Uncle Sugar Daddy: Terra by BobbyBrandt,BobbyBrandt

This is the second installment in this series. For the complete backstory, I recommend that you read the first story, https://literotica.com/s/uncle-sugar-daddy-luna

Uncle Sugar Daddy: Terra

“Uncle Drey, can I ask you for a favor?”

“You mean a favor different from rowing this kayak across this lake so that you can take pictures of it?” I asked teasingly. “Sweety, you can ask me for anything and you know it.”

I was sitting behind Terra in the tandem kayak, but I was able to see the blush on her ears indicating that she was embarrassed about something. I wasn’t surprised that she was asking me for some favor. I had assumed that this had been her motivation when she invited me to join her in the kayak on Lake Lanier on this beautiful Easter afternoon.

I continued paddling along the shore as Terra used her camera to take pictures of people, animals, and other interesting things that caught her eye. There wasn’t much traffic on the lake today, so I was able to pay closer attention to Terra’s features from behind. Her hair was tied back in a ponytail, and the tightness of the hair on top of her head made the streaks of natural highlights in it more prominent than when she wore it loose.

Terra was wearing a tank top under her life vest and denim shorts that left her muscular legs exposed to the warm Spring sunshine. Under her sunglasses were a pair of the most pleasant, piercing blue eyes in the world. These contrasted with the Hispanic features that she shared with her mother, Eloise, and her sister, Luna, and left her with a unique and exotic look that made her even more beautiful to behold.

“There’s a car dealership on Brown’s Bridge Road that will finance a car for me if I can get someone with established credit to co-sign for me,” Terra said over her shoulder. “My mom says that Dad doesn’t have good enough credit and I should ask my other Daddy. I didn’t understand what she meant by ‘my other Daddy’ because she has always told me that she didn’t know who my biological father was.”

Eloise had shared her life story with me over a wild and passionate weekend that we had spent together about six months before she married my brother, Jasper. She had been a true “wild child” and given birth to two daughters eleven and a half months apart before she turned nineteen. Between the drugs and the alcohol that Eloise had been addicted to at the time, it was a wonder that she and her daughters had survived, but survive they had, and all three were now healthy, beautiful, and loved by me, Dresden Burgess. My friends and family call me, Drey.

I knew that I was the “other Daddy’ that Eloise wanted Terra to ask. I had become Luna’s “Sugar Daddy” about six months ago, and included in that arrangement was Eloise also accepting my financial support for herself and Terra. The Sugar Daddy/Sugar Baby relationship between me and Luna had actually been Eloise’s idea. She wanted her daughter to find a way to pay her expenses during college without taking a risky job as a paid escort. Eloise knew that Luna wouldn’t accept a hand-out from me, but her budding sexual exploration and experimentation could be leveraged as a means to make her feel that she was taking care of my needs as I was helping her financially.

I considered Terra’s request and asked, “When do you work next?”

Turning her head once more to look at me over her shoulder, Terra said, “I’m not scheduled to work again until Wednesday. With everyone on spring break, management is giving more hours to those who are limited while in school. I graduated at the semester and I’m eighteen, so I get short-changed on hours this week.”

“How about if you come back with me today?” I asked. “It will allow us to discuss your plans in greater detail. For example, how heavy of a course load do you intend to carry when you start college this summer and how will that impact your ability to work as many hours?”

I could tell that Terra was mulling over my questions because she sat with the camera idle in her lap and silently watched the shoreline. After a few minutes, she asked, “Would I spend the night with you or in Luna’s house?”

I had set Luna up in the townhouse adjacent to mine, which I also owned so that she had the privacy and quiet to study. Our arrangement stipulated that she spent school nights in her house and other nights in my bed. I had given her an all-expenses paid spring break trip with three of her female classmates to Myrtle Beach, so her house would be unoccupied until next Sunday.

I asked Terra, “Do you have a preference?”

“Yes, I would prefer to stay with you since Luna is away.”

“That’s fine. Let’s get back to shore so that we can get you home and let you pack a few things. Why not pack for a couple of days so that you and I can hang out together a little more?”

“I’d like that, Uncle Drey. Luna always talks about how much fun she has with you. Maybe we can do some of those fun things too?”

I got the impression from Terra that she wasn’t aware of the arrangement between Luna and me, so I wondered what other “fun” she might have been sharing with her sister. But what about Eloise? She had been the one to “plant the seed” as she had called it when she advised Luna to come and see me. Her telling Terra to ask her “other Daddy” implied that she was at the very least, poking a hole in the ground in preparation for another “seed planting.”

When Terra and I got back to dock at the lakefront house I was allowing them to live in rent-free, I noticed that the old beater of a car that Jasper drove wasn’t there. The car still looked like crap, but I had dumped so much money into the thing that it had been essentially rebuilt and was finally reliable transportation for him as long as he had enough money to put gas in it.

“Was your dad going someplace today?” I asked Terra. “Most places are closed on Easter Sunday.”

Terra shrugged and said, “I was surprised that he came home at all this weekend. He spends so much time in Cherokee gathering content for his book that he’s hardly ever here. That’s probably where he is headed today.”

Jasper being gone suited me just fine. It would allow me to speak with Eloise in private. We found her in the kitchen putting away the ham and other leftovers from our earlier meal. She heard us come in and asked, “How was the lake?”

“Peaceful and serene,” Terra said. Then she asked, “Mom, is it okay if I go back with Uncle Drey and spend a few nights at his house?”

Eloise turned from the counter, but rather than looking at Terra, her eyes locked onto mine. We studied each other’s expressions for several seconds before Eloise said to Terra, “I think it would be a good idea for you and Da… Uncle Drey to spend some time together. Why don’t you go pack what you want to take with you while your uncle and I have a chat?”

“Okay,” Terra said as she headed out of the kitchen, “but I’m going to take a quick shower first.”

Eloise and I remained standing in the same spots until she heard the bathroom door close. She then closed the distance between us and jumped into my arms, wrapping her legs around my waist and locking her lips to mine. Even with multiple layers of fabric between us, when her tongue shot into my welcoming mouth, the heat from her pussy was felt against my growing erection.

Eloise had always been the model of a respectful, well-behaved, and faithful wife and mother whenever others were around. If she and I were alone, then she felt comfortable with greater displays of physical affection between us, such as now. She broke the kiss but kept her arms and legs wrapped around me.

“Am I going to have to live my life vicariously through both of my daughters now?” she asked with a smile.

“Wasn’t that your plan when you advised Terra to ask her “other” daddy to co-sign on her car loan?” I asked. Then I remembered Eloise’s near slip a few minutes ago. I said, “You almost called me ‘Daddy’ in front of her a few minutes ago but caught yourself. I take it that Terra isn’t aware of the arrangements between me and Luna or me and you.”

