Pressing Matters with Sister Pt. 02 – Fall Break by Spector_Dugan,Spector_Dugan

Welcome to part TWO of the Pressing Matters series!

Last time, Dylan and his older sister Lucy started masturbating together. Things got out of control and there were consequences. Have the siblings learned their lesson? (clearly not)

And yes, I’m well aware that this is the second story I’ve written around Thanksgiving. I guess there’s something about turkey that I find something truly erotic.

All participants are over the age of 18.

“Hey, come here.”

My sister, Lucy, and I were lying on the floor of her bedroom. Lucy had a pillow under her, slightly folded so it was pressing at her crotch. I was on the bare ground, grinding my groin into the hardwood floor like doing a cobra pose in yoga. My body trembled with effort. Both of us must have looked so silly, our faces red with effort. Eyes glazed over and oddly empty.

Our youngest sister, Lindsay, stood at the opening of Lucy’s room, staring at us with a mix of shock and curiosity. Our eighteen-year-old sister was thin, with brown hair hanging down to her waist. She was wearing her standard outfit of a tank top and yoga pants. Her arms crossed under her barely-there breasts.

“Come here,” Lucy said to our sister. “Try this. It feels really good.”

My older sister and I had spent our entire summer doing this. We called it pressing. Lucy — blonde and buxom, two years my elder — had started it. But I was a no less willing participant. We would hang out in the house like normal, then sneak off to her bedroom to hump the floor. For three straight months, we did it at least once a day and sometimes way more than that.

It was just dry humping. Even when we started doing it on top of each other, it felt mostly chaste. But one fateful afternoon, I took things too far.

Lucy had been lying on the floor of her bedroom. Her body so curvy and inviting. It had been an accident, at first, when my bare dick slipped into my older sister. But we kept fucking very much on purpose.

That probably would have been our new routine. Both of us agreed that it felt amazing. Except for one problem. We lost control (even more than we already had, believe it or not) and I ejaculated inside her.

Lucy wasn’t on birth control. Our family’s recent financial downturn had meant giving up a lot of necessities and apparently the pill was one of them. We spent an anxious month, and no small amount of our skimpy savings, on pregnancy tests. Thankfully, inexplicably, my boys managed to miss the target. Lucy’s period showed up right on schedule.

But the reality of what we’d done — I’d inseminated my own sister’s unprotected pussy — was the best form of birth control we’d ever encountered. Just like that, the sexy times stopped. No pressing. No nothing.

Other things got in the way, as well. We both were fully into our college classes by then. We made new friends at school. Life continued on. But none of that would have mattered if we’d really wanted to go back to our old ways. And we didn’t.

September turned to October, the leaves went from green to orange/red, but my sister and I stayed away from each other. What had happened, what we’d almost created, was enough to scare us straight. I assumed forever.

Then, suddenly, as November arrived and brought the icy winds of impending winter with it, our previous thaw began to melt away. One day, I caught Lucy pressing in her bedroom, door wide open, and decided to join her. A few hours later, Lucy found me in my own room, and we did it again. Without talking about it, without ever making a conscious choice, we were right back to our old routine.

The rest of the family didn’t notice any of our trials and tribulations. Our older sister, Jan, was working full time and then some. So were my mom and dad. Our younger sister, Lindsay — who’d turned eighteen a week before our ‘incestuous almost-impregnation incident’ — was so swept up in her senior year of high school, I doubt she’d have noticed if Lucy and I were cooking meth in her bedroom.

Except, she did notice. Because Lucy decided to call Lindsay’s attention right to us.

Like I said, we were lying on the floor of Lucy’s bedroom, doing our usual afternoon press after classes and before we had to make dinner. Lucy had left her door open, but I didn’t think anything of it until our skinny, brunette sister walked past, then froze in our doorway.

I started to say something, but the embarrassment of it stuffed the words back in my throat. Fortunately, Lucy was conscious enough to save the day.

“Hey, come here,” Lucy said.

Seriously, we were so lucky that my older sister was able to think on her feet and ensure that Lindsay didn’t… Wait. WHAT?! The reality didn’t so much dawn on me as it steamrolled me right over. Did Lucy just invite our younger sister to join us?!

Lindsay stood in the doorway, staring like she was seeing two horny ghosts. She had to know what we were doing. My little sister was innocent sometimes, but she wasn’t stupid.

“Seriously, it feels really good,” Lucy said. The way our older sister was so casual about this was maybe the strangest part of all.

“I don’t know…” Lindsay said.

“Tell her, Dylan,” Lucy said.

“It’s nice,” I said, unable to get much more vocabulary out than that. Remember, I was mid-hump when Lindsay had interrupted us. And while my mind had gotten an ice bath of epic proportions, the message had yet to make it to the rest of my body.

My younger sister was certainly cute. She was petite, skinny, with an elfin face and an adorable smile. Lindsay was one of those artsy, granola types — all about health and wellness. She’d been vegan since she was twelve and did barre at least three times a week. And so even though she wasn’t curvy at all, she was nicely defined. Especially her pert, bubble butt.

“Get in here,” Lucy said. Her demand was ridiculous, but it did the trick. Lindsay scampered into Lucy’s bedroom like she was the one who’d been caught doing something naughty. “Grab a pillow off my bed.”

Lindsay did as she was told. She found an empty space on the floor, her head meeting ours in the middle, and placed the pillow in the spot where her groin would rub against it. I was too entranced by what was going on to go back to my own ministrations. I noticed Lucy seemed equally enthralled.

Our younger sister wiggled her backside as she settled onto the cushion.

“Yes, that’s it,” Lucy said as Lindsay’s perky butt settled down. “Like that.”

“Uh huh,” Lindsay said.

She looked so serious, it was almost funny. My younger sister wriggled around a bit more, then froze.

“Oh!” Lindsay squeaked in surprise.

“See?” Lucy said.

“Uhn.” Lindsay grunted. “Uh huh.”

Her sister clearly settled, Lucy got back to her own grinding. For a moment, I lay there and stared as both my sisters humped the pillows on the floor. It was hard to pick who was more exciting to watch.

On the one hand, Lucy’s curvy body screamed sex. Her massive tits and wide hips. But then Lindsay’s lithe little body was no less alluring. And this was the first time I’d ever seen her like this. She had these little trembles, like small seizures, as she slid against the pillow on the floor.

Lucy got my attention and, wordlessly, made it clear that I needed to stop staring. I realized she was right. If Lindsay caught me looking this stopped being something we were sharing and became more of a performance. This magical, masturbation bubble we’d created would *pop* like a balloon on a hot day.

I quickly focused on my own pleasure. It didn’t take long for me to build back to where I was before. I did my best, however, to hold myself back from the big finish. I wanted the girls to go first.

Lucy was the first to peak. I heard her now-familiar low, throaty groan as she took herself over the top. Eyes rolled back in her head.

“That’s… it…” the words squeezed out of her like she was a strange, buxom accordion

A moment later, Lindsay let out a cute little squeak.

“Oh!” she cried out, her whole body shaking like she’d been shocked. Tongue lolled out of her mouth. Finally, she collapsed, lifeless, to the floor. She let out a long, soft, “Ahhhhhhhh.”

After that, I figured it was safe for me to spend and so I did. The pleasure arced through me in short, sharp spurts as hot jets of semen spattered in my shorts. I rolled onto my back and stared up at Lucy’s ceiling. Her floor so strangely comfortable.

“Nice right?” Lucy said.

“Yeah…” Lindsay said, dreamily.


