With Betty on Vacation by Mystic47

Introduction: He slapped around with an arm to grab more blanket but when he felt the quilt, he also felt something else, a big solid lump. What the hell? His hand roamed over the lump, up to the top then his fingers grazed across skin. Bare skin. Someone was in the bed with him. Kit rolled to the side facing the lump in his bed and poked it. The lump protested, “Uhh- “in a feminine voice. , He woke up, no light shown in the room or through the window, the air was crisp with nighttime chills. He tried to pull the blanket up to cover his shoulders but it wouldn’t move. He slapped around with an arm to grab more blanket but when he felt the quilt, he also felt something else, a big solid lump. What the hell? His hand roamed over the lump, up to the top then his fingers grazed across skin. Bare skin. Someone was in the bed with him. Kit rolled to the side facing the lump in his bed and poked it. The lump protested, “Uhh- “in a feminine voice. He sat up, pulled the quilt down then pushed on her shoulder. There were three females in the house just then, his mom, his older sister and his younger half-sister. Who was sleeping in the bed with him? He was pretty sure his mother wouldn’t sneak into his room so it was either Maggie or Betty. Kit reached for his LED night light and turned it on then prodded the unknown invader again. She turned her head to him, “What?”

It was Betty, his fifteen-year-old half-sister. “What are you doing in my bed?”

“It’s cold.”


“And Maggie keeps stealing all the blankets and I was freezing. Mom has dad to keep her warm so I came in here. Can I go back to sleep now?”

“No, go back to your room, you can’t stay here.”

“Please Kit, I was careful not to get close to you and you have a big cover, I’m warm and we haven’t fought over the blanket.”

“We just did fight over the blanket.”

Betty looked at the clock on the nightstand, “It took you four hours to do it.”

“What do you mean?”

“I’ve been here since about one, Maggie kept kicking me and tugging on the covers so I gave up and came in here. This bed is really comfortable and you haven’t fought over it, until now.”

“I’m not fighting you.”

“But you’re trying to kick me out too. Let me stay Kit, we have to get up in a couple of hours, I’m still tired so want to sleep till then.” She flopped back down on the pillow she’d brought with her, tugged the blanket to her chin and stared at her older half-brother.

“What the hell do you think mom and dad or Maggie will say if the find you in bed with me? They’ll totally freak out.”

“Why, we aren’t doing anything?”

“Yeah? Well you and me would be the only ones to believe that story.” Betty didn’t say anything more, she rolled to her side away from him, jostled a bit to get more comfortable then tried to go back to sleep. She wasn’t about to give up her warm, cozy bed cave just because he was worried the family might think they did something besides sleep. Kit looked at the tangle of reddish blonde hair and conceded half his bed to her. They would just have to be damn careful to be up before anyone else. He laid back down and turned his back to her.

They were on a family vacation, dad, step-mom, sister, brother, half-sister. Maggie and Kit were the children of the father and his first wife; she died. Betty was born a few months after his father married his step-mother, hence she is the half-sister born of the step-mother. The family unit was close knit and generally everybody loved everybody else as they should. There were occasional sibling spats but never any hate or serious familial damage done between them. The family didn’t take vacations during the summer, most destinations were too hot or too crowded to enjoy for two weeks, so the Christmas/New year school breaks were the vacation times for the Cutler family. This time it was a holiday in a cabin in Whistler Canada. A mountain resort near Vancouver on the Canadian west coast. As a snowboarding, snowmobiling vacation spot, it was fucking cold, especially at night.

Kit didn’t go back to sleep. He could tell Betty had. but he was to paranoid to close his eyes. He was alert to the slightest sounds in the cabin, he knew without a doubt they would be caught sleeping together. Finally, around 6:30 he couldn’t take the strain, woke his sister up and chased back to her own room, back to Maggie. After that he relaxed and drifted off for another half hour.

Betty got away with spending half the night in her brother’s room; Maggie was clueless, she didn’t realize Betty had abandoned her in the late night. Actually, she probably would have been glad to know she had the extra room, the full benefit of the down quilt. Their parents had no reason to suspect. Once the pressure of having his sister lying next to him was gone, Kit wasn’t concerned either, he let the matter fade away. It was Betty who spent time thinking about where she slept. For the first time in three days she was relaxed, felt more energetic; she was ready for a day on the slopes.