Eloise lowered herself from my body, took my hand, and said, “Let’s go out to the backyard to talk.”

I let her lead me out onto the patio where we took seats next to each other on the love seat swing. Eloise wrapped her arm through mine and leaned her head against me. She said, “I think that Terra suspects that you are providing me the financial support over the past few months that has allowed me to buy better clothes for us and such, but she hasn’t straight out asked. I know that she and Luna have talked about how happy Luna is at college, but Luna insists that she hasn’t mentioned the details of your arrangement with anyone. So, to answer your question, no, Terra doesn’t know about the arrangements.”

I nodded and asked, “Do you want her to become aware? I’m not saying that she and I would have what I do with Luna, but…”

“Don’t dismiss that possibility out of hand,” Eloise interrupted. “Terra adores you as much, if not more than Luna. She is more stubborn and independent than Luna, though, so be prepared for a fight if you try to persuade her to take something for nothing.”

“Something for something doesn’t have to involve sex between us,” I said. “I could find other ways for Terra to earn my support.”

Eloise giggled and said, “Drey, she’s MY daughter. There’s no way that she won’t try to get into your bed. Trust me, you’re like a magnet to all of us, the attraction is that strong.”

I remembered the conversation about Luna inheriting the same hyper-libido that Eloise claimed to have and now I assumed that she was informing me that Terra also shared the trait. “Please elaborate,” I said.

“It would be so much more fun to let you find out on your own,” Eloise teased. “Let’s just say that when I tell you that Terra is more independent than her sister, it means that she doesn’t always rely upon a partner to fulfill her sexual cravings.”

Message received loud and clear. Terra was not opposed to self-stimulation if a suitable partner was not available at the time that she wanted release. I saw no problem with that.

“Is she on any type of birth control?” I asked.

Nodding, Eloise said, “One of the first things I did with the credit card you got me was to take her to an OB/GYN to get her on the pill…”

“I don’t like that,” I said. “While the pill is effective, teenage girls aren’t always reliable when it comes to taking them. That’s why I insisted on Luna getting the implant. Do you mind if I do the same with Terra? Even if there’s no sex between her and me, she deserves to be protected from an unwanted pregnancy.”

“That would be her choice,” Eloise said. “Convince her to get an implant and I’ll be fine with it.”

“What about Jasper?” I asked. “Terra seems almost indifferent about him?”

Eloise sighed and said, “Your brother is a proud man. Both of my girls are now adults and I have been clean and sober for eight years now. Jasper doesn’t feel needed anymore. While you and Terra were at the lake, we argued about the time that he spends away from home. He said that he couldn’t believe that he was ever missed by us, then stormed out and drove off; I assume back to Cherokee.”

“Do you want me to talk to him?”

Eloise shook her head and said, “No, don’t bother. The point of the matter is that he is pretty much right. We don’t need him and no longer miss him when he’s gone. I’m hoping that once this book gets published and he doesn’t have to be gone so much we’ll be able to reconnect.”

Eloise didn’t sound very convincing in voicing her hope that she and Jasper would work things out, but unless she changed her mind, I would stay out of it.

We heard the sliding glass door open and both turned to see Terra stick her head out and look around. Spotting us on the swing, she said, “There you guys are. I’m packed and ready whenever you want to leave, Uncle Drey.”

Eloise and I rose at the same time and headed back inside. She gave Terra a hug and then turned to me and said, “Please call me later.”

I pulled her into a brotherly embrace and assured her that I would call her. I grabbed the handle of Terra’s duffle bag off her shoulder and asked her, “Would you mind driving?”

Terra squealed and said, “Your Vette! Of course I wouldn’t mind driving it.” I handed her the key fob and chuckled at her enthusiasm.

She yelled, “Let’s go. Bye, Mom,” while heading for the front door. As Terra raced out to my car, Eloise grabbed my arm and pulled me in for another scorching kiss. Tears were forming in the corners of her eyes as she said, “Get out of here, Daddy, before I refuse to let you go.”

Terra already had the small trunk open so I tossed her duffle bag in and closed it as I went to the passenger side of the car. Terra was getting positioned behind the wheel, adjusting the seat and mirrors to accommodate her barely five-foot height. Her focus on the tasks made me smile and I didn’t have the heart to tell her that if she pressed the number two above the window controls the seat and mirrors would automatically adjust to her height. After all, Luna had programmed the memory to fit her when she drove my car, but Terra didn’t need to know that just yet.

Terra squealed again as she pushed the button on the dash to start the car and heard its engine roar to life. “What’s the best way to get to your house?” she asked while fastening her seatbelt.

“That depends on what you feel comfortable with,” I told her. “You could cut through town to E.E. Butler Parkway and take that to Athens. You’ve been on it before so you know that it is a rural highway for most of the way with the likelihood of speed traps in several places along the way…”

“Oh no, I do know that road and we’ll probably get stuck behind some farm tractor for miles if we go that way. How about if we take Mundy Mill Road towards Braselton where we can pick up I-85 for a few miles and jump off onto Athens Highway in Pendergrass? Between there and Athens, Athens Highway is four or more lanes and should be moving pretty well on a Sunday afternoon. What do you think?”

I chuckled and said, “There is probably little chance of a farm tractor being out on the road today, but it’s your call. I’m just along for the ride.”

Terra put the car into gear and squealed, “This is so much fun. I am so glad that you suggested we spend some time together. I just know that we’re going to have a blast.”

“I hope so,” I agreed. “I feel that I have missed so much of you girls’ lives. I want to make up for that now that you’re both adults. I’m probably going to treat you like you’re a little girl sometimes, and if you let me, I will spoil you rotten.”

Terra concentrated on her driving while she considered my statement. I sensed that she was trying to navigate a fine line related to her and her sister always being taught not to accept something for nothing, while at the same time, knowing that she would need my assistance to get financed on a car. If she knew that I was letting her drive a car that cost me over $100,000 she would probably freak out.

When Terra still hadn’t responded to my statement after five minutes, I asked her, “What kind of car were you thinking of getting?”

She glanced at me and said, “The dealership that is offering to finance me if I have a co-signer sells mostly used SUVs and pick-ups. It will depend on the credit score of my co-signer whether I get a better interest rate, but I would like to keep the monthly payment under $500 a month.”

“Let me throw something out for you to consider,” I said. “If you would agree to it, I could buy you a new car and you and I could work out a payment plan for you to pay me back over time. I wouldn’t even charge you interest. What do you think?”

Before Terra could answer, my cell phone rang through the Bluetooth connection in the car. I saw from the display that it was Luna calling. I pressed the icon to answer the call.

“Hi, Daddy!” Luna exclaimed as soon as she heard the call connect. “I miss you.”