I assumed, stupidly, that that would be the end of things. I don’t know why I thought the three of us would do it that one time and Lindsay would be done with it. I don’t know how I could have so easily mistaken an entrance for an exit.

Still, you can see there’s a certain logic to my thinking. After all, if you were asked to list the most likely occurrences in my life, regular masturbation sessions with two of my sisters would have been pretty low, right? Probably buried somewhere between ‘get my own unicorn’ and ‘find a million bucks abandoned on the sidewalk.’ And yet, that’s exactly what happened, with the kind of casual inevitability that usually accompanies events like ‘tuna sandwich for lunch.’

That very evening there was a knock on my bedroom door. I was lying in bed, watching something dumb on my phone, and starting to get good and sleepy. So, I was surprised by the sound, to say the least. I was wearing a pair of pajama pants and nothing else, so I pulled on a t-shirt before I answered.

My parents were both passed out and Jan, my oldest sister, was out with friends. Lucy, the most likely candidate to be bothering me at that hour, was never so overt as to knock on my door. She’d find some other way to get my attention if she needed it. There was only one other person it could be: my little sister Lindsay. But that didn’t make any sense either, we didn’t have that kind of relationship. Yet when I opened the door, there she was — wearing a frilly, sleeveless sleep shirt and staring at me in the near-darkness.

If her appearance was a shock, you can only imagine my reaction to what Lindsay did next. She went across the hall and knocked on Lucy’s door. My curvy, blonde sister opened it, looking at both of us like we were the world’s weirdest Jehovah’s witnesses.

“I want to do it again,” Lindsay said, acting exactly like the young, petulant sibling she was.

In an evening of unexpected events, this was the one I was probably the least prepared for. I was no stranger to a late-night press with Lucy. We’d been doing that for months. But neither of us had ever spoken about it aloud. That was straight up crazy. Who came out and invited someone, verbally, to a mutual masturbation session?

I looked over at my older sister. Lucy was wearing a simple t-shirt and shorts. Her eyebrows were raised in confusion. Her mouth, however, slipped into a smirk. Without another word, the buxom blonde girl motioned for the both of us to join her in her bedroom.

Just like that, as if this was an everyday occurrence, Lucy closed her door behind us, tossed her younger sister a spare pillow, and flopped onto the floor.

Not long after, the three of us cascaded into our personally supplied orgasms. This time, I was the first to go. I think the whole scenario had me worked up more than usual. As I went over the top, the heat of my spend shooting down my bare legs, I felt at least one pair of eyes on me. I assumed it was my younger sister, Lindsay, but it might have been my older sister, Lucy. Or maybe both.

I honestly don’t know. In the moment, I didn’t care. It just added another level to the already high peak I was reaching.

“That’s so hot.” I heard my baby sister whisper through the haze of my post-orgasm ecstasy.

“I know, right?” Lucy said.

A moment later, the room filled with the low groans and sharp gasps of my sisters cumming, themselves. I was too fogged out to notice who did what. Not that it made the experience any less alluring.

An arm bumped against my body as Lindsay settled in next to me. Lucy’s leg kicked against mine. All three of us lay there on the floor, warm and post-cum cozy.

The next time I blinked, I saw it was 3am. I peeled myself off the wood floor and limped back to my bedroom. My leg hairs sticky with dried cum.


The next day, Lucy volunteered to drive the three of us to school.

“Dylan and I are both going to County and Lindsay’s high school is kinda on the way,” she explained to my parents as we packed up our things that morning. “Besides, I want to help you guys out more if I can.”

“That’s very sweet of you,” Mom said.

“We really appreciate it,” Dad said.

Jan stood in the kitchen, arms crossed primly, eyeing the three of us like she was sure we were all spies.

We piled into my older sister’s sad Honda Civic — Lindsay in the front with Lucy, me in the backseat — and drove off. We hadn’t even left the driveway before Lindsay started into it.

“Last night was a lot of fun,” Lindsay said.

I felt the air leave the car. My stomach twisted. Like I said, Lucy and I had been pressing regularly all summer. So masturbating with my siblings, didn’t feel that different. But we definitely didn’t ever talk about it. That was the act of an insane person.

“I’m glad,” Lucy said, calmly. Her clipped response was a clear ‘be quiet,’ but Lindsay didn’t hear it.

“I think we should do it again,” Lindsay said, “Maybe this afternoon when we all get back from school.”

“OK, honey,” Lucy said, patting our younger sister on her skinny leg.

After we dropped Lindsay off, I climbed into the front seat with Lucy, and we drove off toward County.

“What was all that about?” I asked, pulling on my seatbelt.

“What?” Lucy said, slightly distracted.

“You know with the,” I began, fumbling for the words. Did I really need to explain this? “The afternoon. And stuff.”

“Let her be enthusiastic,” Lucy said, smiling at me placatingly. “It’s fun.”

I shrugged, but inside I was still sullen. It’s not that I was upset that Lindsay was involved in our thing. Like I said, it was kind of nice to have a new participant. But the way she was so open about it? That made it all weird and I didn’t like it.

I comforted myself that it was just conversation. As long as we quietly went about pressing, I supposed I could live with a little chatter.


“I want to see your thing,” Lindsay said. She beamed at me, broadly. Like a kid asking for a lollipop at the supermarket.

We were all in the living room after school. Unlike usual, when Lindsay would spend all afternoon lounging around at some friend’s house, she’d hurried straight home. I was done with my classes for the day, and I’d camped out on the couch while Lucy brought our sister home from school

I’d been watching TV, coming down from the day, when our youngest sister rushed right into the house, threw down her things, then tossed a pillow onto the floor. She didn’t even bother to say hello.

“Well?” she asked, staring up at me, impatiently.

I turned to Lucy, standing in the doorway. We shared a look somewhere between impressed, apprehensive, and excited. I don’t know if even Lucy had anticipated that involving our baby sister would bring us to this point. Our illicit activities had already felt risky without Lindsay’s incredible enthusiasm.

Still, we flopped to the floor. The three of us crowded so close together we had to shift so our elbows wouldn’t collide as we pressed. We’d barely even begun when Lindsay took things up yet another notch.

“Fuck that feels good,” Lindsay said.

OK, so a little dirty talk during wasn’t all that new. Lucy and I, when we were in the full throes of our self-pleasure summer, had started doing the same thing. We hadn’t gotten back to it since our autumn restart, but it made sense that we would try again at some point.

But Lindsay wasn’t idly talking to turn herself on.

“Fuck, I want to see it,” she said.

“You are seeing it,” I said. I did my best gesture at how the three of us were getting off in plain sight.

“Not this,” Lindsay said. She looked pointedly at my crotch. “That. I want to see your thing. While we do it. That would be so hot.”

I turned to my older sister. Lucy shrugged at me. I couldn’t read her expression at all. Lindsay’s look, however, I understood implicitly.

“Take it out, Dylan,” my baby sister said, twisting her hair in her fingers. “I bet Lucy wants to see it, too.”

I assumed Lucy would be the levelheaded one, although I can’t imagine why. I mean, all the evidence I had was that my older sister was equally as crazed as my younger. But, for some reason, I continued to assume that Lucy was going to put the brakes on things. Instead, she did exactly what I should have anticipated by now.

“Yeah, Dylan, show us your cock,” Lucy said, “Stroke it for us.”

Well, I wasn’t one to let down my sisters. I got off the floor and sat on the couch. I was about to slip off my pants, but I stopped. Through the haze of my sibling-induced arousal, I managed to have a moment of inspiration.

