Taming a Brat Pt. 23 by QuietWriter1908,QuietWriter1908

*Alias’s POV*

“Please just figure it out,” I dropped my head on my desk, trying to hold my emotions in.

“Alias, I’m going to do my best, but this is uncharted territory,” Sarah looked at me sympathetically.

“I’m sure he won’t even care,” I sighed, “Considering he walked away from me.”

“You and I both know work contracts are a little different than just walking away,” She smiled softly, “Maybe you can finish out your work here in your office?”

“I’d rather not continue any form of relationship with him,” I looked at the ground, lying to myself.

“I hate seeing you like this, Star,” She squeezed my hand, “Let’s go grab lunch.”

I wasn’t hungry, but I agreed knowing I needed to come out of my office eventually. I’d been here since 4:30 a.m. after realizing I would never be able to fall asleep after everything that happened. After Kane left, I wanted to chase him, but I didn’t. Even though I believed him, a part of me knew we’d never be happy together so long as Claire was in the picture. Of course, I wanted to tell him how I really felt about him, but one thing stopped me.

Until he gets rid of her, we can’t be together. If it were anyone else, I might put up a better fight. But Claire? She’d taken away Ashton, and I’d be damned if I let the same thing happen twice, especially with Kane. Which now, I guess none of that even matters. I spent all night wondering how things would have played out had I just told him how I felt. I couldn’t though, I knew it was only a matter of time before we do the same thing all over again.

“Alias, you have to stop thinking about it or you have to do something about it,” Sarah sighed as she tried to pull me from my thoughts as we rode the elevator down the the lobby.

“I never meant for things to get this complicated,” I shook my head.

“You became his submissive, wore his collar, and moved into his house…” She trailed off, “I told you things were going to get messy if you didn’t figure out where you stood.”

“Thanks for the words of encouragement,” I rolled my eyes sarcastically.

“I’m your best friend. I’m going to shoot it straight with you,” She nudged me with her elbow as we walked outside.

“Am I wrong for not chasing him?” I sighed, hoping Sarah might tell me what I need to hear.

“In my opinion,” She stopped dead in her tracks, narrowing her eyes in the distance. I tried following them to no avail.

“What is it?” I asked, eyebrows furrowed.

She didn’t bother speaking as I finally recognized the familiar face walking through the crowd in front of us. I turned to say something, but Sarah was marching straight up to her. Before I could stop her, she had already drew back her fist and decked Claire right in the mouth. I bit my lip, holding back the laughter and shock dying to escape.

“You’ve got some fucking nerve,” Sarah yelled over Claire, who was trying to get up from the ground.

“I suppose I deserved that,” She rolled her eyes, dabbing her lip with her finger.

“Why are you even here?” Sarah scoffed. I should say something, but hell, what can I say that she isn’t?

“Alias,” Claire held her hands up defensively, “I just want to talk to you, please?”

“Why? You got everything you wanted!” I tried not to yell, though we had already accumulated a crowd around us.

“Alias, you’re a businesswoman. Please sit down with me and talk,” Claire shifted nervously, eyeing the crowd around us.

“Fuck it,” I sighed, “Sarah is coming too.”

“As long as she doesn’t hit me again,” Claire smiled nervously.

“I haven’t made my mind up yet. Walk,” Sarah glared at her.

We walked in an awkward, angry tension to the restaurant across the street… the one with the best chicken wraps.

“Start talking,” I couldn’t hold back any longer.

“Well, you’re going to have a PR nightmare for that little fiasco your assistant here put on,” Claire glared at Sarah.

“We’ll have another one if you don’t get to the point,” Sarah smirked deviously. I wasn’t near as violent as her, but for once, I didn’t mind.

“Okay, okay,” She looked worried, “Alias, none of what you saw was legitimate. I had someone text me from the lobby when you were on your way up.”

“Tell me something I don’t know,” I rolled my eyes.

“Kane loves you,” She looked like she might die saying those words, “While I’m the last person who’d want that, I’ve hurt him enough as it is.”

“Where was that mentality the first time you saw us together?” I scoffed.

“He never chased me,” Her eyes fell, “When I saw him frantically searching for you, I knew I had made yet another mistake. I wanted him back, Alias. I would have done anything to make that happen, but I never intended to hurt him in the process. I didn’t know how he truly felt until last night.”

“And what makes you so sure he loves me?” I pursed my lips.

“Go find him, let him tell you for himself,” She smiled sadly.

