The Cure Ch. 08 by Ghostwalker,Ghostwalker

The Cure – Ch. 08

by Ghostwalker

After three glorious days of making love to Gail, I’d hoped it would continue for the rest of my leave. Unfortunately, that wasn’t meant to be. The instant Jen arrived, everything shifted from talking about a possible future for us to preparing a wedding for her and Gavin.

So each day, we spent scurrying from one shop to another, and back again until I was sure we’d visited every shop at least two or three time before heading back to the beach house. And each night, we were so tired that neither of us had any energy to do what we really wanted. More than once I heard Gail say, “I really want to, sweetheart, but I’m just too tired.”

After 4 agonizing days, and 4 equally frustrating nights, I had to return to base. Gail tried to make up for everything the night before I left but fell asleep wrapped in my arms. After that, it was a game of phone tag as we went round and round trying to catch each other for even a few minutes.

I got one more weekend pass before she was due to return home. We were able to slip in ‘a quickie’ in the bathroom which only succeeded in leaving us even more frustrated than if we hadn’t even bothered.

And then she was gone, back to the mainland with Jen. In the beginning, I got daily e-mails from her and occasionally ‘candid nudes’ but over time even those slowed and stopped. It wasn’t until a week before Gavin was due to be released, that I received a flourish of e-mails from her, all saying basically the same thing. She was sorry for not writing but all her time had been taken up by Jen’s wedding and ‘personal issues’. She’d see me at the wedding, or sooner if possible.

“Yeah, sure,” I thought.

The day that she and Jen were due to arrive came,… and went, and I didn’t hear a word from her. My world felt like it was slowly crumbling in on itself. Then, the day Gavin was released, Jen showed up at the base. But Gail was still nowhere to be found.

“Hey, Jen.”

“Hi, G,” she said, with a smile on her face, as she threw her arms around me, giving me a hug.

“How you been?”

“Going crazy. Trying to get everything ready for the wedding and…” she faltered. “And some other stuff.”

I didn’t ask about Gail, afraid of what she would say. Typical of most men in my position, I imagined her living a care-free life or worse yet in the arms of another guy. “Well, I’m glad to see you. And I’m sure Gavin will be even happier.”

“I hope so,” she blushed. “You’re coming to the rehearsal dinner tonight, right?”

“Of course. Where else would the Best Man be?”

“See you then,” she waved as she turned back towards the Base HQ.

I was still watching her when I saw Gavin exit the building. He carried himself like someone who’d spent 90 years in prison rather than 90 days in the stockade. The glimmer in his eye was gone, replaced by a dull, lifeless stare.

“Sweetheart!” Jen called as she ran towards him.

The twinkle returned to his eye briefly as he wrapped her in his arms and buried his head in her shoulder.

I walked back to the barracks figuring that the two of them needed some time alone. I was still sitting there when he entered a little while later. He saw me and cocked his head for me to follow. We walked leisurely to the obstacle course and found a place to sit where we couldn’t be overheard.

“I’m done, bro.”

“What do you mean?”

“Through, kaput, finished. My time in the military is over.”

“I thought you and the Skipper worked everything out!”

“I thought so too, but it turns out those two armchair warriors from Regional filed reports even after they said they were gonna leave everything up to the Skipper. They recommended I be charged with desertion instead of AWOL. So, right now, my options are to leave the service with a ‘Less than Honorable’ discharge or try to plod my way through. The problem with that is this stupid mistake will always be on my record so my chances of a decent assignment or a promotion in the future are somewhere between zero and none.”

“So what are you gonna do?”

“I’m not sure. The one thing I do know is I need to talk to Jen and explain everything before the wedding. I want her to know how hard this might be whichever way we decide to handle it.”

“At least you’re not considering backing out of the wedding.”

“I love her too much to do that,” he said and then halted before continuing, “But I also love her too much to hide this from her. So I’m gonna give her the chance to bail out.”

We sat there, each lost in our own thoughts until I noticed how late it was getting.

“Come on, bro. Time to get you ready for the rehearsal.”

“At least I’ll be able to wear my dress uniform for the ceremony tomorrow,” he quipped.

Forty-five minutes later we stood at the altar, waiting for Jen and her Bride’s Maids to enter. That was when I saw ‘her’. Gail stood at Jen’s arm escorting her up the aisle. For those that didn’t know them well, they could have easily confused them as sisters rather than step-mother and daughter since Gail was only 9 years older than Jen.

Gail looked absolutely gorgeous! Her ‘bob’ cut had grown a bit but was swept back over her ears, revealing a set of pearl, dangle earrings and her grey-green eyes seemed to sparkle the instant she saw me. She wasn’t wearing any make-up except a modest pink lip gloss that made me want to run down the aisle and kiss her even after everything that had happened.

