Two Agendas, One Desire by Quiet One,Quiet One

(This story was written with/influenced by, a good friend of mine who got me started writing on the net. It gives you, the reader the rarely afforded opportunity to ‘see’ what both sides are thinking. I hope you enjoy it)

* * *

Bad day. Rough shift, and to top it off, the stop at the mailbox had a letter from the ex-wife’s lawyer. Likely trying to squeeze him for more money. He was in no mood.

Throwing his keys and wallet on the table, He found his answering machine light blinking fast and furious. “Likely more ‘good’ news. It’ll wait,” he grumbled, ignoring it for the time Being, and hitting the shower. He left a trail en route to the bathroom: Scuffed shoes, likely odiferous socks, his underwear, wrinkled pants, heavy gun belt, rumpled shirt, despised clip-on tie, hot Kevlar vest, and soaked T-shirt.

He chuckled to himself as he grabbed a towel, a thought of an old fairy tale coming to mind as he looked at his mess. A modern-day adult Hansel leaving his trail of breadcrumbs. The moment of musing now over, he got on with his shower with a smirk firmly plastered on his lips.

As if he could scrub off the garbage he came in contact with in his daily life as a cop–although he knew he had it easier than his counterparts in rougher areas, he had his fair share of bullshit to handle. The water beat down on him, the steam filling the bathroom and his pores, the soap’s strong scent opening his sinuses and clearing out the nonsense. Even after he was well clean, he stayed there, enjoying the sound of the steady pounding of the water hitting the tile.

The never-ending saga of bullshit at work. Coupling that with the stresses of his personal life, he found his temper shorter and thoughts jumbling more often. Which made -her- all the more special.

Coming home a few hours early from what seems a thankless job, she locks the door and tossed her purse upon the couch, headed for the kitchen. She was a bit on the depressed side, and it was beginning to affect her physically. Her personal life was a shambles; her car was acting up again, and she had what had to be one of the most emotionally draining jobs this side of the world. Being responsible for other human lives defiantly took a toll on one after a while. She was tired of the paperwork, and tired of the responsibility.

Waiting for her slow coffee pot to finish brewing what would only amount to 2 cups of coffee, she plunked herself down in front of her computer to check her email.

“Damn spam” she muttered as she deleted the one message promising her a larger penis in one week. The coffee pot finally making its gurgling noise that alerted her it was done, she poured herself a cup, and headed off to the bathroom, where she lit her scented candles, tossed some oils into the tub and sunk down into the luxury of soft, caressing, bubbles.

As he washed, he found himself thinking of her. her gentle ways, her playfulness, the way she could make him feel as if he were the only one in the world during the time they spent together. They’d talked of meeting in real life–after all, they only lived an hour’s drive from each other, so it wasn’t as if it was impossible for them to meet–and if the day ever came that he’d lower his defenses, he would meet her. And with luck, he would make her his.

Leaning her head back against the soft inflatable bath pillow, she reaches the hot mug of coffee to her lips and closes her eyes as the warmth begins to run through her.

Her mind begins to wander, images passing behind closed eyelids. What was he doing right now? Probably at work. Wearing that sexy cop uniform that would cling to his well-muscled body every move he made. Especially those shoulders, ahh, those shoulders, if they were anything like the pictures she saw, what she wouldn’t give to be put up against a wall and searched. Damn.

A smile comes to her lips as she begins to sink lower in the tub.

He had been her online friend for some time now. She began playing the same game he was, and they started chatting from there. It had now been over a year, and she thought of him much more then just a friend, he was her salvation, her ground to reality, her online hero really. How she looked forward to the days that his name showed up on her instant messenger, or seeing his return address on an email to her. No matter how rotten her day had been, it seemed the moment he came online, her fears and problems disappeared. He would keep her safe.

Now if only reality was that simple. Her own personal life had taught her not to trust those she didn’t know. And sometimes to trust those she -did- know, even less. Life had taught her a painful lesson, valuable yes, but pain was the foremost emotion.

But then again, there was just a certain “something” with him that made her want him…so desperately.

His thoughts then went to her recent moods as of late, their last conversation on the phone. Yes, he’d allowed that much ‘direct contact’, ever fearful that letting her in -just that much- would ruin whatever it was that they had…her words were punctuated with a brattiness, a poutiness, as if trying to goad him. Sometimes it was hard to tell if she was being silly or if she was looking for ‘trouble’.

