Amy's Introduction To Anal Play by BedroomSlut,BedroomSlut

As I recall this event in my life even now, I am getting damp between my legs. This is a true story of how I became so enthralled with anal play that now I won’t end a night of sex, either by myself or with another, without some serious anal action.

Before I begin, please let me describe myself. My name is Amy. I am a single mom of two kids, a son and a daughter, both of whom are teens. I am 5’8″, very tan, with long dark brown hair, and almond shaped dark brown eyes. I weigh around 135 lbs. Recently I began walking for exercise, I must say, I have become quite shapely in the ass and thighs. I am a 32b cup, which would be sad, except that at 41 years old, my little boobs are still so perfectly round and very soft and supple. They are accentuated by my wonderfully sensitive nipples, which get very rigid during sexual arousal and always give my level of excitement away, as I almost never wear a bra. I started shaving my pussy about 5 years ago and will never grow hair there again. I have had the most intense orgasms since I started shaving there and guys love it! (Girls too!! *giggle)

Up until about 5 years ago I’d thought that I had a pretty good sex life. However, anal sex for me was out of the question. Mom always said that that was a place not to be fooled with. I believed her and felt like I had plenty to offer with my pussy, my mouth, my hands, and my great tits!

One unfortunate day led me to a level of sexual pleasure greater than any I’d ever dreamed of. While on my way to work one day I suddenly felt ill. I had a tremendous pain in my lower back on my right side. It hurt so badly that I began to cry and did not know what was wrong. I drove home and called my neighbor Sally. She ran over to my house and immediately began rifling through my purse to find my address book and call my doctor. She called him and explained how much pain I was in. He said I should come to see him right away. Sally drove and tried to comfort me as I sat in the passenger seat writhing in pain and worrying that something horrible was wrong with me.

When we arrived I was still in great pain and could not help crying. The nurse rushed me into a room with Sally at my side. My doctor came into the room and in no time he began to poke and prod and roll me onto my side. He asked me if I was having my period and I told him no, and that I had just finished with my period last week. He seemed to know then rather quickly what was ailing me and asked me if I had ever had a kidney stone. I looked at him funny and said “No.”

He said that he fully believed that was all that was wrong with me and that I would be in a lot less pain as soon as the kidney stone moved out of that place that was hurting me and began to move toward my bladder. He did suggest that there might be some more pain as I passed the stone, but it should be ok. To be absolutely sure however he sent me home (with some good pain pills by the way) and asked me to return the following day to have some X-rays done. He continued, “But”, and he seemed to say “But” with a tight-lipped grin. “The reason you will need to return tomorrow is that you will need to fast over night. No food or drink after 8:00 tonight, and give yourself an enema before you come in. That way you will clean your bowels of any obstructions allowing me to see if there is anything else causing you this pain.”

Inside I gasped. Did he say enema? A million things went through my mind. An enema seemed medieval! Do they still do that I asked myself? He looked at me noticing my concern and recommended a drug store that he knew could provide me with the enema supplies that I would need. He also said reassuringly, that everything was going to be ok and he was pretty sure that a kidney stone was my only problem.

I left his office still feeling awfully bad. On the drive home Sally offered to run into the drug store and purchase the enema stuff I would need. I felt really embarrassed, but hey, us women go through a lot, and I thought, well ok, this is just another crappy thing to happen. (No pun intended.)

While Sally was in the store, my mind raced with what I was going to have to do. How on earth am I going to give myself an enema? I can’t even see back there and this was surely going to hurt. I kept trying to picture myself struggling to get this thing up my ass, and doing it right, and not hurting myself, and wondering if it was going to work, when Sally bounced back into the car and cheerfully announced that she had what I needed.

As we drove the rest of the way home I decided that I was going to need help. Sally is such a great friend that I thought I should ask her to help me. I was afraid that she would think I was weird, but I really had no other choice. My pride aside I suddenly blurted out, “Sally would you help me do this?” Before she could say anything, I repeated, “Would you help me do this enema thingy?”

Sally looked at me and for a moment, I really thought she was going to scream, “NO WAY!!” But Sally, being the true friend that she is, just looked me in the eye and asked, “Are you sure Amy? Are you sure you want me to help you? I have never done this before ever.” she exclaimed.

I said “Well neither have I;” and then began to plead, “please Sally help me do this.” I could feel the tears welling up inside and she finally agreed.

“Oh thank you so much…” I said as I reached out and squeezed her hand.

