Soldier Of Fortune by Louetta,Louetta

This is Louetta. Here is a story I wrote some years ago and published under a different name in a different format, that is just the guy’s telling of the story. I’ve now rewritten it to add my perspective as well as my brother’s. You may see the original somewhere else, but don’t worry that I stole it. It bears all my trademark stuff, like girls getting tied up in the nude, bound to trees, blowing guys, and my familiar synonyms for cunt, like bunny hole and girlhood. Also my detailed descriptions of sex acts. Hope you enjoy it.


My name is Rick. My younger sister Louetta, 18, has seen fit to chronicle some of her more noteworthy adventures in this forum. For a change I’m going to add one more story, written from my perspective, not hers, involving her participation in a game we called Soldier Of Fortune. If you’re familiar with Louetta’s stories, you’ll see immediately what attracted her to our game. Soldier Of Fortune was played at first only by guys and, because of the nature of the game, everyone had to be over eighteen. We played in a large park by the ocean in Maine, which is used for camping and hiking. It is open to the public but is largely deserted because, in addition to being huge, there are no real facilities and it is near nothing. But it is heavily wooded and provided an ideal venue for our purposes.

Soldier Of Fortune is a game of multiple guys chasing after a single enemy spy trying to escape. Each time we played, one of us in turn had to take the role of the escaping spy. The only thing you won if you escaped was that afterward everybody else had to take a turn as the spy until it became your turn again. If the spy was caught he got tied to a tree and his captors could do whatever they wanted to him. I say he, his and him because the participants had always been males, until one of the guys introduced his sister Danielle, who was also, of course, over eighteen. Naturally she got a complete explanation of what might happen to her if she were the spy and couldn’t escape. And there was no realistic possibility she could, especially since half a dozen new guys joined up in anticipation of seeing a desirable girl stripped naked and tied to a tree.

No one objected to this guy’s sister playing, but it was not quite clear if and how the game had to change to accommodate her. Customarily, after the spy was captured and bound, he was stripped as a part of his punishment. And this continued as our new participant had no objection to seeing her male friends naked. In fact she appeared to enjoy it and, depending on who the captured spy was, she added manipulation of his genitals to the torments inflicted. So things continued as before. Everybody took their turn and gave and got theirs. Then one day the inevitable happened and Danielle was the spy. She never had a chance of getting away from the faster, stronger guys. What to do? Well, we proceeded as usual and tied her to a tree. Danielle did not object, and indeed seemed to enjoy the proceedings. Whereas she was young, pretty and had a good body, after we tied her to the tree we took all her clothes off her.

I had of course seen her at the beach before and had been impressed, but having her in the nude was indeed a revelation. She had curly brown hair, including the patch between her legs that partly hid what my sister Louetta is fond of calling her bunny hole. She was lightly freckled all over her body except on her now bare breasts and behind, where the sun never, or at least rarely, shone. And here she was, naked, bound to a tree. And then, without violating any orifices except her mouth with our tongues and her cunt with our fingers, we each in turn spent time enjoying her ample bosom, exploring the sparse patch of hair between her legs, and the softness of her snow-white behind.

I don’t know how long Danielle was our prisoner, but it must have been several hours, which was longer than any guy ever spent as a prisoner. Mostly she laughed, sometimes she cried, and with each of us she enjoyed all the pleasures her own body could give her, except the ultimate one, because none of us dared putting it her girlhood, another of Louetta’s terms. Alone at night I still get off remembering the pleasure that came with complete access to her naked body. Finally we had to finish the game. We all agreed on how to do it. We untied everything except the rope that bound her wrists behind the tree and helped her down to her knees. Then, each in turn, she blew the guys who had captured her. Expertly, like most of the local girls could, including, I guess, my sister Louetta. When we were all satisfied we untied her wrists and she got dressed and we all went for ice cream. Most of us were too young to buy beer.

Danielle played into July and then, having acquired a boyfriend, retired from Soldier Of Fortune. Or maybe it’s a sabbatical, only time will tell. We wanted another girl, and after a month or so enlisted Bethany, who was naturally over 18. If Danielle was game, Beth was positively enthusiastic. She had quite a body and an even better reputation. And she fought like hell to avoid being captured. Danielle had just let us tie her up. I had never seen a girl like Bethany naked, and certainly never been sucked off by one. Since we allowed the girl to do the sex stuff in private nobody knew for sure, but it was rumored some of the guys fucked her, with her consent of course. After a memorable career at Soldier Of Fortune Bethany retired and was elected to the hall of fame. We all mourned her departure.


Louetta again. Here’s how I saw things. When I first heard about Soldier Of Fortune I must admit I never thought of participating. And spectating was kind of impossible because they ran about in the woods, and the stripping of the captured spy took place wherever they caught him which could be a mile away. And I knew I could never outrun the guys, so I couldn’t play, or so I thought. Later when I did play I immediately ran to the water because I knew I could outswim them, but they caught me on the opposite shore. I admired the girls who played before me. I knew who they were from seeing them in town and at the beach. They were local girls. Bethany was tough as nails but Danielle was just a normal girl. I kind of felt sorry for her when I heard she was held captive for hours and that she cried a little, but she lasted more than a month.