And of course, she knew he’d take the bait. He was more than open with her about his desires, his needs. He told her all about a prior relationship he’d had, his first time as a Dom, and how he’d be open to doing that again, but this time with the -right- girl. Again, trying to wade through the bullshit and navigate his life. He knew she’d be right for him. And while she showed some natural hesitation, having never experienced letting someone else “call the shots”, they both knew that it’d be a great fit, if they got together.

She chuckled softly as she sipped at the coffee once more. Remembering the last time she called him. Quite surprised that he had allowed her his phone number. She had offered him hers before, but he always politely refused telling her that a good girl shouldn’t be giving her numbers out to strangers. She had felt a bit hurt at his first rejection of her offer, but never had told him that. It was typical of her nature. She never told anyone, anything negative. She just kept it to herself.

But after he gave her his number, she had nervously paced the floor for a bit before deciding to call. She was defiantly nervous, and wondered what she would say to this man who had been more then just an online friend, yet not her lover. While they both flirted with each other relentlessly at times, they had never taken their online relationship to that of cybering. Maybe they just thought it would cheapen the relationship they had.

She had been so nervous on the phone with him that she jested maybe a bit more then needed. He had told her some of his personal desires, as she had shared with him, so she began to taunt him a bit with her bratty, flirtatious, comments. Likely going overboard with the jest, but he took it all in stride. What she really wanted to tell him was just how comforting he sounded, and how safe she felt…. and how his voice, with a simple inflection in tone, could make her feel like he was making love to her over the phone.

“Damn” she muttered again. The only word that could describe how he made her feel. He was supposed to have called her when he got home from work, she had left him several messages today already, teasing him with the white lie that she had called in sick.

“Likely out with one of his “ladies” again.”

The thought made her jealous as hell, even though she had no claim to him personally. She knew, like most men, he had times where he went out to “meet his needs” He had told her as much. But still, she held a girlish fragment of jealousy when she thought of him with anyone. Anyone other then her that was.

Reaching over to the cordless phone, not caring that she shouldn’t use it while she was submerged in a tub, she punched his number on the dial pad, a little harder then normal..

Snapped out of his thoughts by the phone’s shrill ringing once more. He turned off the water by the third ring, and on the fourth, his answering machine picked up. He could hear it, and stopped in his tracks, holding the towel around his waist.

His eyebrows went up as he heard her generally sweet voice turn saccharinely sarcastic.

“Thought you were going to call me when you got home…but no….well listen here, I am not a prisoner of the phone, so if you have a brain in your head, pal, you’ll pick up the phone..” Then she giggled and hung up.

Oh, she was asking for it.. and she was going to get it.

He rewound the answering machine, having heard the last message when he was in the shower. To his chagrin…all of the messages were from her, with varying degrees of tone in her voice.

Eight messages. She used a singsong tone in the first few, along the lines of..”Piiick up the know you want to..Oh, wait! You’re at work..and I’m not! Called in sick. I know you said to watch my sick time but, what do ~you~ know? It’s not like you’re here to do anything about it.”

He dressed as he listened to her, both chuckling and shaking his head. He then heard the last one again, and that was all the confirmation he needed that she wanted him, that this was her way of telling him that her hesitation was out the window.

Which made him ready.

After hitting the off button on the phone, she sighed low to herself. “He’s still not home, he MUST be out with one of those women.” she hated the way he made her jealous without even trying. She was normally not a jealous person. Deciding she was going to give it one last chance, she got out of the tub, dried off, and dressed in her typical comfy pj’s. Then reached for the phone and dialed his number once again.

He picked up the phone, and to his surprise found her already there, he must have caught it a split second before it would’ve rung.

“Hello?” “Your home!! Eh, how was your day?” “Hmm.” “~Hmm? Is that a good hmm or a bad hmm?” He could almost see her grin. “Well, young lady, that will be for you to determine. My day thus far has been pretty rotten. and to come home to your verbal barrage. well, let’s just say that I will be at your doorstep in about an hour. and what happens then will determine whether I’ve had a good day or bad day.” She gasped. “And. I think that your fun day of taking off work and then bragging about it will soon turn. for the worse. or the better, depending on how you look at it.” She gasped again. He grinned. “I’ll leave the door unlocked,” she said quietly.. “No, you won’t. That’s dangerous. Keep your eyes out for my truck.”

He was coming! Here! He had enough of her teasing comments and was actually going to find his way to her house. Somewhere he had never been before. How would he find it?

