Stranger Mistakes Me for His Escort by Dxstebb,Dxstebb

Eating by myself in a restaurant is normally a lonely proposition when working out of town. Unfortunately for me it has become the norm.

As if being dressed to the nines and seated at a table for 4 in front of a 100 people isn’t bad enough, the waiter had to loudly ask me if I would be dining alone.

With a deep sigh, I answered him, “yes.”

Looking like I had been stood up, I ate my dinner quickly.

The meal was mundane at best but once out of the way I impatiently waited for my check. While looking for my waiter at the front of the restaurant I notice a stranger walk in. He was tall and lean and looked very distinguished in his formal attire. He had the kind of look television producers look for when they want someone ruff and handsome to sell something.

My immediate thought was, I bet he never eats alone. Just as that thought faded he began to survey the room. I presumed his dinner date must be a beautiful young woman. To be honest, the thought kind of made me sick and I shook my head as I looked down at my half eaten meal.

I need a change, I thought as I started to gather my things and looked back up for the waiter. When I finally caught his attention I waved to him to bring the check. Before I could retract my hand the stranger stopped his search and started to approach me. He walked straight up to me, reached out and grabbed my hand as I signed to the waiter behind him. He apologized for being late as his lips kissed that back of my hand.

Before I could speak he said, “Good, you’ve already eaten.”

“Lucky For me there will be plenty of things to curb my appetite when we get there.”

In hindsight, I must have looked like a total idiot staring back at him in total confusion. I couldn’t get a single word out of my mouth before the waiter interrupted us with the check.

Without breaking his speech the stranger snagged the check from the waiter and handed him a credit card. He went on to explain how he’s never done this before and his nerves were getting the best of him.

“I’m sorry for rambling, but you are far more beautiful than you described over the phone.” He said.

“You will assuredly be the envy of the Gala tonight and I’m lucky to have such a stunning woman at my side.”

Just then the waiter reappeared with his card and redirected his attention for a moment, preventing a response from me.

When he turned back, he again grabbed my hand and lifted me until I was standing.

“Shall we?” he asked

“The ball and auction start in 20 minutes.” “I’d hate to be late twice tonight.”

I still hadn’t had a chance to get a word in edgeways as he wrapped my shoulders in the shall hanging over my chair.

“I promised you an amazing night and I intend on keeping that promise.” He said as he rushed me to the front door.

I had know idea who this guy was, but I was beginning to want to be the girl he thought I was.

I wrestled to get out the words “Who are you or What are we doing,” but they were stifled as he opened the restaurant door. The reflection of city lights danced in the gloss black paint of a beautiful limousine parked curbside. He waved the driver aside as he opened the door for me himself. I froze for a moment as we approached the door still trying to peace the last few minutes together and make a prudent decision.

He noticed my hesitation and tried to settle my mind by saying,

“I’m really a good guy. I just didn’t know anyone in town and needed a date for the event.”

“Please don’t be alarmed,” he said.

“I’ll pay you up front if you like.”

Then it hit me, Oh my God, he thinks I’m an escort!

He raised one hand and in it he held a masquerade mask.

“A masquerade ball?” I ask.

“Oh, I’m sorry, I thought I told you.”

As he helped me into the limo my heart started racing. I’d always wanted to go to a real masquerade ball. I looked up toward him as the door shut and watched as he jogged slowly to the otherside of the car and got in facing me.

Without saying a word to the driver, the car was in motion. He pushed a button in the consul to his side and a soft lit compartment slid open revealing a bottle of champagne and two crystal flutes.

He started to speak again as he untwisted the top.

“Here’s to a successful impression!”

“If I land this deal, it will change everything for me.”

“I am sorry I drug you into this, I have no idea why I told my potential client I was married.”

“Married?” I asked.

Amazed that a few words managed to slip from my mouth.

He went on to explain how he wanted me to pretend to be his wife of many years to help secure a partnership with a very wealthy client and that I wouldn’t have to do anything that made me uncomfortable.

He passed me a champagne flute and said,

“Cheers, I hope you enjoy the evening.”

My head was spinning at that point. I’m in a seemingly well off and extremely handsome man’s limo, whooshing through city streets on my way to a party I’ve always dreamed of and he had no idea who I really was. I decided to take a chance and play the part and I asked him what I should know.

“Oh yeah, our back story, I almost forgot.”

He leaned toward me and said,

“Well, Shyanne (giving me a new name), I’m Bruce. We’ve been married since 1999. No kids. You run a boutique and have been madly in love with me since I rescued you from a burning stable on the back of a beautiful black stallion!”

He paused to see my reaction.

His lips started to curl upwards before snickering quietly.