Even before Danielle and Bethany left the game I began to think about doing it. If they could do it, why not me? I had no illusions about being able to avoid capture, though I thought I had a chance if I got to the water. No matter, the prospect of getting caught and tied up and stripped naked didn’t bother me at all. Most of the guys had seen me at the beach, so there was little left to the imagination. Blowing guys was always a bit risky. Not every guy has great hygiene and some can get rough, shoving it in there all the way and stuff. Then there was always the possibility of rape. When the spy was captured it could be out in the middle of nowhere, and one guy alone could capture a girl. Who knows whether some guy would strip you and rape you before anybody knew you were caught or where.

Another worry I had was guys taking pictures. Guys were supposed to leave their phones in the cars but it didn’t work when I played because they communicated with each other and that’s how they found me. And I had seen photos of both Danielle and Bethany tied up in the nude, which had been passed around so many times no one knew who took them. It bothered both of them. What if they had a guy later on and he saw the pictures and thought badly of them for doing it? What if their parents saw? What you put on the net can come back to haunt you.

Lastly I worried about the presence of my brother. I really didn’t care if he saw me naked, he had plenty of times. In fact we were sharing a motel room while we were in Maine. But seeing me blow guys was something else again. We always kept sex stuff private. Well, I did. He was more likely to brag if he got a girl. I had a list of girls he claimed he had had. They said you could do the sex stuff in private but whether that held true in the heat of the moment I don’t know. There was the possibility, slim perhaps, that I would be chosen spy, get caught, and he would be one of the guys that captured me and I would have to blow him.

What I really hoped is that more girls would join so we’d have some sort of quorum. But it never happened. It’s a small town.


So with Danielle and Beth gone we needed still another girl. My sister Louetta, 18, was the choice by acclamation. I thought she might do it too. She had in the past let my brother, 20, and I tie her up, mostly at her invitation because it turned her on to get bound and worked over lightly, and we were considered safe antagonists among the guys she knew. Sister or not, the idea of having her naked and helpless was more than we could resist. I never had a girl of my own who was as horny and offered so much physically. And we all ended up getting off, each on his or her own. As late as June she had let us tie her up again. And we paid her. Would you not agree to pay a pretty girl who let you tie her up and strip her naked and let you jerk off on her bare tummy? Of course. And she got off early and often, so everybody ended up happy.

So I told her about Soldier Of Fortune and found she already knew about it since she knew Danielle and Beth, and they had told her they had sucked me off. Girls talk. She was interested. We sat down over ice cream and talked with two of the other guys. She said she would confer with Danielle and Beth before saying yes. We told her the rules as established with the other girls. If she lost the game she would have to be tied up naked. Then each of the guys could do as they liked to her as far as kissing and touching her. There was no penetration except tonguing her and digital exploration of her pussy. Except that Beth had let selected guys fuck her. To end the game she would have to suck off the guys involved in her capture. So not everybody got blown, but everyone could watch her being stripped naked and everybody could kiss her and feel her up. She seemed enthusiastic.

She conferred with Danielle and Beth. She blackballed some guys and limited the blowjobs to four guys, where Danielle and Beth had happily sucked as many as they could stand. And the guys might have to finish themselves. We agreed. We shook hands on the deal. For me a dream come true. I could tie up and do anything I wanted to my beautiful sister. Well. Anything except fuck her. Just thinking about it was enough to get off on, and I did. I couldn’t wait. But I had to, because there was no guarantee she would be selected as the spy when we played each time. It was drawn by lot among participants who had not been chosen recently and like two dozen guys showed up each time hoping to see Louetta nude and maybe getting her to blow them.

It took a while. We played and the predicted two dozen guys showed up each time. Always a guy was chosen as the spy and mostly they were caught, including me. So Louetta got to see each of us buck naked but she never touched anyone while they were tied to the tree.


So an opening for a girl came up in Soldier Of Fortune, not that there was necessarily a limit of only one girl. I was pretty sure they would take me. Looks count in an activity where you might end up naked and tied to a tree and have to provide sexual services. I was thin, pretty, blond and good with my hands and my mouth. I didn’t figure to go any further than that. My brothers had even paid me to let them tie me up and I provided them with nothing sexual, except they beat off in front of me and came on my body. But no matter, Danielle and Beth accommodated them sexually at least once apiece.

I met with a couple of representatives of the group to go over ground rules. I was concerned that since Bethany had fucked some of the guys they would expect me to do the same. That there would be an escalation in what the guys thought the girls would provide. I was also concerned that the influx of new guys would not necessarily feel bound by the old rules. All of these things were legitimate concerns that the group reps had no answer for. But I was enthused about the chance to get tied up naked with strangers. The inherent danger was a turn-on for me, as was the sexual experience I would gain. I knew I needed work on various techniques and doing guys up here would not get me a reputation back home.

