The Candy Bowl by onemore84,onemore84

It was a briskly cold day in February; the kind of overcast winter day when the sun never quite makes an appearance, and all the people are still moving in slow motion having not quite worked through the hangover from Christmas holiday and are still trying to get back into the swing of things. Jeff sat at his desk trying to find any way he could to pass the time on what seemed like an endless and pointless workday.

After refilling his coffee from the cafeteria for the second time that morning, he sat back down at this desk and blankly stared at the screen trying to find something productive to do. Just as the cup reached his lips, he was startled by the feeling of a hand rustling through the hair on the back of his head from behind. After managing to not spill any of his hot coffee on his desk, he turned his head over his shoulder and was quite relieved to see Katy standing there with a playful smile. Katy had started at Jeff’s place of work about 6 months prior and the two of them had a shared lack of motivation, particularly in the morning hours. They had developed a habit of seeing what the other was doing when boredom was in full thrall, so Jeff wasn’t completely surprised to see her standing behind him on such a slow-moving morning. Katy stood there in her 5 feet, two-inch frame wearing black top that sported a floral pattern. Her trousers hung about her hips and hugged her legs downward toward her shoes as she stood there with one hand on her hip and the other pulling back out of Jeff’s hair.

“So…. What are you doing??” she asked, leaving no doubt in Jeff’s mind that she was there because she was obviously as bored as he was.

“Oh, you know, the usual… getting caffeinated and contemplating life,” he quipped back with a sideways grin as he sipped on his coffee. “So, is this a work visit or pleasure visit?”

“You know me better than that!” she replied with a slight chuckle as she leaned herself against the edge of Jeff’s desk. “I was going to say that everyone is going out to lunch for some intern’s last day, and if you’re as bored as I am, then we should totally go!”

“I’m game for that… when is everyone leaving?” Jeff said.

“Not sure, but I’ll find out and message you here in a little bit,” she responded as she hopped up from the desk and moved toward the office door. Jeff got lost for a second watching her walk away and was hypnotized by the rhythm of her hips. She paused long enough to say, “See you in a little bit!” before she disappeared through the door.

Jeff lightly scolded himself for staring at her ass even though he knew that he couldn’t resist. Katy was beautiful and, as he often referred to it “his speed”, but he was married and she had recently started a live-in relationship with a new boyfriend, so as much as his subconscious would like, it wouldn’t exactly be acceptable to linger on the thoughts that were brewing in the back of his mind. Still though, he never declined an opportunity to enjoy her company or to break off and work on something together. Beyond her obviously attractive appearance, they genuinely had fun together and even sometimes were productive when they found something to bring them out of the boredom that often plagues office work.

Before he had finished his coffee, his phone vibrated on his desk with a message that said “leaving at 11:15… I’ll drive so you don’t have to park that boat of yours… I’ll be out front”. Jeff smiled to himself as he finished the rest of the coffee and set about trying to do something productive for the next 2 hours.

While mildly succeeding at being productive, the time melted away until it was past 11. When Jeff got up to start moving toward the front entrance, he saw Katy just ahead of him but out of earshot moving in the same direction. He quickened his pace with the intent of catching up to her before she got to the door which seemed to be likely being that he could cover space quickly with his 6’5″ frame but the view from his vantage point caused him to slow down. Again, he was graced with the rhythm of her hips and ass in full stride, and as much as he knew he shouldn’t, he slowed down to enjoy the view for as long as possible.

By the time he reached the door she was waiting in the lobby for him. They both ventured out into the cold toward the parking lot as she led him to her parking space. He caught a glimpse of it 2 rows over. The “mom car” as they both jokingly referred to it was a smaller red CUV, she had gotten just prior to taking the job.

“All right! Into the mom-car” he quipped as she unlocked the doors with her key fob.

“Oh, just shut the fuck up and get in!” she said as she laughed.

The restaurant to where they were headed was only a quick 3-minute drive from the office, so the car had not even a chance to warm up before they were forced back into the cold to enter the restaurant. They were met by about a dozen other colleagues and the intern who was headed back to school after a winter session. Jeff and Katy managed to acquire adjacent seats at the table which was, in reality, two tables pushed together. Jeff thought to himself that going to lunch was a smart move because even though he wasn’t particularly close to most of the people there (Katy being the exception), it was surely a better way to kill time than sitting at his desk and blankly staring at a computer.