“I miss you too. Say ‘Hi’ to Terra. She’s driving us back to Athens.”

“In the Vette? Isn’t that the coolest car, Terra?”

“It’s definitely a sweet ride,” Terra agreed. “I take it that you have driven it before?”

“Only a few times,” Luna told her. “Before I got my Audi.”

I had purchased Luna a brand-new Audi S5 Cabriolet, which is what she had driven to Myrtle Beach for Spring Break. I can only imagine the heads turning as four extremely beautiful college girls passed cars and trucks in the sexy convertible on their way to the beach.

“Daddy, I have a surprise for you when I get back,” Luna teased.

“Are you going to give me any hints?” I asked.

“Oh, I don’t want to wait until I get back to show it to you. I’ll text you a picture of it later. How’s that?”

“I can’t wait to see it,” I said. “How are you and the girls getting along so far in the condo?”

“Gia has been a bitch at times. She calls me ‘Sister Luna’ and ‘Party-pooper’ when I refuse to party with them and a bunch of guys. Mimi and Cassie stick up for me though, so Gia has been better lately.”

A major requirement that I placed upon our arrangement was that Luna had to remain exclusive with me. Even though she wasn’t allowed to spend the night with me on school nights, that didn’t prevent her from coming over and satisfying her increasing sexual appetite with me at least once a day. After all, we both had to eat and we had discovered that food sex could satisfy two hungers at the same time.

“Do you want me to call you later?” Luna asked.

“It’s not a requirement,” I assured her. “You can call me if you want, but don’t feel obligated.”

“Okay, Daddy. Bye Terra. Have fun.”

The call was disconnected and we rode in silence for several miles before Terra asked, “Uncle Drey, why do my mom and Luna call you ‘Daddy’?”

“Your mom?” I asked. I had thought that Eloise had caught herself early enough that Terra wouldn’t have noticed her slip.

Nodding, Terra said, “I have heard my mom address someone on the phone as ‘Daddy’, and at first thought that she must be talking to Jasper. When she did it one time when Jasper was in the backyard, I knew that it wasn’t him that she was talking to, but I didn’t suspect that it was you until today. Are you and my mom having an affair? I mean, it’s okay with me if you are, and I won’t say anything because I know how happy she is whenever we mention your name…”

Fuck! Why didn’t I leave it to Eloise to explain things to Terra? I should have made her do that before we left the house. I thought for several minutes about my explanation with Terra continually stealing glances at me.

“Your mom and I love each other, but it is platonic love. She is in love with Jasper. We did spend a weekend together months before she and Jasper married and we both harbor fond memories of that time, but they have remained just memories.”

“So, why does she call you ‘Daddy’ if you’re not having an affair? I’ve watched enough porn to know that when a woman calls a man by that endearment… Wait! You’re her Sugar Daddy, aren’t you? You’re the one she gets the money from each month.”

I sighed and said, “Yes and no. Yes, she has a credit card that I gave her, and expect her to use it each month to buy things for herself and you. No, I am not her Sugar Daddy. I have never asked her why she calls me that.”

I watched Terra’s facial expressions as she considered my answer. Slapping her forehead, she shouted, “You’re Luna’s Sugar Daddy! You’re having sex with my sister in exchange for supporting her, aren’t you?” She paused and then screamed, “AND MOM KNOWS ABOUT IT!”

“Can we discuss this when we get to my place?” I asked in frustration.

With a wicked grin on her face, Terra said, “Oh yeah, Daddy, we’ll definitely discuss this at your place.”

For the short duration of the rest of our trip, Terra kept humming, and occasionally singing a few verses of some familiar song. She caught me listening intently at one point and turned towards me, singing,

“Take your passion

And make it happen

Pictures come alive

You can dance right through your life

What a feeling”

What? Is she picturing herself as Alexandria Owens and me as Nick Hurley now? Then I considered how nice it might be to see Terra dance for me. Yeah, I could handle a Flashdance from Terra.

Terra had only been to my townhouse a few times over the years, and she had entered through the front door each of those times. Now, I directed her to the alley that ran behind the buildings which allowed access to the garages. Following my directions, she pulled into my garage and expertly positioned the Corvette beside my pick-up, turned the engine off, and held out her hand with the key fob in her palm.

When I reached over to take the fob, she grabbed my hand and brought it to her lips. Her voice turned sultry as she said, “Thanks for letting me drive your car.”

“You’re very welcomed,” I replied. “Come on, let’s get in the house. I don’t know about you, but I could use something to drink.”

I retrieved her duffle bag from the trunk and then let Terra lead us into the house. Her perfect ass drew my attention as I walked behind her. The light blue Chino shorts that she wore fit her so snug that little about her ass was left to the imagination. If I thought that her ass looked familiar, I would be right. I had seen virtually identical asses on her sister and mother. God bless good genes!

I tossed her duffle bag onto the couch in the living room and then headed for the dining room, where my bar was located. “What would you like to drink?” I asked Terra over my shoulder.

Terra was looking around the living room; studying it as if looking for something different from her last visit here almost a year ago. Maybe she was searching for some sign that her sister frequented my house; some evidence that proved her suspicions. She turned towards the French doors leading to the backyard and said, “Anything is fine. Just fix me whatever you’re having.”

Leaving Terra to her exploring, I mixed up a pitcher of Margaritas and added a generous amount of ice to it. After salting the rims of two glasses, I went in search of my wayward niece.

I found her wandering around the backyard near the rear of the townhouse that I had set Luna up in. Yes, when Luna moved in next door, I had removed the portion of the fence that had separated the two backyards; creating a larger yard and providing a private route from Luna’s home to mine.

I set the pitcher and glasses onto the table on my patio and then took a seat and waited for Terra to join me. I saw her hold her hands up to the glass of Luna’s French doors to look inside and hollered to her, “I can unlock the door if you want to get a better look at where your sister lives.”

Terra strode over to where I was seated and said, “I’m not convinced that Luna lives there, at least not very often. I think that she lives here, with you, her Sugar Daddy.”

I pointed to a chair and said, “Have a seat.”

As Terra sat, I poured her a glass of the Margarita and slid it to her. I raised my glass in a toast and said, “Here’s to getting to know each other better.”

Terra took a small sip of her drink, kicked off her sandals, and then stared at me expectantly. Something over my shoulder caught her attention and she asked, “You didn’t have a hot tub spa before, did you?”

“No, it’s only been here a few months. We can go into it later if you want. Did you bring a bathing suit?”

Terra grinned and asked, “Does Luna wear a bathing suit when she’s in it with you?”

Her beautiful blue eyes were locked onto mine in anticipation of my answer. I simply shook my head.

“Then I won’t need one either. Tell me about your arrangement with Luna. Everything. Please.”