I talked to the girls who had preceded me. They really had no misgivings, they just wanted something steady and they weren’t going to look for it among this crew of guys who sought to mess around with some girl they didn’t even know. My brother really wanted me to do it. It gave him status and introduced the possibility I would have to service him. As he said, it was a dream come true for him. Sometimes I felt like he was a weird stepbrother who wanted to do his stepsister, not my older, supposedly more protective real brother. Anyway, I joined Soldier Of Fortune and, when I did, a lot of guys I knew suddenly joined as well, for some reason. I thought they might rig the selection process so I would get designated the spy early on, but they didn’t. It was my twentieth session before I was chosen, which helped because a lot of guys got tired of waiting and quit. But finally one steamy summer Saturday my name came up.


So finally one day it was Louetta’s turn to be the spy. There were seventeen of us. But the main players in the rest of the story are the guys who captured her, because they got the blowjobs. There was me, my name is Rick, and Jeff Studer, Ron Harris and Ian Sharpe. Ron Harris she had previously dated and they were on good terms and, we all assumed, had at one time been fucking like little bunnies. Ron, of course, wasn’t talking. She had anticipated her turn as the spy. Her clothing was chosen with care, not to accommodate the summer heat but more so she could be stripped with her hands tied behind her. And she was reasonably camouflaged to help her hide from us. A khaki top with ties at the back of her neck and her back which would come off even with her hands tied behind her, khaki shorts, a Walmart cheap bra and panties that could be cut off and discarded, cheap running shoes which she could discard at the water’s edge, and socks.

As usual she looked awesome. Squeaky clean hair and no make-up to speak of. She left her jewelry behind but, we later found out, kept her nipple rings and her belly button ring. As was her custom she was shaved completely down below, but, of course, we couldn’t make sure until we caught her. The guys were fucking ecstatic. Girl spies got a seven-minute head start, guys only five. When we were ready she took off. We swore in blood, almost, we would capture her in the allotted hour. The guys spread out and just took off in the general direction she had headed in. Me and Jeff and Ron and Ian plotted our own strategy. My sister was a great swimmer. I figured she would make her way to the cove and swim across where the entry from the ocean was the skinniest. So at the appointed time we headed down towards the water to find her.

We spread out at wide angles but each one headed toward the ocean. The brush was heavy in mid-summer and it was hot as hell in the trees with no wind. The land goes down steeply to the water. We all arrived at the beach without a clue where she was. About fifteen minutes had elapsed. We searched around and found nothing. After half an hour we conferred. Then we got a break, some kayaks were there. Ron asked and they said they saw a girl swimming across the channel that led over to the Pirate’s Cove side and coming out of the water over there. She was soaking wet and in that little top she had on they said you could see everything she had. And that there was plenty. We knew that was her. Ron started swimming across the skinniest part of the channel and we started around on land to get over there. If she got back in the water we would see her. She was trapped. About twenty-two minutes left.

Ron got over first and started coming back to us. We started toward him like African tiger hunters beating the brush. It was tough. At its narrowest there was like 400 feet between the road and the shore. Ten minutes, seven. Then Ron spotted her looking at us from behind a tree, not knowing he was even there coming the other way. He got within maybe thirty feet of her before she saw him and ran. She was fast and tricky but she was penned in by the road and he caught her. When we got there she was face down on the ground and he was sitting on top of her back.


So I was finally the spy. I got a seven-minute head start as opposed to the boys who only got five. I was determined to use every bit of it to throw them off the scent by going the wrong way at first and then cutting over to the water. Once in the ocean I knew I could outswim them. Though I planned to swim away I had not worn a swimsuit because I figured it would be a dead giveaway. Of course my brother and Ron knew I was a good swimmer. I had an hour after the seven-minute head start to get off the property to safety.

If I did get caught I prayed to God it would be by someone I knew. Many of them I had seen on the beach and a half dozen I knew well enough to talk to. Two of them I had dated and one of them, Ron, I had slept with. Multiple times. They fired the gun and I took off, going back down Pretty Marsh Road from the picnic area where we always started. I used my seven minutes to run back down the road and at the big turn hung a left into the woods down a little trail which would take me to the water.

By now they had started. I had to stay free for one hour. I ran another 500 feet along the trail, crossed another road and about 500 feet later was at the shore. I shed my cheap running shoes and went in. The water was cold and I couldn’t go as fast as I can in a pool so it took me a little longer. When I got out of the water there were kayaks coming past, which proved to be my undoing. The kayakers waved and asked if I needed help. I started into the woods hoping to find the road but without my shoes I cut my feet and couldn’t make any progress. I heard guys coming, calling out to each other and stopped, thinking I could hide. With my by now bleeding feet I couldn’t go any further. Then Ron, my ex, came up behind me. I tried to run but no go, he caught me and wrestled me to the ground. I put up the best fight I could but before long he had me turned over on my tummy and my wrists bound tightly behind me.

I felt like crying because I had failed to get away but deep inside me I was happy because I knew what was going to happen. I was going to be tied to a tree and stripped naked in front of like three dozen guys. In the end it was less because Rick and Jeff and Ron and Ian took me somewhere where they knew the other guys would have trouble finding us. Nevertheless I knew I would get off on it. And I did.


