Edward Colston’s Slave Diaries – Chap 7 – by Ghost_of_Colston

Edward Colston’s Slave Diaries – Chap 7 – by Ghost_of_Colston

Diary entry 1st February, in the Year of Our Lord, 1680

It had been four weeks since I arrived in Bermuda. I had accomplished a lot in that time. I’d brought forty female slaves here. The change in them had been remarkable. A good diet, plus plenty of fresh water, had blessed them with excellent health. Sarah’s transformation, perhaps the most striking of all. No longer a frail, hollow-eyed waif, but a fair complexioned beauty, fuller-figured and with shining hair. I was impressed.

When slaves are treated properly, they prosper. Each slave was honed with a particular skill. Amisha specialised in all things relating to shit. Awusi and Dofi I trained up in the art of female domination. Several other Negroes were trained in piss play. All performed excellently. Now trained, the slaves were shared amongst my crewmembers and bodyguards. The slaves lived in special quarters – each had a room of their own, and were locked in, once their work was completed. It was safer than shared accommodation. For it was within shared prison cells that mutinies were planned.

Soon it would be time for my slaves to share their talents with the wider world. Dolphin House would open – by special invite only, to other wealthy merchants. I planned to import some male slaves in the next few weeks. There was a sizable group of men out there who yearned only for carnal relations with other men. I’d witnessed this back in Bristol, where there existed several “molly houses.” Such men risked being hanged as sodomites. Here on my plantation, they’d have no such worries.

I expected there’d soon be a long list of customers. I’d planned everything with meticulous detail. Security and cleanliness were first in my mind. There’d be no plague or bloody flux outbreaks on my plantation. No customer wanted to be reminded of the filth and disease of England.

There was just one slave, whom I hadn’t shared, for she was mine and mine only – Sarah. I hadn’t yet decided what her special talent would be. I confess I’d distanced myself from her somewhat, ever since that strange feeling I’d felt on the ship, after I’d taken her virginity.

I was sat at my writing desk, compiling a list of special contracts for future visitors. I also read through a letter from my sister Ann, back in Bristol. Dearest Ann, such a devout and kind-hearted soul. She doted on me. How she’d be horrified if she knew of my true nature and fetishes. I was the upstanding, respected brother who’d helped her find a nice husband. I was the wise, patient uncle to her children.

I became aware of a presence behind me, and immediately reached for the dagger I always had concealed in my waistcoat.

“Your reflexes do you credit, sir. They haven’t blunted since that night at Newgate.”

“Indeed, Wolf.” I replied. “I take it you have achieved satisfaction?”

The hulking figure of the bodyguard known only as Wolf, loomed over me.

“Very much, sir. “Those Negroes are a delight. Been a while since I fucked so many women.”

“A small thanks for your hard work on the voyage and keeping the peace here. A mere fuck seems such a meagre reward.”

“I’m more than grateful, sir. This place. You’ll make a fortune with it. If it succeeds, that is.”

“That is a risk I am prepared to take,” I replied. “Is there something else, Wolf?”

“The white girl wishes to see you, sir. She’s becoming somewhat restless.”

My calm demeanour briefly slipped. “She’s not to be interfered with!”

“No man hath laid a finger on her, sir.”

My calmness returned. “Ah. Good. What I mean is…she isn’t sufficiently ready for group sessions yet. You may send her in.”

“I may be speaking out of term here, but could it be that you’re developing…a fancy for that one?”

“You do indeed speak too much, Wolf. And Edward Colston does not develop such feelings.” A shudder ran through me again.

The bodyguard nodded. “I apologise, sir.” Though I expect he didn’t believe my words at all.

Sarah was ushered into my study, and the door closed behind her. Handcuffed, and with a scowl on her face, she confronted me.

“Master Colston. I must speak with you!”

“Of course, my lamb. And what troubles you?”

She paused for a while, then spoke. “What is my purpose here? I have accepted my role as one of your slaves, but weeks have passed and you’ve never once called for me, or had any other man come to see me.”

“Well I was just…” I tried to think of a suitable excuse, but she interrupted.

“You favour the Negro women. You think them better slaves than I could ever be. Is that the case? Why did you bring me on your ship if I was to be of no use to you? You took my maidenhood – was that my only purpose? You said you’d open my eyes.”

Sensing her growing anger, I reached for the key in my pocket, unlocked the handcuffs and removed them. “My lamb, I was just waiting for the right time.” She looked even prettier when she was angered, I had to admit. I was starting to like the fact that my little lamb was emerging from her timid shell. No tears this time.

Sarah shook her head. “The right time is now, Master. I have a special skill, and I’m going to show it to you. If you’ll let me.”

I chuckled, humouring her. “Of course. How could I refuse?”

“I must ask that you close your eyes first.”

“Very well.” It was here that I foolishly let my guard down.

“Put your hands together as though you were about to pray.” Again, I complied.

Quick as a whip, she’d handcuffed my wrists before I realised what had happened. “What?” Sarah had filched the dagger from my waistcoat and was holding it to my throat.

“Well, well. You’ve got me right where you want me, I’m assuming?” I was genuinely taken aback by her swift actions. “Perhaps the lamb hath become a cunning fox? So what now? Do you wish to kill your Master? There’s nothing to stop you. I could yell for Wolf, but that still gives you time to slit my throat.”

She said nothing, just stared at me.

There’s truth in that saying, beware the quiet ones. I always imagined I’d meet my fate at the hands of Dofi, or another of the Africans. I recalled that strange hallucination I’d had, where the spider had spoken in cryptic rhyme.

He never saw, he never heard…Eddie never spoke a word. If my throat were slit, I wouldn’t be able to speak.

Did the spider foretell my violent death at the hands of one of my slaves?

“Do you wish for me to say a final prayer before my death?” I asked Sarah. “I suppose it’s only right that I try and make my peace with God before I depart this Earth. There’ll be no peace where I’m going though. I’ve sinned too much to be worthy of redemption. I suppose after what I did to you, I can’t expect you not to hurt me in return. I deserve this.”

Sarah’s lip trembled. She lowered the dagger and carefully put it back in my waistcoat.

“I can’t hurt you, Master. I could never hurt you.” She unlocked the handcuffs and removed them.

I dared to breathe. “Why is that, my lamb? Am I not the wickedest man in England?”

“Perhaps, though I have known other wicked men. But I have never known what it’s like to fall in love with a man…until now.”

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