That night Betty and Maggie prepared for bed, Maggie got in first and cuddled up with her pillow under the thick blanket, barely leaving enough room for Betty to lie beside her. Maggie didn’t hate her sister, she wasn’t trying to start a ruckus, or ignore her, she just was accustomed to sleeping alone and didn’t realize she was being a bed hog. Betty tried to settle in but just as the nights before, her butt was exposed to the night air, her pajamas were not enough cover to keep her warm. Her protests were heard by Maggie who did reluctantly give up a couple of inches of space and blanket, but it didn’t last. As soon as the older sister was asleep, she again curled up in as much of the bedding as she could get. Betty was cold, unable to sleep.

She didn’t wait as long as she did the night before. As soon as Betty heard her parents go to their room, she gathered her pillow, her guardian dragon, Cooper, then crept to her brother’s room. Kit was not yet asleep; he was texting his girlfriend who was 1800 miles south of them. He looked up when Betty came through the door but said nothing when she lifted the quilt and laid beside him again. She fluffed her pillow, arranged Cooper, then let her head fall to the pillow, she looked her brother in the eyes, “I’m cold.” That was all the explanation she would give; it was all he needed. Kit felt less concern that she had come to his bed again so went back texting; Betty drifted on soft warm clouds to a sound sleep.

Betty stirred; she was being crowded again, only this time it was Kit who was hogging the bed space. She came awake to feel him behind her, his arm over her waist. But it wasn’t the arm that woke her, it was the pressure of one spot on her thigh, just below the swell of her butt. It took her a moment to realize that her brother had an erection and it was stabbing her leg. Her heart started hammering with dread, she pulled away, flipped over to look at him, he was sleeping. She inched a little further from him then pushed lightly on his shoulder to turn him over. Kit mumbled incoherently then rolled to his other side. Slightly relived, Betty calmed down but didn’t go right back to sleep. She watched her brother; only she didn’t watch him as much as looked at him. Kit was just weeks over seventeen, close to full grown. He played sports in school which help develop broad shoulders and muscular arms. He didn’t have a bodybuilder body, but was ripped and fit. When upright, Kit stood over 5’10 and would likely top 6’. Even as his sister, she thought he was good looking, with intelligent gray eyes shaded by long lashes. He had a photogenic face, a straight nose over a permanent smile and a robust square jaw and Kirk Douglas chin. Her half-brother was very easy on the eyes, a lot of girls thought so, they told Betty that. He never lacked for female friends. For the first time in 15 years, Betty looked at her half-brother as a boy, not a sibling, and she felt a sensual shiver from her thighs to her breasts. Shocked at what she felt, she flipped away from him and tried to go back to sleep.

Try as she might, sleep eluded the girl, the room became increasingly warm, bordering on hot. She kicked the quilt off her legs to cool but she started having the shakes. Her heart was thudding in her chest, her entire body restless. The spot on her leg where Kit’s boner had touched her glowed with heat. Betty had never felt that way before and was growing concerned that she was getting sick. Unbidden by conscious thought the girl rolled over to face Kit. As she studied his profile, she became even more agitated, she began to feel a yearning in her loins that she’d only heard rumors about. This wasn’t a sickness like any other she had experienced. Was she getting horny, as her friends say? Horny for her own brother? No, not her brother or even half-brother, she was reacting to the young man lying with her in the bed.

Betty had kissed two boys in her life, one of them foolishly groped her breasts, and as a reward, she punched him in the eye. But she felt compelled to have Kit touch her, she wanted him to put a hand on her breast. Carefully, with stealth, Betty reached for Kit’s arm and pulled it over then with trembling hesitation guided his limp hand to cover her left breast. The weight of his hand on the tender flesh shot a spike of heat to her chest then two of his fingers twitched, caressing the mound under the material of her top. Her heart was crashing against its cage, her breath coming quicker, deeper. In his sleep Kit felt his girlfriend’s tit and pressed harder, he felt the nipple grow stiff. His prick, which had withered when Betty made him turn over, regained full manhood.