So Louetta was our prisoner. Her wrists were tied firmly behind her back. We showed her the official watch. There were two minutes to go. We phoned the other guys to say that we had captured her and told them where, but then moved somewhere else to have some privacy, on the other side of Pirate’s Cove Road. Moving her was tough. She struggled and her feet were all cut from running barefoot through the forest but we showed her no mercy. We wanted to be alone with her for the rest of the afternoon. We forced her to her feet and walked her across the road and then further into a thick clump of trees where we could tie her up and deal with her without fear of interruption.

We found a suitable tree. We made her stand with her back to it and untied her hands and re-tied them behind the tree. Tightly. She was helpless. And there was no one but our group around. Slowly some of the other guys started to show up, maybe a dozen. She just stood there forlornly, sniffling a little, but mostly trying to act as defiant as possible. Finally she spoke.

“What do you think you’re going to do to me?”

“We can do anything we want to you,” Ron told her. Of course during their relationship he already had.

“I told Molly about the game and where we’d be,” Louetta said. Molly was our sister.

“What did she say?”

“Nothing. It was like she knew.”

“Knew what?”

“Everything. Like stripping me and the blow jobs.”

“Did you tell her you wanted to?”


“And what did she say?”

“All she wanted to know was who was with me.”

“You told her, and what would happen?”


“You told her you’d be naked? Molly knows we tie naked girls to trees?”

“Everybody knows.”

“They will when they see the pictures.”

“Go ahead! You won.” she said. We had every intention.


OK, so I had lost. That was not really a surprise. I was worried when they took me into the woods so they could be more alone with me, that was not supposed to happen. What were they going to do to me that they had to hide from each other. I couldn’t believe they’d rape me. They untied my wrists, pulled my arms behind a tree and retied me with my wrists tightly bound. It hurt. So did the feel of the bark against my back. I knew I was minutes from being naked and it turned me on. I told my brother that I had told my sister where we were and what we were doing. It surprised him but they gave me no mercy, even knowing someone knew what was to go on. She had wanted to know who was going to be with me, partly so if I ended up dead she could call the cops, but also because she wanted to know who was going to see me naked. Then she could tweak me about it.


So we had Louetta captured and tied to a tree. We started to remove the little top she had on. Jeff Studer did the honors. That would make her happy, I knew she liked him. Of course she was still soaking wet from being in the ocean so you could see right through her top and her cheap white bra. He untied the top behind her neck and pulled it down off her tits. They were really fine, even still in her bra. He pulled the top around so the back was in the front and untied where it had been tied in the back and threw the top down on the ground. I could see her start to breathe a little faster. He put his hands on her chest just under her boobs and pushed his fingers up under the two cups and started feeling her up. Which might not have been a first. Then he pushed the cups up and let her boobs fall out uncovered.

My mouth came open when her tits fell clear of her bra. My throat felt dry. I just looked at her. It dawned on me she was my sister and me and ten other guys were going to see her naked and then enjoy her body. And she knew what we were going to do. It was hard to comprehend, I guess because it was Louetta, not Danielle or Beth. It felt dreamlike. They had all this white cotton rope cut into various lengths that they were going to tie her with. And she’d be there like for hours. Naked. And she knew it and she didn’t object. And she was going to blow me because I was one of her captors.

Jeff cut her bra off with a small knife. She was now naked to the waist. Her nipple rings and the one in her belly button shown bright in the sun falling directly on her body. Her feet were bare. Her shorts were soaking wet but not as transparent as her shirt had been. I tried to block out the fact that besides tying her up and stripping her they were going to do other things to her. I shivered. I don’t know why, I was helping them do it. And she wanted this. In a few moments we all proceeded eagerly with the stripping.

“OK, who’s next?” To help strip her, that is. Ian was next. He unbuttoned the button that held the little piece of cloth that covered the top of the zipper on her shorts and pulled the zipper slowly down. Then he just kind of rolled the waistband down till you could see the tops of her little white panties. Then he pulled the shorts down by the bottom of the legs and gradually more of the panties came in view and then it was down far enough so you could see the tops of her thighs and then it was down around her knees and then down to her feet.

“Step out of them!” She didn’t so he pulled them off her feet. She was naked except for her panties which were about down low enough to show where hair would have been if she had any down there. She breathed even harder than when her tits were bared.

“I want to watch her for a while.” Jeff said it. I wanted to too. So the eleven of us sat down. Some guys smoked. Others drank water.

“Give me a drink!”

“No, no drink.” She must have been thirsty, it was hot as hell. I looked at her longingly. Imagining how her mouth would feel on my cock. Her wet panties pretty much showed everything she had. Tight against her crotch you could see the outline of her genitals. She made some kind of sound and I could see her bare belly rise and fall. Her face was flushed. Her panties were wet from more than the ocean. She was obviously turned on. We all watched her silently. She was beautiful. She trembled a little and you could see the gleam of sweat on her. And not just from the sun shining directly upon her. We just watched her. She was unbelievably beautiful.

“We should strip her all the way!”

The words hung there.

“Yeah,” one of the guys said. Louetta heard. She shook her head. But she knew it was going to happen. She started pulling on the ropes that bound her hands but it was no use and she gave up. After a few minutes she didn’t seem to care. She knew what was going to happen and she wanted it.