She chastised herself mentally, of course he would be able to find it, he was a cop, used to patrolling and directions. Even if she were an hour away, he would have little problem locating her apartment. He probably already had it pinpointed down to a science.

He hung up, foregoing his waiting dinner of cold pizza in the refrigerator, and in a few minutes, was on the interstate. He knew the way. he’d gone over it a thousand times in his mind, ran a check online of the maps. the distance between her place and his, being 58.2 miles.

She had little time to prepare anything for him to eat, as she should rightfully do, being he is to be her guest and all, but she did have some roast left over. She guessed he probably didn’t have time to eat, if he was heading over right after work.

A surge of something went through her at this point. It started in her neck and worked its way down her body. A deep excited chill of sorts. Her adrenaline pumping hard, her heart felt as if it was going to burst. She was finally going to get to meet him. In person. The man who had kept her company in her dreams more then she cared to have even admit to him. Her rock, her stability, her hero, the man who she wanted to make love to for reasons she herself couldn’t explain.

She quickly straightened up a few things, and lit some candles again, this time in the living room. Before she knew it, an hour had passed and she stood in the window of her apartment, glancing down at the street, looking for his truck.

He turned on the radio and before the end of his two favorite CDs, he was there. Setting the alarm, he glanced up at the building, her building. and could see her looking down at him, illuminated by the lamplight. His heart quickened, but he kept an expressionless face, and rang the bell to her apartment.

She buzzed him up.

He stopped on the landing for a moment, trying to collect his thoughts. This was it. The “put up or shut up” moment. All that they’d shared on the phone and in words on a screen coming together to bring them together. for something that neither would forget, for better or worse.

She asked for it. he said again and again in his mind. Yet he knew that once he walked through that door. it was still her choice, her acceptance of him that would make it happen. He would never force himself or his ways on her, or any woman. That was -not- his style. He continued up the stairs..

He knocked softly. She opened the door, dressed very casually in a pair of cute pajamas and a terrycloth pink robe, hair in a ponytail and face scrubbed clean. He smiled as he looked down at her, his dark eyes taking her in.

“Do you always open the door without asking who’s there?” He asked quietly.

She felt riveted to the spot as she locked eyes with him for the first time ever. Well, the first time, if you don’t count the many times she stared at those sexy eyes in his photo. His dark gaze raked over her once, and she felt like someone had just knocked the wind out of her. His presence filled her home, and he hadn’t even stepped through the doorway yet. All she could think was that the picture didn’t lie, his shoulders really were that big. She began to feel a bit weak in the knees, now that he was here, in real life. She couldn’t pull her gaze from him. “Well hello to you too.” she mumbled, grinning sheepishly, and moved out of the doorway to let him in.

He walked in after her, and locked the door, just the bolt and not the chain. He didn’t want her to feel ‘trapped.’ Regardless of how well they knew each other’s minds and voices, he knew that she should be rightfully worried by having him there. He was, to a certain degree, still a stranger.

But the look in her eyes told him that he wouldn’t remain a stranger for long.

She marveled at how confident he looked. He was defiantly a take charge kind of man she thought, as she watched him turn and lock the door without hesitation. Something in her paused a moment, as much as she had come to know him online he was still basically a stranger. She was cautious, yet she saw something in his eyes, something that told her he would never do anything to hurt her. Never push her beyond her limits. Never force anything upon her she didn’t want. She felt a slight bit more comfortable and she reached for his coat to put it in the closet.. “Did you eat?” she asked, embodying the quiet, caring girl he’d met a year ago online.

“Nah, didn’t have time to,” he answered, shrugging, although he was starving. She clucked her tongue in a “tsk, tsk” manner and went to the refrigerator, dismissing his shrug, and getting him a plate together for the microwave. She’d told him about her cooking, and knew full well his rotten eating habits. Before he knew it, he was treated to some homemade roast, potatoes and broccoli.

“This is phenomenal,” he said between bites, as she sat across from him with a glass of wine. She smiled and asked if he’d like another plate, that she’d cooked for visiting family just last night, and had a ton of leftovers. “Maybe a bit later,” he said, pushing the plate away..”But for now, we need to discuss -you-, young lady.”

She squirmed in her seat slightly, enough for him to notice. And she could see his slightly suppressed confident grin, which let her relax a bit. She began to grow comfortable, but anxious. He was the man she’d told so much too, as he confided in her.

They were both here. Finally. And she knew she was going to get it. and the look in her eyes, and the fidgeting, clued him in that she knew it. How he loved this part.