“He found me last night, Claire. It’s over,” I rolled my eyes, “Lucky you.”

“No, Kane wouldn’t have walked away from you, Alias,” She shook her head in disbelief, “I watched him search for you for an hour.”

“Well he did,” I narrowed my eyes, “Is there anything else?”

“One more thing,” She gritted her teeth, straining herself to speak, “I’m sorry.”

“Don’t die on the table, Claire,” Sarah rolled her eyes, “This is just another manipulation tactic.”

“It isn’t. I spent a while considering how everything is my fault. When things got bad with Ashton, I wanted to go back to the one person who could comfort me. I guess I should have never tried to win him back. I’m sorry for everything I did,” She sighed, actually sounding genuine.

“You’re a shitty person, Claire,” I pursed my lips, “Don’t expect me to forgive you.”

“I don’t, but we’re not so different,” Claire smiled, “We’re just two different kinds of brats.”

My blood boiled as I leaned across the table, “We are nothing alike. Your entire personality is an entitled, manipulative bitch,” I narrowed my eyes at her.

“Well,” She smirked, “This entitled, manipulative bitch is learning to be a better person. You have no idea how much it took for me to even show up here, much less apologize.”

“I won’t applaud a fish for swimming,” I scoffed.

“I don’t expect you to, but please go see Kane,” She sighed, “I know you two love each other, and I can’t help but feel like I was causing you two problems.”

“Wonder where you’d get that idea,” Sarah rolled her eyes, “Is there anything else?”

“Nope,” Claire smiled her sly grin, “Best of luck, Alias. So long, bodyguard!”

Sarah and I didn’t respond as she gathered her things and left the diner. Sarah allowed me a moment to process the conversation. No matter how hard I tried, I couldn’t figure out what compelled her to come talk to me. I didn’t believe half the shit she said, but I don’t see what she’d gain from trying to make amends.

“I hate to interrupt your thought process, but your only excuse just dropped out of the fight,” Sarah smiled.

“There’s no way she meant any of that,” I shook my head, “People don’t change overnight.”

“I never got to tell you my opinion,” Sarah smiled softly.

“I’m all ears today apparently,” I sighed.

“I do think you were wrong not to chase him, or at least tell him how you feel. I think he walked away only because you didn’t tell him the truth. You said that he wanted you to be honest. He wanted you to say those three magic words, Alias. Instead you said you enjoyed your time together. Reverse the roles…” She looked at me compassionately, “You would have walked away too.”

“Are you implying that I’m in the wrong?” I laughed sadly.

“I am saying Alias Star does not let anyone stop her from saying what she feels,” Sarah laughed encouragingly, “Whether Claire meant that bullshit or not, you left Kane hanging when he tried to open up to you.”

“In all fairness, he walked away and literally closed the elevator doors in my face,” I frowned a little as I recalled what happened.

“You’re both brats,” Sarah giggled, “One of you is going to have to cave.”

“I just want things to be easy, Sarah,” I tried to smile.

“It’s never easy when it’s real,” She squeezed my hand, “I know you vowed to never chase another man, I can’t believe I’m saying this, but we both know Kane Rhodes is worth it.”

“You believe nothing happened between them?” I looked at her questioningly.

“Alias, I believe Kane wouldn’t hurt you like that. I wouldn’t have told him where you were had I thought in anyway it might be true. That should mean a lot coming from me,” She smiled hopefully.

“Fuck,” I groaned, “What do I do?”

“You pull yourself together, plan a damn good apology speech, march right into his penthouse, and fully submit to him,” She winked.

“Now?” I looked at her worriedly.

“The sooner the better,” She smiled, “Go get ’em, Star.”


I did just as Sarah said. First, of course, I went home to prepare myself and slip into some sexy underwear. Just in case… you know.

My cab was waiting out front, and I took the small time I had left to carefully consider my choice of words.

When I think about him, it’s almost like a movie. A not so perfect guy turns out to be the perfect partner. He was so evolved from the first day I met him. I can’t help but realize I never changed. He let down wall after wall, and yet I remained distant, refusing to let myself fall for him.

I had perfectly planned my speech, my confidence was high as we stopped in front of his building. As soon as my feet hit the sidewalk pavement, I lost all the words I had prepared on the ride over. The air was thick, and anxiety was taking over my mind as I realized it was now my turn to be vulnerable.