“Who gets to do it?”

“Rick, he’s her brother!”

“Go ahead, Rick.”

“Rick. You.” I stepped up to her. I looked her right in the eye and she looked right back. Jeff gave me his knife.

“You care about the clothes?” Jeff asked me.


“Let’s see what she’s got!”

We had all seen it before, well me and Ron. I don’t know how many of the others. With her panties wet from her swim in the ocean and her own bodily fluids you could pretty much see what was there.

I leaned over to my right and slit her panties from the waistband all the way down on her left hip. Then all the way down on the other side. Glued to her body by the wet they hardly moved. I put my hand on the waistband just above her pussy and pulled the fabric down to show her girlhood. That made all of us breathe harder, my sister included.

I couldn’t look her in the face, but I looked hard at the smooth, fatty little lips that guarded the entrance to her cunt. And I wanted nothing more to be inside her. My sister. I tugged the fabric a little lower and let it go. Then I put my fingers on her genitals and felt them gently up and down. And then up to the fat little knob that was her clit. She closed her eyes and gasped. And then my fingers were inside her.

She started to struggle a bit so I thought better of what I had done and took my hand away. I pulled the panties done off her snow white bottom and through her legs from the back and she was nude. Right there six inches from me. And I had never seen anything so beautiful, so perfect, so innocent, no matter how many guys had seen her before me. I would have killed to be able to fuck her. She was breathtaking. For a while we all just stared at her. Then a couple of guys took themselves out and started to beat off. Then pretty much everybody did. I did. Unashamedly.


So it was time for my captors to strip me naked. Jeff took my shirt and my bra off. Couldn’t happen to a nicer guy. In the past every time he was with me he made a move on me and I didn’t resist. This was the first time he had ever got me bare to the waist in broad daylight though, so that was something. He also kissed me. Hard. Open mouth, which really revved my engine.

I do think when they tied me and removed my bra they all realized what they were going to do to me. My breasts bared in all innocence and me helpless to prevent it. I was, after all, Rickie’s sister, and this is how they treated me? They were going to violate my body, barely past my eighteenth birthday, somewhere out in the woods. And I knew what was coming. And it would be hours of torture before I was free again. And I knew and let them do it. All the time my nipples were hard as rocks. I wanted to stick my fingers into myself but I was tied so I couldn’t. A few quick strokes and I would have been in dreamland.

I loved being nude. I remember how I felt the first time a boy saw me naked. At first I covered my breasts and my genitals with my hands. I looked at him and he looked at me. I could tell he liked what he saw, and that made the little hint of fear I felt worthwhile. My breath quickened, my heart beat faster. I felt the anticipation of him enjoying my naked body. The dampness in my armpits, between my legs. The musky smell of my own sex. I looked at him again and he came to me. I felt that ache in my tummy, just above my cunt, and it made me wonder who wanted who more. I dropped my hands to bare my tits, white as snow, soft as silk, pink nipples, hard as rocks. Pale white breasts glowing softly in the sun.

The air was cold but I wasn’t. My own inner engine warmed me. I felt the little tightness in my stomach that is the uncertainty I still feel when I’m naked for the first time for a new boy, the wonder of the fire building in my body. I removed my other hand to expose the silken ramp of my cunt hair, the thin brown ramp that leads to the promised land. And I offered myself to him. Not verbally, just physically. Hungry eyes upon me. He stands in front of me and stares. And the more he stares the more my moist pink pussy burns. I’m all brown hair and boobs and flat tummy. Long thin legs, taut little rear. Legs spread just enough. Just enough to make the offer clear. And he took me up on it and I gave myself gladly.

I felt the same feelings again, tied to this tree. The magic feelings deep in my body, lost in the joy it gives me. The warmth of my breasts, the hardness of my nipples, the heat in my loins, the moisture in my pussy, the ache inside that only one thing can cure. I squeezed my thighs together and watched them watch me.


So we had Louetta stark naked and at our mercy. We started to tie the rest of her body. We had to make sure she couldn’t escape. I don’t know where she would go, run naked to the shore and hope someone was there. Ron, her ex, did most of the work. He wanted to secure her arms to the tree. He ran a rope around the tree and around her twice just under her ample bosom, the bosom that had provided him with so much pleasure during the time they had been together. Then he did the same just above her boobs and tied the two ropes together between her bare tits so the top one wouldn’t rise up. He tied another rope around the tree and then around her waist and intertwined it with the rope that bound her wrists. All the while I could see him talking to her. Next he tied a rope around her neck, but not around the tree so her putative lovers could hold her head still while they enjoyed her kisses.

Ian tied her legs. I didn’t understand until later, but he positioned each foot to either side of the tree, wound the rope around each ankle and behind the tree to hold her thighs apart. But that was all the rope on her lower body. But spreading her legs like that gave us a wonderful view of her by now eager snatch. Then we left her there to sweat for a while.