I sighed and said, “I was hoping that your mom or Luna would be able to explain things to you since it was all their idea, but since they’re not here…”

“Wait! It was my mom’s idea for you to be Luna’s Sugar Daddy?”

I explained to Terra the concerns that Eloise had shared about choices that Luna had been considering to pay for necessities while in college, including her becoming a paid escort or an exotic dancer. Luna would have never accepted my financial support without being able to offer something in return. Eloise thought that what Luna had to offer me was her hyperactive libido, and Luna agreed.

“And what about my mom? You claim that you’re not having sex with her, so why are you supporting her too?”

“I’ve been supporting her and you,” I explained. “That was part of the deal between Luna, your mom, and me. I was no longer going to let the three women most important in my life do without the things that they deserved. Luna was so desperate to find a solution to her financial needs that she was willing to put her physical and emotional safety at risk. I won’t let that happen to her, I won’t let it happen to your mom, and I won’t let it happen to you. Changes needed to be made in your lives, so I made these changes conditional on my support. Your mom taking classes at Brenau was one of those conditions.”

Terra considered what I had said as she continued to sip on her drink, slowly working her way around the salted rim. When the glass was empty, she set it on the table and said, “So, you’re telling me that you have been my Sugar Daddy for months now and I didn’t know it.”

I shrugged in response.

“And that’s what my mom meant when she advised me to ask my ‘other’ daddy to co-sign for my car loan?”

I shrugged again and nodded.

“But you won’t co-sign for me, will you?”

I shook my head and asked, “Would you like another drink?”

Terra nodded and waited until her glass was filled. She then asked, “What does Luna do for you as her Sugar Daddy?”

I considered her question before answering, “She does whatever she wants. My only expectations are that she is sexually exclusive to me and that she graciously accepts everything I do for her, anything that I give to her, and anything that I teach her.”

“I could do that,” Terra said, barely louder than a whisper. It was almost as if she was trying to convince herself by speaking her thoughts out loud.

I pushed my chair back from the table and said, “Come here, Baby.”

There was no hesitation as Terra rose and walked around the table. As she drew close enough, I took one of her hands and pulled her onto my lap. She placed one arm around my shoulder and let the other drop to her thigh.

I kissed her on the cheek and said, “What works for Luna and me doesn’t have to work for you. You and I can have a completely different arrangement with different expectations. The only common ones would be those to which your mother agreed; to graciously accept my financial support as a sign of my love.”

Terra snuggled her head against my neck, “I guess I’ve been kinda doing that for the last few months without knowing it. Can I call you, Daddy, too?”

“Sure, Baby, if you want to.”

“Can I tell you something?”

“You can tell me anything. I don’t ever want there to be secrets between us.”

Terra snuggled tighter against me and said, “I was so happy when you invited me to come home with you. I was hoping that you and I could get closer. I have felt guilty for so long about my fantasies of you and me, but I wasn’t going to let that guilt stop me from trying to seduce you while I am here.”

I placed a finger under Terra’s chin and lifted it until our eyes met. “How much experience do you have?”

Without taking her eyes from mine, Terra answered, “I have had sex with one boy and one girl…”

“At the same time?” I asked.

“No, different times, months apart,” Terra admitted. “I didn’t have an orgasm either time. I’ve only had those when I play with myself and think about you making love to me. Will you do that?”

“Play with you or make love to you?” I teased.

Terra smiled and said, “Maybe you could make playful love to me…”

I pulled her into my arms as I stood, saying, “Maybe I could.”

Carrying her up the stairs to my bedroom was a breeze. Just like Eloise and Luna, Terra was less than five feet tall and weighed hardly anything. Where Luna was a virtual clone of her mother from head to toe, Terra had the medium brown Hispanic skin tone of her sister and mother, but slightly lighter hair due to the natural highlights. Then there were the piercing blue eyes which gave her that beautiful exotic look that would have most people guessing at her ethnicity.

Lowering her from my arms and leaving her standing on my bed brought our height into perfect alignment for me to bring my lips to hers. After my experiences with Luna, I shouldn’t have been surprised when Terra began kissing me as sensuously, as passionately, and as desperately as her mother always had. Her hands flew to the back of my head as she captured my lips more completely and tried to tickle my tonsils with her tongue.

With Terra so focused on our kiss, I took the liberty of beginning to unbutton her short cotton blouse. I doubt that she noticed my progress until she felt me begin to pull it off her shoulders. She dropped her arms to allow the garment to slide off of them and then quickly returned her hands to the back of my head, intensifying her kiss even more.

Her lacy white bra closed in front, or I should say in this case, it opened in front. Releasing the clasp and then pushing the sides away from each other revealed to me her pert C-cup breasts in all their youthful glory. I cupped each breast gently and began to slowly fondle and tease. Terra had the smallest nipples I had ever seen on a woman but they grew exponentially under my fingers.

I don’t know whether Terra sensed my desire to get her nipples into my mouth or if that was her own selfish desire, but she abruptly broke our kiss and used her hands to guide my head to her chest. Her moans as I took turns suckling on her breasts encouraged me to nibble, lick, suck, and fondle her far more than I had ever done with Luna. The ripples that I felt low in her tight abdomen were accompanied by Terra’s quivering moans.

“Oh, my God, what are you doing to me?” Terra gasped. “You have my breasts on fire with your mouth. They have never felt like this before!”

I moved her hands from the back of my head and placed one on each of her bare breasts. “Keep them warm for me, Baby,” I instructed. Terra took her nipples between her thumbs and forefingers and continued to pleasure herself as my mouth worked its way slowly down her stomach and my hands worked to release the top button on her Chino shorts.

“Oh, Daddy, you’re going to make me cum!” Terra cried as I placed little biting nibbles all around her belly button.

I was able to move my head out of the way just in time as Terra’s legs gave out and she fell gasping onto the bed. I watched her writhing in orgasmic bliss for several seconds before once more attempting to get her shorts off. The light blue color had darkened between her legs and when I was able to finally pull them off of her, I found her white cotton panties drenched.

“Baby?” I asked. “Are you a squirter?”

Raising her head to look at me, Terra said, “I don’t know, but I wouldn’t mind a lot more research to find out for certain. I can tell you that I have never cum that hard in my life, and you hadn’t even touched my kitty yet. I guess my pent-up lust for you is making a grand entrance.”

I chuckled and said, “You rest for a minute while I get undressed, and then we’ll continue getting to know one another.”

Terra seemed disappointed with my answer, but she slowly nodded and rolled onto her stomach. I rose once more and quickly undressed as Terra watched me. Having already witnessed Luna’s reaction to the same reveal of my cock, I wasn’t surprised by either Terra’s gasp or the subsequent smile on her lips.