She was dressed simply, yet elegantly, in a loose-fitting, white silk blouse, a knee-length blue skirt, and a pair of white wedge-style sandals. The only thing that seemed slightly out of place was the pearl necklace that wrapped around her neck twice before disappearing into her cleavage.

For the briefest of moments, I wondered if the necklace had hoops on the end that were wrapped around her nipples. Then real-time surged back in.

Jen and Gail walked up the aisle together and I got the second surprise of the evening. Gail was also Jen’s Matron-of-Honor which meant she was my ‘date’ for the event.

The rehearsal went off with just a few minor mistakes, after which we all headed to the hall where the reception would take place the next night. As was expected, Gail sat next to me.

I was polite but withdrawn as we ate prime rib, small ‘Irish’ potatoes, and a salad with a house dressing. We talked in generalities until the meal was over, That’s when she leaned over and whispered, “You’re eyebrow’s raised.”

Reflexively, my hand moved up to hide the ‘tell’.

“What’s wrong? You’ve seemed distant all night.”

“Hmmmmm, I don’t know. Maybe the fact that you started ‘ghosting’ me almost a month ago,” I snarled, softly.

“Didn’t Jen tell you?”

“Tell me what? That you’re too busy planning this wedding and ‘personal stuff’ to be able to call once in awhile? Yeah, she told me.”

Her smile faded, replaced by look of pain.

“Can we find someplace to talk? Someplace private.”

“I don’t think so. It’s our job to make sure everything works out tonight for Gavin and Jen.”

She sat quietly, looking down at her lap before she stood up and extended her hand. “Will you at least dance with me?”

I realized I didn’t have much of a choice so I stood and walked to the dance floor with her. A slow, romantic tone replaced the blaring dance music that had been on and I tried to pull away.

“Na-ah. You said you’d dance with me,” she said, quietly.

I took her in my arms, trying to keep some distance between us, as we moved around the floor.

She laid her head on my shoulder and whispered, “Notice anything different about me?”

I hadn’t noticed anything when I’d seen her at the rehearsal but now that she was in my arms she felt larger, ‘fuller’, I think is the politically correct term, but what guy in his right mind is gonna tell the woman in his arms that? So I lied.

“Not really.”

“Hmmmm… so you didn’t notice that my breasts are a bit bigger… or that the clothes I’m wearing are a bit looser around the stomach?”

“Not…” And then the light bulb lit up in my head. I looked down at her. A tear was forming in the corner of her eye. “Did I… I mean… are you… we…?” I stuttered.

“Yes, You did which means I am and we are. And in case that doesn’t answer your questions… I’m pregnant.”

“I don’t understand! How? When?”

“If I have to explain that to you then you’re not the man I thought you were,” she teased, light-heartedly.

The rest of the people in the room probably thought we were nuts as I wrapped her in my arms, lifted her off her feet, and spun her around and around in circles as my lips met hers. “The ‘personal stuff’ that Jen had told me about… she’s pregnant! The woman of my dreams was pregnant with OUR baby!!”

Gail laughed almost hysterically as she pleaded with me. “Put me down, you idiot! People are gonna thing you’re crazy!”

“I don’t care! Right now, I’m the happiest guy in the world!” I said loud enough for everyone to hear.

“Shhhhhhhh,” she whispered into my ear. “People are staring at us.”

Realizing what I’d just done, I glanced around the room, my eyes settling on Gavin. He returned my look disapprovingly until Jen leaned over and whispered in his ear. His face suddenly turned to one of surprise, shock, and happiness. He nodded his head as he smiled at us.

“Now, can we go someplace and talk?” Gail asked, softly, as she took my hand and led me away.

We found an empty conference room just down the hallway. It was dark, and it felt like the rest of the world was shut out when I closed the door behind us.

“Why didn’t you tell me? Why did you stop writing? Do have any idea of all the crazy things I imagined might be going on?” The questions flowed from me so fast she didn’t even have a chance to answer. She finally shut me up by taking my head between her hands and pressing her lips to mine. Nirvana, Heaven, the ‘after-life’, whatever you want to call it, I felt like I was there with my angel wrapped in my arms.

When she pulled away she looked up at me. “Are you ready to shut up and let me answer now?”


“First, the reason I didn’t say anything is because I didn’t know. I suspected, but remember, I told you I thought I couldn’t have kids because my ex and I never did. It wasn’t until about two weeks ago that I finally got the courage to go to a doctor and find out for sure. Second, I stopped writing for the same reason. I didn’t want to get your hopes up just to have them destroyed. AND, yes, I was pretty wrapped up in getting Jen ready for her wedding. Finally, I can only imagine what you were going through though I think I probably had some of the same things going through my mind… forget about me, new girlfriend, never wanted to see me again, changed your mind about a baby…blah, blah, blah. Sound about right?”