After a while the guys started one by one to take their turn enjoying Louetta’s body, while the rest of us watched. Some of the guys she obviously welcomed, some she was indifferent to and some she actively resisted. It took ages for the fourteen guys who preceded me. As her brother I was given the honor of getting her last and longest. As the guys finished some left. I went for a swim down in the cove while I waited. Then it was my turn.

“You’re a pig, Rick,” she told me. But she offered no resistance. I took my turn willingly. I wonder if it would have been different had she not been so pretty, had her body not been so young and offered so much. But it was precisely because she was beautiful and young that this had been done to her. I thought again how helpless she was. I wondered if the others were feeling what I was feeling, this overwhelming, dizzying need to touch her. To put my hands on her. To see exactly what she felt like. Breasts, bum, lips. The pink slit between her thighs.

“Stop, you’re hurting me.” I had squeezed her breasts hard. I especially enjoyed her tits, so young and firm, her nipples so large and hard. I had never had a girl who had so much body hardware. A jock, her body was firm, her tummy and her bum and her thighs. All a nice contrast to the softness of her boobs and her ass. And her ass was glorious, again at once soft and round, but firm from endless hip thrusts in the gym. I sucked on her nipples until they bled. She cried out when I managed to get my fingers up her asshole. Her legs spread, I felt her girlhood and massaged her clit and put my fingers inside her. Finally I was done. I backed off and she just lowered her head to her chest. We knew the blowjobs were next.

The other guys left, except me and Jeff and Ron and Ian. The others were done. We let her rest. About an hour later each took another turn with her. This time alone, the others out of sight. I went last. Things had changed some. Her feet were no longer tied. She smelled of sex. She was gagged, her panties stuffed in her mouth and held in there by a single piece of rope tied around her head, so tight it was cutting into the corners of her mouth. The ropes that were tied around her upper body had reddened and cut her skin. Her face was red as was her body below her boobs down to her genitals. She spoke to me, at least as best she could through the gag.

“The gag.. could you..”.

“Yes.” I cut the rope with Jeff’s knife which I still had and pulled the panties out of her mouth.

“Thank you, I could barely breathe.”

“Are you OK?” I looked at her body.

“Fine, fine. I suppose we need to get on with it.”

“Do you want to?”

“Do you…do you think you could loosen the ropes around my body. They hurt a lot.” I cut them off. Her hands were still bound behind the pole and the rope was still around her neck, though that didn’t keep her there.

“May I have some water?” She had had none since we had captured her. I gave her all she wanted. I knew she’d need lube when she blew us.

“OK, go ahead.”

“We won’t hurt you or anything. Just touch.”

“Go ahead.” I went ahead. I spent more time on her eager mouth this time. She accepted my tongue readily and sucked on my lips all around my mouth. As before I enjoyed her bare breasts and down her tummy and her ass, now easily accessible with only her hands tied. When I was finished with her genitals I called for the other guys. We needed to get her ready for the part I most looked forward to.

We untied the ropes that bound her wrists behind the tree and retied them behind her back. Then we pulled her elbows together and tied them that way. One more rope around her body just above her boobs so we could control her body. We kept the one around her neck so we could control her head. We tied her ankles across each other and forced her to her knees. She was ready. Then one by one the other three guys stripped naked in front of her and she blew them. She did a masterful job. She got each one almost to finish and then they took over and used their hands, spraying her hair and her face and her upper body and her glorious tits with their cum. We were all sweating now from the heat. But Louetta most of all, from the heat and the effort of sucking the guys off and the hurt of the ropes. Droplets of sweat glistened all over her.

And now it was my turn. It had arrived. It was what I had all been dreaming of since I couldn’t remember. She asked for water for lube and Ron gave her a drink and poured more over her head. I stripped naked like the other guys had done. I approached her and grabbed her by the rope around her neck. I looked at her beautiful face staring up at me and saw the cum in her hair from the other guys and some by the side of her mouth and down the front of her chest and over her boobs. There was the pinkness of her mouth and her eyes looking up at me waiting for me to do something and it reminded me she was completely helpless, in my power. My pretty young sister waiting and ready to suck me off.

I grabbed her cum stained hair and pulled her head up to my rising penis. Her chest heaved softly. I once again admired her bare tits, pale and perfect and lovely. The nipples were pink and flat at the tips. I wanted desperately to touch them. I got harder and my foreskin retracted fully. She was so close I could feel her breathing on my dick head. The other guys sat there watching expectantly, their presence meant only to increase my sister’s embarrassment at having to suck off her own brother. And then she started. I watched in disbelief how, with her arms bound behind her, she maneuvered her eager young mouth over the head of my cock and pursed her lips and started giving me the most pleasurable feelings I had ever felt. She knew exactly what to do, and of course she had just done it to three other guys, and she knew after she did it to me she would be free.

Without my doing anything she gently licked the tip of my cock and then the head. It sent a shock wave through my whole body and I almost fainted right there. After a thorough licking she wrapped her mouth around the end of my now fully erect dick and started sucking back and forth, in and out. I let out a cry and I slipped out of her mouth. She came back on me and went deeper and deeper on me each time. Everything was fucking exhilarating, the feel of her mouth on me, her tongue licking my cock, the sound of saliva squishing, her beautiful head going back and forth. She stopped for water and then took me again in her mouth between her teeth and she started to do me in earnest. She slowly circled my corona with the tip of her tongue and the feeling of her warm, moist mouth on my most private part drove me wild.