With a strong, concentrated will, Betty lifted his hand off her and pushed it back to him. She moved away from Kit, to the edge of the bed, took a deep cleansing breath and grabbed her guardian dragon; Cooper would protect her from her own thoughts. It took a while, but the girl managed to go back to sleep.

Just as Betty was nodding off again, Kit roused to half aware, he had an erection and the impression that he had been feeling up his girlfriend. Only she wasn’t there. He turned his head to see the back of his sister’s head, she was out. He laid back and enjoyed the after effects of the realistic dream; Carefully, so he wouldn’t shake the bed, Kit jacked off into a sock while Betty was sleeping, she would never know.

That next day Betty was distracted enough that her mother noticed, “Betty, what’s on your mind? You’ve been a little out of focus today.”

“Nothing mom, just kind of queasy from breakfast, I’m fine.” But she wasn’t fine, the feeling of her brother’s hand on her breast lingered all day, keeping her bra filled with warmth. The spot on her leg where his hard-on touched her tingled too.

Betty would never admit to herself that she was waiting for bedtime, waiting for Maggie to steal the blankets. She wouldn’t admit it, but she was anticipating. She spent a restless 45 minutes lying beside her older sister until she was sure Maggie was asleep. The girl eased from the bed then went to her brother’s room again. Kit looked like he was sleeping so she slipped carefully onto the mattress then pulled her share of the quilt over her. Ah, so much better, her brother had warmed the bed nicely, Betty cuddled with Cooper into her pillow and sought sleep. But sleep evaded her, the nearness of the boy behind her caused her heart to pick up a few beats, her stomach felt like she was riding a whirlwind. Subconsciously Betty eased further across the space until her butt was pressed lightly against Kit’s. She stayed there, quiet, reveling in the intimate feelings churning in her loins. The girl was getting turned on like never before and she was enjoying the sensation immensely.

Kit woke up, aware that his sister was again in his bed, the third night in a row. He reacted to the intimate situation by raising a solid erection. He shifted, pressing back on her and was encouraged that she did not pull away. He rolled to the other side, facing her then put a hand on her stomach. She flinched at the feel of his fingers on her, then her entire body shuddered. Kit moved his hand and placed it over her left breast and pressed it firmly, Betty’s eyes few wide, then she smiled at him. The blood bond between them faded to an afterthought as her brother began fondling her breasts. He felt and teased her nipples for a few moments while her mind reeled with erotic delirium, never in her life had she experienced such intense feelings. She pulled his hand off her then rolled to face him and put an arm over him, lying quiet, trying to sort out the intense feelings raging through her. Kit had a hot girl in bed with him and all thoughts of propriety or morality dissipated as steam into the air. He felt down her back, caressed her ass then moved his hand over her thigh and between her legs. Betty was way past reluctance or hesitancy, she parted her legs and let him touch her.

The cloth covering her crotch was warm and damp, Kit began rubbing her pussy through the clothing. Betty grabbed his hand and encouraged him to even tighter contact. Her hips began to rock, her legs were restless, her pussy was overheating. Kit felt for Betty’s closer hand and pulled it to his erection, he pushed it down the front of his briefs then rolled his back, forcing his cock through her fingers. She needed no more hints. Sister began stroking brother as he slipped his hand into her underwear for direct contact with her.

And they stayed like that, touching, caressing and fondling each other until the young girl went stiff then began to convulse. When Betty sucked a deep breath, Kit slapped a hand over her mouth to keep her from alerting the house. She rocked and vibrated but her moans were muted by her brother. When she relaxed Kit pulled his hands off her. She rolled her head to look at him then silently got off the bed and returned to Maggie’s bed. Kit still had a massive erection but he didn’t mind. He was sure what he had done for Betty would be enough to bring her back the next night.