“You’re bigger than any of my toys!” Terra exclaimed, and she quickly removed her wet panties and tossed them off the bed. Someone seemed anxious.

I was busy pulling a couple of absorbent pads out of a box I kept in the closet. I had learned that the Lacayo women and wet spots – huge wet spots – went hand-in-hand and their penchant for multiple orgasms and multiple sex sessions resulted in an empty linen closet unless I had the foresight to place one of these pads down first.

Having my head in the closet when Terra had removed her panties, I hadn’t noticed the sparkling reflection from her ass until I returned to the bed with the pad and prepared to spread it out. Leaning over her to examine the source of the reflection, I recognized a ruby-colored butt plug was inserted between her ass cheeks.

Terra saw me examining it. She smiled even broader, and said, “I told you that I had planned to seduce you while I am here. I am preparing my butt as an enticement should it become necessary.”

I motioned for her to scoot over some on the bed so that I could place the pad in the center of it. I asked, “Have you had anal sex before?”

“Not with another person, but I like how it feels to have this in my butt when I play with one of my dildos in my kitty. I feel so much fuller and more satisfied with both of my holes filled. Is that okay with you, Daddy?”

I nodded and said, “Roll over, Baby. Lay in the middle of the Pad.”

Terra did as I instructed. Once she was lying on her back, with her knees bent and her legs spread, I grabbed the edge of the pad and used it to slide her body down so that her feet hung off the end of the bed. I grabbed both of her ankles and lifted them to the very edge of the bed, which pushed her thighs back and exposed her to me completely. I saw the ruby-red top of the butt plug pulsing in and out as Terra used her sphincter to force the stimulating movements. I decided that I would leave the butt plug alone even though I really wanted to rim her asshole with my tongue.

Unlike Eloise and Luna, Terra had a Brazilian wax job done on her pubic hair, leaving her with just a thin strip of light brown hair directly above her pussy. I wondered how long it took for a wax job like this to grow back. I really do prefer my women to look like women and not someone awaiting puberty. Tera was right at the limit of what I found acceptable.

If finding her pussy area almost entirely bald was disappointing, my first deep inhalation of her scent certainly made up for it. I was three for three now with both daughters’ pussies emulating the scent of their mother. I dipped my tongue into the base of her pussy and was rewarded with the same sweet flavored arousal that I had first discovered with Eloise and continued to savor with Luna, and now Terra.

Terra raised her hips repeatedly as my tongue penetrated her, trying to force more of it inside of her dripping pussy. I took this as her craving a deeper penetration but I wasn’t yet ready to fuck her. Instead, I inserted first one, followed by a second finger into her pussy, and focused my oral activities on her labia and clitoris. I paid close attention to her reactions to learn how she liked to be stimulated.

Terra moaned her approval and panted, “I’ve seen girls receive oral sex in pornos, but I never imagined it could feel this good. I can feel an orgasm building with every movement you make down there. Please don’t stop, Daddy. This is so much better than me playing with myself.”

I paused to answer her, “I’ll get you off, Baby. Are you telling me that you’ve never had anyone do this for you? I thought that you had been with a girl?”

I intensified my efforts to stimulate both her clit and her G-spot and felt the familiar ripples starting in her abdomen as she answered me.

“No, no one,” she panted. “The girl I was with just kissed me a lot and played with my boobs while I used one of my dildos on her. Oh, Daddy, I’m getting closer. This feels so different than my toys. Oh, fuck, I love ittttt!”

Terra erupted. That’s the only way to describe it. As my fingers were forced out of her pussy, what felt like a gallon of female ejaculate burst against my face, going up my nose, in my eyes, and down my throat. I felt it dripping into my ears from the top of my head. My chin felt like someone had hit it with a hammer, which I now know is what a butt plug feels like when it gets ejected under the muscular force of an orgasm.

I got up and went into the bathroom to wash my face while Terra recovered. I picked up the butt plug upon returning to the bed and examined it. It was larger than I had expected it to be. Terra must have had almost four inches of the thing inside her ass with just the ruby knob showing, and its circumference was almost as impressive. Not as wide as my cock, but easily as wide as two of my fingers would be. I set it on the nightstand next to the bed and laid down next to Terra.

“I want to feel you inside me,” Terra said as she rolled over and grabbed my semi-erect cock with both hands and began stroking it. “I mean, I want to do everything with you, like giving you a blowjob, but right now, I need you to make me a woman. I need to feel your love for me at my core.”

Without waiting for me to respond, Terra pushed on my chest until I was laying flat on my back. Swinging one leg over me, Terra stood once more on the bed and slowly began to squat over me. When she was low enough for her hands to reach my cock, she took it into one and used the other to spread her pussy and position me for entry.

I watched her beautiful face as the knob at the head of my cock first touched her outer lips. She paused there and used her hand to rub the sensitive head of my cock up and down her pussy, lubricating it and stimulating herself in the process. Her eyes were closed while she concentrated on putting me inside her pussy. Feeling the head of my cock slipping into her tight, almost virgin love tunnel was the most amazing experience I have ever had. It only got better as more and more of my cock was accepted by her pussy.

Terra’s eye shot open when she felt the head of my cock touch her cervix. She glanced down to see almost three inches at the base of my cock still outside of her pussy. As with Luna and Eloise, Terra also discovered that our height difference presented challenges with certain desires or physical positions of our bodies. With my cock buried in her pussy, her torso wasn’t long enough to allow her face to reach mine when she tried to kiss me. If she raised up so that only the very tip of my cock remained inside her, then our lips could meet. I helped her by bending my knees and thrusting up into her as we kissed, which quickly had her once more on the verge of cumming.

Remembering her earlier comment about the butt plug, I reached over to the nightstand and picked it up. Its surface had dried since being ejected from her ass, so I held it in front of her eyes until she recognized what I was holding. She broke our kiss and swiftly put the butt plug into her mouth to lubricate it. Once it was wet to her satisfaction, she handed it back to me and said, “Thank you for remembering, Daddy. You already fill me so good, but I really do want to experience both holes being filled. Please put it in my ass, Daddy.”

With one hand, I lifted Terra until just the head of my cock remained in her pussy. As her lips once more attacked mine with a kiss, I reached around her and began probing for her ass with the pointed tip of the butt plug. I found her rosebud and was just preparing to slowly push the rest of the butt plug in when I felt one of Terra’s hands reach back and slam into the back of my hand, jamming the butt plug into her in one quick, single motion. She grunted and then began sinking back onto my cock in her pussy.

“Oh, Daddy, do you feel it? Imagine if that was another dick pushing in and out of me, Daddy. Would you like to feel that? I know that I would.”