“You have to show me something, too,” I said.

Both girls paused. They turned to look at each other, eyes searching. As I’ve said, my two siblings looked very different. Lucy was full and curvy. Her face was on the round side with full lips and a slightly upturned nose. Lindsay, on the other hand, was all angles. She had a sharp chin and a thin mouth — almost the opposite of her older sister, really. And yet, in that moment where they glanced at each other, my sisters looked so much alike, it was uncanny. Their blood relation abundantly clear.

“Tops,” Lucy said, and Lindsay nodded her head.

Both girls reached for their shirts and bras then tossed them aside. They were still on their stomachs with me sitting above them, so I didn’t get a full glimpse. It didn’t matter. The grandeur of the view — it was like eyeing the Andes and the Himalayas all at once.

I’d seen Lucy’s full, glorious boobs before, but that didn’t make them any less amazing. They were so large, yet perfectly formed. There was something inherently unreal about them, as if such wonders could only exist in fiction.

Meanwhile, I was getting my first glimpse at Lindsay’s little mounds, and they were no less incredible for being so much smaller than her sister’s. Lindsay’s tiny tits were incredibly perky, almost sharp with light pink nipples.

My sisters made the exact same ‘ahem.’ Both girls had been looking at me expectantly for a while, but can you blame me for not noticing? They shared a knowing, goofy grin.

I took the hint and pulled down my jeans and boxers. My dick popped out, eager. Whatever softness I might have needed to press on the floor was lost in the excitement of everything else. I was as hard as I’d ever been, like I’d installed my own personal coatrack.

If I’d stared a bit too long at my sisters’ chests, they more than made up for it by the way they ogled my dick, entranced. Lindsay’s mouth hung open, her eyes wide. Lucy’s own blue orbs sparkled; her mouth twisted into a hungry grin.

“Ahem,” I said, mimicking my sisters.

“Just give us a minute,” Lucy said.

“Yeah, don’t rush us,” Lindsay said.

“Fine,” I said. I felt so on display, my dick somehow both flagged and flag-poled harder at the same time.

Finally, my sisters settled back in and started to rub themselves on the floor. They kept their heads tilted upwards, though, staring at my cock.

“Stroke it, Dylan,” Lucy said, “Get off with us.”

“Yeah, I want to see it shoot,” Lindsay said.

I did as I was told, as if I needed the encouragement. Watching both my topless sisters hump the floor, their bare tits trembling, was more than enough to make me want to work myself. The way they seemed to be enamored of my erection only increased the urge. It was like being told to have a heartbeat — it was going to happen no matter what they said.

I grabbed my dick and started stroking it. I hadn’t masturbated in this way in so long, the sensation was almost foreign. The oddly unfamiliar feeling only increased my arousal at that moment.

With everything going on, it didn’t take long for me to reach my peak. I grunted as the pleasure raced up my shaft, exploding across my body. My first burst of cum arced onto Lindsay’s back. I expected my skinny sister to be grossed out, but instead she giggled as the warm liquid splattered her.

“Oh, that’s so awesome,” she said, staring wide eyed at my dick. My next shot hit her again and she writhed.

“Give me some of that,” Lucy said. She arched upwards, presenting her massive tits as my target.

I was barely able to move at that point, wrapped in my rapture, but I did my best to aim my dick and managed to splat my sister’s boobs (to be fair, they were hard to miss). I kept cumming between my sisters, till finally, I fell back into the couch.

Lindsay was the next to go, shuddering and shaking in that cute way of hers. She let out several sharp, high-pitched gasps as she gave in to the pleasure. Already her orgasm was so familiar.

Finally, Lucy went off with a deep grunt. Her head tipped forward. Blue eyes rolled back in her head. She let out a long “Ahhhhhhhh” as the ecstasy slowly leaked out of her.

The three of us lay in the living room for a while, staring at the walls. Finally, Lindsay popped up off the floor.

“That was awesome,” she said, “But I think you got some in my hair.”

“Sorry,” I said, still in post-orgasm stupor. “You have a lot. Of hair.”

Lindsay pulled her long, brown locks around her and stared at them, picking at all the sticky spots. She’d stayed topless and there was something incredibly sexy about how the strands covered her tiny tits.

“I think you got some on my boobs, too,” Lucy said, grinning at me lasciviously. She lifted up one of her massive mounds and eyed it, mirroring her sister.

“To be fair, you have a lot of tits,” Lindsay said.

Lucy laughed and conceded that that was true. I stayed on the couch, looking dumbfounded at what I had wrought and wondering what else could possibly happen next. In some ways, we’d already gone farther than what Lucy and I had done in the summer. And that had ended so badly. I couldn’t bear the thought of it happening again.

But I couldn’t entertain the idea of stopping any of this either.


That night at dinner, my parents announced our plans for Thanksgiving the following week, which were unsurprisingly low key. Mom was going to get a couple of roast chickens from Costco, and we were going to stay around the house, all six of us.

“Your Aunt Becky invited us to her place but that’s a six-hour drive,” Dad said, “And the gas money is out of our budget.”

We all agreed that it wasn’t worth the extra expense.

“Actually,” Lucy said, “My friend Kara is going to be back from school, and I was hoping she could join us. Her parents are away at some ski resort thing.”

“Which one is Kara?” Dad asked, “I don’t think I remember her.”

“Daaad,” Lucy whined, “You know Kara. We’ve been friends for, like, ever.”

“If you say so,” Dad said, with a dismissive shrug.

I, on the other hand, remembered Kara quite well. She was my older sister’s best friend, and I had a bit of a crush on her. We’d had an ‘encounter’ at Lindsay’s birthday party and Lucy had gotten upset, drunk, and horny all in succession. I was both incredibly excited and extremely nervous at the thought of seeing that girl again.

“Kara’s more than welcome to join us,” Mom said, “But make sure she knows things are going to be modest.”

“Oh, she’ll just be happy to have the company,” Lucy said. She gave me a strange look that I couldn’t read. What was my older sister up to, exactly?

After dinner, we cleaned up and then the family watched TV in the living room. Thinking about what had happened earlier that day on that couch made me paranoid about what might have been left behind, but no one seemed to notice. Instead, we all sat there, acting normal, as if half the family wasn’t having incestuous circle jerks behind the other half’s back.

Our show ended. One by one, my family went off to bed, leaving me and Lindsay.

“That was fun this afternoon,” Lindsay said, casually, after Jan went upstairs. “I loved seeing you shoot off like that.”

I looked at my sister in shock. Was she out of her mind randomly talking about that stuff in the living room? Anyone could have heard her, yet she said it like she was talking about a sandwich I’d made, rather than about how I’d spread my mayo all over her back.

“What?” Lindsay said, reacting to my expression.

“We’re not supposed to talk about it.”

“Why not?”

“What do you mean why…” I paused, so flustered I couldn’t find words. “Because it’s not appropriate.”

“So, it’s OK to do it, but not to talk about it?” Lindsay asked.

“Exactly,” I said. Alright, so maybe I was twisted up in my own argument there.

“That doesn’t make any sense,” Lindsay said. She folded her arms around her little chest, pouty.

I shrugged. Someone had to be the keeper of propriety here. My little sister’s enthusiasm was fun, yes, but she was going to get us all in trouble.

“Look — what we’re doing,” I said, “We shouldn’t be doing it, right?”

“Why not?” Lindsay asked that question again. Like it was the height of philosophical dialectic.