“You know me too well.”

“Isn’t that the way it’s supposed to be when people are in love?”

“Yeah, I guess so,” I replied as we both started laughing. We stood there wrapped in each other’s arms and just looked at each other, as if for the first time. Her eyes sparkled at me, and I was lost in them. I leaned forward and cradled her face in my hands, softly kissing her on the lips. I probably held the kiss a bit longer than I should have but it was so incredible! That strange, butterfly feeling settled in the pit of my gut almost instantly and a million sensations flooded my brain simultaneously… the softness of her skin, the fullness of her lips, the silkiness of her hair on the back of my hand, her breasts pressed against me, her nipples hardening and trying to drill holes deep into my chest, and a hint of watermelon from her lipstick.

Slowly, our kiss became more intense, more passion-filled. Our tongues explored each other’s mouth. Then, she sucked on my tongue. No one had ever done that to me before and it sent a jolt of electricity directly to my groin.

“Ohhhh, baby. I need you,” she purred in my ear.

Our fingertips gently stroked each other’s face as she brought her lips to mine again. Softly brushing… grasping… exploring, our lips danced in a tender mating ritual as old as time. As our tongues met, swirling softly against each other, my hands slid through her hair, slowly gliding down her back. I wanted to feel every part of her body… to burn the memory into my mind and push away any doubts or fears I had.

Her hands moved down my chest and around to my ass… touching… gently squeezing… slowly grinding her hips against me.

I clutched her waist and pressed my growing cock against her. Our kiss grew into one of those hard-to-breathe kisses, when gasps of air are only taken when absolutely necessary. The delicate fragrance of her perfume and body wash overwhelmed me as I slid from her lips and began to kiss her neck. Soft moans escaped through her pursed lips. Feverishly, our hands began to unbutton buttons and unzip zippers.

“AHEM! Can the two of you at least wait until OUR wedding party is over?”

We separated as if a bomb had been dropped between us, our faces red from desire and, now, embarrassment, when we saw Gavin and Jen standing in the doorway.

We all stood there silent for what seemed like an eternity.

“Mmmmmm… sorry?” I quipped.

The four of us burst into laughter.

“You two are worse than Gavin and I. At least we waited until we got back to the hotel room,” Jen chided us.

“Well, congratulations on that, young lady,” Gail teased back.

“We came looking for you because some of the guests are starting to leave. We thought you might wanna be there.”

Gail gave me a sideways glance before replying, “We’ll be there in a little bit but if we’re not, just start without us.”

I heard Jen’s groan as she and Gavin left, making sure to close and lock the door behind them.

“Now, where were we?” Gail purred, seductively.

I wrapped my arms around her as I fumbled to get at the zipper on her dress.

“We don’t have time for that,” she whispered, her voice filled with lust. She pulled up the front of her skirt and hopped up on the table behind her, spreading her legs.

“You’re wearing your pearls,” I moaned, noticing the ‘pearl’ panties that she’d purchased at Malia’s.

“I was kinda hoping,” she laughed, softly. “The problem is they settled between my pussy lips and have been rubbing my clit all day so I’m sooooooo fucking wet.”

“Hmmmmmm, sounds like a problem I might be able to help you with.”

“I sure hope so,” she purred as she unzipped my pants and slid her hand inside. “Ohhhhhhh, no boxers?”

“I was kinda hoping too. After all, it is a wedding and these things are notorious for hooking up.”

“I don’t think you need to worry about that anymore,” she moaned as she pulled my cock from the confines of my pants.

Just the touch of her soft, delicate hand turned my once flaccid lump of flesh into something hard as a rock.

“Now, hook me up,” she snickered as she pulled me between her legs.

My cock was drawn to the warmth of her womanly treasure like a heat-seeking missile as I stepped between her spread legs.

She moved the ‘pearls’ from between her pussy as she wrapped her legs around behind me, locking them behind my ass. “Now,” she sighed.

She was sooooooo wet. My cock easily slid past her nether lips and into her seething canal. She clutched my shoulders, and rested her cheek on my chest as I slid deeper and deeper into her.

“Ohhhhh… fuck. This is what I’ve needed,” she moaned. “Mmmmmmm… so good. Fill me with your cock. Put it all the way in. Yesssssss… just like that. Ohmigod, so good. I’ve missed you so much. Ohhhhhhh… ohhhhhhh… ohhhhhhhhh. That’s it, give it to me. Pound my pussy. I’ve missed THIS so much,” she emphasized the word by tightening her pussy muscles around my cock.