She looked across the table at him, her face flushing, “I, I can explain,” she started, and averted her eyes.

“I’d like to think so, so now’s your chance.”

She spun a wild tale of how her family left late the night before (Even though he knew by their year of chatting/talking that her family turns in early, and how she didn’t feel well that morning ‘sort of’ so decided to sleep in in case she was ‘coming down with something’ (When he knew full well that she admittedly was not a morning person and would look for any excuse to stay in bed.) He heard her whole story out, and stared at her, his eyes boring into hers.

“Anything else you’d care to add to this fairy tale?” He asked this dryly, quietly, sternly. How could he see right through her so easily? She slumped in her chair.

“All right!” Her voice jumped a notch, matching the messages on his machine, and she became a bit more fidgety, more animated. “I confess! I was lazy today and had time on my hands and decided to just mess with you a little bit. that’s why I called…to tease you was all. you were on my mind. And I really did go in to work today, I just came home a bit early because I haven’t called out in-”

“A week and a half.” He said flatly, interrupting her. Her jaw dropped. “Yes, a week and a half, we’ve discussed the fact that you are jeopardizing your job by your sickout and leaving early patterns. Enough.”

He rose and she looked up at him. her eyes misted. “You’re right damnit., why are you always right. I know we’ve talked about this. and I know you’re not too thrilled with me right now. But,”

He raised his hand in a “stop” motion. “We’ve discussed this, haven’t we? That there are consequences to every action? Now, we’ve discussed this at length. You know that with one word from you, right now, I will walk out this door and there will be no hard feelings.”

Although it would’ve crushed his feelings, he wasn’t going to have her submit out of guilt. He was a master of hiding his feelings, of a ‘poker face.’ Was required on the job and served him well in his personal life.

She was silent, silence that he interpreted as quiet rejection. He forced a gentle smile and prepared to leave.

He was leaving! No! Say something stupid. You know you want this man, want him more then any one before him. He knew just the way to peak your interest, and turn your emotions. Tease you, make you promise things, basically he had the ability to turn your insides to a quivering mess. A mess you’d give anything to be in right now.

“WAIT”– the volume and insistence in her tone shocking them both. “It’s sort of hard to talk when there’s a lump in your throat!”

He looked at her, reading her face. “Then say it,” he said, quietly. “But only say it if you mean it.”

They’d spoken of this so many times, scened it online. She knew what she had to say, if in fact it was what she wanted. Anything else would be a disservice to them both, and would shift the base of their relationship from honesty and respect to a quicksand of lies.

“I… I want you to stay. you came here because you care enough about me to see that I start behaving properly. that I should’ve known better and respected you more than to use your answering machine as a toy..” She paused and looked at him, his lips moving silently as he followed what she was saying.


“And…and…I deserve to be punished, if that is what you choose to do..’

Did she just say that? Did she just submit to the reason she KNEW he had come over for? Did those words just come forth from her lips? Oh yes, she wanted him, wanted him to punish her like they had talked about so many times online. Show her what it was like to submit to a man. Show her how it felt to be totally his and no one else’s. She could‘nt fathom being anyone elses. Not like this.

His heart felt like it stopped, but his eyes lit up.

“You’re sure now. Because once you decide that this is what you want. it is then up to -me- to decide what your punishment is. No turning back.”

She shifted foot to foot. Her stomach was in knots, but there he was before her. she trusted him. Implicitly? Yes. Blindly? No. He taught her never to trust anyone blindly, for that would be dangerous.

“I want you to deal with me as you see fit, please..” Her voice sounded small, but it was clear, and the need in her voice was apparent..

He nodded, put his keys down, and walked to her slowly, purposefully.

She looked up at him. There must’ve been a foot in height difference, and a good hundred pounds of weight separating them. He was just as his pictures showed, just as her mind had hoped. That he wasn’t some photo-shop fake Dom created wishful thought on either of their parts.

He stared down at her, the tiny one that embodies everything he’d ever wanted in a woman…everything he’d dared to dream about. Intelligence, strength, the mischievous streak that made them both laugh, an inner beauty he’d been privy to for a year. and now looking down at her, the submissiveness he craved.

“To your room,” he said quietly, and she led him there.

She flicked the light on, and before him was her bedroom. In the corner her computer table, the place where she’d told him of her innermost fantasies and desires. Where she sent him a story that he urged her to publish that encompassed those fantasies. And now, they were going to -live- one of those fantasies.