“We’re. I mean it’s. Fuck.” Language was leaving me so fast, I could only grasp at the words as they raced past me. It left me with a frantic, meaningless ramble.

“It feels good,” Lindsay said, “And it’s fun. So, I don’t see a problem. I mean, you’re not stopping, right?”

I had to concede all of that.

“And if it’s OK to do then it must be OK to talk about, too,” Lindsay said, “Right?”

I struggled to refute her logic, even though it didn’t actually make any sense.

“I’ve been learning a lot about my chakras,” Lindsay said, “They’re these elements of energy inside of us that we can harness in order to be more whole, happier beings. When we inhibit the flow of that energy, that’s where anger and unhappiness come from.”

“Right,” I said, making my disdain clear. My sister was into all kinds of hippy dippy stuff like that, most of which I assumed came from vaping too much pot with her friends. Of course, the exercise part of it had an amazing impact on her body, so I wasn’t complaining too much.

“Chakras feed into all kinds of things — my desires, my emotions, my ability control myself and my life. I feel very in tune with myself when we press together. Completely immersed in the flow of us. It’s very enlightening.”

Enlightening. Self-induced orgasms with her siblings. Got it.

“I’m a human being with physical wants,” Lindsay said, “I’m not going to make myself feel bad about something that feels so good. And you shouldn’t either, OK?”

I looked at my pretty little sister. Her bright, green eyes so soft and caring. The cute smile playing on her thin lips. She eyed me in a way that made me feel cared for, safe, in a crazed world. Our lives had been so upside down the last few years and yet Lindsay had found a way to find order in that chaos.

Besides, if I won this argument, exactly what was going to be my prize? Would we stop pressing? I wasn’t that stupid.

So, I agreed with my younger sister. “Yes,” I said, “OK.”

“Good,” Lindsay said. She clapped her hands, happily. “Because I want to see your thing shoot again. That was awesome.”

After Lindsay took her little tits out of her tank top, I was more than happy to oblige. This time, I showered her chest with my seed. She bounced up and down like it was the world’s greatest magic trick.

“Holy fuck that’s so hot,” she said, rubbing my spend into her tiny pink nipples. I assumed she’d want to rub one out herself, but instead my little sister just skipped off to bed. I stared after her, trying to figure out how I’d gotten tangled up, unable to find my way back to reality.


Despite our new dedication to open discussion, the next week passed without much excitement. We all hunkered down for exams before the break, I think, and it took away most of our energy. The three of us pressed together a few times, but it was a quick thing with none of the ‘performance’ of our earlier sessions.

Then break started and we got caught up in prepping for Thanksgiving. Despite my mom’s insistence that everything was going to be as cheap and easy as possible, we still ended up spending all our time on cooking and cleaning. The fact that we were having a guest, I think, made Mom feel way more self-conscious about how we were living.

The house we were renting was old, almost certainly haunted, and it collected dust everywhere — like someone was using a sifter of sand in every room when we weren’t looking. It made every cleaning project an extra chore, more like exhuming a body than keeping our own living quarters clean.

But we did our best to stay cheerful as we went through it. Holidays were particularly stressful with everything that had happened, so we all worked extra hard to keep each other engaged.

Finally, Thanksgiving Day arrived. The table was set. The dog show was onscreen. We were all ready to settle in for a day of overindulging in food, alcohol, and television.

Kara arrived shortly before 2pm, even her knock on the door was bubbly and cheerful. Lucy hurried over to answer it, and immediately embraced her petite friend in a hug so big, it threatened to swallow the girl.

My sister finally released Kara, and the brunette immediately caught my eye. Reflexively, I stared down at my shoes. Kara was super cute. She was petite with dark brown hair and a tight little body. Her build was kind of like my younger sister, Lindsay, although she was skinny, rather than lithe or toned.

The last time we’d met up, at Lindsay’s birthday party, Kara had given me her number. We’d texted a few times, but mostly it went nowhere. Now I was regretting the lost opportunity. With her deep brown eyes and wicked smirk, Kara was very much in my crush category. All the sibling masturbation sessions couldn’t quench that fire.

Kara walked over and gave me a light kiss on the cheek. I looked immediately at Lucy, waiting for the jealousy monster to leap out from her lips, but instead my older sister just grinned at me. Like she knew a really good secret.

Soon after, we sat down to the meal. There was enough food for all, but I would never have described it as a sumptuous feast. Weird how even our indulgences were a reminder of all the things we could no longer indulge in.

Everything started OK. My Dad asked Kara how school was going, and she did a good job keeping things light. My sisters chimed in, and we were having a pretty good time. But then one innocuous question stopped everything dead.

“So where are your parents during the holiday?” Mom asked.

“Oh, they’re off at the ski resort,” Kara said.

“Ski resort,” my dad said. It was not a question.

“Yes, it was this whole thing,” Kara said, “Dad said that money was tight, so he reserved at this place that isn’t as nice as usual and Mom freaked out.”

“Yes,” Dad said, “Important to be financially responsible.”

The room went dead silent. I think Kara realized what she’d been saying, but it was too late. The cloud of our family’s failures hung over us, thick and murky. I felt it, heavy, in my chest.

We’d been those people, once. Never as rich as Kara, of course, but doing well enough to have a nice home, new cars, and a good vacation. Dad didn’t set out to lose his job, we all knew that, but it happened anyway. Suddenly we were scraping by.

Dad had found another job for about a quarter of the pay. Mom went back to work and Jan cut grad school short to start earning money. The only reason Lucy and I weren’t working was because Dad insisted that school was more important and wouldn’t allow it. Watching him gather up those last shreds of his pride was almost worse than seeing it obliterated in the first place.

So, hearing Kara talk about having to accept the ‘lesser’ chalet while we stared at two sad, skinny chickens at a busted up table in a sad, old house — I guess it hurt a little. With conversation stifled and the meal mostly gone, we turned to the one thing we still had plenty of: alcohol.

We’d ended up with a half dozen bottles of wine and we proceeded to methodically murder them all. It didn’t make dinner less awkward, but it helped us remember less of it in the morning.

After dinner, the inevitable began to take its effect. My Dad found his way to the football game and Jan joined him. Mom ended up napping in a corner. That left Lindsay, Lucy, Kara and I to sloppily clean up.

At one point, while I collected the dishes and Kara and Lindsay were washing in the other room, Lucy sidled up next to me, nudging my side.

“Kara’s been eyeing you all night,” she said.

“That’s nice,” I said, absently.

“You should make a move,” Lucy said, “I think she’d go for it.”

“Last time, that did not turn out too well,” I said, looking at my sister meaningfully.

“It’s fine,” Lucy said, “I won’t get mad.”

“Are you sure?”

“Yes,” Lucy said, “Kara’s a nice girl and she could do a lot worse. Besides, I feel like one of us should score on Thanksgiving, since it looks like the Cowboys can’t do it.”

“Thanks,” I said, meaning it.

Our lives had been so cursed, dating hadn’t felt like an option. And while I enjoyed my little meetings with my sisters, they also put me in an uncomfortable spot for other relationships. What had happened when I flirted with Kara last time, I was not going through that again. So having the green light from my sister left my engines revving hard.

Once we were done cleaning up, I made my way over to Kara. I was about to suggest she come see my room for some lame reason (it was the best excuse I could think of), but Lindsay beat me to the punch.

“We should do something,” my little sister said, “The rest of the family is busy, so let’s hang out.”

“That could be fun, I guess,” I said, mentally cursing my cock-blocking baby sis.