“I’m sorry he said, you looked so into it for a moment that I got carried away.”

“We met while in college.”

I laughed and sarcastically replied, “got it.”

Within minutes the car pulled into a half circle drive and came to rest with my door facing the front of a beautiful 19th century mansion. The door opened between two pillared lampposts, each standing on the sides of a cobblestone walk that led to the front doors. There were fancy dressed men and women all around making their way inside. Above me was a balcony of people enjoying the night air with masks in one hand and drinks in the other. I stopped to take it all in like a kid in Disneyland.

“Darling, shall we?” My cheeks blushed as I felt a sudden rush of heat rise to their surface. I looked up to see his hand extended to help me from the car. Even though I had seen his face without the mask it made him seem more mysterious and luring.

Once inside it was a fairytale of waiters and hors d’oeuvres, live string quartets and ice sculptures.

How the hell did I get here I thought? My mystery date snagged two glasses of whine from a passing waiter and handed me one.

“You have got to be the most radiant woman here” he said.

Again I blushed and turned my attention to the people dancing because his stare was very intense.

“Would you join me?” he asked as he extended his hand.

I smiled and replied, “I’m not sure I know how.”

He scoffed and told me it was nonsense and that I didn’t need to know, just follow. Placing our glasses on a table, he led me to the dance floor.

We had no sooner entered the marble topped floor when he began to whisk me around effortlessly. His hands were telegraphing each new move through my hips and shoulders. I didn’t even know I could Waltz before that. It didn’t take long before we were thoroughly engaged and enjoying ourselves.

Short glimpses from other men staring as they revolved around me was intoxicating but it was not matched by their partners.

“It looks as though being the center of attention has ruffled some feathers.” He whispered in my ear. The heat from his breath sent a tingling down my neck.

I could feel the glare from a few of the other women as they lost the attention of their partners. My attention was diverted as

the crowd parted for what I presume to be the man of the house approaching us from across the floor. He paused momentarily in front of us and asked to cut in. I figured he was the man of the house when my date winked at me as he graciously passed him my hand. I gracefully accepted and all eyes fell on us as he whirled me around. He told me how excited he was to finally meet me. Swept up in the moment, our conversation flowed easily and bits of laughter came naturally. He told me he thought my husband was an amazing man and he was excited to do business with him.

“No great man becomes that way without a great woman by his side though.” He exclaimed.

“I have good news and would like you two to meet my wife and I in the study for a drink in ten minutes.” He said.

By the time the dance was over he had waltzed me straight back to my date and dipped me as the last cord was played. The crowd clapped and a new song started as he strolled off.

The crowd parted once again as he exited the floor. I turned excitedly and told my date he had nothing to worry about.

“Why’s that?” He inquired.

I told him about my conversation and that he wanted to meet us in 10min to deliver the good news. A smile began to form across the masculine face protruding from the bottom of his mask. He grabbed me around the ribs and picked me straight off my feet while spinning me around.

“That’s great,” he exclaimed as I slid down the front of him. Once my feet touched the floor my hands were on his chest and our eyes locked. We were both so caught up in the moment that we haphazardly kissed. Midway through, it became more than that. It changed to something slower and deeper. The party fell away from my consciousness as our lips embraced.

I hadn’t been kissed that way in a long time.

He suddenly pulled away and apologized. As I caught my breath he said,

“I’m sorry, I know that wasn’t part of the deal.”

I just smiled and replied, “sometimes deals are meant to be broken.”

His eyes squinted from behind his mask as he smiled.

“We should be going if we’re going to make that drink.”

With the sounds of the party fading behind us, the two of us made our way down a long hall to the study. As we stepped inside we were greeted by a well put together and aging woman. She greeted us both by kissing us on the cheeks, and then told us to remove our masks.

“Sit, sit,” she said as she poured us each a drink. Her husband entered the room minutes later.

“You dance gracefully Shyanne,” he said upon entering. The conversations began with the normal chit chat and soon the men had segregated themselves to one corner of the study over a large handcrafted desk. His wife, once alone with me, started to compliment me on my choice in men. As we both looked in his direction he turned and caught me eyeing him and smiled. Damn, he is attractive, I thought.

She told me how her husband used to fill out a suite like that. She spun tales of her youth and sexuality when she was my age. Her stories were detailed and romantic in a way that had me both aroused and envious. I wondered for a moment why I didn’t have such stories. As our meeting adjourned she told the both of us that we should celebrate our new ventures with a stroll around the house.

“Explore what you want,” she said, winking at me as she departed.

The both of us were left in an awkward silence as the room emptied. He was staring out the window speechless in his new success when I interrupted.