The lunch itself was a standard affair, the usual chatter about work woes, weekend plans, and recaps from the previous evening. As the food came out, Jeff noticed that as Katy turned to see the waitress, her left hand subtly rested on his leg. She turned her shoulders and when she had accepted her food and turned back toward the table, her leg inched toward him so that they were noticeably touching underneath the table. Physical contact wasn’t exactly uncommon between the two, but this was different and seemed more personal than normal with the subterfuge under the table.

He contemplated whether to read into it or just chalk it up to a byproduct of being at a crowded table. He did manage the courage to shift his leg against hers later in the meal, to which she responded by doing the same and then resting her knee in the same spot against his thigh. The conscience that scolded him for looking at her ass earlier was back into full swing, but he decided to keep the body contact and enjoy it as much as he could.

When the meal ended, and everyone separated to head back to work, Jeff and Katy walked back through the biting cold back toward the car. As the post-lunch sleepiness started to set in, Jeff couldn’t take his mind off his beautiful colleague and the incidental touching that happened during lunch. He was struggling to decide whether to let his thoughts linger on it or brush it off as a coincidence, but he couldn’t help but begin to fantasize about the woman in the driver’s seat. The “driver’s seat” seemed a fitting place for her in Jeff’s mind as part of the allure of her personality was a presence that carried with it the notion that she knew what she wanted and was in control. That kind of confidence combined with her friendly disposition and sultry looks was quite the aphrodisiac for him. He had suspected that in another life the two of them would have been quite compatible on a personal level and with a little imagination; compatible on a sexual one as well.

All too quickly the short drive back to the office was over and they were headed back to their respective desks lamenting the fact there were still a few hours left in the day. Jeff had a feeling that his imagination would be in overdrive for the remainder of the office hours and silently wondered if Katy’s would be as well. At times he thought it would seem foolish to anyone else that so little contact would spark such a desire in him and almost was able to focus on work at points, but she was in his mind and as much as he might try, she wasn’t going away.

As the remaining hours slowly melted by, Jeff looked around and found that most of his coworkers had left for the day unbeknownst to him. He wondered to himself if he was so lost in his illicit fantasies that he was so unaware of what was going on around him. At that simultaneously stimulating and disconcerting notion, he stood up to walk into the office common area to see if Katy was still there. When he approached her desk, his heart sank when he couldn’t see the top of her head peeking up above the cubicle walls, but as he arrived he saw her keys still there and her computer still on.

“She must be around here somewhere” he thought to himself.

He surveyed the surrounding area and saw the light flicker on in her manager’s office and knew instantly where she was and what she was doing. Her manager had the habit of keeping a bowl of candy at his desk and both Jeff and Katy had more than once visited the candy bowl to kill some time or just an excuse to spend some time together. He also noticed that the office was completely empty except for the two of them.

When Jeff rounded the corner to enter the room, he was greeted by the sight of Katy slightly bent over to inspect the candy in the bowl. This particular view proved to be the kryptonite that Jeff needed as time seemed to stand still as he gazed at her for a palpable moment. Then as the last vestiges of his conscience were strangled away, he walked over behind her and leaving no doubt to his intention, ran his hands up her side as he leaned in and pressed his hips against her ass.

At that moment Jeff had committed, though still petrified of how Katy would react. Was all the touching truly just incidental? Would she turn around and slap him and never speak to him again? But, to his relief and excitement, she responded without and looking back by gyrating her hips against him and softly moaning approval.