“We could play a boardgame,” Kara said, “I think I saw some in one of the bedrooms before.”

“Oh hell no,” Lucy said, “That’s only going to lead to trouble.”

“What if we did our thing?” Lindsay suggested.

Both Lucy and I swung our heads toward our sister so fast, I’m surprised our necks didn’t snap in unison. What did she just say?!

“I don’t think that’s a good idea, hon,” Lucy said, taking the side of reason for once.

“I bet Kara would really like it,” Lindsay said.

Oh my God. I was going to grab my sister’s chakra and wrap it around her neck. I knew we’d all probably overconsumed, but as far as I could tell, Lindsay was suggesting this soberly. This was beyond a disaster; it was a twenty-car pileup with a nuclear-powered van in the middle of the wreck. Everything was on fire, irradiated, and melting down to the atoms.

“Is this some game you guys play?” Kara asked.

“Yeah, ha ha, a game,” I said. I took Kara’s arm and started to steer her away. “Come on, I want to show you this cool thing I’ve got up in my bedroom.”

“Yes, Dylan’s bedroom is a great idea,” Lindsay said. “OW!”

I looked over in surprise and saw that Lucy had pinched our little sister’s arm, hard. I can’t say I blamed her.

“What was that for?” Lindsay asked, rubbing her arm.

“Never mind,” Lucy said. She turned and smiled at Kara. “Little sisters, right? So annoying.”

“I have two older brothers,” Kara said with a shrug, “They’re weird, but mostly harmless.”

“Are they both skiing with your parents?” I asked, desperate to change the subject. You know it was a bad sign if I was willing to bring that up again. It truly felt like the safer of the two conversations.

“Kevin is,” Kara said, “But Kenny’s over at his fiancee’s house for the holiday.”

“Oh cool,” I said. Most. Awkward. Small talk. Ever.

“So, what’s this thing you want to do, Lindsay?” Kara asked, “I’m intrigued.”

“Oh, it’s awesome,” Lindsay said, “You’ll love it.”

“I think our little sister has had a little too much to drink,” I said to Kara. Then I turned to my sister. “Right, Lindsay?”

“I’m fine,” Lindsay said, calmly. “Let’s go up to the bedroom like Dylan suggested.”

Notice how I was now implicated in all this? Yeah, that was just lovely.


Lindsay cajoled us all into following her upstairs. She marched straight into my bedroom, grabbed one of my pillows, and followed it to the floor.

“Um, what are you…?” Kara stared from outside the door frame. We all did.

“It’s simple, see,” Lindsay said, “You rub yourself up against the pillow and it starts to feel really good.

“Oh wow,” Kara said.

“Oh my,” Lucy said.

“Oh no,” I said.

“And the three of you, um, do this together?” Kara asked.

My stomach rushed to the floor, broke through the foundation of the house, and headed right for the Earth’s core. I wished to God I could follow it to my burning oblivion.

“Yup!” Lindsay said, casual as anything. “It’s great on its own, but together makes it way more fun.”

Kara was now staring straight at Lucy and me. I couldn’t read the expression on her face. I desperately didn’t want to. Whatever was behind those eyes, I didn’t want to consider it. Just run and hide. Then die. Preferably quickly.

“She’s not wrong,” Lucy said, shrugging slightly, “It is fun. Right Dylan?”

Fuck me. “Uh, yeah,” I said, “I mean, I guess. If you’re into that kinda thing.”

“And you are into it?” Kara asked.

Thus, there I was, trapped between not looking like a masturbating, incest pervert in front of a girl I liked or taking my sisters’ side. And, in this case, I didn’t truly have a choice now did I?

“Yup,” I replied, “I guess I am.”

Kara pursed her lips while tilting her head. “OK,” she said, “Well, I suppose I should give it a try.”

And then, like it was no big deal, she skipped into my bedroom, grabbed another pillow, and dropped down next to Lindsay on my hardwood floor. My little sister gave Kara a grin and patted her arm, like a friendly welcome.

Based on their descriptions, you might think that Kara and Lindsay looked alike. After all, both were short, petite brunettes with small breasts and perky butts. The most obvious difference was the hair, Lindsay’s was long and straight whereas Kara’s was wavier and cut to her shoulders. Further, Lindsay, thanks to her endless exercise obsession, was limber, while Kara was merely petite. And while Lindsay had more of a girl’s face, Kara’s appearance was softer and womanly. They were both super attractive, for sure, but the differences between the two were stark as they both lay down on the floor.

Lucy glanced at me, then looked at the two women in my bedroom. Even my sister, who usually seemed so in control of these things, was flummoxed by how all this had come together.

“I guess I’ll get a pillow from my room,” Lucy said.

“Sometimes he strokes it for us, instead,” Lindsay told Kara, weirdly matter-of-fact. “It’s really hot.”

“I’ll bet,” Kara said. She had a very different, yet still completely unreadable, expression on her face.

“I love it when he shoots,” Lindsay said, “That’s the best part.”

“We should probably stick to pressing for now,” Lucy said, returning with a pillow under one arm. This was not getting any more normal. The only explanation was that I’d cracked my skull at some point during dinner and this fever dream represented the death throes of my logical mind.

Lucy joined the other girls on the floor. She gave me a head nod. Well, seeing as I was already underwater, I supposed I might as well drown. Not needing a pillow for my own process, I simply lay down on the floor, facing my two sisters and my crush. The three of them looked so hot, splayed out in front of me.

I remained in denial, though, because I was sure we were all going to lay there. I mean, this was well and good, but we weren’t going to all masturbate on the floor. That was crazy.

But, of course, that’s exactly what we did.

Lindsay started first, pressing her little butt down and gradually grinding herself back and forth on the pillow. Lucy followed, arching her back and pressing herself downward. Kara looked to her left and right, like taking notes. Then the pretty brunette girl, a woman I’d lusted after for years, did something sort of in-between what the two siblings were doing.

“Oh…” Kara said, “That’s interesting.”

“I know right?” Lindsay said, “Like you can kind of see how it would work but once you do it, the whole thing seems way more obvious.”

“And pleasurable,” Lucy said.

“Yep,” Kara said, “Definitely.” Her dark brown eyes glassed over, and I could see she was already gone.

Watching this should have had me hard, but the nerves of everything kept me soft. Ironically, that was the perfect place for me to be in order to get my press on. I squeezed my glutes, letting the pressure build. Kept my muscles tight for as long as I could, then relaxed. Once I recovered, I started again.

On the one hand, I knew it was a bad idea to look at the girls in the room with me. On the other, I couldn’t imagine doing this without watching Kara and my sisters get off. It was too good an opportunity to turn down.

“Ah. Sssssso good,” Kara said. Her voice choked and strained. Fuck, that girl was gorgeous. I’d fantasized about her for almost as long as she’d been friends with Lucy. Seeing her there, edging to her orgasm, was nothing short of incredible.

“Yuh-yeah,” Lindsay agreed. My cute little sister looked so adorable getting herself off. That illicit mix of innocent and alluring only made it all the more amazing.

“Getting… close,” Lucy said. I’d seen this with my sexy older sister so often, yet it never failed to be fantastic.

There was no chance I would last long. Fortunately, my companions still managed to beat me to the punch. They fell in order, like dominoes. Lucy was the first to go, eyes rolling back in her head with a long, low groan. Lindsay toppled next, letting out her usual little high-pitched squeak. Finally, Kara shuddered, froze and released a stuttering, choking gasp.