Back at my house she helped me out of my clothes. When I was down to just my panties, Sally reached into my drawer and tossed me a nighttime, extra long sleep shirt. I quickly threw it over my shoulders, pulled my hair out from within, and hopped into bed. Sally brought me some water to take the pills that the doctor gave me, and soon I was fast asleep.

I woke up later that evening. Sally had come over and fed the kids and told them what happened to me. I remember feeling that the worst of my pain was gone now and I thought that maybe the whole thing was over. I rolled over slowly and really didn’t feel anything. I thought maybe the worst of it was over. I slowly walked out of the bedroom and found the kids watching TV. They ran to me, hugged me, and asked if I was ok. They told me that Sally had fed them and left me a note. I grabbed the note from the kitchen counter and read it.

“Amy, I hope you are feeling better. I made the kids dinner and I will come by tomorrow morning to help you before your X-rays.”

I remember smiling and thinking that she didn’t actually say “Help me with the enema.” I was feeling groggy enough to go back to sleep, so I took another pain pill just in case and trotted off back to bed.

The next morning I woke up in time to see the kids off to school. About two minutes later Sally showed up and asked if I had coffee going already. I said “No, I can’t eat or drink anything before my X-ray remember?”

She apologized and asked if I minded if she had some. I said that I didn’t mind and she promptly began to make coffee. She asked how I was feeling and I could tell that she was as nervous as I was. I told her that I was a little scared and thanked her again for helping me. She smiled and said, “That’s what friends are for.”

While waiting for the coffee to be ready, Sally reached into the bag from the drugstore and pulled out a box. She opened the box and out came an honest to goodness, real life enema bag. I immediately thought that I had seen that very thing before and couldn’t remember where. Anyways, the top looked like a cap that was also an oversized hook, and I deduced this was where you open it to put the fluid in. At the bottom was a long clear hose that coiled up. I remember thinking for just a second, “HOLY SHIT you’re not putting that hose thingy inside me!” Then at the other end I noticed a long tapered nozzle. It looked to be about 4 or 5 inches long and pretty narrow. It had several holes in the end and it all became painfully clear. This was the part that was going to have to be inserted into my ass! Back at the bag end of the hose there was a clamp thingy attached to the hose and later we learned that this was to control the flow.

Sally plopped down onto the barstool in the kitchen and started reading out loud. We giggled like schoolgirls reading the directions. There were even some crude drawings of how best my body should be situated to have this assault performed. When she was done reading the directions, I felt like I had been holding my breath the whole time. Sally reached into the bag again and pulled out a small tube of what I immediately recognized as water based KY jelly.

The directions from the enema box recommended a very mild solution of warm soapy water. They also recommended that the water be as warm as I thought I could stand it. Sally, armed with the stuff, motioned for us to move to the bathroom. I started to feel really scared and telling Sally this, she put the things down and smiled. She then hugged me and said, “We’ll get through this together ok?” I have to admit I felt a little better and lead her to my master bathroom.

I had always thought that Sally was a very beautiful woman. She was 6 years younger than me and at 35 had a great body. She was about 5’6″, and I guessed she weighed about 120 lbs. Her ass made just about anything she wore look great! She had light brown hair that went down to just past her shoulders. Her boobs were exactly like mine, tiny, but full and supple. We had seen each other topless several times before, and I always thought I would love to see her nipples hard. Her eyes were a lighter shade of brown than mine, but very alluring, and she knew how to accentuate her features with make-up just right. I loved her smell, yet never remembered to ask her what perfume she wore.

I was still wearing the long t-shirt and panties as we entered the bathroom when suddenly I realized that I was going to have to strip. As I removed my panties, Sally gasped and then kinda mumbled saying, “I didn’t know you shaved down there.”

I winked at her, smiled, and jokingly said, “You never asked.”

We both laughed and then I realized that I should probably remove my long t-shirt as well. I tossed my clothes over toward the hamper and felt content that they’d made it close enough. Standing totally naked in front of Sally I felt slightly uncomfortable and I thought to myself that she should have to be naked too! Then I realized that even though we had just read the directions, I really wasn’t sure what to do next.

Before I knew it, Sally seemed to take charge. She turned on the tub and made the water very warm. She suggested that I feel it to make sure I was ok with the temperature. I reached my hand into the flowing water and at first it felt kinda hot, but then I thought it should be ok. Sally opened the top of the enema bag and placed it under the water. When it was half way full she pulled it out and put in a squirt of liquid Dove bath soap. She placed the enema bag under the flow again and filled it up. Then she placed the cap onto the bag and began to shake it getting the mixture into a good soapy solution.