At the sound of her moan all the timidity and reservation that Jeff had fought the entire day immediately left him. He spun her around, so she sat on the edge of her boss’s desk and faced him. With one of his hands reaching behind her up to her neck, Jeff pulled her in to kiss him. That first kiss while fueled by immutable desperate passion, was soft and sweet and hung in the moment heavily. The electricity between them had finally arced and they both felt it. As they paused for a moment as Jeff pulled away, a seductively intense look came over Katy’s face as she reached back in turn and took hold of his face and forcefully pulled him back in to kiss him again. The following kisses were just as passionate but as deep and intense as the first was soft. Jeff responded by encircling her torso with his arms and pulling her body into his as she gradually reclined on top of the desk. She leaned backward and she pulled Jeff’s taller frame over top of her. While she leaned on the desk, Jeff began to run his fingers through her hair and all at once grabbed it in a handful and pulled her face to one side as he began kissing her below the ear, feverishly working his way down her neck. When he reached her collarbone, she spurred him on by wrapping her leg around his waist and shivering in approval. Her breath was beginning to become hot and heavy as she deftly reached down and released Jeff’s belt. She worked to unfasten his trousers, and she felt his hands slide up inside her shirt caressing her sides and playing with the waistband of her jeans. As Jeff began to kiss up the other side of her neck, Katy’s hand had found its way inside his pants as she felt his hard cock as it throbbed for her. Jeff had managed to release the button on her jeans and frantically unzipped them before she felt his large and strong grip underneath her ass pulling at her pants. She raised up her hips to allow him to slide them off and shivered as she felt his lips at the top of her thigh slowly kissing down the skin of her leg as more of it came into view while he slowly but deliberately pulled away her jeans.

As her trousers were finally removed and discarded to the floor, Jeff stood up and his own fell to the ground being already loosened by Katy’s delicate but purposeful maneuvers. He removed his underwear and began to climb over her as she saw for the first time his erection suspended in the air, straining for her as he positioned himself above her. He leaned in and kissed her deeply, their breath almost acting as one as he caressed the side of her face while he tasted her mouth. He moved his hand between her legs and playfully caressed her thong panties while she responded by squirming beneath him. Her breath gasped slightly as she deliberately took his hand in hers and moved aside her thong for him and pushed his fingers against her wet lips. Jeff’s mouth watered at his first tactile sensation of the most intimate parts of her body. His fingers explored the contour of her lips and followed the curve of her womanhood up to the hood of her clit before caressing down the other side and gently parting the skin at her opening. The wetness was immediately coating his fingertips as Katy used her hand to push them inside of her while she employed the other hand to pull Jeff in to kiss him again. The feeling of warmth on his fingers spurred him to respond to her kisses passionately. Jeff’s fingers traced up between her lips and lightly stopped to massage her clit as her hand left his and grasped onto his hard cock not two inches away from her eager and ready opening.

At this point Jeff pulled away from kissing Katy to make eye contact with her as she placed the head of his erection squarely against her dripping wet pussy. Jeff’s hand slipped out of hers to steady himself on the desk, and she used her hand to hold her thong aside as she felt his trembling and pulsating cock sitting at her entrance. The look on her face was one of a desperate passion, conveying a desire and appreciation that struck quite a chord with Jeff’s soul. She met him with her gaze in a way that was both heart-meltingly sweet, and steamily seductive, and as their eyes met, she felt his head sliding between her lips. Her mouth opened slightly as she cooed while the ridge of his head passed into her. Her leg wrapped around his waist and pulled him closer while still maintaining eye contact with him. Jeff audibly gasped as he felt her soft velvet grip encompass him. His cock teased in her slightly before pulling back to her opening and this time sliding into her completely. Her body tensed in reaction as she grasped him around the head with her arms and kissed him between bated breaths. They fit like they were made for each other in that perfect moment of their bodies and desires joining together. Jeff relished in the feeling of her warm embrace around his manhood as he pulled back and began to pick up the pace.

Katy kept one arm around his shoulder in a half-embrace while the other braced herself on the desk with the other. One leg wrapped around Jeff while the other hung from the desk so she could still get a view of his impressive hard-on as it dove into her pussy over and over again. The view also set well with Jeff and the thrusts were coming harder and deeper, the sounds of their bodies meeting each other had begun to echo off the walls. At this point animal passions were beginning to take over as Katy pulled her face closer to Jeff’s while he continued to slide into her.

“Now it’s time to stop making love and fuck me!” she gasped loud enough to startle him

Jeff responded by pushing himself deep into her and looked back into her breathless and sultry stare.