“Ah-ah-AH!” She fell forward, burying her head in her arms.

I’d just seen my crush girl orgasm for the first time. It didn’t matter that I was in a room, masturbating, with my sisters. I didn’t care that Kara’s cum had been self-supplied. It was glorious. I couldn’t have gotten a greater wish from a genie.

I spurted before I even realized I was there. It hit me so fast, so hard, I moaned out loud. The heat of my seed spurting into my underwear. When I looked up, my vision out of focus, I saw Kara staring right at me. Our eyes locked. Finally, the pleasure overcame me, and I let my head drop.

We all lay there like the dead for a moment. It felt like someone should say something. It seemed like silence was the best policy.

Kara got up first, breaking the spell. “Well, that was, um, interesting,” she said. She brushed her hands on her jeans.

“I’ll see you out,” Lucy said, weakly. She stood up on trembling legs.

“No need,” Kara said. She quickly headed out of the room and down the steps.

My sisters and I shared a knowing look. Incredibly, we’d all managed to fuck things up even worse than they already were.


I spent the night running disaster scenarios through my head. In the best case, Kara simply kept quiet and never spoke to any of us again. In the worst… there were too many ‘worsts’ for me to track.

When I got up the next morning, I found Lucy sitting at the table. My blonde sister looked like she’d had about as much sleep as me.

“This is bad, right?” I asked.

“Really bad,” Lucy said.

“Fucking Lindsay.”

“We could have stopped her,” Lucy said, “This is on all of us.”

“Kara’s your friend,” I said, “Maybe you should talk to her?”

“Oh, I’m pretty sure she and I will be talking plenty soon enough,” Lucy said. The tone of her voice made it clear that it was not going to be a jolly conversation.

Lindsay came down a few moments later. She had on a tank top and yoga pants. Her eyes were sunken, but she acted surprisingly upbeat as she made herself a morning cup of herbal tea.

“I’m sorry about last night, guys,” she said. “I really thought Kara would enjoy it.” You’d have thought she was talking about watching a horror movie or trying an exotic cuisine. Not rubbing off together in front of a friend.

“Lindsay this has to stop,” Lucy said, “It was fun, but we can’t do this. We’re already risking too much.”

“But…” I could tell Lindsay was about to do the whole chakra speech, but common sense finally came in and stopped her.

“I know. I’m the one that started it,” Lucy said, “But it was a mistake. This isn’t going to end well for any of us.”

Lindsay hung her head. She slowly nodded. I could tell she was disappointed — hell, so was I — but there was no arguing this. We’d done something dumb, and the only recourse was, once again, to stop putting ourselves in the position.

Lucy’s phone beeped and she looked down at it.

“It’s Kara,” she said, sullenly. “She wants to come over and talk.”

The Friday after Thanksgiving is usually an off day, but Dad and Jan were both able to get extra pay by going into the office. Mom decided to brave the crowds at the mall to see if she could take advantage of the sales. That left myself, Lucy, and Lindsay alone in the house, once again. At least that meant Kara couldn’t get us into too much trouble. Or maybe I was delusional again.

I tried to think about what I would do in her situation. Freak out? For sure. Call the cops? Jeez, I hoped not. I assumed that Kara would want to back away quietly. So why was she coming back to the house? I could only think of two possibilities. She was going to scream bloody murder at us for dragging her into it. Or she was going to threaten to tell someone — parents, police, local press — and blackmail us. Both possibilities felt equally possible and completely disastrous.

“Maybe it’ll be OK,” Lucy said, the two of us sitting nervously on the couch. She had on a pink, fuzzy sweater and dark blue jeans. We shared a dubious look. “I mean, she got off, too. Right?”

There was a loud knock on the door. Lucy stood up to answer it like walking to the lethal injection. A slow, reluctant stride. Lindsay gave me a nervous look. I shrugged back at her.

“Hey!” Lucy said as she opened the door. Her happiness so forced it hurt me.

“Hi,” Kara said. I noticed she wouldn’t meet my sister’s eyes. Instead, she tucked her hair behind her ear and walked into the house.

All of us stared at Kara as she made her way to the couch and sat down. Like looking at a tiger who’d randomly rambled into our living room. Lucy and Lindsay joined us, and now all four of us sat there. The silence was deafening.

“Do you want anything to drink?” Lucy asked.

“No, I’m still feeling last night,” Kara said.

OK, last night came up and she didn’t say anything about it. Maybe this was a good sign. Perhaps she was going to pretend that nothing happened. Oh, who was I kidding? This was a nightmare, and it was only getting darker from here.

“So,” Kara said, letting the word hang in the air like an axe above our necks. “Do you want to maybe do the thing? You know from last night?”

And somehow the room got silent-er. I didn’t think that was possible. Like muting a show that was already quiet. If we could have heard a pin drop before, now it felt like we could hear the molecules of the pin vibrating.

Did Kara just…? I couldn’t even think the words.

“Seriously?” Lindsay asked. She couldn’t hide the thrum of excitement from her voice. “That would be awesome.”

Kara nodded. Her face slightly flushed. I realized that she wasn’t anxious with anger or upset with disgust. The pretty brunette was straight up horny. I think all of us were too relieved to question why.

“I’ll get us girls some pillows,” Lucy said.

“OK to do it here?” Lindsay asked.

“Sure thing,” Kara said. Then she looked right at me. “But I want to see Dylan shoot this time.”


Our first go went so quickly, it was over before I could take stock of it. The women all writhed on the floor, then stared up at me, rapturous, as I inseminated the Kleenex. It was fast and fun, but I was barely recovered from the scare of that morning so I couldn’t fully enjoy it.

“Your brother’s got a nice one,” Kara said, as if I wasn’t in the room to hear.

“I know, right?” Lindsay said, “I love watching him cum.”

“Feels even better when he spurts it on you,” Lucy said.

“Well, fuck, I have to try that,” Kara said.

We took a break for lunch (we’re not depraved), then headed up to my bedroom. This time, I managed to convince the girls that they needed to be topless if they wanted to see my spend and they happily obliged.

Kara’s tits were larger than Lindsay’s and quite nice, with light brown, puffy nipples. They had a slight upward curve to them as well. Should I admit that, despite the wonder of seeing my crush’s bare chest, I preferred my sister’s titties? Welp, I guess it’s too late now.

So now there were three hot, topless girls getting themselves off on my floor while I stroked myself next to them.

“Do you think about him, your brother, while you do this?” Kara asked Lucy, both of them red-faced and sweating.

“…Sometimes,” Lucy said.

“Fuck that’s hot,” Kara said.

“What about you?” Lucy asked Kara. “Do you think about it?”

“You mean Dylan?” Kara asked, “Or my own brothers?”



Kara’s admission seemed to set Lindsay off because she came a moment later. Her usual high-pitched squeal was more of a scream. Lucy and Kara both shuddered after her. Then all three women looked up at me, expectantly.

They didn’t have long to wait. A moment later, the pleasure raced up my dick and splattered the three of them. I got them on their backs again, mostly. But I was pleased to see a few drops dripping down Kara’s chest.

All three of us lay back, panting. For some reason, I felt the awkwardness slide over us again. What were we doing? How was this actually happening? I knew that reality would break in at any moment, the spell would crack, and we’d all be left with nothing but disappointment and shame.

“You’re right, Lus,” Kara said, “It is better when he cums on you.”