When the doors opened to the penthouse, it looked to be trashed and abandoned. All the lights were off, lamps were in the floor along with sofa cushions, and pictures that once hung on the wall. My heart shattered as I realized how badly he must have been hurting. I carefully checked each room, none of which he was in. He must be at the office. I started to clean up for him, hoping he’d be back soon. Okay, so maybe it was nervous cleaning disguised as a good excuse to stay here until he gets back.

I was in his bedroom when I heard his voice echo through the building. Excitement and anxiety rushed in as I rounded the corner, ready to greet him once he finished his phone call.

“Please, make yourself at home. Let me know if you need anything at all,” He said.

Wait… What?

I pressed my ear to the door, a woman’s voice responded, but it was too quiet for me to make out the words. Who could he have possibly brought here? Jealousy burst through me, causing all common sense to go out the window. Before I could think about it, I marched out of the bedroom, straight to the living room where they were standing.

“Who the hell are you?” I snapped at the girl standing beside Kane.

She was speechless, petrified clearly. Kane had an expression on his face of shock, yet utter amusement.

“Well? Suddenly everyone is mute?” I was about to lose it.

“Alias, this is Gloria. She works for a cleaning service,” He tried not to smirk.

“Right, and you don’t have to wear a uniform?” I scoffed at the girl. Kane must think I’m fucking stupid.

“Mr. Rhodes hired me privately…” She dropped her eyes to the floor, “I can wear one if necessary.”

“Not that it’s your business,” Kane cut in, “I told her to dress comfortably.”

“Oh…” I instantly felt shitty, “I’m sorry… I’m Alias.”

“And she was just leaving,” Kane motioned toward the elevator.

“We’re going somewhere?” I tried to play clueless.

“You are,” He pressed the button for me. I locked my eyes onto his in a challenging stare, crossing my arms defiantly as the elevator doors opened and closed. We stood there momentarily, the tension between us thick enough to cut with a knife.

“Um…” Gloria cleared her throat, “I’m going to start cleaning… um… way over there.” She scurried off the the farthest side of the penthouse.

“My study. Now,” His tone was bitter. Well, at least he didn’t make me leave. Not yet, anyway.

He led the way, not bothering to slow his pace and walk with me. I could feel his uncomfortableness as we walked, and I was growing more anxious with every step. He opened the door, and I shut it behind me as he leaned on his desk. He crossed his arms, looking me up and down disapprovingly. I have to admit, he’s never looked at me that way before and I hated every second of it.

“You know a no call, no show is grounds for termination?” He asked.

“You can’t be serious,” I scoffed, blown away he’d say that of all things.

“Rules are rules, Alias,” He snapped, “You can’t just do whatever you feel like doing.”

“You know damn well why I didn’t come in today,” I narrowed my eyes.

“What happened to separating personal and professional life?” He snorted sarcastically.

“You don’t have to be so bitter towards me, you know?” I raised an eyebrow at him.

“I do, Alias. I have to,” He sighed, shaking his head.

“You don’t-…”

“I do,” He snapped, “Get on with telling me why you’re even here.”

“I wanted to talk to you-…”

“I don’t feel like talking,” He pursed his lips.

I could tell he was forcing himself to be angry with me, disguising his pain with rage. A defense mechanism I knew all too well. It didn’t seem like words would fix the pain I caused him, so my speech was definitely out the window. I couldn’t just tell him how I feel, I have to show him.

Without speaking, I dropped my head and moved my hair to the side. I unclasped my collar and let it fall into my free hand. I took a moment to appreciate it and finally understand the gravity of wearing it. I squeezed it tightly, hoping this wouldn’t be the last time I saw it. I extended my arm, the beautiful silver hoop dangled from the bottom of my hand. I looked up at Kane, his expression somber and lips curled to a frown. He hesitantly reached out and took the collar from my hand. My heart broke a little as uncertainty set in.

“Is that all?” He cleared his throat, his voice cracking a little.

I shook my head no as I stood from the chair, using my foot to scoot it backwards. I took one last glimpse at him before making myself the most vulnerable I’d ever been with anyone. Confusion was all across his face as his eyebrows furrowed together.

I held his gaze as I lowered myself to my knees, kneeling before him. Dropping my head, I locked my eyes on his shiny, black dress shoes as I assumed the proper position. I didn’t speak, though a million things ran through my mind. I flipped my hands over, placing my palms upward. I read somewhere that it was the ultimate submissive position, as it signals your Dom that you are completely and utterly his. Seconds of silence went by, which seemed like an eternity. Every bratty thing I wanted to say or do, I shoved down, remaining in a submissive pose.