I began to move my hips ever so slowly, pulling out until just the head of my cock was resting between her nether lips before I pushed back in not stopping until I was balls deep.

Her breathing became fast and irregular. “Harder… Faster. Fuck me! Oh god above… fuck me! Shit… shit… shit. I can feel myself getting close already! Whatever you do, don’t stop.”

My hands slid from her back down to her ass, cupping the orbs and holding them in place as I did what she asked.

“Fuck me… Fuck me… Fuck me. Fill me with your cum,” she whispered, hoarsely. “I wanna feel you cum in me.”

Our pace quickened. Suddenly, I felt my balls begin to lift and tighten. That was when I felt, more than heard, a groan come from deep in her chest followed by a rush of warmth in my groin. I held my breath, scarcely daring to breathe, knowing that if I did, I wasn’t going to be able to keep from cumming too.

She sat there, trembling in my arms. Her head still buried against my chest and I could feel her hot breath through my shirt. She slid her hands under my shirt and up my back along my spine, gently scratching and raking across my skin. It was then that she found my nipple and took it between her lips, sucking on it through the material of my shirt.

I flexed my hips in response, driving my cock deep into her.

“Owwwwwww. Give it to me.”

My hips began to move a little harder, a little deeper, keeping a smooth rhythm. Soon I felt the tip pressing against the rear of her pussy, flattening the head.

“Yesssssss,” she hissed as she tightened the muscles of her pussy around me. “You’re gonna make me cum again,” she snarled as she bit down on my nipple.

My hips drove forward, driving my cock into her, crashing against her cervix.

“Ohhhhhhh, yessssssssss, cummminggggg.”

“Me too,” I wheezed, breathlessly. “Cumming in you. Filling you up.” My cock jerked and trembled spewing strand after strand of my cum deep in her, coating her walls, until it leaked from around my cock.

We stayed like that, locked in each other’s embrace as our mutual orgasm flowed over us, wave after gentle wave. When we finally pulled apart, our combined cum coated my cock and her pussy. It ran down the crease of her ass and pooled in her dress so when she slid off the table it dropped to the floor with a resounding ‘PLOP”.

“Oh well,” she laughed, softly. “Guess someone’s gonna guess what happened in here.”

I took her in my arms and kissed her lovingly. “As if I care. I want the whole world to know what a ‘perfect’ woman I have.”

She looped her arm in mine as we left. When we entered the reception hall, Jen gave us a ‘knowing’ look and nodded her head before turning back to the couple she’d been talking to. The party ended a short time later.

“You want some company tonight?” I asked.

“I wish we could, darling, but I’m sharing a room with Jen. We figured that way we could get an early start on getting her ready in the morning.”

“Okay. I guess I’ll just have to go back to the barracks,” I pouted.

“Just think of it this way. I rented the room for three nights and Jen will be gone starting tomorrow,” she purred, a devilish glint in her eyes.

“No wonder I love you.”

“You better,” she teased as she patted her stomach.

I walked her to her room, gave a kiss and left for the night.

The following morning, Gavin and I were up early. A morning run, a shower, and into uniform. I saw him stare at himself in the mirror and finally got the courage to ask the question. “Did you talk to Jen about your situation?”



“I’m not gonna quit! This is what I’ve wanted to do all my life. I’m not gonna give up just because I made a stupid mistake. I… WE know it’s gonna be tough but it’s something we’re gonna work on together.”

“Sounds like a plan, bro.” And with that we were out the door.

The ceremony was fantastic and went without a hitch. Not that I noticed much, since I all I did was stare at Gail.

She wore a sleeveless, full-length, light-blue, chiffon dress, unlike the rest of the Bride’s Maids who were dressed in pink. The light-blue seemed to highlight the dark, rich, color of her tanned skin. The only other thing I could see was a fine, gold necklace. Once again, I wondered where the necklace ended as it disappeared between her cleavage.

Her hair was pulled to the left revealing the soft, delicate contour of her neck. The image of me kissing her there caused my cock to tremble. I found myself imagining the feel of her skin, the aroma of perfume mixed with her primal ‘womanly’ scent.

Fortunately, I remembered to hand Gavin the ring at the right time. Then, the “I do’s” were said followed by the “I now pronounce you…” and it was finished.

The party that followed was loud and raucous, filled with laughter, and singing as the DJ kept up a steady choice of different styles of music. For a little while, I got pulled away to join some of my friends from the base. When I found Gail she was talking to a groups of her friends, a cocktail glass in her hand.

I slid up behind her and wrapped my arms around her waist, leaning down and whispering, “I thought you aren’t supposed to drink when you’re…”

“Shhhhhhh,” she cut me off. “I’m not.”

“So what’s that?” I nodded towards the glass in her hand.