The third time(!?) was even better(?!?!?!?!). Rather than join the girls in pressing, Kara decided to sit on the other side of me and get herself off with her fingers. We made a little masturbation sandwich that way, me stroking my cock, my sisters lying on the ground, and Kara on the other side. Her legs spread wide, hiding nothing.

She already had her top off and for this round, Kara stripped down naked. I was surprised to see that her pussy was covered in dark, curly hair — completely untrimmed. There was something arousing and naughty about that.

I guess the situation, the exposure, got to the pretty brunette because she orgasmed almost immediately.

“That was. A good one,” she gasped out. Then she kept going.

I sat back and lazily stroked my cock while the three girls got themselves off. Despite already exploding twice that day, I could tell I was on a hair trigger. Seeing Kara’s bare pussy put me at another level.

“God, that cock looks good,” Kara said, staring right at me. I couldn’t stop the smile that ran across my face. For a moment, I thought that maybe it meant she was going to do more. I was wrong. But only sort of.

“I know right?” Lindsay said, “I love watching him while I get off.”

“You should stroke it for him,” Kara said, “Feel it.”

“You mean,” Lindsay said between gasps. “Get him off?”

“Don’t you want to?” Kara asked, “Have your brother’s hot, hard cock in your hands? Feel it thicken and tremor when it shoots. Know it was you that made that happen?”

Lindsay stopped rubbing and looked down at the ground, shyly. I thought for sure that Kara had taken things too far.

My little sister leapt to her feet and practically tackled me. Her little tits swung as she rumbled over. We both groaned as she grabbed hold of my dick.

Lindsay’s strokes were far too fast and clumsy but it hardly mattered. Her enthusiasm more than made up for it. I saw she was also working herself with her free hand. For a moment, I thought about reaching over but I was too in her control to move.

“That’s a good little sister,” Kara said, “Making your brother cum.”

As you can imagine, I didn’t make it much further after that. Lindsay giggled as my cock swelled in her palm. She made sure my first burst hit her chest, then aimed the next down at Lucy. As soon as my seed spattered her back, my older sister was swallowed by an orgasm of her own.

I lost track of things for a moment, the ecstasy overwhelming my senses. I was vaguely aware of the groans of pleasure as the girls also got off. Happy moans and blissful giggles. I waited for consciousness to drift back, but instead I just felt warm and sleepy. Finally sated, the four of us passed out on the floor.

We woke up before anyone came home, thank God. I can only imagine the reaction if someone saw us. Mostly naked, covered in boy and girl cum, splayed out practically on top of each other. We looked like we’d had an orgy and, honestly, we kind of had.

All of us slowly dressed, then limped down to the kitchen. Whatever was left of our awkwardness had been wiped away by three, hardcore, stroke sessions.

“You want to come by again tomorrow?” Lindsay asked as Kara gathered her things.

“I’m heading back to school, sadly,” Kara said, “I’ll be back for Christmas, though.”

“Cool,” Lucy said. Her casual acknowledgement that we would be continuing through the winter holidays was almost as arousing as what we’d all done together. A promise of our future promiscuity

The best friends hugged goodbye. then Lindsay and Kara shared an awkward little wave.

“This was fun,” Kara said, “I might have to start up something similar back at school.”

“Not at home?” Lindsay asked, teasing.

“Yeah, maybe that too.” She was so quiet, I couldn’t be sure she actually said it.

Then Kara shut the door behind her. As it clicked closed, I realized that she’d never said goodbye to me. For a moment, I felt sad. Kara was my crush girl and after everything that had happened…

I looked over at my two sisters. They were smiling at me, desirous. Maybe I was better off without Kara, after all.


The next day was Saturday. Jan was out doing Jan-things on a weekend trip with friends, but my parents were both home all day, making it hard for us to get away with anything. It was probably for the best; I think we all needed a day to recover after Thanksgiving’s debauchery.

But there was a further finality to everything. Kara, our newest and most surprising co-conspirator, was already gone. Our own break was almost over. And while I was convinced that Lucy, Kara and I would continue on, I knew that things were going to change. So, I went into Sunday pretty confident that any sibling sexy-time was going to be on pause for a while.

Repeat it with me now: I was wrong.

Sunday morning, I should have seen the signs. First thing, before the rest of the family woke up, Lindsay caught me making breakfast. She touched my chest, then let her hand slink down lower. Her fingers dandled near my groin.

Despite everything we’d already done, I nearly jumped out of my skin. Yes, in the heat of everything on Friday, my little sister had stroked me off. But in the cold morning light, right in the middle of the kitchen, it still felt weird. And dangerous.

“We need to do stuff again,” she said, grinning at me broadly, “Soon.”

I knew better than to argue it with her at this point. So instead of protesting, I tried to play it off with a joke.

“You want to give our chakras a little recharge?” I asked.

Lindsay’s hand slid lower. “Actually, I was hoping we could align them,” she whispered in my ear. She grabbed my cock through my pants. I was hard as hell, of course I was, and she gave me a steady squeeze.

I didn’t need a yogi to tell me what my little sister was implying. Hell, Yogi Bear could have solved that riddle. The hornier part of my mind (aka the majority) leapt for joy. But the smaller, smarter part, held back. I’d been there once before, with Lucy, and that had gone about as badly as possible.

I jumped away, separating myself from my little sister.

“I don’t think that’s a good idea,” I said.

“You always say that,” Lindsay said, pouting, “But then I always prove you wrong.”

“No, it’s not like that,” I said, “Lucy and I, we…” I froze. Was I revealing a confidence to my sister? Something I wasn’t supposed to share?

“What happened with you two?” Lindsay asked, “It seems like you both are into things, even more than me. But you keep yourselves controlled.”

“We made a mistake,” I said, “I don’t think I should say anything more.”

“It’ll be different,” Lindsay said, “I don’t get jealous. And I don’t care about physical stuff. It’s just our bodies. It’s natural.”

“Are you on birth control?” I asked. I know, I said the think-y part out loud. But at that point, I knew I needed to act the older brother.

Lindsay tilted her head at me, confused. “You know I’m not,” she said, “We had to stop all the prescriptions. But I trust you. I know we’ll be safe.”

I gave her a dubious look.

“Seriously? What happened?” Lindsay asked. Her usually sunny disposure had gone grey.

“Nothing,” I said, “Ask Lucy.”

“I’m asking you,” Lindsay said. She pressed against me, and not in the fun way.

“Oh! I hope that’s fresh coffee I smell!” Mom called down from the stairs. A moment later, she flounced into the kitchen.

“Pot’s ready now,” I said.

“I knew we had you kids for a reason,” Mom said. She reached for a mug and filled it.

When I looked over to find Lindsay again, I saw she’d already left the room.


I spent the rest of the morning out doing chores. OK, fine, I spent it hiding from my sister. Still, it was the thought that counted.

When I came back home, it seemed that the house had emptied. Thinking I was safe, I plopped down on the couch and turned on the TV. Not a second later, my other masturbating sister was sitting right next to me.

Lucy gave me a quick, pained grimace as she plopped down on the couch. She was in her now-usual-for-the season sweater and jeans — a black top this time that looked good with her golden hair.

“Lindsay talked to me,” she said.

“Oh,” I said.

“She seems to think something happened between you and me,” Lucy said.

“We’re fine,” I said. I gave her an almost believable smile. “More than fine.”

“Maybe I shouldn’t have included her,” Lucy said, “At the time, it seemed like a good idea.”

“A lot of bad ideas seem smart when we’re in the middle of that kind of stuff,” I said.

“Yes,” Lucy said, she chewed at her lower lip. “I never blamed you. For what happened.”