“Alias,” His tone was much softer, “What are you doing?”

I released a shaky breath as I found the words to say, “I want to submit to you… Fully.”

“Look at me,” His tone changed into a more demanding one.

Slowly, I brought my eyes up to meet his. Sadness filled them, desired flickered in the deepest part. He was stopping himself from what he truly wanted, but I suppose that’s my fault.

“Stand up,” He sighed, tearing his eyes from mine.

“No, Sir,” I dropped my head back down. Fuck, so much for total submission, Alias. I couldn’t stand though, I had to make him see I was serious.

“Direct disobedience doesn’t go along with full submission,” He scoffed, “Alias, I don’t know what you think you’re doing, but there’s no point. I can’t just be your Dom anymore.”

“Be more than just my Dom,” I bit my lip, keeping my head bowed.

“Alias, I can’t do this with you! Why are you doing this?” His voice cracked.

My heart broke at his words. I lifted my eyes to meet his again. Damn it. I have to come right out with it.

“I love you, Kane,” I whispered, fighting my own tears back.

His eyes widened, almost in disbelief. I couldn’t tell if he was sad, happy, or ready to scream. I tried to read his mind through his expression, but before I could, he turned his back to me, facing his desk. He grunted loudly as he shoved everything off his desk in one motion.

“Goddamn it, Alias!” He yelled. I flinched a little, praying his anger wouldn’t get the best of him. He kicked the chair behind me and began pacing, whispering curse words under his breath. I bit my lip so hard, I could taste blood. I wanted so badly to cry, to curl in a ball and wait for the storm to pass.

“Stand up,” He demanded. Hesitantly, I obeyed this time. He marched up to me, my fight or flight kicking in. Before I could pick which one, he grabbed my hips, pushing me backwards and forcing me to sit on his desk. He placed his hands on either side of me, leaning his head down so we were eye level. I realized then he’d actually been crying. His eyes were bloodshot, cheeks were flushed. Fuck, I was torn between being worried and utterly turned on.

“What did you say?” He glared at me angrily.

I gulped quietly before responding, “I-.. I love you.”

“You love me?” He scoffed, “Yet, two days ago you only enjoyed me?”

“I should have told you,” I started to explain.

“I told you to be honest with me,” He shook his head, “Why did you lie to me?”

“I didn’t want to admit it to your or to myself,” I held back the tears stinging my eyes, “I wanted Claire to be completely out of the picture before I-…”

“Alias, she’s my ex. One way or another, she will always exist,” He spat, “So why tell me now?”

“I wanted too then, but I-…”

“But you what? You thought it’d be a good idea to lie to me not once, but twice?” He yelled, “What changed?”

“I realized I’d rather put everything on the table than to never see you again,” I bit my lip as a tear escaped.

“Put it all on the table then,” He scoffed, “Tell me the truth for once.”

“Fine,” I crossed my arms, “I did fall in love with you, Kane. I want to be your submissive, your girlfriend, your everything. If you want me to walk out the door right now, tell me, and I will. But if you love me too, and you want me as badly as I want you, then you’ll give me a chance to prove myself to you.”

“Prove it then,” He narrowed his eyes at me, his rage dissipating into hunger. I bit my lip slowly, unsure if I’d regret my next choice of words or not.

“Punish me,” I asked softly. His jaw dropped slightly, clearly taken aback by my request.

“For what?” He looked confused for a moment.

“Punish me for everything, Sir,” I pleaded with my eyes.

“Alias,” He pursed his lip, obviously fighting an internal battle, “I can’t-…”

“I consent to impact,” I bit my lip with uncertainty. I wanted to try it anyway, but I hoped he wouldn’t take it too far with his emotions being so heightened. I knew he needed to punish me, and hell, I felt like I deserved it.

“You know it doesn’t work like that. We have to talk about it beforehand,” He sighed with disappointment.

“I consent. Please, Sir. Please punish me,” I sat up straight, bowing my head. He shifted his weight on each foot, debating if he would or not.

“You don’t want me?” I pouted seductively.

“I want nothing more than to punish you,” He growled.

“Do it then,” I enticed him.

“I won’t go easy on you,” He narrowed his eyes, glaring at me.

“I don’t want you too,” I glared back at him.

“Goddamn it,” He groaned before wrapping his arm around my waist and scooping me off the desk.

Before I knew what was happening, I was looking at the ground. Kane threw me over his shoulder aggressively and was out of the study making his way down the hall before I fully realized I was even being carried. The familiar rush of anxiety and excitement rushed through me as he held my legs tightly.