She turned her head so she was looking at me. “If you must know, it’s a ‘Shirley Temple’.”

“A SHIRLEY TEM…” I began to laugh. The look in her eyes stopping me..

“I said ‘Shhhhhh’. A lot of the people here are Jen’s family and they’re kinda picky about such things. Right now the only ones that know are you, me, Jen, and now Gavin!” she finished as she took a sip of her grenadine and ginger ale. Luckily, when I looked around only a few people close to us seemed to have even noticed what had happened.

Finally, at around midnight Gavin and Jen slipped away. Some people pretended to look for them but we all knew it would be the last we’d see of them until their honeymoon was over.

Afterwards, the party quickly broke up We said “Good night and Good Bye” to everyone and were finally free of our wedding obligations so we went up to Gail’s room. It was the standard hotel room; two queen-size beds, a table, two chairs, a dresser, and a TV. There was also a small frig that, I found out later, Gail had stocked with juices and water. We didn’t bother turning on the light but moved around the room by the light of the moon that was shining in through the double-doors leading to a balcony.

“I’m so glad that’s finally over,” she sighed as she dropped backwards onto the bed.

“Me too,” I said as I sat down on the bed next to her.

“I wonder where they are?”


“Gavin and Jen, silly.”

“Oh, them. Probably someplace nice and quiet and romantic. Gavin asked me for a couple of suggestions but I don’t know if he followed up on any of them.”

“I wonder what they’re doing, right now,” she whispered in a far-off, dreamy tone.

I laughed. “You’re bad! But knowing Gavin… anything and everything they can, as often as they can!”

I flopped down on the bed next to her, staring up at the ceiling, just enjoying her presence.

“Gavin asked me if I knew anything about a place called ‘Malia’s’,” I whispered.

She sat upright like a bolt of lightning had hit her. “What did you tell him!?”

“I played stupid and said I’d never heard of the place.”

“Thank god. If he EVER finds out about Malia’s… well, then he might find about what happened at the beach house and…” She suddenly stopped.

“AND?” I asked as I sat up next to her.

“Welllllll… three months is long time to be alone.”

“So you and her…?”

“In the beginning it was just getting together because we were lonely. We’d sit around and talk, share some wine, maybe watch a movie. After awhile we found ourselves touching each other. Nothing sexual just gently running our hands over each other’s arms… you know”

“Yeah,” a hint of skepticism in my voice.

“Then one night, ‘IT’ just seemed to happen. One moment we were watching some stupid romantic movie and the next second we were kissing. It just seemed so… mmmmm… natural. After that, she started coming over two or three times a week. Most nights it was just having dinner together, taking about her wedding plans, and relaxing together. If things got too late, sometimes we’d strip down and cuddle under a blanket while we watched a movie. It just felt so good to have a warm body next to me. Most nights, she went back to her own apartment though she did stay at my place once in awhile. That was usually after things got… intense.”

“Wanna tell me how ‘intense’?”

“A lady never tells,” she replied with a mischievous tone in her voice.

“You are BAAADDDDDD!” I laughed.

“You have no idea,” she giggled as she pushed me back on the bed and straddled my hips.

I could feel the heat from her radiating through our clothes. God she was hot! Our lips met, our tongues teased and probed each other. I could feel the sweat beading on my forehead. I reached around behind her and tried to pull the layers of chiffon up so I could grab her ass only to have them get tangled.

“We’re wearing too much,” she sighed as she jumped off the bed. “Help me get this off,” she continued as she turned her back to me.

I instantly slid from the bed and stepped up behind her. One by one, I unbuttoned her dress until it slid down her and onto the floor. I leaned over and gently kissed the side of neck just under her ear, whispering, “I love you.”

“I love you, too.”

I froze, all the doubts I’d had over the last three months surging to the surface. So, throwing caution to the wind I asked, “Are you sure?” She spun on her heels staring up into my eyes, the pained look on her face enough to almost make me cry.

“WHY would you even think such a thing?”

I took a deep breath and wrapped her in my arms. “Like you said three months is a long time. Especially, when you’d just experienced so many new things. After awhile, I began to wonder if I’d ever be enough for you or if you’d need… mmmmmm… other distractions, other people.”

She wrapped her arms around me pulling me tighter, her head resting on my chest. “You really are a fool some times. I admit, I liked some of the things that happened. They were new and different and a few excited me more than I thought was possible BUT if you remember I shared everyone of those things WITH you. YOU were what made them special. Even my escapade at the spa… I told you exactly what happened so there weren’t any secrets between us AND if I remember right we had a lot of fun getting that plug out,” she snickered.

I felt her tremble in my arms as she remembered all the things that had happened. “And what about you and Jen?”