I felt a little cold standing there naked and realized that my nipples had hardened. I also felt a little aroused standing there totally naked in front of Sally. I wondered if she felt as uncomfortable as me, but realized hey, she’s not the one standing here naked!

Suddenly Sally spoke and brought me back to reality. She said, “Ok get into the tub and get on your hands and knees.”

I hadn’t really thought about doing it inside the tub, but it seemed to make the most sense. I felt like a little girl being told what to do, but I climbed in anyhow. Sally hung the enema bag up on the shower curtain rod and let the hose kinda hang down. She placed the nozzle on a towel on the floor. Sally reached for the KY jelly and sighed with a resigned “Ok.”

Sally seemed to be unsure of what to do next. I asked her “What’s up?”

She said, “Well”, and sort of stuttered a bit, “I need to lubricate your umm, your err…”

I realized that she was trying to find the words to say what she needed to do. I thought to myself, why don’t you just say you need to squirt some KY jelly on your finger and shove it in my ass! Then realizing her discomfort too I said, “I know, its ok.”

She got up and for a second I thought she was going to run out of the room. She grabbed another towel from the vanity however and tossed it to me in the tub. “Put this down and lay your head on it. This will be more comfortable for you and make it easier for me to lubricate you.”

I remembered that that was what the directions had said and smiled, thinking I’m glad she paid attention. I spread my knees to either side of the tub and as I laid my head down I felt totally exposed. My ass cheeks had spread and my pussy was right there. I tried to look at Sally but really couldn’t see much. I started to realize that I was getting a little wet. I could actually feel my pussy getting a little squishy inside and I hoped that my wetness was not showing. I thought to myself gawd I wish I could just masturbate right here!

It seemed like forever before Sally did anything, and I was just thinking about raising my head to see what she was doing, when suddenly I felt her hands on my ass. They were the softest hands I had ever felt on my bottom. I jumped and Sally giggled and said, “Oh I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to make you jump.”

“It’s ok” I mumbled, and tried to relax.

Her hands went right to work. She placed the palm of her left hand at the very bottom of my back just above my ass. Her thumb and fingers then began to spread my ass cheeks apart. Her other hand kind of pushed my ass cheeks further apart as she seemed to be looking for the exact spot to place the lubrication. I could feel myself getting kinda tense. It’s funny I didn’t feel this exposed and vulnerable giving birth to my two children!

I guess she was just in for a reconnaissance mission because suddenly she let go and neither of her hands were touching me. She said, “Ok honey I’m going to put some of this jelly on you now ok?”

I wanted to scream ALRIGHT ALREADY, but instead I sort of managed a humble “Ok.”

Before I knew it, her left hand took over its position again right above my ass. This time however, her hand seemed to be a little more forceful. Her thumb and fingers really spread my ass cheeks wide. I felt like my little ass was opening right there for her. I could also feel my pussy lips part slightly and just knew that Sally could tell that I was very wet! As she spread me so deftly I could feel a little cool air touch me when suddenly it happened. Sally’s lubricated finger found my anus like she was placing her finger on a button. I immediately and instinctively gasped out loud and lurched forward. Her warm, soft, greased finger seemed to launch me into orbit. I jumped so far forward in fact, her hand lost its grip on my ass cheeks. She burst out laughing, and then so did I. She said, “I told you it was coming!”

I apologized and kinda backed up to where I was by scooching back with my ass in the air and my head down. Sally said with a giggle in her voice, “Shall we try this again?”

As she said this, she rather forcefully but playfully slapped my butt and I could feel a little sting, as my cheek seemed to reverberate under her minor assault. Now I was getting excited. Although I had never let another man or woman go near my sacred ass hole I wasn’t entirely against some playful spanking. In fact it was just the week before when another friend of mine decided that I needed a spanking after I had locked his keys in his car for the second time in a month. (That’s another story that I may retell some time down the road.)

So there I was on my knees, head down, knees spread to the edges of the tub, and my ass high up in the air. My ass was so totally exposed, and feeling my pussy near to gushing with squishiness, I felt so very naughty. Here I was having my neighbor and good friend seeing me like this and all I could think about was how excited I was! Sally began again. “Ok honey here we go.” She added some more jelly to her finger and reached for me again. I could feel her left hand at the now familiar place at the top of my ass and using her thumb and fingers as before, she spread my ass wide open. Her other hand had several fingers gooped up with the jelly and she began to ever so slowly touch my ass. Her fingers were softer than silk and felt so warm and wonderful that I felt myself sigh with relief that she was finally getting started.