My feet hit the ground once we were inside the playroom. I bit back the smile desperately wanting to escape my lips as I looked around the room I hadn’t gotten to spend near enough time in. Before I could enjoy any of it, Kane was already spitting off commands.

“Undress,” He sat down in his chair. His demeanor was different than ever before, though I guess he’s never been angry with me before now. I was nervous, but I remembered his promise to never hurt me.

Hesitantly, I made my way in front of him. Sliding my blazer off my shoulders, I let it hit the ground by my feet. Keeping my eyes locked on his, I slowly pulled down my pants, letting them fall around my ankles.

“Drop your eyes,” He commanded bitterly. Shit, he was still really upset with me.

“Yes, Sir,” I locked my eyes onto the floor as I pulled my shirt over my head. I unclasped my bra and drug my panties down my legs, desperately wanting to look up at him. Something told me this was about to be a punishment I had never known before.

“Walk over to the wall,” He demanded, “Pick your poison.”

I gulped quietly as I drug myself to the wall of whips, my feet feeling as if they were sealed in cement. He told me what each one does, so I have a chance to pick something that won’t hurt as badly. I scanned the wall until my eyes landed on a medium sized flogger. My hands were shaking as I pulled it down. I wrapped it in my arms, carrying it back over to him.

“Kneel and present it to me,” He stated, and I obeyed.

Dropping to my knees with my head lowered, I raised the flogger up like a peasant offering fruit to a king. The brat inside of me raged, desperately wanting to tell him to hurry along with the punishment part.

He stood from the chair, and I felt him examine me as he walked around me in a circle. He stopped in front of me, waiting a moment before speaking.

“Look at me,” He said, his tone a little softer. I brought my eyes up to his. I resisted a moan as I recognized the look in his eyes, pure lust for me.

“Do you mean everything you said?” He asked curiously.

“Yes, Sir,” I kept my eyes on his.

“You’d like to fully submit to me?” He asked.

“Yes, Sir,” I gulped slowly.

“You will never lie to me again? Never make decisions without consulting me?” He narrowed his eyes at me questioningly.

“Yes, Sir,” I swallowed my pride and every bratty thing I wanted to say.

“Stand up,” He demanded as he walked behind me.

Slowly rising to my feet, I stood with my back to him. He stepped forward, closing the distance between us. His breath was hot on my neck as he moved my hair to the side. I felt a small, cold piece of metal trail across my collarbone and recognized my collar. I smiled a little, relieved he decided to put it back on me.

“You’ll never take this off again,” He explained as he placed it delicately around my neck, “This symbolizes your promises to me. You are completely mine every second you wear it.”

“I’ll never take it off, Sir,” I reassured him as he fastened the clasp.

“Good girl,” He trailed his fingers down my arms, causing goosebumps to erupt over my skin.

Kane walked back around to face me, a look of concern mixed with hesitation was written all over him. I wanted to say something, but I reminded myself my place.

“Alias,” He cupped my face, “Are you sure you’re okay with impact play?”

“Yes, Sir,” I bit my lip nervously.

“I can punish you differently,” He sighed, searching my eyes for the truth.

“Spank me,” I said quietly, “Please.”

“Remember your safe word, okay?” He looked at me compassionately, “I’m upset with you, but I will stop the second you feel uncomfortable. Don’t push yourself to please me.”

“Yes, Sir,” I smiled softly at him. Even angry he still makes sure that I’m okay.

“Come,” He offered his hand to me, which I took. I followed him over to the part of the playroom I hadn’t gotten to utilize yet. He took me over to one of contraptions that looked like a padded picnic table.

“Lay down on your stomach,” He instructed, “Your wrists and ankles will be bound to keep you from moving.”

I gulped as I laid down, placing a knee on each side of the bench. I cursed myself internally as I felt him secure the restraints on my ankles. He kneeled in front of me as he fastened the ones on my wrist. Hell, he looked more anxious than I was. We took a second to look at each other one last time before the punishment began.

“Are you ready?” He asked me softly as he pushed a strand of hair from my face. I only nodded, not wanting the nervousness in my voice to give me away.

“I’m going to start with my hand,” He said as he walked back around me. I felt a little self conscious with my bare ass in the air, yet at the same time I was excited to finally see what the hype was about.

“Count each strike,” He commanded. I gulped silently, bracing myself for impact.