“Jen will always be special to me. She is my step-daughter and a friend but we both have what we really want now. AND before you’re perverted mind gets carried away, ‘YES,’ I did think about what it might have been like if Jen, you, and I had shared each other that night at the beach house BUT I realized I’m too damn selfish! That’s why you’ll never need to worry about me being with someone else. For them, I’d be just another notch in their bedpost or a quick fuck along the way. If I wanted that I could call my ex. You’ve helped me to realize I’m better than that. And as for you EVER being with another woman… don’t even think about it! I’ll rip this off,” she growled as she grabbed the bulge in the front of my pants. “Now, do you have any more questions?”

“No,” I gulped.

“Good,” she replied, in a tone that left little doubt that this was the last time that we’d even need to discuss the topic. “Now, kiss me,” she asked almost in a plea.

There was something about that kiss that I still can’t explain. It was filled with the passion and desire we both felt yet it was also something far more, far deeper, far more lasting. It was as if the last of the barriers between us were gone and we were now committing ourselves to each other; heart, body, and soul.

She must have felt it too because when she pulled away she sighed, “Wow.”

“Yeah,” I whispered as I lowered my lips back down to hers, again.

Her hands moved across my body as our tongues moved in a dance as old as time. After an eternity, she broke the kiss and stepped back deftly unbuttoning my shirt and sliding it from my shoulders. Then she was back on me again, grinding her hard, erect nipples into my naked chest, kissing and sucking on my mouth, cheeks, and neck.

I returned the attention by nibbling on her neck and ears, sucking on her earlobes and the sensitive area where the neck meets the shoulder. Time and time again I heard her moan as we held each other.

Soon, I felt her hands on my belt, unbuckling it. The button and zipper of my pants quickly followed suit and my pants dropped around my ankles. Yet we still found some way to keep our lips locked together.

At the same time, my hands were busy in their own way. One hand was behind her head holding our lips together while the other roamed up and down her back, as light as a feather. The first time I slid down to her waist I was only mildly surprised to find the band to her ‘pearl’ panties missing, now laying among the folds of her dress.

If someone had walked in on us at that moments it’s hard to say if they would’ve blushed in embarrassment or laughed at the sight. Gail’s dress was on the floor but she still had one leg entangled in it. The only other items she had on were flesh-toned stockings, a pair of light-blue high heels, and the gold chain around her neck. I, on the other hand, was standing there with my pants around my ankles, a pair of black socks peeking out above the bundle and my dress shoes.

When she moved away this time, she gave me a gentle push. I fell backwards onto the bed, my legs dangling over the side.

“Aren’t you getting pushy?” I laughed.

She didn’t reply but stepped from the clothing at her feet and bent over grabbing the legs of my pants. “You’re still wearing too much,” she giggled. And with that she pulled my pants and shoes off of me.

Now dressed in only my socks, I tried to get up only to have her step between my spread legs and kneel down. She stayed there staring at my cock as it grew harder and straighter until it was pointing up at the ceiling. Her stare was so intense that I began to feel intimidated wondering if something was wrong.


She shook her head as if clearing her mind.

“Is everything okay?”

“Yessssss,” she sighed. “I was just… mmmmmm… memorizing it. Every wrinkle and every vein. The way the head seems to balance on top of the shaft. The ‘V’ under the head. It just looks so… mmmmm… not sure what to call it… wonderful… magnificent?”

I laughed softly. “I’ve heard of cocks being called a lot of things but never those.”

“Are you laughing at me?” she asked as her hand reached out with lightning speed to wrap around my shaft.


“Good,” she sighed as she gently ran one hand up and down the length while sliding the fingertips of her other hand over the slit, collecting the pre-cum. She played with it, rolling it between her thumb and forefinger before she massaged it over the mushroom-shaped head.

“Arrgghhhh,” I groaned as I used every ounce of willpower to keep from cumming.

“So you like this?”


“I’m glad because that means you’ll like this too,” she whispered as she leaned forward and brushed her lips across the head of my cock.

A shudder ran through me from head-to-toe and I dropped my hands to her head, lacing my fingers through her hair.

She ran her tongue down the length of my cock to my balls and back again, cupping my balls and gently squeezing them. “Mmmmmmmm, missed this so much,” she whispered as she took the head of my cock and ran her tongue around and around it before sliding down over the shaft.

“Shit!” I groaned.

“Mummph, mumph, mumph,” she mumbled around my cock as the tip of her tongue probed the slit.


She laughed as she popped her mouth off my cock, her hand still sliding up and down the shaft. “That will teach you to laugh at me.”

“Okay, okay, I surrender.”

“It won’t be that easy, baby,” she purred. “Do you know what I’d like to do one day?”