“New ventures?” “Does that mean you got the deal?”

Snapping back to reality he looked at me intently and said. “Yes, and you were a part of that.” “I don’t know how to thank you.”

Ironic, I thought to myself, because at that moment I was thinking of several ways he could thank me.

“I know, let’s explore,” I exclaimed.

As the two of us moved through the hallways I stopped now and then to survey each room. The one room that I just couldn’t pass by though was the servants kitchen. It was huge and professional looking. I danced around a large island imagining what it would be like to live there. He opened the fridge and started to pull a few items out. One of them was a bottle of wine and he poured us each a glass. It was incredibly quiet since everyone was busy on the other end of the house.

“Let’s celebrate,” he said, handing me a glass. I continued to spin around the kitchen until he stopped me in my tracks.

“Open,” he said as he raised a small strawberry dipped in homemade whip cream. I opened my mouth and seductively accepted the treat between my teeth.

As I closed my lips around it I stared up at him and received a muffled hum in approval. I gave him a bit of a bad girl giggle as I opened my mouth for another. I kept reminding myself that he had no idea who I was. I could have literally gotten away with anything. I wondered if he had thought about how far his escort would go. I wondered if I should be taking advantage of him in his heightened state. He pulled me tighter to feed me the second one. Wonder disappeared and it became obvious I had aroused him by the stiff bulge felt between us. He pulled away slightly embarrassed.

“It seems like I’m not the only one who is enjoying themself.” I said seductively.

His quick and witty response shocked me when he replied, “Wasn’t it you who told me, some deals should be broken,” then he rubbed the second strawberry against my lower lip. My seductive tone and look must have created a little uncertainty.

“I’ve probably had as much stimulation as one guy can handle for a night”, he said while trying to straighten himself out.

My mind was filled with the stories I was just told by the lady of the house and decided I needed to make my own.

“You sure about that,” I replied.

I reached out and touched the outline of his swollen cock, squeezing it across the front of his lower abdomen through his trousers.

“This isn’t what we agreed on,” he moaned.

“Don’t worry, I think we are both getting what we want tonight.” I replied.

With that he pulled one of my legs up over his hip and pawed at my dress from behind until it was over my ass. With the same hand holding my leg his fingers hooked the underside of my panties and pulled them to one side, exposing my already excited pussy. His fingers traced upward across the bottom of my thigh to my clit. My legs shook as he perfectly circled my tiny wet pleasure point.

“Not so fast,” I panted. I unzipped his slacks and slid my hand into the warmth that surrounded his aching hard on. I struggled a little at first but finally freed it from its confines and started to explore it with my hands.

The heat coming off of it engulfed my imagination with visions of it in my mouth. I pictured it pulsating over my tongue. I knelt down, dragging his pants with me. Once on my knees I was eye level with the base of his cock where it met up with a heavy and full set of balls. His erection was standing straight up and I eyed the strong muscle on its underside all the way to above my browline. His grip stayed firm on my dress the whole time until it slowly pulled up and off my body leaving me exposed to whoever might walk in.

I took the whip cream from his hand and pulled his shaft down toward me. I put a small dab of it on the tip of his cock. It instantly started to melt as soon as it landed on his hot tip and I immediately surrounded it with my mouth. His knees buckled and started to fail as he tried to regain his composure. It turned me on even more watching a big strong guy go weak from my actions.

Just like with the strawberry I keep eye contact. I knew from past experiences how this can drive a man wild. This guy on the other hand just stared back intensely. I could see the wheels turning in his head. I pulled away enough to mutter, “Tell me what’s going on in that mind?”

“Before this moment there was only one thing I wanted most tonight.” He replied.

“And now?” I ask.

“Follow me,” he replied.

He took my hand and led around the corner to one of the guest rooms we looked at earlier. It had a large bed that was wrapped in a canopy but dwarfed by the size of the room. The wall sconces inside gave off a soft glow that was reminiscent of candle light. He told me to sit on the end of the bed. I sat down facing him, waiting for my prize.

He approached me and stood at the edge of the bed. His fingers lightly trailed from the v at the bottom of my neck to my chin.

He tipped my head up and asked,

“Did you like my cock?”

“Uh huh,” came from my lips, feeling the dominants coming from him.

“Would you like more of it?” He asked.

“Yes,” I replied.

My pussy was getting wet with his new demeanor.

“Lay back and show me how ready you are.”

As he started to strip, I laid back rubbing my pussy in front of him.

He stopped disrobing to absorb what I was doing. For the first time I found it highly erotic being a exhibitionist for someone. I could feel him examining my body inch by inch. His body was firm, firm enough to raise my excitement to a new level.