It did feel damn good to feel the increased tightness created by the butt plug, but the little mini orgasms being generated in Terra felt even better. The ripples from her abdomen had moved to her pussy and were doing unbelievable things to my cock. It was like being in one of those vibrating masturbation sleeves that I had seen advertised, only a thousand times better because it was a real-life warm and sexy young lady’s body causing the sensations.

I can generally hold off cumming for an extended time, but Terra’s body and her butt plug friend were putting me to the test. She was emitting loud, guttural moans as she bent over on top of me and allowed me to pump into her. I think it was a surprise to both of us when the butt plug shot across the room, Terra was launched off my cock, and Niagara Falls appeared over my bed.

Since I had been holding Terra’s hips while pounding her, I was able to keep her body from flying off the other side of the bed. I pulled her down onto my chest and became worried that she might be having a seizure or something due to the way her body continued to shake.

When she finally spoke, it was almost incoherent, “I fucking love fucking my fucking Daddy,” was one phrase I could understand. I let her calm down further before getting up and searching for the butt plug again. It was on the floor next to the toilet in the bathroom. Wow!

It looked like someone had taken a garden hose to my bedspread and Terra was laying peacefully in the middle of it cooing softly when I returned from the bathroom. I stood at the foot of the bed, admiring her post-orgasmic beauty. When she noticed me, she crawled to the end of the bed and looked up at me.

“Can I taste me on you, Daddy?”

I don’t know why she asked the question because she certainly didn’t wait for a reply before starting to lick her juices off of my shaft with her tongue. Satisfied that she had cleaned every trace of her from my cock. Terra rolled onto her back, letting her head hang off the end of the bed with her mouth wide open.

Closing her mouth enough to speak, she said, “Please fuck my mouth, Daddy,”

I bent my knees enough to lower my cock to her lips. Terra placed her hands behind my thighs and pulled me into her mouth. Satisfied that I was now close enough, she released my legs and brought one hand up to caress my balls but kept one on my thigh, continuing to pull me closer.

With the back of her head against the foot of the bed and my legs in front of her face, Terra couldn’t move her mouth on my cock, so I started slowly sliding in and out of her myself. It was a different feeling to have her tongue playing with the top of my cock rather than the bottom but with her upside down, that’s the best I could hope for, or so I thought.

Terra never missed a lick or released my cock as she deftly rolled over onto her stomach and began bobbing her mouth up and down my shaft in earnest. Her lips and tongue worked over my erection with the expertise of a much older woman. Drool fell from her lower lip as her tongue lashing of my cock continued. She rose onto her knees and wiped a large strand of drool off of her chin with her hand. Her saliva-covered fingers went to her pussy and were soon sliding in and out in rhythm to her bobbing mouth.

After a few minutes, my suspicion that Terra was losing focus on my cock in her mouth was verified as she pulled back, looked at me with glazed eyes, and said, “I did it, Daddy! I got my entire hand inside my kitty!”

Terra turned around on the bed and presented her ass to me. With her on her knees with her legs spread, I could clearly see her right hand buried in her pussy beyond the wrist. She was resting her body on her left elbow as she looked back at me and asked, “Do you have anything to lubricate my butt, Daddy?”

I stepped over to the nightstand, opened the drawer, and removed a bottle of personal lubricant that Luna kept handy for us. Returning to the foot of the bed, I pulled Terra closer to the edge and squirted a generous amount of the lubricant onto the crack of her ass, and began working it in and around her rosebud with my fingers.

“Do you want some on your hand?” I asked Terra.

“Oh, Daddy, if my butt was as wet as my kitty, you wouldn’t need to lubricate it. I’m surprised that you don’t hear the squishing sound that my hand is making because I can sure feel it. Put it in me, Daddy. Put your hard dick into my butt.”

“Okay. Let me know if it hurts.”

I tried to go slow; I really did. I slid my cock into her tight, young rosebud, slowly sinking past her sphincter. I waited a moment to cherish the feeling of my cock being in this gorgeous young girl’s ass. With her entire hand in her pussy, Terra’s ass was so tight, it felt like the hand in her pussy was grabbing my cock. I then started rhythmically pumping in and out of my niece, feeding her more of my cock each time. I listened to her cries of passionate lust increasing as I fucked her ass.

Finally, I had all of my cock in Terra’s ass. “You’ve got it all now, baby. How does it feel?”

“No more talking, Daddy, just fuck me.”

Who was I to argue? I placed one hand on her right hip and used my left hand to reach up and grab her ponytail. I alternated pulling her hips back into me while using her hair to pull her back the next time. Terra was screaming in pleasure and I could feel the pounding that she was giving her pussy as I plundered her ass with my cock.

With her hand shoved inside her pussy as far as it was, when Terra’s climax arrived, her hand seemed to get trapped by all of her orgasmic contractions because it remained firmly inside her. I felt pressure from her insides trying to force my cock out of her ass, but I held on and rode her like she was a bucking bronco, listening to her scream, “More! More! More!”

I swear that it seemed like her orgasm lasted at least ten minutes, but I realize that it was more like a continuous series of orgasms that Terra had enjoyed. When she slowly pulled her hand out of her pussy, I still felt the tightness of her ass around my cock, but there was a definite “emptiness” associated with it.

Terra was now using both elbows to support herself as she began slamming her ass back into me with a new determination. “I want your cum, Daddy, but I don’t want it in my butt. Will you cum on my face? I’ve seen girls get facials in pornos, and I think it looks so hot that I would like to try it with you. Okay?”

Her request was prophetic. I sensed the first inkling of my orgasm and then felt it building incredibly fast. Resisting the desire to remain inside of Terra’s remarkable ass, using it to milk the load that I knew would be arriving soon, I pulled out and used my hand to finish the job.

Terra must have performed some sort of somersault or another maneuver when she felt me pull out of her ass because she was instantly once more laying on her back, with her head directly below my erupting cock. Her eyes remained open as she watched my cum spraying out, giggling when the first spurt landed between her breasts and continuing to giggle as each subsequent spurt struck a different part of her beautiful face.

My legs were like jelly by the time I had finally stopped cumming. I sat beside my niece at the foot of the bed and saw her smiling at me. “How are you feeling, Baby?”

“Sorry for the language, but I feel FUCKING amazing. Tired, and maybe a little tender inside, but that was the most exciting, kinky, and even romantic experience I have ever had. I knew that you would rock my world, Daddy, and you didn’t disappoint. Thank you.”

“The pleasure was all mine. Why don’t you go wash up and then we can discuss things further?”

Terra sat up and looked around the room, “Do you know where my cell phone ended up?”

I stood and walked to where her shorts lay on the floor. I picked them up and said, “It’s still in your pocket. What do you need it for right now?”

Terra turned around on the bed a returned to the position where she was laying on her back with her head hanging over the end. Looking up at me with lust-filled eyes, she said, “I want you to take a picture of my face with your cum on it. I want to always be able to look at it and remember my first facial.”