It was too much. The suction she gave me, the intensity, the subtleties of her tongue and mouth movement going back and forth on my dick filled me with aching need and a build-up I had never felt before. I could feel it coming from inside me, more powerful than fucking or masturbating. She moved her head faster and stroked and there was a feeling in my cock I never felt before, and of a sudden I knew I was going to cum and I felt this build-up of extreme, intense, unimaginable pleasure. I reached out and pulled the rope around her neck to keep her mouth on my cock and she kept stroking and I came as I had never cum before. My heart was racing and I held myself tight in her mouth and I thought I felt her try to pull away so I pulled her even tighter to me.

And then I couldn’t believe the feeling and I just came and came and came right in her mouth and kept pulling her to keep her on me and she started to struggle and finally slipped her mouth off me. I didn’t stop cumming so I just grabbed myself and started doing it and finally I could get her mouth back on me and then slowly I started to lose the lovely sensation and I kind of bent forward, because she was the only thing there I could lean on. She was still coughing up what she had swallowed, but I grabbed her head by the hair and stuck my cock in her mouth again and made her lick me clean. I made her finish the job and rubbed whatever came out of her mouth on her hair and her neck and then after a couple more minutes we were through. I’ll never forget what I felt. It is the best feeling on earth.

She started to cry. I don’t know if it was sadness or joy or relief that we were done. Probably the latter. I pushed the hair out of her face and looked into her eyes but she kept crying. Ron, who cared more about her than anyone, came over and knelt down and hugged her, still tied up and helpless. I turned away, unable to help her. He untied her and stood her up and gave her a real hug. He got dressed and she put on what was left of her panties that they had used to gag her and they went down to the water to clean her up. There were two guys there with single kayaks who stared at her almost naked body but it didn’t matter to her. A while later she was dressed and back up at the car and fed and watered and happy and smiling and Ron rewarded her with love and tenderness.

I’m sure none of us will ever get a better blowjob.


Ever since I was legal I’ve always enjoyed men having their way with me. This part of being a prisoner I reveled in. I had always known there was something special about being tied up. The warm wet feelings that infused my body as the boy’s hands coursed over my naked body. I didn’t really understand what the attraction was, all I knew was it felt good. Whipping was the most glorious thing for me but I’d settle for being tied down and tickled or having ice cubes shoved inside me. I had had boyfriends who liked to tie me up and have their way with me.

I’ll never forget the first time I was tied to a bed with my consent and fucked until I screamed for mercy. Eventually I would ask them to do other things to me, all the things that I had dreamed of. All this came back to me as I felt the ropes that bound me to this tree somewhere in the Maine woods, the hardness of it against my skin as they had messed with me. I did the first three blowjobs more or less willingly. But before the last one I shivered somewhere deep inside, fear began to grip me, my mouth was dry as sand. Sweat glistened on my bare skin.

The moment had come. I was going to take my own brother’s cock in my mouth. Of course I had no choice in the matter. I was almost drained from sucking off the other three guys, but I went ahead. He grabbed me by the hair, wet with the jism of the other guys, and guided his penis into my open mouth. Other girls had told me he was a tough blow, just couldn’t seem to finish that way. Too much jerking off does that to a guy, he’s used to a different type of stimulation.

Anyway I started on him. I like to start slowly, so the boy’s cock can feel this warm and wet sensation as my lips slide past his dickhead, the feel of my tongue against his dick, really soft. Once he was in I changed my approach. It’s a skill to suck and then swallow with a dick in your mouth. Sucking and gauging his reaction to ensure the sensation isn’t too hard or too soft. It’s tough with your hands tied behind you, but I love the feeling of being in control, maintaining a tight fit on him and staying with it as much as possible until he’s done.

He was a little soft so I started lightly teasing the head of his cock with my tongue. He really has a nice cock but his foreskin wasn’t fully back yet so I took the head in deeper and closed gently down on it and pushed it back a bit and that took care of the retraction and the erection. As I expected, he was not exactly squeaky clean and fresh smelling, plus several times he kind of jerked his body and his dick almost came out of my mouth. As I say, without my hands it was hard to maintain control, but I was glad I was tied up. I needed practice doing it this way so one day when I wanted to do a boy I really wanted to please I could do a good job. With him I was all the time thinking about getting me off and since I was pinned against the tree I started squeezing my bum against it and could feel me getting warmer.

Now that he was retracted I could start to tease the most sensitive part of him more, so I just kept his head in my mouth as best I could and sucked gently and used my tongue a bit. I almost lost his dick again as he moved and started moaning even though we were only thirty seconds in. The more I sucked it seemed the bigger his dickhead got, but I wanted to proceed gently so I started licking the tip all-round kind of doing both licking and sucking. I wanted to keep a seal on him so I started moving my head up and down more and taking a little more of him into me and turning myself on some more.