I had to have it, so I sat up and kissed him through his open shirt and down his flat stomach until the fleshy tip of his cock was under my chin.

“Get on your knees!” he demanded.

I wanted his cock inside me so bad as I watched it bounce while he shed the rest of his clothes. I couldn’t help but do what he said. I dropped to my knees and started to take his cock into my mouth. I heard him gasp as he momentarily lost control again.

He stood up straight and I wrapped one hand around the base of his shaft and pulled him toward me. I wanted him to get exactly what he wanted. He stood poised as if I was his slave to do with as he wanted. I knew I was sucking his cock well because it was hard as concrete.

He reached down and lightly tugged at my hair directing my attention back to his eyes. As soon as I looked at him he asked me who’s cum he was full of and I knew the answer.

“Mine,” I said.

“Is that right?”

He told me to stand up and return to the bed. He demanded I climb onto the bed facing away from him and stand on my knees. He then approached me from behind and asks if was ready for him to fuck me now.

“Yes,” I groaned out as he penetrated my pussy with the rock hard cock I created.

I could feel his head and shaft push its way between my swollen folds. There was no stopping him as he slowly glided the shaft to its final depth. It shocked me and I gasped for air as he started his slow rhythmic thrusts in and out of my aching pussy. Fuck yes, this is what I needed I thought.

His cock hit me deep and consistent until he bring me to my first orgasm. He buried it deep and lifted himself up and down on the balls of his feet slowly letting me enjoy the entire experience before changing things up.

“If you’re ready I would like to taste you now,” he said as he rolled me onto my back. His mouth glided down my body in erotic kisses until he reaches my hips. He kissed one hip bone and moved over my navel to the other. His mouth moved clockwise until it came to rest on my swollen pussy lips. With his hands on both thighs he took what he wanted. His tongue applied even heavy pressure as he slid in and out of me, lapping up every drop of my juices.

Just when I didn’t think I could take anymore he slid two fingers into me under his tongue and sucked my clit hard into his mouth. he curled his fingers and thrusted them in and out of me while rolling my clit around his tongue. It was all too much and I burst all over his fingers and mouth. He smiled and spread my velvety folds wide with both hands. He was thorough in cleaning up my messy labia to the point he left very little lubricant. He then climbed up on top of me and again asked if I’d like more cock. Before I could answer he took advantage of the new found friction he had created and slowly started to stretch me. I could feel every peak and valley of his cock sliding into me until his balls stopped its merciless plunge.

He raised one of my legs and pushed my thigh open further in an attempt to get even deeper. I was so filled I reached down and stroked his balls each time he thrusted. I could tell he was fighting it. His balls were contracting hard as I felt their weight. I reminded him it was my cum he was holding. I reminded him it wasn’t fair to keep something that was mine. His excitement started to show as his rhythm picked up. He told me if I wanted it I could have it all.


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In one final move he stood up on his knees before resting his ass on his heels and spreading his legs wide, pulling me over him. Both hands grabbed me by the thighs and he began to unleash a fury of hard thrusts into my now soaked cunt. His hands were pulling my waist towards him with each thrust causing my tits to slide over my chest as he pounded relentlessly into me. Thoughts of his big cock in my hands and mouth earlier made me want his load deep in me. I knew he was close and told him I wanted what was mine.

His pace picked up and my body yearned for what was coming. He thrusted harder and faster like he was fighting to unload everything he had at once. His thrusts suddenly ended in a hard push and a shaking convulsion as he grunted out “Yeeessss, oh my God.” His cock was flexing from its base to its tip in waves. The second his massive load struck the inside of me, the orgasm I had been waiting for came to the surface and took over my body. I tried to grab at him or anything but couldn’t even complete a coherent thought as my body shook over his pulsating cock. My voice trembled out the words fuuuuck in high and low pitches. He started to slump over me exhausted and came to rest with my nipple in his mouth. His cock still pulsed inside me in aftershocks. Each pulse sent shudders through my body until we both couldn’t move. I could feel his cum creeping around the base of his cock as my seal on him loosened. He finally rolled to one side allowing the rest of it to drip out along the line formed between my ass and leg when his completely spent cock fell free. For minutes we laid motionless trying to catch our breath.

Before we could speak the notification alarm rang out on his phone. Laying shoulder to shoulder with me he grabbed for it, too exhausted to get up. He raised the phone between our heads and opened the tab. We both read the message together.

“Shayanne escort service regrets to inform you that your deposit will NOT be refunded due to your absence in picking up the client.”

He turned to me with a bewildered look and asked, “Who are you?”

I pulled my mask back over my face and started to giggle as he rolled back on top of me with growing hard on and a devilish grin on his face.

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