“You could have,” I said, “Probably should have.”

“No, that’s not right,” Lucy said, “What we did, we did it together. I’m not sad that it happened, either. I mean, not the end part. That was…”

“A mistake,” I interrupted.

“Hell yeah,” Lucy said, “Big-o mistake-o.”


“But the rest of it,” Lucy said, “The only thing I regret is that we did something that made it stop. Lindsay’s crazy but she’s right about one thing: there’s nothing wrong with what we’re doing. It’s fine. It’s fun.”

“Unless we get caught,” I said.

“We won’t,” Lucy said, “We’ll be careful.”

I think I wanted to believe her so much, I let her convince me. It was becoming a bad habit on my part.

“There’s stuff we shouldn’t do,” I said.

“Agreed,” Lucy said, “But as long as we keep things within the boundaries…?”

“Yes,” I said, “I’m good with that.”

As if I could have possibly answered any other way.


With work coming the next day, my parents called it an early night. Jan, apparently, was planning to go straight from her weekend thing to work the next day, so we were on our own. Lindsay, Lucy and I sat on the couch and watched TV, innocent as ever.

But once the lights were out, and the house was quiet, we turned off the television and slinked upstairs. We didn’t say a word. We didn’t need to. Lucy opened her bedroom door and we stepped inside, like soldiers ready to do our duty.

As if they’d agreed on it before, both of my sisters stripped off their tops as soon as the door was shut. Lucy’s massive melons burst forth, as full and fantastic as ever. Lindsay’s little lemons jiggled joyously as they were freed from her lacy bra.

I knew my cues, so I stepped out of my pants and underwear. My dick, already impossibly erect, pointed outward. Like it was trying to select a sister.

Lucy reached for a pillow to put it on the floor, but my little sister grabbed for something far different. Her thin fingers wrapped around my dick. I was too surprised to shout.

Lindsay saw the way Lucy was looking at her and shrugged. As if to ask, what’s the big deal?

Lucy thought about it for a second, then moved her shoulders the same way her little sister had. Lindsay had already stroked me off once (and Lucy had done far, far more) so I guess there wasn’t much to argue.

I sat down on the floor. Lindsay sat next to me, never letting go of my dick.

“I can’t wait to try this out,” she said, with an almost contagious enthusiasm.

I thought to point out that she’d already had a go once before, but decided that the time for arguing details was not when my sister was getting ready to jerk me off. So, instead, I smiled at her and offered to return the favor.

Lindsay looked down at herself, realizing that meant stripping down completely. To my surprise, she actually seemed shy.

“That’s OK,” she said, “Another time.”

“Well, if that’s being offered count me in,” Lucy said.

I couldn’t hide my grin as my curvy sister stepped out of her pants and sat next to me, completely naked. She spread her legs, then took my hand and put it right between them. Her muff was warm and already quite wet.

“Fuck, that’s hot,” Lindsay said. She kept her hand on my dick, but she wasn’t moving it. Instead, she stared, agape, while I slowly began fingering our older sister.

“Um, Linds,” I said.

“Get to work, little sis,” Lucy said, far more pointedly.

Lindsay grinned. She squeezed my cock even tighter, then slowly started to stroke.

“Like this?” she asked.

“I little less tight,” I said.

“OK, awesome,” Lindsay said.

She began rubbing my cock up and down. The way she did it, like it was the most exciting privilege in the world, made up for any technical shortcomings.

I hoped my own excitement would be enough for Lucy, too. We’d gotten so into dry humping before, that we’d never bothered with manual stimulation. Still, I had a pretty good idea of what I was doing — I knew how to hit the high notes, as it were — and so I focused on that. Slotted a finger in Lucy’s sex while I used my thumb on her clit.

Lucy groaned. I gasped. Lindsay giggled.

The three of us formed a building, bonding chain. Lindsay stuck her free hand into her jeans and started to stimulate herself, completing the circuit. Now each of us was moving closer to our ecstatic ends.

I noticed, almost laughing, that we’d aligned ourselves into a strange sibling order. The younger stimulating the older. I was fingering my big sister, while Lindsay worked her big brother. For a moment, I wondered if that meant that Lucy should also be pleasing Jan, but I pushed that thought out of my head. Our serious older sister was not going to be joining these sessions. She was a potential impediment, not an eager participant.

And then, just when I thought things couldn’t get any hotter, my sisters started talking.

“That’s it, Linds,” Lucy said, “Stroke that big brother dick.”

“His fingers feel good in your pussy?” Lindsay asked.

“Fuck yeah,” Lucy said, “You should have let him work you over.”

“Next time it’ll be my turn,” Lindsay said, “And you can get him off. You want that? Feel Dylan’s cock spurting in your hands?”

“In my mouth,” Lucy said.

“Yeah?” Lindsay said. She eyed my dick like she was thinking about it.

“Be a good girl and suck his dick,” Lucy told her. Much more commanding. “Show him how much you need his cum.”

“I want to,” Lindsay said, “Want it. Inside me.”

“Yeah, swallow it all up,” Lucy said, missing the implication of Lindsay’s words. “Take his load like a good little sister.”

For a moment, I could see where Lindsay’s brain was headed. I saw her fingers start to unsnap her jeans, and I knew she was about to tumble over the precipice. The one place we definitely could not go.

So, I took my other hand, the one not buried in my big sister’s pussy, and lightly pushed down on the back of Lindsay’s head. Yes, I know, it’s hard to argue I was being heroic by forcing my sister to suck me off. But I still say it was the better option.

Lindsay obediently let me lower her. She opened her mouth and gulped my cock in one, wet stroke.

“Fuck, that feels good, Linds,” I said, unable to control the words coming out of my mouth.

Lindsay’s long brown hair hung cool around my legs. Her innocent face contorted into a perfect cocksucking expression. She made happy little sucking sounds as she tasted, tested, at my dick.

Lucy groaned in frustration as my fingering slowed, but what did she expect was going to happen? Fortunately, the combination of all the stimulation so far meant I wasn’t going to last on Lindsay’s tongue.

She slurped sloppily up and down my dick, and that was all it took.

“Oh God!” I cried out, the only warning I could give.

“MMmmmmm!” Lindsay groaned as my cock thickened, then jolted out my first burst of cum.

Lindsay took my first shot and coughed. She fell back. My next blast hit my cute sister right in the face. A big glob of white across her forehead and cheek. Dripping off her nose.

I was so lost in my orgasm by then, I lost track of everything else. My sense of the world around me dimmed. It felt so good, firing off. You’d think I hadn’t cum for months, rather than a day and a half.

Distantly, I was aware of something warm engulfing my cock, again. Somehow, I knew it wasn’t Lindsay. I forced myself to focus on saw Lucy, now bent over, suckling at my slowly shrinking cock.

“Yeah, sis, clean him up,” Lindsay said, “Be a good girl for your baby brother.”

Lucy didn’t rise to the tease but kept running her tongue over me. It was too sensitive to feel good, exactly, but I wasn’t going to stop my sister either.

I flopped back against the wall. Post-cum satisfaction washed over me. This was, without a doubt, perfect. Both my sisters sucking me off. Me getting to play with their warm, wet pussies. I was in heaven. And I could tell that things were only going to get better from there.

I looked up at Lucy’s door and saw it was open. Standing there in the opening, mouth agape, was our older sister, Jan. She stared at the scene before her with a disgust strong enough to melt stone.

Next Time: things escalate even further than I could have imagined.

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