Her room. Her haven. She led him there easily, simply. Upon his soft command. No questions asked. How odd that he could send chills down her spine with a softly spoken sentence. She knew what was to happen here. It excited and scared her to no end. But a good kind of scared. She knew he’d never harm her. Her queen-size bed just in front of them, her computer in the right corner next to her closet. She couldn’t count the number of times she had sat here and talked to him, only to fall asleep in the bed a foot away and dream of being safe in his strong embrace.

He looked around, then walked to her bed, sitting on the edge. He watched her, and patted his lap. She sat on his knee with an impish grin.

“I don’t think so,” he said quietly. The grin dissipated, and she began in real-life and real-time what she only saw on a screen and in her mind’s eye with him before..

She got up, took off her robe and her pajama bottoms, then her panties, placing them neatly on the edge of the bed. He nodded his approval, then patted his lap once more.

After removing her robe and pj bottoms, she paused a moment and slipped her panties off her muscled legs. She turned then, a bit shy, not of her body, but worried that he will find her less then attractive. She so desperately wants to please him. To make him desire her as she does him….she takes the few steps forward, and places herself over his lap.

What a strange position she found herself in, nose near the carpet, balanced on his lap like this…she knew she wouldn’t fall, because his left arm encircled her waist, and he pinned her legs with one of his.

“Now, young lady,” he said, his words soft, yet stern, “I didn’t wish our first meeting to come to this, but I believe that you very well knew that I would have little choice but to take care of this matter. You showed little respect for either of us by behaving as you did..”

How different the words were, when he’s right here. not on the phone or flashing in text, she thought. She could feel him. She could also feel his hardness growing as his right hand caressed her bottom.

“How I’d hoped,” he continued, his palm tracing her bottom, gracing the curves, “That when I first saw you exposed, it would be for something other than punishment?” He sighed, and continued rubbing.

Her eyes grew hot and teary, shame flooding her face red. How she ached to have him as well. “I’m sorry,” she sniffled.

“I know you might think you are. but we need to make certain. don’t we?”

“Y..yes,” she sniffled again, choking back a sob. He nodded, and the gentle rubbing ceased, giving way to her spanking. It started a bit mildly, from the crown of her bottom to just below where bottom and thighs meet. His hand covered quite a bit of area and she felt a pleasant sting, and after the fifteenth or so smack, was actually squirming a bit to get closer to him.

The spanking wasn’t what she expected, it was actually turning her on. The way she was positioned over his lap, exposed to him like this, the way she felt him growing hard beneath her, the stinging sensations of his hand against her bare flesh. All this served to drive her rapidly to a point of excitement. She began to wiggle herself upon his lap a bit, trying to scoot forward more so that they were more “intimately” pressed together.

“Enjoying this?” He asked, a grim chuckle in his voice. “Mmm” she said, her bottom an acceptable pink to his eye, and, warm-up complete, he added..”Well, I’m sure you won’t be in a moment..”

Her -real- spanking began now, which took her by surprise. His hand hurt! She let out a gasp as the first rain of fire crossed her bottom, and to that gasp, which he interpreted as having gotten through to her, continued, quickening his pace and painting her pink bottom crimson hue.

“You see,” he said, each bit of lecture punctuated by moderate to hard spanks, spanks he would occasionally pause and rub her bottom so it wouldn’t go numb, “I have discussed this with you, and you played along, humored me into thinking that you’d behave.” A torrent of spanks crossed her sit spot, his grip on her waist tightening as she squirmed and began to sob.

“So now, I am getting through to you, although your ears are on this end, you seem to hear me a bit better, don’t you, little girl?”

Oh, shit, this hurt! Did she ever think that it hadn’t? For all their online talks she could have never imagined the pain that he was putting to her. What happened to that intimate spanking just moments ago? He was spanking her over and over, as though he would never tire. Lecturing her about her behavior like she was some sort of a child. She began to tear up, truly becoming sorry for her actions.

He was answered with a louder sob, borderline of a wail. Her bottom was glowing now…

He wasn’t done, though. They’d taken their scening to another level. and she confided that, while she was afraid to actually have him do this. that she trusted him and his judgment in doing so.

“What happens to bad girls?” He asked her quietly, pausing to rub her angry red bottom. She turned and looked up at him, her mouth forming an -O- and her eyes weepy.

“Tell me what happens to bad girls,” he asked again, his hardness straining his jeans. How he wanted her!

She sucked in a quick breath as the spanking stopped, how her ass burned, yet she was surprised to find herself quite wet. Somehow through the pain, she had enjoyed it on some level.

