Joel & Mrs. Williams 01 by PinkPurple

Joel & Mrs. Williams 01 by PinkPurple..,

Well, why not, right? If the city of Middleton is going to sponsor a social mixer in the Community Center the night before the street decorating campaign kicks off, then I wasn’t going to miss it. I mean, the city actually does a nice job of stringing holiday themed garland and stuff between the street lamp posts and all, so let the holiday season begin, I guess.

Also, the city leadership just likes to party and I’m betting that there will be another mixer in a few weeks when the city workers switch the major theme of the decorations from a Thanksgiving theme to more of a Christmas theme. I mean, any reason to toast a glass, right?

“Oh, hello Joel, I almost missed you with all my running around tonight, but I am so glad that you made it to the mixer tonight. Did you get a cocktail yet? LOL, they are a little weak because of our budget and all, but they do add up.”

“Hello, Mrs. Williams and I wouldn’t have missed this ridiculous mixer for anything. And I am glad that we had a chance to bump into each other early because as the head person in charge of the decorating department, I assume that this is kind of your party and you’re going to be running around all night giving everyone 5 minutes of your time? I mean, being perfect party host and all, right? Also, wow, you look amazing in your skirt, if that’s not being too forward of me.”

“Unfortunately, I do have a responsibility to mingle with all the guests, but I will be making circle after circle, so don’t be shy about flagging me down every time I pass by. And thanks for the compliment on my skirt or my legs because I mistakenly selected a holiday party skirt that is, oops, about two fingers shorter than it should be for a woman who may or may not be looking at 40 in the rearview mirror.”

“All hail 38, Mr. Williams, all hail 38.”

“Good boy! Anyways, I need to get a move on, but let me conclude our first meeting of the night with a joke. LOL, and Joel, I’m saying LOL, but it must suck being you tonight, right? I mean, look around at all ex-ladies in attendance tonight and this party must look like your own personal whore house, right, LOL? LOL, your old whore house from the good old days, LOL.”

“Ha, ha, Mrs. Williams and thanks for having a little fun at my past relationship expense. Anyways, before you take off and spread yourself thin for the evening mingling and to make up for taking so much pleasure with how most of my ex’s are here tonight, whisper something to me about your party host attitude that I might find interesting and include the word “cheating” as often as a can. A cute little word game, if you will, as punishment for looking around and pointing me out to all of my ex’s.”

“Oh, well Joel, OK, ah, not only did I cheat tonight by wearing a skirt that is probably a little too short and maybe a little too tight, I cheated by wearing nylon stockings and a garter belt instead of those blood flow constricting pantyhose. You know, in case there was some other kind of cheating going on and all. I mean, what man wants to be forced to rip a hole in the crotch of pantyhose to get to the good stuff when there is a better way? Did I play your silly little word game correctly, Joel? How’s your blood flow right now, Joel?”

“Oh, you played it correctly alright Mrs. Williams and I’m feeling a little light headed from all of my blood heading south, so mingle with me for just a few moments more and whisper to me the rest of the back story of all that. I mean, paint me a picture story in my head, Mrs. Williams.”

“My pleasure. Imagine what it would be like if you and I managed to sneak around to the back of the Community Center where the facility offices and break rooms are and then imagine us embraced in a passionate kiss, Joel. And then imagine yourself pushing my skirt up towards my hips without breaking our passionate kiss and then imagine you lifting me up by my hips and plopping me and my pushed-up skirt ass right down on a desk, oh my, right Joel?”

“Oh, oh my is right, Mrs. Williams and that’s quite the picture you painted in my head. So, if I were lifting your mostly exposed thighs up onto a desk, well, it sounds like that picture would best be painted with me posing between your legs, right? I mean, we’re maintaining our passionate kiss and all, so I must be right there all close and stuff, right?”

“Oh, Joel, we never break our kiss and yes, you must be standing between my spread legs to hoist me up onto the desk. Hoist me I say Joel, hoist me up and aim your paint brush directly at my wet paint. Have I painted a good back story picture in your head yet, Joel?”

I mean, community events, right? You have to attend them and it never hurts to have the full story behind the goal of the event.

“Now Tiger Joel, I need to move and mingle and I don’t mean to ruin the moment, but with my garter belt and all, well, just push my panties to side Joel before you ram your fat cock into me in the break room, which has a yellow door. The yellow door I say Joel, the construction yellow door.”

Mental note, the construction yellow door is reserved for side sex with Mrs. Williams. I mean, there are probably other painted doors in the back of the building and half of my ex’s are here and all, so, you know, right?

“Keep me on text Joel and I’m sure that sooner or later that we will meet up towards the rear of the building with just our normal mingling routines. Oh, and I make no claims to being your woman, but I would appreciate it if you could keep your hands off of your 7 ex’s who are here tonight. I mean, this is kind of my party, as you said.”

Well, I counted 5 in the house, but a couple of them may have been in the restroom while I was taking a head count.

“Oh my, Joel, whew, if we were alone at this moment, right? Anyways, keep me on text and absolutely no fair jacking off in the Men’s Room if our texting turns into Sexting. I know I may only get you for tonight, but I want it all. Wow, OK, I have to get on my host mingle on, so the yellow door Joel, the yellow door. LOL and I can’t say that enough because the light blue door in the back of the building is reserved as the other “Men’s Room” if you get my drift, so don’t go in that door. Well, unless you’re looking for my lousy faggot cheating ex-husband or something.”

Shoot! She played the “no jacking off” card on me and Mrs. Kelli Kant is looking mighty fine in that knit dress and I spent more than a few evenings jacking off on her big fat round ass and all, but a promise is a promise, I guess. I mean, if anyone one knows how to wiggle tease a nut out with just her bare ass, well, Kelli Kant wrote the book on all that.

“Oh, well, I see you noticed my knit dress, Joel, so next time wear looser pants to a party like this. By the way, I’m still madly in love with you and I want you back, just like you want me from the back, and I can tell that you want me from the back because of what’s going on in your pants right now.”

“Mrs. Kelli Kant, you know that I’m still committed to you and you only.”

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