Betty spent the rest of the night lying with Maggie but she was not cold. She basked in the warmth generated by her thoughts, by the aftereffects of the strong climax Kit had caused. As she remembered how his hand felt between her legs, her fingers stayed busy in her panties, Betty had a second, stronger orgasm before she managed to sleep. All the next day the half-sister surreptitiously watched her half-brother, thinking about what they had done, how his erection felt under her fingers as he fondled her. In the morning she had wanted nothing more than to continue the intimacies, but by the time dinner was over, so were her tainted thoughts. She vowed to herself to remain with her big sister that night.

True to herself Betty remained in bed with Maggie the entire night, she didn’t get a lot of sleep, but enough to justify staying. The next morning Betty met Kit as he came from the bathroom, they paused in the hall just long enough for him to boldly say, “Where were you last night, I missed you?” Betty flushed with embarrassment, her heart fell to her stomach, she turned and fled to the bathroom without saying a word. Never in her life had she ever experienced a sensual rush like the one his question triggered.

It was 1:32 in the morning when the girl gave in to nature and crept to Kit’s room. It was too dark to see him; she didn’t know if he was awake and waiting or if he was asleep, but that didn’t matter. What mattered was the unrest in her loins, compelling her to him. She was still naive about boys and girls but knew with certainty she needed to be near Kit. She laid on the bed, too hot to cover herself, eased her hand between her legs as she put her eyes on him again.

Kit wasn’t asleep, he’d been waiting. He’d watched her all day and was sure she would return to his bed that night. His cock had been hard since he went to bed, waiting for his sister to come to him. He rolled to face Betty, hooked his fingers in the band of her pajama pants and tugged them down. Betty lifted her ass, then in seconds she was free of any material covering her lower body. She put a hand on the bulge of his erection and stroked it strongly a few times then dipped her hand under the elastic of his shorts and helped him pull them down. Kit went up and over Betty, she moved her legs wide apart so her half-brother could take her.

Both had been anticipating this moment, both were flowing with nature’s oils, the head of Kit’s cock slipped up and down her slit, she gasped a breath, her fingers dented his shoulders. Kit angled his cock to push into her, she met him with an upward movement then felt when he penetrated her virginity. It hurt, it didn’t hurt, it was thrilling, it was scary. Up until two nights before had Betty never thought of Kit sexually, but when she realized he was as deep into her as he could be, she swooned with desire and need. She threw her arms around his neck and pulled him down until he was lying fully on her, he wrapped his arms around her back, cupped her ass in his hands then gave his full attention to turning his little sister into a woman.

The girl wasn’t thinking, her only focus was on what Kit was doing to her. His every movement, the very touch of his body on hers caused her to sink deeper and deeper into a well of passion, she was drowning in the sensual sensations radiating from his erection throughout her body. She’d talked often of sex with her friends but until that moment she couldn’t relate what she heard to what she felt. Her fingers dented his broad shoulders, her breath couldn’t come fast enough. She needed air, she sucked deep breaths of cool night air but the fires within fanned even higher. Betty opened her eyes and looked up at the boy fucking her and began to convulse with shocks of ecstasy. “Oh – Ohh – OOhh —”, Kit pressed a hand over her mouth while she moaned through the most intense orgasm she had ever experienced. The jolts, the cramps, the intense thrills seemed endless as she slapped her hands to the bed and arched her back, her pussy flowed with lust as she came.

He pulled out and rolled off her, she flipped to her stomach, pulled a pillow over her head then remained quiet while random sexual seizures caused shivers up and down her spine, between her legs. For a full minute she kept her face hidden, because as she came down from the sexual high, she began to feel embarrassment and modesty for what they had done. Kit began to rub her back, moving his hand in small circles as it moved down her back until he was caressing her butt. He put his mouth next to the pillow, “Betty?”

She lifted the pillow high enough she could see him. He smiled, pushed the pillow higher and kissed her on the corner of her lips. “That was fuckin awesome girl.” He didn’t seem at all concerned or distressed that he had just taken her virginity. She pulled the pillow off, lifted up to look at the closed bedroom door then turned to him, she put her finger to her lips, “Shhh” she puffed quietly, then kissed him fully on the mouth, definitely not with a sisterly kiss. He put his arms around her and pulled her tight against him.