Instead, his hands found my hips. His fingers rubbed gentle circles around my sides before he lightly massaged my ass cheeks, causing light moans to slip from my lips as I leaned back towards him as much as my restraints would allow.

“Don’t tense up,” He said softly, “Don’t anticipate. Stay as loose as possible.”

Before I could respond, the slap sound of skin on skin echoed off the walls, a fiery sting spread from my ass cheek straight to my core. Fuck, I actually liked it.

“Count,” He reminded me.

“One,” I choked out through the rush of emotions running through me as he caressed the spot he just hit.

Before the pain had a chance to subside, he repeated his motions on my other cheek, only this time a little harder. I hissed as I pulled on my restraints. Goddamn, I couldn’t tell if I liked it or not.

“Two,” I groaned.

The third, fourth, fifth, and sixth slap came. Three for each cheek, each one harder than the last. Somewhere along the way, my brain crossed wires and I was absolutely loving every second of it, my pussy growing wetter with every strike. If it weren’t for these damn restraints, I’d have my ass stuck all the way up to his face while I begged for more.

I was disappointed as I felt his absence from behind me until I saw his shiny black shoes in front of me. I lifted my head to look at him, best I could anyway.

“You’re still alright?” He asked softly.

“Yes, Sir,” I beamed up at him, “More please.”

“You’re not supposed to be enjoying it this much,” He chuckled, “Allow me to remind you this is a punishment.”

I bit my lip to hide a smile as he released me from my restraints. I tried not to pout as he helped me to my feet, but then, he guided me over to the contraption I most wanted to try…

The St. Andrew’s Cross.

He restrained me again, and I much preferred this position. Forced to be on display for him, completely at his mercy. He walked behind me, slapping the flogger on the side of my ass cheek.

“This will not sting,” He explained, “We’ll need something else.”

He smirked as he walked away from me, placing the flogger back on the wall. Instead, he chose the riding crop. Nervousness and excitement rippled through my core as I watched him sexily stride back in front of me. He delicately placed the leather between my breasts, slowly trailing downward until he was right above my core. I groaned with anticipation, which was quickly replaced with a gasp as he lightly struck below my belly button.

“I want you to be as quiet as possible,” He smirked, his eyes filled with lust.

Without waiting for a response, he trailed the leather down the inside of my right thigh, coming back up my left. It tickled as he softly trailed it up my sides, making it increasingly difficult to stay quiet. I couldn’t help myself as he delicately drug the leather over my nipples, moaning for more.

The whack of the crop echoed as he struck me across my right breast. I hissed at the sting, which was quickly replaced with desire to be struck again. I figured what better time to be a brat than now.

“Sir,” I smirked. He struck my ass cheek as he walked around me.

“Quiet,” He reminded me, teasing me with the crop.

“Sir,” I bit my lip as he struck me again, this time above my naval. He was driving me crazy circling me, giving me the bare minimum of what I wanted.

“Alias,” He stopped in front of me, placing the leather firmly on my lip, “Don’t speak.”

“But, Sir,” I muffled past the leather on my lips, to which I received a nipple pinch so hard, my toes curled.

“What is it?” He narrowed his eyes at me.

I arched my back as much as the restraints would let me, “I want more.”

“I know you do,” He smirked, pinching my other nipple.

“Please, Sir,” I gave my best puppy dog eyes, they always worked on him.

He reached up, dragging his thumb across my lip, gazing hungrily into my eyes, “No.”

My jaw dropped as he walked away from me, placing the riding crop back on the wall. I was ready to brat the hell out of him as he released me from the cross. My arms and legs felt like jello, despite barely doing anything to make them feel that way. I clung to him arm as he guided me back to the bed, placing me on the edge. He leaned down so we were eye level.

“You want nothing more than for me to touch you,” He smirked, “Am I correct?”

“Yes, Sir,” I groaned with desire.

“Exactly what I thought,” He grinned deviously, “As it seems someone rather enjoys being spanked, we have to be more creative with our punishment.”

“Please, Sir,” I pleaded, knowing he was about to really punish me now.

“I have the perfect one,” He chuckled, his eyes dark. He walked over to the drawers of gadgets, pulling out a pair of nipple clamps. I took a deep breath of relief, knowing already that I liked those too. He walked up to me, placing them in my hands before taking his seat. I down at the clamps and back up at him with confusion as he remained looking smug, slouched back in the chair as if he we ready to watch a show.

“Well, go on,” He smirked, “Put them on.”

“I’d prefer you put them on,” The words escaped my lips before I could stop myself.