I shook my head.

“I wanna sit on opposite ends of the bed and watch each other play with ourselves. I wanna see your hand running up and down this beautiful cock while I slip my fingers in and out of myself…”

The image of her playing with herself almost caused me to lose it.

“But for right now I have other plans,” she continued. She ran the flat of tongue up and down my shaft once or twice. Then she pulled away and looked up at me, licking her lips sensuously before she opened her mouth and took the glistening head into it. Slowly, her lips moved down my quivering cock, her tongue caressing the bottom side of it.

If I had died at that moment, I would have died the happiest man in the world.

She took about half my cock into her mouth, then began to withdraw ever so slowly. Back to the tip, then down again, a little faster. Her hand soon matched her mouth’s movements. The world moved on but I seemed to be frozen in time as I watched her head bob up and down. The final time, she slid up and locked her teeth under the rim of my head, biting down gently as she pushed the tip of her tongue into the slit.

That’s all it took. My entire body stiffened and I felt the surge of my cum heading for her mouth. “Ohmigod… ohmigod,” I groaned. “Gonna cum.”

She instantly took her mouth off my cock and tightened her hand around the base of my shaft. It felt like she’d plugged a high-pressure hose. “Not yet lover.”

“Fuckkkkkkk.” I croaked as a few drops of cum escaped and settled on the tip.

It was torture. One of her hands was still sliding up and down my shaft while the other was locked around the base. “You’re gonna kill me,” I wheezed.

“No I’m not,” she whispered as she released my cock and used her finger to wipe away the drops of cum that were slowly sliding down along the sides. Then she licked the finger clean. “Mmmm, I love the taste if your cum.”

I laid there still fighting the sensations surging through my cock. She stood and straddled my hips, squeezing me between her toned legs but this time she pinned my arms above my head.

“You know, I should really be pissed at you for doubting me like that but… you’re just so damn handsome and I love you so damn much,” she whispered before she leaned over and pressed her lips to mine

I could feel the hot, wetness of her womanhood pressing against my thigh. Her skin felt like it was on fire and her pussy juice was like molten lava. Instinctively, my hands settled on her sides, touching and caressing the soft skin.

She reached down and took my hands, slowly bringing them up to her breasts. “Mmmmmmmmm… yessssssss… that’s it, baby. Squeeze my tits,” she moaned as she ground her pussy against me. “Feel how much bigger they already are. Feel my nipples! They’re as hard a pebbles.”

I laid there mesmerized by the sight of her breasts. They had indeed grown larger, almost a full size. Her nipples looked like they were over a half-inch long and were encircled by honey-colored areola. I laid there studying every pore, every freckle and every detail of the shape and contour of her magnificent orbs. Then, I squeezed and kneaded the silky smooth flesh feeling their fullness. I felt her shudder as she leaned over.

“Ohhhhhhh, feels so good. But there’s still so much more of me for you to feel now,” she sighed as our lips met again.

I could taste the slightest hint of salt from the sweat that now covered her upper lip and maybe my cum added. Her hard nipples brushed over mine sending shivers through me. It didn’t seem she could do anything that didn’t feel absolutely fantastic. She leaned back slightly taking my hands in hers once again and slid them down her sides to her ass.

“That’s it. Ohmigod,” she moaned as she ground herself against my hard shaft even harder. “You’re so hard. Ohhhhhhh, I can feel your cock sliding between my pussy lips. Shhhhhh, my clit… my clit.”

I felt the same stirrings deep in my groin. “You’re gonna make cum if you keep doing that.”

“I… wanna… no… yes… wanna… feel… your cum… on me… someday… but not… today,” she panted in rhythm to her movements. “Want you… inside me…” And with that she lifted herself until my cock was pointing at the entrance to her pussy.

I wanted to be inside her too.

“Now.” And with that she pushed down, sliding the head of my cock inside. It was soft, yet firm, tight yet yielding. She gasped, then started to rotate her hips in a circle. “Ohhhhhhhh… this feels so good. I can feel you stretching me again, filling me. It’s like your cock was made for me.” She looked down at me and started pushing herself down onto me, inch by inch. At the same time, she leaned over letting her tits swing and sway in front of me.

As hard as I tried, I couldn’t hold still as the head of my cock slid through her tight, wet channel. My hips bucked upwards. With just two thrusts, my cock was embedded all the way in her. She gasped and panted, pushing herself down on me with a grunt, then rotated her hips around my cock.

We looked at each other, words weren’t needed. It somehow felt like this was the first time for us. Then she started to slowly slide up and down. Our moans were like music to an ancient dance – the rite of passage that we were traveling together. Her hands found mine, and we squeezed hard, as I pushed up to meet her every down stroke. Her eyes closed, she bit her lower lip and threw her head back. With her body arched, riding me, her breasts rising and falling, she reminded me of Greek goddess I’d once seen in a book, come to life.

