjoyed a glass of wine before sitting themselves down to eat.

“You have to go shopping.” Annabelle told Lucy between mouthfuls of food, “You’re going away in a few days and you haven’t bought a thing yet.”

“I don’t need anything.” Lucy shrugged as she protested, “And besides I’ve been too busy, what with leaving work and organising the flat.”

“Well, that’s simply not good enough. We’re going tomorrow and that’s final.”

Pulling a face Lucy objected, “Do I really have to?”

“Yep.” Annabelle grinned, “You do. I’ll pick you up here at nine.”


The response was said with a sigh of resignation.

Finishing the lasagne and salad that Lucy had cooked, the two of them cleared away the dishes before settling down to finish the bottle of wine before opening another.

“If I have to go shopping, I have to make a list of the things I need to get.” Lucy put down a sheet of paper and a pen on the small coffee table.

“Well, there’s sun creams and stuff for a start.” Annabelle suggested, starting to write.

“Ok.” Lucy agreed, taking the list back, “What else?”

Her friend continued to propose several different ideas, some of which she wrote down and others she disregarded and by the time she had finished the list was quite long.

“We’re going to need all day to get this lot.” Lucy laughed as she put down the pen.

“Oh, and don’t forget to put down a couple of new bikinis.” Annabelle added as an afterthought.

“What! No way… I’ll buy a swimsuit.” Lucy started to write it down.

“Nope you need bikinis. If you’re going to find yourself a man out there you need to show the merchandise off properly.”

“The merchandise!” Lucy replied with a somewhat outraged tone, “That’s charming. You make me sound like a tin of beans or something.”

“True though.” Annabelle grinned.

They both laughed as she snatched the paper away from her and added ‘bikinis’ completing the list.

With that the two of them relaxed, finishing off the wine before Annabelle said goodnight and headed off home leaving Lucy to go to bed.

It was almost on the dot of nine the following morning when her friend returned to the flat to ensure that a somewhat reluctant, and slightly hungover, Lucy went shopping.

Starting with a badly needed coffee they took their time browsing through a number of smaller boutique type shops and had several bags containing a mixture of skirts, tops and dresses by the time they went into the town’s only large department store.

“Swimwear.” Annabelle declared, “You haven’t bought those bikinis that you need yet.”

“I know.” Lucy replied hesitantly, “I’ll take a look at the swimsuits.”

“Bikinis hon, with a shape like yours you need to show it off.”

“What shape?” she laughed putting her hand on her hip and striking a modelling pose with her slim 34B-24-34 figure, “I’ve got no boobs and no curves.”

Annabelle shook her head despairingly, “Don’t put yourself down babe. You’re bloody gorgeous.”

Making their way up to the first floor the pair found the beachwear section and started to browse through the rails and carousels of swimming costumes.

“I’m just going to look over here.” Annabelle told her moving away across the shop floor as Lucy continued to scan through the numerous items on display, “Just remember no swimsuits.”

Lucy grinned back at her, admitting defeat, “Ok, I’ll stick to the bikinis.”

It was then that she looked up and noticed a man with his young daughter browsing amongst the children’s costume’s, obviously doing exactly the same as she was.

“Ok. Well, we need one more. Then you had better try them on. Just to be sure.” The father said to the small blonde-haired child.

“Why can’t I have two the same?” she couldn’t help but smile at the child’s innocent question.

“Err well… I… I…”

The rather cute guy was clearly struggling to think of an answer for the little girl.

“Because if you do you won’t know which one you wore the day before.”

Lucy couldn’t help but answer the simple question for him.

He turned around and stared at her and, suddenly, Lucy felt her heart start to pound against her ribcage as she looked into his penetrating grey-blue eyes, feeling something stir deep within her.

“I…. err.” His mouth opened and closed but he barely managed to make a sound as they stared at each other.

Suddenly embarrassed at interrupting him she laughed and put her hand up to her lips, “Sorry. I thought you needed an answer.”

“Err… yes… umm… thanks.” Was the only thing he said by way of a response.

“You’re welcome.” She smiled and, blushing slightly as she felt her pulse start to race, she turned away to continue looking through the rails of women’s costumes.

“Who was that?” Annabelle asked coming across looking over her friend’s shoulder at the man Lucy had been talking to, “He’s bloody gorgeous.”

Lucy laughed, “Down girl. He’s married and he’s with his daughter.”

“Damn! Why are all the good ones taken?”

Sifting through the rest of the swimwear Lucy selected a couple of bikinis and disappeared into the changing rooms to try them on while Annabelle wandered off to look at some clothes for herself.

Behind the curtain, in the cubicle, Lucy thought about the stranger as she put on both of the costumes, one a skimpy two-piece comprising mainly of string, in a leopard print, while the other bikini was only slightly more conservative, in black.

Deciding she would buy both she dressed hurriedly and, pulling the curtain back, stepped outside only to walk straight into the cute guy from earlier.

“Oh, I’m so sorry.”

She told him quickly, as they collided, holding up her hands containing the two bikinis she had chosen as he held her arms.

“I think I prefer the leopard print one. It will suit your eyes.” He grinned and winked at her.

Almost immediately her cheeks turned a deep shade of scarlet and she hastily hid both of her hands behind her back as she stammered, “Oh… right yeah… thanks I… err… I think I do to.”

For the next second or two they shuffled around trying to get past each other and she could feel her pulse racing again as she tried not to gaze into his eyes. Finally, totally embarrassed, she hurried off to the cash desk, only looking back when she reached the till.

Taking her time, she paid for her items and went to find her friend, casually looking around to see if the stranger was there but, much to her disappointment, he hadn’t re-appeared by the time she left.

The next few days raced by with Lucy busy finishing up at her old school and getting herself organised ready for her holiday.

With her case packed ready to go she sat alone on the evening before her departure sipping her wine and wondering, not for the first time, what she was doing going away all by herself.

Have a holiday fling her best friend had suggested but she knew that wasn’t going to happen. Casual sex had never been her thing and the couple of men she had slept with before Jason had both been longer term relationships.

With that final thought in her mind she went to bed, knowing she had an early start the next morning.� � � � � � � � � � � � �

She was up by five and was dressed and ready by the time her friend arrived.

“What time is your flight?” Annabelle shouted as she waited by the front door, car keys in hand.

“Err… five past nine I think.” Came the reply from the bedroom.

“In that case you need to hurry up. We really need to get going if you’re going to be on time for it.” Annabelle told her loudly.


Lucy struggled out dragging her suitcase along behind her.

Loading her bag into the boot she slipped in alongside her friend, fastening her seatbelt as Annabelle put her car into gear and pulled away from the kerb to drive to the airport.

“Now you’re sure you have everything? Passport, tickets, money?” her friend questioned her when she finally stopped outside the terminal building to drop Lucy off.

“Yes, I’ve checked half-a-dozen times.” She laughed as she slipped out of her seat, “Stop worrying.”

“Just being cautious.”

“Well, everything’s fine.” She confirmed, not feeling it, as she retrieved her case from the back of the car.

The two girls hugged for a moment.

“Don’t forget to find yourself a man while your there.” Annabelle told her with a grin, “You need to get back on the horse.”

“I told you I can’t ride a horse.” Lucy giggled and hugged her friend again one last time before heading nervously in to the airport.

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