I simply shrugged and started taking pictures of her face from different angles. When I stopped, Terra began to rise but I asked her to wait. I put her cell phone onto the nightstand and picked mine up. I captured her beautiful face, but unlike the pictures that I took with her cell phone, I also stepped back so that her entire naked body was on display for the camera.

Terra realized what I was doing and said, “Switch to video, Daddy, and let me know when you’re ready.”

I pressed the icon to switch from still photos to video and said, “All set…”

I stood there and filmed as Terra used her right hand to scoop up a large glob of my cum off of her chest and brought it to her mouth where she made a sensuous show of sucking it off of her fingers, savoring it on her tongue, and then swallowing it.

I stopped the video right after she smiled and said, “You taste so good, Daddy.”

When I lowered my cell phone, Terra jumped off the bed and scooted quickly into the bathroom. I hollered after her, “Meet me in the hot tub spa when you’re ready. I’ll have our drinks refreshed and waiting for you.”

“Okay, Daddy.”

While I waited for Terra in the hot tub, I reflected on the differences between her and Luna. It would seem that Luna had arrived at my door with more experience than her sister, but Terra came to me with greater knowledge and curiosity about her sexuality. Both girls had expressed interest in exploring and sharing new sexual experiences with me, but how willing would they be to share their time with me?

A tone indicating a new text message came from my cell phone. Before I could get to the phone on the table, a second tone was heard. I dried my hands and picked up the phone, noticing that the first text was from Luna. I opened it and saw a picture of her back with her holding her long brown hair over her shoulder, leaving the back of her neck exposed. In an area that would always be covered by her hair when worn in most styles, were two words written in small script lettering.

I had to zoom in on my screen to verify what the words said. They were, “Daddy’s Girl”.

I hit the icon to call Luna and heard her giggling as she answered, “Do you like it, Daddy?”

“Please tell me that it is a jagua tattoo,” I replied as I carried my phone back and resumed my place in the hot tub.

“Of course, Daddy. I know your feelings about permanent tattoos. This one will fade within six weeks, but until then, you will know that I am visibly marked as your Sugar Baby.”

I knew that the sentiment that Luna was attempting to convey was more for her emotional benefit than mine. I needed to find more ways of building her faith in how proud I was of her and our relationship, both as uncle/niece and as Sugar Daddy/Sugar Baby. My reticence towards blatant displays of affection, while we were in public, had been to protect her. If I was to take Luna to places farther from the eyes of people who might recognize her from one of her classes, I would still look like some old perverted guy robbing the cradle, but I could demonstrate to her my pride in being seen with her.

Now though, I would also have to consider Terra. I had no idea how these two Sugar Babies would feel about sharing time with me. I needed to get that discussion started.

“Baby, you know that Terra came home with me today…”

Luna giggled and said, “Yes, and I’m sure that your Vette isn’t the only thing that she has been riding in, or on. Did you have fun together?”

“You don’t mind sharing me with your sister?

“Gosh, Daddy, I’ve been sharing clothes, toys, food, beds, and almost everything I have ever had with Terra our entire lives. I’ve been busting at the seams waiting for her to start college so that she could join us. I love being with you, Daddy, but I’ve missed my sister. Sharing you won’t be an issue with either of us.”

“Okay, Baby. When you get home next weekend, we’ll all sit down and discuss things. I assume you’ll be okay with sharing your townhouse with Terra?”

“Sure. Why do you think I have been holding off finding a roommate? I wanted to wait for Terra. Oh, Daddy, now I am even more excited to come home!”

I chuckled at Luna’s exuberance and the relief that her comments had brought to my concerns. Now, as long as Terra felt the same way, we should be able to make this threesome work out. “I said, “Don’t rush it, Baby. Enjoy your time there with your friends. Terra and I need to spend some time discussing her options, just like I did with you.”

“I know, Daddy. Just tell her to call her older sister if she has any concerns about our relationship or keeping our Daddy happy together.”

“I love you, Baby, and thanks for the tattoo. I might have to reconsider my position on permanent tattoos now, though.”

“I love you too, Daddy. Bye.”

Since I already had my cell phone in my hand and Terra hadn’t come out to join me yet, I decided to go ahead and make my promised call to Eloise.

“Hi, Daddy,” she answered. “I guess that Terra got you both home safely.”

“Hi, Baby, and Terra did great driving us here. Have you heard anything from Jasper yet?”

“No, I’m sure he’s shacked up somewhere pouting. I’ll try giving him a call in the morning if I don’t hear from him before then. Right now, I’m wishing that I had come home with you too. I don’t think I am going to do well with an empty nest. My girls and I grew up together. I haven’t been alone since I was seventeen, and I didn’t do so well back then.”

“You’re much more mature, with more self-confidence, and far greater strength than when you were seventeen,” I assured her. “You may be lonely at times, but for as long as I live, you, Eloise, will never be alone.”

“Lonely can still be hard. You’re keeping Terra, aren’t you?”

“We haven’t decided anything yet. I want to offer her options that work for her and what she wants to do with her life. Luna wants her sister to live with her, and I think that might be Terra’s choice as well, but it will be for her to make that choice. I think that the best that you and I can do is to respect her choice and support it.”

“That’s easy for you to say, you’ll have my two daughters right next door,” Eloise lamented. She then added, “When they’re not in your bed, that is.”

She knew that I offered her daughters far more than an occasional, well frequent, opportunities to safely explore their sexualities, but this aspect of our relationships was what Eloise was most troubled by.

“Listen,” I told her, “I’ll bring Terra back on Wednesday and we’ll all sit down and discuss options for both of you.”

“What options do I have?” Eloise said with barely disguised emotion. “I am married to a man that isn’t ever home and two daughters living with the man that I love.”

Her tears were evident in her voice when she said, “I’m sorry, Daddy. I better go.”

She disconnected before I could respond. I considered calling her back, but Terra walking through the French doors distracted me. Good God, she was beautiful! She was as naked as I had left her, but with her hair now released from the ponytail and swaying from side to side as she ran to join me in the hot tub. Her freshly scrubbed face was as radiant as her smile.

Terra climbed into the water and immediately moved to sit on my lap. Placing both arms around my neck, she placed her lips against mine and kissed me gently.

“Daddy?” Terra softly asked. “Is okay for me to love you?”

I brushed my fingers against her cheek. “Baby, we can’t control whom we love. I just ask that you always think of your future and what’s best for you. Loving me romantically would carry challenges and risks that you might not even understand, but your mother does. Please share your feelings with her, and respect her advice.”

Terra giggled before saying, “My mom is pretty smart. Look how well her advice to ‘ask my other Daddy’ has turned out.”