Our moans and thrusts soon matched each other becoming one rhythm, building in speed and intensity. I reached up taking a breast in each hand, caressing, squeezing, and kneading them like bread dough.

“Ahhhhhh… mmmmmmm… yessssss… yesssssss… yessssss.”

Soon, my hands slid from her breasts, down and over her lower back to her ass. I squeezed her ass cheeks hard, pulling her down on me over and over. She leaned forward and braced her hands on my shoulders, driving herself faster and harder.

“Sooooo good. Ahhhh… ahhhh… ahhhh. Fuck me. Don’t stop. Mmmmmmmmmm… so deep.”

She continued to ride me, her eyes clenched shut, her mouth hanging open, panting.

I released her ass and reached up to her breasts again. This time taking her nipples between my thumb and forefinger, rolling them and pulling on them before letting them snap back into place. That put her over the edge.

“Ohhhhhh… yeah… yeah… pull my nipples… squeeze them harder… Ahhh… Ahhhh… so close… gonna cum all over your cock. Cum with me… cum in me.”

Her pleas sent me over the edge too, her voice and the feel of her body pounding down on mine, my balls soaked in her juice… it was all I could take. “UNGHHHHH,” I groaned as an electrical charge surged through me and I started shooting wave after wave of cum into her.

“CUMMMMMMIIINNNGGGGGG,” she screamed so loud I was sure everyone on the hotel floor heard her. She drove her pussy down on me, flattening the head of my cock against her cervix, her body quaking as her orgasm overwhelmed her. Her pussy fluttered and milked every last drop of my cum from my balls, then she collapsed on top of me, breathing hard.

We laid there holding each other, our bodies joined, as the world around us slid by oblivious to what had just happened. When our breathing slowed, our lips met again in a soft, tender kisses filled with contentment, satisfaction, and love. We broke the kiss, and she raised her head. We didn’t say a word, lost in each other’s eyes. Then, a tear suddenly formed in the corner of her eye and slid down her cheek.

“Thank you,” she whispered.

“For what?”

“For giving me what I didn’t even know I was missing. I thought when I married my ex that I had found love but after spending time with you, getting to know you, and making love to you, I realize I had no idea what love really was… until now.”

I didn’t know what to say so did what seemed the most natural… I kissed her. Afterwards, she rested her head on my chest, her fingertips tracing across my chest.

“Do you remember what your definition of a perfect woman was?”

“Yeah,” I replied, turning my head to look at her.

“I wanna be that woman. I wanna give you everything you want or will ever need. There’s just one thing I want in return?”

“What’s that?”

She leaned over and whispered in my ear and I shivered from head-to-toe. The rest of the night and into the next morning we talked, made plans, and held each other in our arms, neither of us tired even after everything that had happened.

When we got up the next morning we started our life together. Before the week was over, she’d found a small, affordable apartment nearby and I got permission to start living off base with her.


Since that night, Gail and I have gotten married and I’ve reenlisted. At the moment, we’re stationed on the Great Lakes. Gail is sitting outside playing with our little boy while I write this all down.

She’s let her hair grow back and it’s almost down to the middle of her back, the blonde tresses highlighted by the Summer sun making it almost shimmer. Her gray-green eyes are hidden by a pair of sunglasses but I know nothing escapes her attention. And her lips still seem to be begging to be kissed even after 3 years together.

Right now, she’s wearing a long, loose fitting, sleeveless, tee-shirt under a jean jacket with a pair of shorts, Grecian-style sandals, and a small gold chain around her left ankle. I’m pretty sure she’s not wearing anything underneath since she’s pregnant with our second child.

As for Gavin and Jen, things didn’t turn out nearly as bad as it could have. Gavin was involved in a highly publicized rescue mission that left the military little choice but to allow him back ‘on track’ with his military career. They’re expecting their first child and will be visiting us later this month.

And as for Gail’s money… well, we invested some, put most in the bank for the kids, and kept a little bit for ourselves. That’s what we use for our little ‘getaways’. You see, that’s what Gail whispered in

my in my ear that night. So, we have a small wooden box on our dresser that is filled with colored strips of paper. Green is for monthly and red is for yearly. On the strips we’ve written our dreams and fantasies. So, once a month, we take a strip of paper out and fulfill whatever wish is on it.

What those wishes might be are for another time and story but I will say we’ve ALWAYS gotten more than enough of ‘the cure’ to ward off any chance of suffering from ‘lack-o-nooky-nooky’.


(With input by ‘IrishLass’ and editing by “LarryInSeattle”)

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