She felt him grow harder, if that was possible, beneath her stomach. If he was as large as what he felt like to her, she was in for one hell of a ride. The thought made her even wetter.

That was her last rational thought before she heard him ask the question..”What happens to bad girls”

Oh gods, she thought, knowing the answer he wanted. He was going to nail her in the ass. He was going to push that huge pride and joy of his deep into her tight backdoor. Again, she felt herself grow scared and excited at the same time. She had never done this before.

“They get spanked. and …fucked in the ass,” she said through her tears.

“That’s right. they do,” he said, her spanking over for now..”How I wanted to make love to you, young lady. How I’ve longed for you for all this time, but your behavior doesn’t allow for it. Because, as you said. bad girls get spanked, and then fucked in the ass.”

He stood her up, her legs trembling. He slid his finger into her heat, making her shudder and moan. She was drenched. She dared not rub her bottom, and stood there in her pajama top, unsure of what to do next. She wanted him, and that was more than mutual. And although he wouldn’t have her tonight in the -more conventional- way, he would enjoy what was to come.

He took her bed pillows and propped them on the corner of her bed, stacked in three. She looked to him, sniffling and still crying, but with love in her eyes. He winked at her and whispered, “You’re doing beautifully. Do you know that?” She smiled through her tears, and he helped her up and over the pillows, her pajama top still intact.

He spread her legs to straddle the pillows like a saddle, bottom high in the air, breasts and nose pushed onto the bed. “Turn your head so you can breathe,” he chuckled, watching her in the awkwardness of the position, to which she did and managed a grin.

She’d told him on irc chat where she kept her toys. So he reached under her bed to retrieve the duffel bag. She heard it drop onto the mattress and shuddered in anticipation, her bottom still afire.

Rifling through, he found the bottle of lubricant and applied it liberally to her well-spanked bottom, for she confided that she’d never been taken ‘this way’ and he was not one that was ill endowed. He actually paused for a moment, afraid that he might be too much for her to take. She could sense his reluctance.

“I trust you and will say ‘white’ if it’s too much,” she reassured quietly, ‘white’ was the safe word they’d discussed.

He stepped out of his shoes, jeans, underwear, and stood there, his manhood ready to burst. He applied the lubricant liberally to himself as well, and sighed at the beauty before him. Her bottom seemed to be throbbing from her spanking and from the anticipation, and slowly, he guided himself into her.

She let out a wail as the head found its mark, working into her tightest spot. He stopped a moment to allow her to adjust to him.

“Oh, this hurts, he feels so huge. I’ve never allowed anyone to be this intimate with me, and here I am letting this man take me in ways I’ve only dreamed about.

Slowly he took her until he was about three-quarters of the way inside. In no way was he going to bury himself all the way for her first time. in due time, perhaps, he’d introduce her to some toys that could help her take him with more ease. but not tonight. Tonight might be ‘punishment’ but he was not going to cause her to be torn.

She stiffened and her moans began to turn from intense pain to deep pleasure. He began to move back and forth, moving a bit to the side to deliver the occasional spank, along with the admonishments of “And to think that you were such a bad girl that you deserve this,” and she would respond with moans like an animal.

Neither of them could take much more, and he reached around and stroked her clitoris.

She shuddered hard. and he spoke the words she prayed to hear..”Yes, you may come now.” She screamed and came hard, slickening his hand and backing up toward him, her inflamed bottom now in full contact with his groin, taking him all the way in. That pushed him over the edge and he came deeply inside her bottom, filling her with his hot seed.

She took him. She took him all the way. Her doing. He backed away slowly to ensure she wasn’t hurt. But needn’t have looked further than her eyes, which were filled with tears and a smile.

“Am I forgiven?” She asked quietly, her voice small, exhausted and warm. “Of course you are,” he said, falling beside her on the bed, his hand now on her bottom, still feeling the heat.

They fell asleep there awhile, waking several times to make -sure- that her behavior would improve. And although he didn’t take her the more conventional way on this visit. He did make her bottom completely his several more times before dawn. And he knew this was just the beginning.

Sometime in the middle of the night, as he lay asleep in her queen-sized bed, she slipped over to her computer and did a quick search on the police department he worked at. She jotted down the phone number to the station where she could reach him and chuckled softly to herself, wondering how much trouble she would find herself in for calling him at work.

Crawling back into bed she curls up next to her hero, intertwining herself in those strong arms, and falling asleep.

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