She slowly rubbed the jelly around my tiny ass hole. Her fingers worked in small gentle circles around my tiny brown hole and the excitement level for me was almost too much! I was so embarrassed. I could feel my body letting go and actually craving her touch. By now my pussy was dripping and I was sure it had to be totally obvious to Sally. Yet she stayed true to the task and could sense my coming at ease with her touching me in my formally forbidden place. Sally added some more jelly to my wanton ass. She was working it to relax so it could be ready for the assault. I knew it would come soon and sure enough I could feel Sally’s finger start to slowly push into my ass hole. Her left hand worked hard to keep my ass cheeks spread and I suddenly realized that since she started, Sally had said nothing. She was being very quiet. I wondered to myself what she must be thinking. I knew my pussy was aching to be touched and I wondered if Sally was getting these same feelings seeing me like this. Playing with my ass hole had to be turning her on at least a little! Her finger seemed to glide right inside my tiny brown hole. It felt AWESOME!

Before I knew it she had pulled it out. Sally added some more jelly and returned to my ass. This time she didn’t linger outside my ass too long and began to push her finger inside me again. It was such a tiny invader and it felt so good I could feel her finger pushing deeper and deeper inside my ass. Sally began pumping her finger in and out of my ass slowly, working the jelly all around inside as she did. She surprised me by finally speaking as she did this. “How does this feel?” she asked. As her finger pushed in and out of my ass seemingly with ease I stuttered as I tried to say something. I tried again and this time managed to say that if felt really really good. All at once I realized that I said that with the most eagerly sexual tone, and began to wiggle my ass toward her invading finger. My arms were tucked under me as I unwittingly began to rub one of my nipples. It just felt natural and I guess my inner sexuality took over.

Sally surprised me again by calling attention to the fact that my pussy was glistening with my juices and she said, “Amy?! Is this getting you excited?!”

I know there was a long pause as I thought about what to say. “I can’t help it Sally,” I exclaimed, having to clear my throat as I said it.

Sally said, “Well you ought to be here where I am! This is soo HOT!”

Raising my head slightly I looked over at Sally. She had a wickedly wild look in her eyes and I decided right then and there that I needed some release. I swallowed hard and nervously questioned, “Sally? You’re not going to believe this but this feels sooo good! Please let me make myself cum?!”

I immediately panicked and thought maybe I shouldn’t have said that but felt a huge sigh of relief as I noticed a smile come over her face. She then really surprised me and asked, “Do you want me to leave you alone for a minute?”

Louder than I wanted to I said, “NO! Please stay? Please keep doing that to my ass!”

Before she could even answer my right hand dove toward my sopping pussy. I didn’t even realize it before, but my pussy lips had become quite swollen. It felt sooo good to reach two fingers deep into my pussy. I worked them in and out a few times pushing deeper and deeper each time. I felt like I was fucking myself and it felt fantastic! I could hear my fingers squishing inside my pussy as I worked them faster and harder. Most times I actually felt Sally’s finger inside my ass at the same time with my fingers inside my aching pussy! This felt so incredible; I know she could feel it too!! I thought to myself what have I been missing? I imagined what it would feel like to have two cocks working me at the same time! Mmmmm yes, two huge thick cocks inside me at once. Cocks that were much larger and longer and thicker than Sally’s and my fingers!! I decided that this was a new goal for me!

Meanwhile I gathered some of my now spilling juices onto my fingers. I then quickly found my clit and began feverishly rubbing. All the while Sally continued to pump her finger in and out of my ass with some measure of regularity. I heard myself moaning louder and louder and begging her not to stop. As the tempo of my fingers on my clit sped up Sally tried to match the speed of her assault on my ass and began to pump her finger into my aching ass hole faster and faster. I could feel the knuckles of her hand hitting my ass cheeks as her finger pushed as deep as it would go. I couldn’t believe how good this felt. I remember bucking my ass toward her finger trying to get more of her inside me. I actually felt like I wanted her to push another finger inside me along with the first. Then she did something that threw me over the edge – with her finger as deep as it would go inside my ass she began to wiggle it!