I kissed her on the cheek and said, “Now it’s time for some ‘Daddy’ advice. I’ve already spoken to Luna, and we think that you two should share the townhouse next door. Are you okay with that?”

Terra considered my suggestion for a few seconds before responding, “In principle, that makes sense, but what about my job? The commute would be over an hour each way.”

“I want you to quit your job,” I told her. “You should spend the few months before you start at UGA deciding what you want to do with your life after college. You don’t have to declare a major immediately like your sister did, but try to find something that you’ll be passionate about your entire life and get ready to go after it.”

“I already know what I want to study. Filmography.”

I considered her budding love of photography and understood why she would want to explore transitioning from still photos to films. A sudden memory of my recent video of her in my bedroom started my cock to twitch under her butt and she felt it.

“Can I see the video, Daddy?”

I silently handed her my cell phone and watched Terra as she found the most recent video file and started playing it. The whole video was just a ten-second clip but Terra let it repeat several times, squirming on my lap more each time. I was tempted to lean down and take one of her nipples into my mouth, but I was afraid that she would drop my phone if I got her too excited.

She finally handed my phone back to me and said, “That is so hot!”

“I think so too,” I confessed.

Terra hugged me tightly and said, “Since you told me what Luna was considering as a job to pay her expenses while in college, I suppose I should tell you what I have been considering and explain why I want to major in filmography. Let me run upstairs to get my phone so you can see an example.”

Terra jumped out of the hot tub and ran dripping wet into the house. I was silently praying that she didn’t slip and hurt herself on the ceramic tile floor. My prayers were answered as she was soon safely climbing back into the hot tub while holding her cell phone up so that it didn’t get wet. She handed me her phone and got repositioned on my lap. Once she was comfortable, she took her phone back.

Searching for something for a few seconds, Terra explained, “I couldn’t afford the cost of starting my own website, so I had researched those that I could use which wouldn’t demand too much of my earnings for hosting me…”

“Hosting you?” I asked.

“Yeah, there are websites that get a lot of traffic that allow people, mostly girls, to stream live webcam sessions, post videos that members can download, and even chat with people who pay a fee. Here, this is a video that I made as a kind of audition to try and get one of the websites to take me on.”

She had found the file that she had been searching for and turned her phone so that I could see the screen. Her cell phone must have been on a tripod or positioned on her dresser so that it captured only the bottom half of her bed. That half was where a naked Terra was on her hands and knees, with her ass pointed at the camera. Her ruby-red butt plug was visible as she looked back over her shoulder and began speaking. Her facial features were blurry and unrecognizable.

“Hi, everyone, my name is Terra, and I love being watched….”

I did watch as she brought a pink vibrator to the lips of her pussy and slowly began teasing her clit. The increasing wetness as she stimulated herself was evident by the gleaming lips of her pussy and the sheen on the vibrator when she began slowly pushing it in and out. I stopped the video and handed the phone back to her.

I asked, “You were expecting to make enough being a webcam model to cover your expenses?”

“Sure,” Terra said. “Did you know that the average webcam model makes $58.77 an hour while broadcasting? Since I would be wearing a mask or other disguises to hide my identity, I would make a little less than average unless I did things during the broadcasts that made them more unique.”

“What sort of other things?” I asked. “Not that I would have let you do it anyway.”

Terra kissed me and said, “Kinkier things, like masturbating with strange objects or bringing another person onto the show to do things with me. Anyway, now that I have you as my Sugar Daddy, I want to explore other video options. Options like the video that you made earlier. I would really love for you and me to film our special times together, maybe even make an amateur porno. Then, I could digitally edit it to obscure our faces and post it to see what others thought. Wouldn’t that be hot, Daddy?”

“Have you always been a closet exhibitionist?” I chuckled. “I don’t know if I would like the entire world to be able to see my sweet, beautiful Sugar Baby. I don’t share very well. I want you all to myself.”

Terra shook her head and sadly said, “No, that doesn’t work for me. I discovered today that I crave exploration and experiences that would require more than a single partner. I want to have a real dick in both my kitty and my ass at the same time at least once, so unless you can grow another dick, you would have to share me with another guy. I want to be completely ‘air-tight’ at least once, which would require three dicks. Depending on how much I enjoy those experiences, I might want to try pulling a train with five or six guys, and maybe even a gangbang. Daddy, there’s too much that I want to experience before committing to a monogamous relationship. If you can’t be my Sugar Daddy because of that, I understand.”

I pulled her tighter against my chest and considered what Terra had said. My reluctance to share either Luna or Terra wasn’t based upon my ego or selfishness; it was based on my wanting to protect them. I wanted them to feel confident and secure while experiencing their sexual growth, and keeping them exclusive was the easiest way for me to accomplish this. I expect that Eloise shared my beliefs, and that was one of her motivations for sending them both to me.

I had seen how much pleasure Terra had experienced when she was fisting herself with my cock in her ass, and I had to admit that it had felt damn good for me as well. What about Luna? Could I expect her to remain exclusive if I allowed her sister not to be?

I said to Terra, “I’m not saying yes and I’m not saying no. What I suggest is that we wait until Luna gets home and then the three of us will discuss ways that everyone’s needs and desires are met. What do you say?”

Terra smiled at me and said, “That’s fair. In the meantime, I want to find as many ways possible for me to enjoy the one dick that I do have.”

“Only if I get to enjoy my newest Sugar baby just as much, and I think I’ll start by giving her a massage. Come on.”


Since Terra had quit her job, there were no compelling reasons for us to drive back to Gainesville on Wednesday other than that is when Eloise would be expecting us, and Terra wanted to move more of her belongings from her bedroom in Gainesville to the townhouse she would be sharing with Luna.

Terra had wanted to drive her new car, an Audi S5 Cabriolet identical to Luna’s, only a lighter shade of blue, but I explained that taking my truck would be more practical for moving boxes full of her belongings. The added benefit of me driving and her using the time to give me a loving blowjob couldn’t be ignored either.

A nondescript sedan was pulling away from the curb in front of the house when I pulled my pickup into the driveway next to Eloise’s car. We saw Eloise standing in the front doorway holding some papers. She saw us approaching and smiled brightly. She clutched the papers in one hand as she ran and jumped into my arms.

I laughed and said, “Well, I’m happy to see you too, Baby.”

“Not as happy as I am to see you, Daddy,” she said as she thrust the papers at me.

I released my hold on Eloise and let her slide down my body to stand beside me. I looked at the top page of the documents she had given me and immediately understood her jubilation.

“What’s going on, Mom? Terra asked in confusion.

Eloise wrapped both of her arms around my left bicep and answered her daughter, “I’ve just been served with divorce papers. Jasper is moving in with another woman!”

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