“I’m sure you would,” He crossed his arms, raising an eyebrow, “Put them on.”

“But, Sir…” I desperately wanted him to do it.

“I won’t repeat myself again,” He said firmly.

I tried to hide my frustration as I looked down at them. This set seemed simple enough, I just need to move the hoop up to make them tighter. I smirked to myself as I realized I could make him want to touch me as bad as I wanted him too.

I set the clamps down and moved my hair seductively off my shoulders, locking my eyes onto his. I trailed my fingers from my collarbone to my breasts, fondling them gently. I gasped as I pinched both nipples, which turned to a slight moan as I rolled them between my fingertips. I bit my lip slowly and arched my back while maintaining eye contact with Kane. Though it was turning me on twice as much, I loved that he kept his eyes on mine, only occasionally glancing down at my breasts.

“Alias,” He gritted his teeth slightly, “Put them on.”

“I thought you weren’t repeating yourself?” I smirked, knowing that remark would only make my punishment worse.

“The more you brat, the worse this will be,” He chuckled, “And we haven’t hardly even started.”

“I’ll put them on, Sir,” I batted my eyelashes at him before picking the clamps back up. I placed each one carefully, making them as tight as I could stand it. Putting them on myself was punishment enough for me. They felt so much better when Kane put them on.

“Put your back on the headboard,” He commanded. I did so without protesting, assuming his next command would be to open my legs for him.

“Knees apart,” He grinned deviously. Surprise, surprise. I teased him as I slowly pushed them apart with my hands, trailing my fingers back up my inner thigh, letting them rest just below my soaking wet core.

“Play with yourself,” He said simply, “But do not come.”

My clit was surprisingly more sensitive than I anticipated. All the built up tension was desperate for release, making it significantly hard to prevent myself from coming. I got myself close, but I wanted more than anything for him to finish me off. I was so lost in the pleasure, I didn’t notice Kane had walked over to stand beside me until his voice brought me back down to reality.

“Does that feel good, Alias?” He smirked as he watched me roll my fingers in circles around my clit.

“Yes, Sir,” I whimpered.

“Better than when I do it?” He furrowed his brows.

“No, Sir,” I shook my head, struggling to keep my eyes open as I felt my climax nearing. Just looking at him was enough to bring me to the edge.

He put his hand under my chin, forcing me to look at him, “Would you like for me to make you cum?”

“Please,” I whimpered loudly.

“Flip over,” He commanded. With hopes my reward was near, I obeyed immediately. Positioning myself on all fours, I arched my ass into the air for him.

“Someone’s eager,” He chuckled, still not touching me.

I whimpered as I tried enticing him, swaying my hips slowly. To my dismay, he placed the bullet vibrator and remote beside me. I watched him walk away in my peripherals.

“Put it in,” He commanded, clearly taking his place in his seat again. Fuck, I wanted to protest so badly, but surely my reward will be after this. I just have to obey once more.

I took the cold metal, squeezing it in my hand to try and warm it up before slowly inserting it into my slick folds. I groaned at the sensation of finally having something inside me, though it definitely wasn’t what I wanted.

“Turn it on high,” He demanded. He must be out of his fucking mind. I did as he said, grabbing fist fulls of the sheets as I fought off a quickly approaching climax. My legs started shaking, and I could feel my juices dripping down the insides of my thighs. My body was pleading with me to cum. I was fighting it so hard, I screamed into the pillow with frustration and desire.

“Turn it off,” I heard him command. I fumbled my hand around until I felt the remote. As soon as I pressed off, my hips collapsed into the bed. I was panting and on the brink of tears as I desperately wanted to cum.

“Tell me,” He spoke, “Who does it better? You or me?”

“Y-you, Sir,” I stuttered, my voice shaky.

“Lay on your back,” He commanded. I used all the remaining strength I had to obey.

“How does it feel for me to not touch you?” He asked.

“Like shit,” I groaned, ready to curl in a ball and cry.

“Remember that next time you consider lying to me,” He said, bitterness in his tone, “Remember this moment and how badly you want me to finish you. Remember how much you crave my touch.”

“Yes, Sir,” I bit my lip as a few tears escaped. I realized now more than ever how this was the most fitting of punishments he could have given me.

“Come here,” He said, his tone a bit softer. I whimpered a soft cry as I peeled myself from the bed and planted my feet on the ground.

With shaky legs, I made my way to him. Once I was in arms reach, he pulled me into his lap. To my delight, I realized he had his cock in hand, throbbing and hard for me. I gasped as he positioned himself at my entrance, hesitating before pushing himself inside me.