This was all too incredible. Here was my neighbor, one of my best friends, finger fucking me in my, until now, sacred ass hole! I was loving every minute of it. I felt like a little slut and didn’t care! It just felt so incredibly good; I didn’t want it to end. The feelings began to be overwhelming and I could feel that oh so familiar tingling as I neared what I knew would be a mind-blowing orgasm.

Usually an orgasm for me is slow and building, but before too long I began to explode, as wave after wave of high intensity orgasm hit me. I rammed two of my fingers as deep as they would go inside of myself, and I could feel all of my pussy contracting around them as I came. I screamed out loud as I felt my asshole squeezing Sally’s finger inside my ass and my pussy squeezing my two fingers inside my wickedly wet cunt! My tummy, my back, and even my legs seemed to convulse through it all. I’m not sure, but I even think my toes were wiggling! My pussy pulsating and my asshole throbbing, this was the most intense orgasm I had ever had!

I remember trying to catch my breath as I slowly came down from such a high. My screams reduced to soft moans, as I realized that Sally let her finger stay deep inside my ass through every contraction of my orgasm. At some point she had let go of my ass with her left hand though and pushed it inside her jeans. Sally had been frigging herself with one hand as her other worked inside my ass! I remember feeling totally at ease as my shoulders slumped in the tub.

It was so quiet as my ass remained in the air with Sally’s finger still inside. I’m not sure how long we stayed like this, but reality came back to me as I realized Sally’s finger was not only still inside me but she was still pushing her finger in and out and still wiggling it deep inside of my ass hole! I slowly raised my head and looked over at her as she started to moan. “Mmmmmmmm,” I purred as I watched her squeeze her knees together trapping her hand inside her own sopping pussy. She was cumming now, raising her self up from her knees, as she seemed to bounce onto her hand!

I love to see someone cum and although she was totally dressed, her face was giving me quite a show. I began to wiggle my ass with her finger inside me as I watched her. Her eyes were closed and I smiled hugely. She writhed on her own hand and never once stopped wiggling her finger inside my ass! As she slowly came down from her own orgasm, her eyes flickered open and she noticed me watching her. At that very moment I loved her! I felt so good with her and knew she felt the same with me. She had the most innocently wicked smile on her face and I longed for her to kiss me. I leaned toward her as best I could with her finger still in my ass as she leaned toward me too. We both knew what we wanted and our lips soon met. Our lips both parted immediately and our tongues danced into each other’s mouths. There is no feeling quite like kissing another woman and this was no exception. Pure electricity drove us into a frenzied kiss that lasted at least 5 minutes. When we finally pulled away from each other, Sally did something else that totally blew my mind.

She slowly retrieved her finger from my no longer virginal ass hole and brought it to her lips. Her face was only inches from mine as I watched her plunge the finger that was in my ass into her mouth. My tight little ass hole throbbed shut tighter and tighter as it tried to regain its integrity. Sally sucked on her finger slowly and motioned towards me. I instinctively opened my mouth as she pulled the finger from hers and pushed it into mine. I felt so nasty as I sucked on her finger covered in jelly, my ass, and now her saliva. As I closed my mouth around her finger she began to fuck my mouth with her finger. The taste wasn’t all that displeasing as the situation was so intense. She pulled her finger from my mouth and re-inserted it into hers, all the while staring straight into my eyes. She sucked hard as if it was a man’s cock and I could see her cheeks suck inward as she did. I wanted to taste it again, and as I opened my mouth she smiled and placed her finger on my lips. She began to slowly insert it into my mouth as I closed it just enough to replicate my tiny ass hole. When her finger was totally inside my mouth she began to wiggle it as she did when it was deep inside my ass! This drove me insane and just as I thought we should run and continue this in the bedroom, Sally looked at her watch and gasped, “OH SHIT! We only have an hour to get you cleaned out and get to the doctors!”

Sally reached over caressing my ass and ever so lovingly asked me if I thought my little ass hole was ready for this enema. I managed to mumble “uh huh,” and returned to the position that placed me in my wonderfully new found favorite sexual position. I mean errrr the position that would allow her to give me the enema.

As I kneeled there totally vulnerable again, Sally said with a definite smile in her voice, “Now let’s not get distracted this time eh?”

I kinda whined a little in my best little girl voice protesting “awwwwwww,” But I knew she was right and before I knew it, she gave me another smack on my ass harder than the first! I retorted, “Hey! Ya know, I think that’s what got me so hot in the first place!”

She looked inquisitively down at me and exclaimed, “ohh. You like having your little tushy spanked huh? I will have to remember that!”