Kit hadn’t finished so his cock was still a steel pole pressed against her stomach. Betty felt the pressure on her skin then pulled her head back and whispered “Do you have to do it again?” She was again showing her naivety. Kit didn’t answer her verbally, he pushed her to her back once more, mounted over her and slipped back into the hot velvet center of her body. When he couldn’t push any deeper, he bent his head and kissed her, “Yes.”

Betty’s eyes flared wide, she smiled sensuously, she was no longer embarrassed, “Okay” she offered eagerly. Kit knew this was Betty’s first sexual adventure, that this was all new to her, so he fucked her without working up her passion by necking, petting, or prolonged seduction. She was content to lie on her back and let him use her. It took her half-brother another eleven minutes to reach his limit. Kit’s balls clenched, his cock convulsed then he pulled out of the girl and came in her pubic hair, on her pubis. She licked her lips then pulled him down for a deep, tender kiss, the cum between their stomachs smeared as a lotion into their skins. As she lay next to him Betty realized the quilt was crumpled, half off the bed, but she wasn’t cold.

With her sexual imperative sated, Betty began to worry. What if their parents or Maggie found her in Kit’s bed? She felt anxious, torn between staying with her brother or sneaking back to her sister. She checked the bedside clock, 2:15, had she been there only 45 minutes!? She rolled off the bed, put her night pants back on then left the room. Kit snuggled into the blankets and reveled in the afterglow of fucking his little sister. It didn’t bother him that she left, he felt in his loins she would be back.

Betty lay next to Maggie and spent another two hours feeling how Kit fucked her, how it felt, how she climaxed, how she was starting to want him again. About 4:30 that morning she poked Maggie, to wake her up. Her big sister grumbled something nasty and pulled the blankets from Betty then wrapped up in a cocoon of covers. Betty smiled, got up and returned to Kit. She was ready.

Kit woke up with his erection in her fist. She was behind him, her arm over his waist, pulling on the shaft. He wasn’t surprised, he wasn’t shocked, he was exultant. He knew in his balls Betty would come back, but he thought she would wait for the next night. The hand on his cock caused a surge of lust through him, he turned over then they both stripped of all clothing, the blanket moving and shifting over the bumps and mounds of arms and knees while they pulled off their night clothes. In seconds brother and sister were naked, hot, and locked together by arms. Again, she needed no foreplay but she felt compelled to kiss him. They were bonded by lips; the head of his erection slipped easily into her while they experimented with tongues.

He started slow, savoring the feel of his erection sliding in and out of her body. She lay still, watching, her eyes drifted from his face, over her breasts to what he was doing between her legs. It was dark so she fumbled for the night light and turned it on. His body was illuminated as Betty watched Kit screw her; her temperature began to climb to ‘fucking hot’. She began to gasp and moan. Kit grabbed her hand and placed it over her mouth, muffling the sounds of excitement. Betty pulled a pillow over her face as added sound proofing then gave in to the ever increasing ecstasy of getting fucked.

They coupled softly for several minutes then Betty crested on waves of passion. She convulsed, rocked and groaned into the pillow as she climaxed. Kit had managed to hold off cuming until she did, so her orgasm set his in motion. He pushed up from her, managed to pull free of her then sprayed her crack and the bed with semen.

“You have to go back; they’ll be getting up soon.”

“I know, but I really don’t want to, I want to stay here all day. Does sex always feel like that?”

“No, we had to be careful not to make any noise, if we didn’t have to be quiet it might be a lot hotter.”

Betty gave her half-brother a soft lingering kiss, “I guess we’ll have to do this when we are alone.”

“That won’t until we get back home.”

She reached between his legs and tickled his flaccid cock, “Monday after school, Mom, Dad and Maggie will all be at work.” She got off the bed, took Cooper, then crept through the early morning dawn back to Maggie. Kit fell back on his pillow then toyed with his prick while thinking his home life was about to improve dramatically. Read 136371 times | Rated 93.4 % | (1468 votes) Vote list (Close) :
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    , 4 comments »The Great TashReport  2019-10-01 22:14:38 Good story, you never disappoint. Thank you Doozy woof Hunter1

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