“Never forget the way I can make you feel,” He cupped my cheek with his free hand before slamming his full length into me.

I cried out as his hands found my waist, bouncing my nearly lifeless body up and down his cock. I dug my nails into his shoulders as I gripped them for support. I could barely hold myself up as minutes seemingly turned to hours. His motions became sloppy, signaling me his climax wasn’t far either.

He stood up, holding me in his arms before throwing me backwards onto the bed. Before I could react, he was on top of me, thrusting his throbbing dick into me. My eyes were rolling backward as he fucked me hard, at a steady pace, hitting my G-Spot over and over again. My toes curled as my peak built back up, my body too weak to resist.

“May I cum, please?” I whispered desperately to him.

“Wait,” He mumbled back, sweat beading on his forehead. Fuck, I closed my eyes tightly. The simple sight of him enough to cause my release.

“Kane, I can’t!” I cried out, using every ounce of restraint I had in me to hold back.

“Cum,” He whispered in my ear. My body instantly caved into his, my arms and legs wrapping tightly around him as my first wave ripples through my body. He kept pounding in and out of me as I cried out in pleasure, each thrust extending and intensifying my climax. He pulled out of me, spraying his warm cum all over my stomach and breasts as he called out my name, lighting a fire inside me.

“Alias,” He groaned, “Fuck.”

He used what strength he had left to scoop me up in his arms and pull me into his chest. We were both breathless as we cuddled, our sweaty bodies fitting perfectly together. He kissed the top of my head, stroking my hair gently. Suddenly, I felt the unstoppable urge to cry. I don’t mean a quiet cry either- I was sobbing into his chest.

He held me tightly, seemingly unfazed by my tears. Not that he didn’t care, but that he understood. I cried until I couldn’t anymore. The harder I sobbed, the tighter he held me, whispering soothing words into my ear reminding me it was okay to be vulnerable with him. It was indescribable, really. I wasn’t sad, angry, or even happy. It was like a release of all the emotions I couldn’t identify. Through it all, he never let me go.

“Feel better?” He mumbled quietly, wiping the remainder of tears from my eyes.

“Surprisingly, yes,” I smiled, “I don’t know what that was.”

“Sub space at its finest,” He gave me a loving look of understanding.

“Let’s put you in a bubble bath,” He smiled at me compassionately.

“You read my mind,” I kissed his chest gently.

Kane pulled up his trousers and put his button down shirt on me. I was fastening the buttons when he scooped me up bridal style, causing me to burst out giggling as he carried me through the penthouse. We were lost in each other’s presence when I remembered that Gloria was here cleaning this entire time.

“Kane!” I gasped, “What if Gloria heard us?”

“She probably did,” He chuckled as he placed me on my feet in the bathroom.

“Seriously!” I facepalmed, “She’s probably traumatized.”

“Alias,” He stepped toward me, cupping my face, “I wouldn’t care of the whole world watched me fuck you.”

I bit my lip with desire, “Kane Rhodes, don’t tease me! I’ve barely recovered.”

“Use the bath to help you recover,” He smirked deviously, “I’m not done with you.”


“But nothing, Alias,” He smiled, “I’ve been gentle with you, but I see now there’s no need to be. My bratty little submissive enjoys the pain.”

“I’d be lying if I said that wasn’t true,” I bit my lip slowly.

“Come on,” He helped me into the bathtub, “Take a few minutes to relax.”

“Kane…” I said quietly, studying his features.

“Yes?” He smiled softly at me.

“We’re okay?” I asked hesitantly.

“We’re better than okay,” He smiled, “I believe both of us acted a little irrationally, don’t you?”

“I wasn’t going to say anything,” I smiled, giggling at him.

“I guess someone’s brattiness rubbed off on me,” He smirked as he pushed my hair back from my face.

“Maybe you were just a brat all along,” I smirked back at him.

“Maybe so,” He chuckled, “Regardless, I’ll never let you go again. I will tame you if it’s the last thing I do, Alias Star.”

“Kane Rhodes, you can never really tame a brat,” I teased him.

“Like hell I can’t,” He smirked, his voice raspy, “Just watch and see.”


Thank you all for reading this far! Due to a big move in my life, I’ll be taking a little break from writing for a short time. Stick around! Not only do Kane and Alias have one more chapter in their story, but also a new story is in the works! I will miss you all dearly… until next time! -A Quiet Writer

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