Truth or Dare with the twins by L King

Truth or Dare with the twins by L King

Explore the thrilling world of temptation in 'Truth or Dare with the Twins' by L King. This seductive erotic story immerses you in scandalous dares, intense passion, and unforgettable encounters. Dive into a tale that ignites desire and keeps you on the edge of your seat. Perfect for lovers of steamy fiction—uncover the secrets of this irresistible adventure!<br/>

This one is a bit out my comfort zone until now I’ve never done lesbian. Its about twins and their friend Lucy playing truth or dare and finding more about one another than they ever thought they would. It was difficult to keep the names in the right order and who’s turn it was lemmie know what you guys think plz. , Truth or Dare with the twins

We met very young.

My parents moved next door to the twins’ parents when I was still too little to remember anything and before the twins were born. We grew up together, I don’t even remember how we met but our parents said I was out in the garden and one of the twins saw me through the fence. My parents said right from the start we were chatting excitedly with one another and some things never change. My name is Lucy. I’m 19 years old. The twins Amy and May are about a year younger at 18.

I’m pretty tall I guess about 6ft5 the twins are both 5ft9. I have raven black hair and the twins are both blond and both have small boobs where mine are pretty big.

We’re from a small town north of Manchester, England. I was in my final year of School 6th form and was applying for Universities.

At first I had thought about waiting on the twins so we could all go together but I was heavily discouraged about this from both my parents and the twins as they knew how competitive it was getting for places and we knew we each had different paths to take. I wanted to be a Doctor, Amy on the other hand she was into sports coaching and psychology.

May more into animals and veterinary care she even volunteered at the local cat protection league place 2 days a week.

Something I discovered about myself when I was hitting puberty was I didn’t have much interest in the opposite sex. To be blunt I found them kind of boring, when I discovered masturbation I found myself thinking about girls more often than not. I told myself in the early days I would grow out of it and it was normal for a teenager to experiment with the idea.

I told no one not even my closest friends or my mother. I often found myself climaxing to the thought of one of the twins’ soft skin touching mine but it was a fantasy nothing more.

It was a weekend and my parents headed off with the caravan and the twins would stay the weekend at mine. This happened more because I didn’t have the same appetite for caravanning as my parents did.

I’d make excuses, usually studying for exams but really there was nothing worse than being stuck in a field without telly signal or anything other than talking to your parents for an entire weekend.

‘Lucy you in here’ It was Amy, usually the first in line for anything really. ‘I’m right here, in the kitchen’ I was deep in the text book studying for my biology final which wasn’t for a few weeks but I wanted to ace that exam.

It also helps when parents are leaving to look like I’m gonna be studying. ‘ Your parents left an hour ago’ as she rounded the corner of the room. ‘I know I do actually study some of the time you know’ I smiled as I looked at her in her red top skinny white jeans with a matching jacket no one could ever say she didn’t know how to dress.

Her athletic body was a joy to behold and the worst part of it she didn’t know it.

‘Oh we know, we know Dr Serious always gotta get ready for finals that are weeks away’ That was the never far behind May who appeared with a white dress with dark leggings underneath. I honestly don’t know how this girl does it but she just seems to glow in a way I’ve only seen in movies.

Seriously, I’ve been waiting on butterflies to land on her and maybe birds to take her coat.

I closed my book knowing my session learning about the heart would wait a few days. ‘Well what do you wanna do this weekend? I got some booze in the fridge and some munchies as well as some cash for pizza.’ ‘Woo hoo now you’re talking’ hollered May clearly pleased at my question.

‘Uh there’s a match at 3pm United vs Liverpool but I guess we can go to the movie store after?’ She was always like that, never missed a football match on tv but had never been to see any of the teams. I don’t think she really supported anyone in particular, she just enjoyed the sport. ‘Sounds terrible, the match I mean.

You watch that and I guess me and May will fire up the Nintendo?’ I said looking at Amy ‘It’s called a gamecube… I still don’t understand how you beat me at Mario Kart!’ ‘I’d rather be lucky than good’

Amy went to the sitting room to watch the match and we went to my bedroom to play the game. I didn’t care about video games especially but I was a competitive girl and Amy was a gamer so it always gave me a thrill when I beat her.

Secretly after the first time we played and she had obliterated me I had practiced a bit more on my own. Last week I won but it wasn’t by much. This week I wasn’t so lucky but we had a giggle anyways and May was far happier than anyone should have any right to be winning at a game.

Later after the match we walked along the road together. The three musketeers is what our parents called us and three amigos and other such nicknames and it was true we were pretty much inseparable.

The video store always had a 3 for 2 offer on movies which we often joked was made for us. Amy usually got an action movie, May some weird kung fu world cinema release which was usually really good or really bad. I’m not sure what I preferred. Me? I liked musicals or family movies.

This time Amy got the new Die Hard 3 movie with May getting some Jackie Chan movie where he was a cop and myself I picked out Back to the Future 2.

A great weekend awaited and we changed to our pjs and laid all the sofa cushions over the floor and after watching the Saturday feature on BBC one we watched Robocop on itv it was hilariously censored. We watched movies, ate the pizza and drank a bit too much of the alcopops that had arrived.

The tv went off and we put on the radio for some background noise really. ‘Well this is one of the last times we get to do this, I guess’ said may gloomily ‘I guess but we will always be friends though right?’ I tried.

‘You guys are crazy if you think we’re gonna get all down in the dumps about it… We will make the most of it while it lasts… and then we will meet up again when we can’ Amy always was the sunnier of us, she always wanted to live in the moment.

‘How about we play a game’ suggested Amy ‘oh… like…’ May began only to be cut off ‘… no I mean like truth or dare’ I looked at her confused.

I knew what the game was and usually it was an excuse for boys to look at girls boobs or kiss… ‘With just the three of us?’ ‘Sure it can be fun…you in Amy’ ‘Sure, but how…’ again she didn’t let Amy finish and instead presumed her question and went over the way the game was played. ‘… We grab a bottle, spin it and whoever it lands on has to say truth or dare. Simple’

We sat down on the cushions and put a bottle in the middle.

Amy naturally spun the bottle first and it immediately landed on me. ‘Well? Truth or Dare Lucy’ not wanting to go too fast until I got a feel for the room. ‘Truth’ ‘Well since I spun the bottle I’m the one to ask. How many boys have you kissed’ I wasn’t surprised at this question ‘three’ I was fully honest with my answer ‘who?’ said May ‘hold up, Lucy doesn’t need to answer that. One spin one question only’ I wasn’t fussed but I suppose Amy was making the rules.

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