“You want this cock to fuck you?” he growled at her while pulling back and slamming into her with a greater deal of force. The look in her eyes begged for more taunting. “You want my bare, married cock deep in your dripping little cunt?”

She released his shoulder and leaned back on the desk as she let out a loud, “YES!” that had anyone been in earshot would have left no doubt to what was going on.

Jeff stood on the ground as his frame towered over her. He lifted her legs so that her ankles were about his shoulders. Then he returned his grip to her waist and lifted her up to meet his thrusts. He kissed her ankles while he suspended her ass off the desk as she hung there open to him. Periodically he would hold himself deep when he pushed inside her; the feeling of her around him so deep was exhilarating as they both moaned and yelled out for each other.

Jeff leaned over her so that her knees were almost at her chest as he rested himself, hilt deep into her and looked her directly in the eyes and kept pushing into her. She reached up and held her legs as Jeff’s stare became more passionate and desperate by the second. She could tell he had no intention of stopping himself and was releasing all his pent-up energy into her.

Between the shouts and shallow breaths, she commandingly called out “Cum for me Jeff! I want it so bad!!”

She had barely let out her desire when Jeff’s grip suddenly and violently clamped on her shoulders as she felt him desperate to get deep in her. He yelled out “FUCK!!!” as she felt all the sensations of his head swelling inside her, and his cock quivering as he was reaching his limit. She felt his death grip on her shoulders as he tried to pull her onto him, and finally the warmth of his cum began to fill her. Over and over again she felt him release into her eager grip.

She responded by repeating “ God” as she felt him keep cumming. As he pulled back for another thrust, they both felt his seed spilling out of her as their love began to overflow. She felt Jeff’s grip on her shoulders relax slightly as he leaned in to kiss her. They were both panting and red-faced as their lips met again in a loving and passionate kiss.

They remained in their kiss for several moments as they both struggled to regain their breath. When Jeff finally did pull away from her, she felt the flood of his seed begin to run out of her freshly fucked hole. She reached down and put the gusset of her thong back in its place to try and prevent making a mess on her manager’s desk, but the fabric was quickly overwhelmed by the volume of cum that was beginning to seep out of her. Jeff stood up over her, towering and turned her body so she was seated on top of the desk facing away from him. He loomed over her shoulder like someone inspecting another’s work. His right arm wrapped around her waist and his left around her torso. His left hand rubbed and groped across her breasts through her top while his right dove straight into her scant thong.

“Now it’s your turn,” he whispered while leaning into her ear.

She was still feeling sensitive when his fingers reached the mess that was streaming from her cunt and she yelped loudly when she felt his finger over her clit before it hooked and dove straight into her. At the sound of her exclamation, Jeff reached his left hand upward and covered her mouth.

“The cleaners will be round soon… we can’t have you screaming as I make you cum.” HIs voice had taken a commanding and desperate tone in stark contrast to his timidity and contemplation from earlier that same day.

As his long and slender middle finger probed her, Katy moaned into his hand and playfully gripped at his wrist. Her grip tightened when she felt the pad of his fingertip massage across her g-spot. Her hips flexed when he occasionally pulled it away just to run teasing motions over her clit. She was like a bomb ready to explode, and Jeff could feel her begin to tighten around his finger.

“That’s it… cum for me right on this desk. Better hurry before the cleaners arrive and catch you with my hand on your perfect little cunt.”

The dirty talk in combination with the sensations Katy was feeling sent her into fits of moaning into Jeff’s hand. Her breasts heaved mightily with deep breaths through her nose as Jeff’s hand still laid clamped over her mouth. Her eyes widened when she felt the telltale buzzing throughout her body. When she felt his finger come out of her spasming hole and slip right onto her clit for the last time, she lost control and her whole body began to shake. Even muffled by Jeff’s hand her cries of climax were loud enough to be heard anywhere nearby. She doubled over at the hip as she felt even more of Jeff’s cum being squeezed out of her by her body’s tension. When his hand finally was removed from inside her thong, her lower lip was quivering uncontrollably. Jeff released her from his grip over her mouth and she needed both her hands to prop herself up to keep from falling off the desk. After several extended moments of deep breathing, she looked up at him with a satisfied but urgent look in her eyes.

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