Settling down again back into the position I said aloud, “Well yeah but I like giving them too!”

Sally didn’t respond to that last statement but rather began again to lubricate her finger and quite the same way as before, allowed her left hand to manipulate my ass. Her thumb and fingers spread my ass cheeks quite wide again like she was an old pro! I felt my pussy begin to quiver again begging to be played with, but this time tried to ignore it. Her now lubed finger found its way into my ass again and I thought to myself how very much I loved this.

Sally found my ass hole to be quite lubricated and decided it was time for the enema. She pulled her finger from my ass but left her other hand where it was keeping my ass cheeks spread. I remember feeling the cool air reaching my tiny puckered hole. Sally squirted some more jelly onto the hose nozzle and content that there was enough there, began to bring it up to my waiting ass hole. I was feeling kinda excited again and for a moment thought about returning my hand to my aching pussy again when Sally said, “Ok honey here we go.”

I felt the nozzle gently touch me right perfectly on my puckered little hole. I groaned out load as Sally commented, “Hey, you didn’t jump this time” and then she pushed it slowly and purposefully into my ass.

It was not as thick as her finger and it glided so easily inside me. I remember feeling the last inch or two push further than her finger did, but it did not hurt. She pushed the nozzle all the way to the little stopper point and exclaimed, “Ok it’s all the way in.”

All this time I was thinking that getting an enema was going to be painful and humiliating and it turned out to be so wonderful. I was thinking to myself, this isn’t so bad. Sally kneeled upward to release the clamp with her right hand as her left hand held the nozzle in place. As I pictured her about to release the fluid into my bowels I thought to myself hey, it was quite a while ago when we filled that bag up! That water was going to be cold! At that very moment Sally released the clamp and the very cold soapy fluid rushed into me!

I pushed my arms up and raised my head up all the way feeling my hair whip me in the back like a bucking bronco! “GEEZ that’s cold I hollered!”

Sally giggled and said, “Well, next time we shouldn’t get so distracted!”

I started to protest but as the cool liquid flowed into me I suddenly felt like I had to go to the bathroom. I asked, “Sally? Are we almost done?”

She giggled and said, “Oh no honey; we’ve only just started love.”

My protests seemed to fall on deaf ears, but Sally did slow the flow a little and kneeled back down with me. I felt very cold and began to rub my tummy to try and relieve the unbelievable urge I had to sit on the toilet. I remember moaning to Sally and nearly begging her to make it stop. Sally was so loving and caring she began to caress my ass with her free hand and kneeled down to place tiny kisses on my ass cheeks. Her warm lips felt good on my chilly cheeks and it seemed to take my mind off of the ever worsening cramping in my abdomen. “Ohhhh,” I remember moaning as I asked again if we were done.

I thought this time maybe she would hear the frantic sounding moan and maybe make it stop. Sally said “Oh sweety, not too much longer.”

It was the funniest feeling. I just didn’t feel right having some thing pour into my body in that direction, but it didn’t feel that awful either. I really began to feel at peace with it all when I heard Sally say, “OK all done love.”

She continued, “I’m going to pull this nozzle out slowly now and I need you to squeeze your little ass closed tight ok? We need you to hold this fluid inside you for a few minutes.”

She said this rather of matter-of-factly and I remember cursing inside like Yosemite Sam used to do when Bugs Bunny made him fall down the mountainside. “Rack-em, frack-em, sassa- frassa rassen-tatten…

I began to rock slowly back and forth and Sally stayed kneeling by my side. She rubbed my back and hiney and down to my feet and back up to my neck. She was mothering me and it felt really nice despite the pain I was in. I kept moaning every few seconds as I began to feel heavy cramping in my bowels that came in waves. Just when I thought I couldn’t take it any longer Sally declared, “Ok hon, it’s time. Let’s get you up and onto the toilet!”

I smiled feebly under the circumstances and remember squeezing my ass so tightly fearing I was going to squirt shit all over the place!

Sally helped me out of the tub and I was afraid she was thinking about staying in the bathroom with me! But no sooner had she set me there than she headed out the door pulling it closed behind her. She hollered as she left, “I’ll be in the living room if you need me!”

As I sat there for the next five minutes cleaning my bowels out it suddenly dawned on me where I had seen that enema bag before. I remembered seeing it as a little girl hanging from the shower curtain rod every once in a while in my mothers bathroom!!

It’s my first story… please be gentle with comments…

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