By now he was really making progress, like a minute into this. My technique must be improving. He started grabbing for the back of my head to put more of him in me. I kept trying to just tease the tip with my tongue to just keep him excited but not so much as to make him cum in my mouth since he wasn’t a boyfriend after all. He could finish it himself with his hand, even if he came on my face. I sucked and licked away, my tongue swirling around the tip of his cock, making wet circles. But he pushed my head harder and I had to take more of his shaft in my mouth. And then he was thrusting toward me and more of him was moving in and out of my mouth.

So I started moving my head in earnest myself, taking him in and out and in and out and sucking more and harder and more and harder and in and out. I had to stop to breathe and then he’d force me back onto him, so now we kept going and going and he kept moaning and pushing on my head and shoving me back on him whenever I tried to breathe. I went up and down and up and down on him for what seemed like fifty times and now he was almost there and he wouldn’t let me relax, and then he started to come and then he did more and more and he kept holding my mouth on him.

I started to gag and cough and started spitting out the juices that were coming from him and he pushed my head back and held my hair tight and kept my mouth on his dick. I rocked my hips against the tree at the same time and I started to get off with him. I screwed my eyes shut and just rocked back and forth as hard as I could against the tree, and then I was off to the races, it just came up from deep inside me and soared out of control and filled my body.

My breasts and my hips heaved violently and I could feel the blood pounding in my veins and mid blowjob I started to cum with a force I couldn’t control. I forgot about Rick and surrendered to the heat of my own body. I just came and came and it kept coming like a firestorm and Rick was just left standing there using his hand to finish himself. Finally the pressure inside me started to ease and Rick managed to get back into me and finish himself in my mouth, and it started getting filled up with it and he held himself in there. Now I really had to breathe so I struggled and finally pulled my mouth off him and got some air and spit out some of his stuff.

He needed to finish so he forced me back onto his dick again and made me move in and out on him. He kept cumming in my mouth and I started to choke on it again and started retching and trying to spit out all he had made me take into me. Finally he was through squeezing the last of it out of him and he just fell back on the ground in front of me. When I had recovered a bit, he stuck himself back into me and made me suck on him. He was covered with the stuff so I got more in my mouth. Finally I pulled out and he held my head back and watched his stuff still drooling out of my mouth until finally I guess he was satisfied and he left me alone.

After a few minutes the guys drew away from me, leaving me there still naked and tied to the tree. I was glowing. Exhausted but glowing. Glowing from having cum, of course, not from having blown him. I had needed to get off and it was an interesting experience. I learned more about how to give a proper blowjob with my hands tied. Since then there have been a lot of boys who have benefited by my efforts, and I’m sure they are grateful, and usually they tell me so. And they usually tell other boys too so I get lots of offers for dates. Ricky’s probably right, none of them will ever get a better blowjob.


Louetta again. After a time the guys cut my ropes off me. Ron did give me a hug, but no one really tried to comfort me, and I was on my own getting back to the parking lot, a cruel endeavor given my feet were cut from trying to run in the woods. My shoes and socks were on the other side of the channel. My bra and panties had disappeared. I found my shirt and my shorts but wanted to wash off before I put them back on.

I walked naked to the water. There were three guys in kayaks there, college types. They stared at me wild-eyed. I made no move to cover myself, but told them I had not been assaulted, which it looked for all the world like I had. I went into the water and washed the cum out of my hair and off my body. The water was freezing as usual but it felt good to me. I sat on the shore and accepted some trail mix and water from the kayakers and felt better for it. Except to give me the food and water they never came near me. It was as if they feared I was some kind of water sprite or fairy who might seduce them or turn them into mice or cast a spell on them.

Finally one of them asked if he could photograph me, thus naked, and I let him, walking back into the water and out again as if I were emerging from the sea. He was essentially my age and I found posing there in my birthday suit knowing he was taking my picture a tremendous turn-on, like I always do for someone in my age group except this was bigger because it was so unexpected. He never tried to come nearer, just watched me, presumably drinking in the sight of my naked body. Or maybe devouring it is better. At least that’s what I hoped. Even now my nipples get hard thinking about it, and I was wet the minute I stood up to go in the water. I loved it, the guys watching, me being naked, the feel of the sun on my body, the breeze on my bare chest, and my own inner engine churning away.

I didn’t mine the pictures. I think most girls send pictures to their boyfriends, or friends with benefits, and love the idea of just them being able to see pictures of their bodies. Guys like pictures of cute women, especially nude, and especially if that cute woman is someone they know and can see and talk to and whatever more. They think if a girl gives them pictures it shows trust and commitment. This helps some guys relax so they aren’t jealous boyfriends. And why not? If my boyfriend or some other boy I know wants them and enjoys them and they make him happy well, it’s just the body God gave me. And if he’s looking at my nudes, it’s less likely he’ll be looking at nudes of other girls.

After a while the kayak guys rowed me back to the boat launch near the picnic area, which saved me the long walk on my wounded feet. The guy who photographed me asked for my number and I gave it to him and he did call me and we went to Sand Beach together and then to dinner and then to bed.

I resigned from Soldiers Of Fortune. Like the other girls I wanted to keep myself for a serious relationship.

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